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Trà My (Luna) Grade 6


Unit 9: Cities of the World

Write the sound /əʊ/ or /aʊ/ of the underlined letter.
1. home /____/ 5. snow /____/ 9. town /____/
2. country /____/ 6. phone /____/ 10. cosy /____/
3. postcard /____/ 7. sound /____/ 11. crowded /____/
4. tower /____/ 8. road /____/ 12. cold /____/


I. Find which word does not belong to each group.
1. A. sunny B. beach C. museum D. supermarket
2. A. big B. small C. wide D. expensive
3. A. skyscraper B. map C. palace D. tower
4. A. tasty B. delicious C. yummy D. dry

II. Fill in each blank to find names of parts of the body.

The USA France Canada Egypt Japan Mexico
Columbia Britain Brazil South Africa Peru Kenya
Germany Argentina China Italia Liberia Singapore

North America South America Europe Africa Asia

III. Choose the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word.
1. York is a historic city in North Yorkshire.
A. exciting B. modern C. old D. quiet
2. That modern building is so ugly!
A. big B. unimpressive C. unattractive D. beautiful
3. Rio de Janeiro is an exciting city.

Ms. Trà My (Luna) Grade 6
A. interesting B. dangerous C. boring D. expensive
4. We didn’t go camping last weekend. The weather was awful.
A. pleasant B. nice C. good D. terrible

IV. Choose the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word.
1. The streets were very noisy throughout the night.
A. crowded B. busy C. quiet D. empty
2. The beaches in Sydney are clean and beautiful.
A. clear B. dirty C. famous D. fresh
3. It’s dangerous to walk around the city at night.
A. safe B. exciting C. cold D. popular
4. The dish is delicious with cheese.
A. tasty B. pleasant C. fatty D. awful

V. Fill in each blanks with my, your, his, her, its, our or their.
1. Mrs. Lien parked the car there. It’s _________ car.
2. Anna has a brother. _________ name is Thomas.
3. I have a new bicycle. _________ bicycle is black.
4. Your dog is very lovely. What’s _________ name?
5. We are in class 6A1. _________ class has 30 students.
6. Sue and James are friends. _________ houses are next to each other.
7. You look strange today. _________ hair is shorter than usual.

VI. Fill in each blanks with possessive pronouns.

1. This book is Hung’s book. It’s not _________ (you).
2. This bag is _________ (he). He bought it two years ago.
3. I don’t have a camera. Can I use _________ (they)?
4. This is not _________ (she). She left it at home.
5. Is this car _________ (we)?
6. If you forgot your pencil, you could use _________ (I).
7. That house has a lot of trees. These trees are _________ (it).

I. Fill in each blank with a word in the box.
also parks Asia crowded when holds festivals tourist

Ms. Trà My (Luna) Grade 6
Located in Southeast (1) __________, Singapore has become one of the world’s richest countries and
has the world’s busiest port. Singapore is also one of the most popular (2) __________ attractions in the world.
With the population of over 5.5 million people, it is a very (3) __________ city, but it is one of the cleanest
cities in the world.
Singapore is a garden city, with over 50 major (4) __________ and 4 nature reserves, the Flower Dome,
the Cloud Forest, museums, statues and theatres. Those who want to go shopping should come to Orchard Road
with miles and miles of shopping malls. Singapore (5) __________ a lot of events each year. Some of its
famous (6) __________ and events include the Singapore Food Festival. The Singapore Sun Festival, The
Singapore Music Festival, The Singapore Arts Festival, and The Chingay Parade. Christmas is (7) __________
widely celebrated in Singapore. It is a season (8) __________ the city streets and shopping malls are crowded
along its famous shopping belt.

II. Read the text, then do the tasks.

Los Angeles, California is the most exciting city in the USA. It’s got Hollywood, Disneyland, fantastic
beaches and the LA Dodgers baseball team.
But LA wasn’t always exciting. In 1900, it was smaller and quieter, and Hollywood was a small village.
Then film studios arrived, and the village of Hollywood changed. Today it is part of LA, and the Hollywood
Walk of Fame is the most famous place in the city. It’s got more than 2,000 stars on it.
It’s always sunny in LA and there are lots of different attractions. You can go shopping on Sunset
Boulevard (It’s too expensive for me!), or you can surf on Venice Beach. There are theatres, museums, the
biggest theme parks in the USA and the noisiest sports stadiums. LA is the best city in the world!
a. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. LA is the world’s most exciting city.
2. Hollywood used to be a small village.
3. The weather is good in LA.
4. The shops on Sunset Boulevard are cheap.
5. There are a lot of tourist attractions in LA.

b. Answer the questions.

1. Where is Los Angeles?
2. What is the most famous place in LA?
3. How many stars are there on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
Ms. Trà My (Luna) Grade 6

4. What is the weather like in LA?

I. Change the following sentences into exclamatory sentences, using “What” or “so”.
1. He is a very good student.
2. The weather is so awful!
3. The city is very beautiful.
4. The buildings are so attractive!
5. What a delicious cake!
6. What lovely flowers!
7. What a strong coffee!
8. What an interesting Maths lesson!

II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one.
1. This is her Maths notebook.
This Maths notebook _______________________________________________________________.
2. The house in that corner belongs to them.
The house _______________________________________________________________.
3. Your village is bigger than our village.
Our village is _______________________________________________________________.
4. He owns the apartment on the second floor.
The apartment _______________________________________________________________.

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