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Your Life Before You Met Christ

I would say it not that bad my life before I met Christ because before I met Christ my whole family, when I say
the whole family from my mother to my grandmother to our ancestors are all devoted to Catholic Church, we even have a
business of selling and making a Religious Article. My life spiritually is not that bad, we always go to Church every
Sunday, but I would say after the day Sunday I will be another Sherwin, that time I was in Grade 4 or 5 something, my
knowledge of everything is not fully mature, I've done many wrong things just to have fun, like a child who is just
enjoying their life not knowing that their doing is whether bad or good. Also, I became like that because my parents are
always away delivering some Religious Article in some areas in the Philippines, and our family problem came along, I am
a part of a broken family, who we're young since my mother left, and because of that I always wanted to feel the love and
care of a mother, I think some of the wrongdoing I did when I was elementary is part of lacking the love and care of a
mother that I deserve.

How I Met Christ

I met Christ because of my neighbor, they invited me to join the church, and because I am a child that then I say
yes, and they provide my ride so who I am to say no. This became a habit I would say, every Sunday I would go to church
together with my neighbors. After a month, I think, they introduced me to a man that will turn me to his disciple where he
will teach me about God, and since I knew that my faith is growing up, I say yes. After a lot of weeks of meeting, Life
Retreat is announced, watching and reading the testimony of someone who undergone Life Retreat makes me have a
desire to go to those three days event. Life Retreat became nearer and nearer, and guess what, God provide the amount of
the event so I can be able to join that event.
And the day of that three days event has come, outside the church, I became desperate to God. And it is the time,
First Session just done, 'I met Christ' I was shocked, for what Jesus did at the cross, that He died as us, there is a
substitution occurred, we should be the one who's persecuted not Jesus, but because of His love, He died for us. It is just
the first session of that event but felt like that the event is done, but no, the event is not over yet.
In those three days' events, I felt the love and care I always wanted to feel. I felt warm in the presence of God, I
cried because I felt the thing, which is the love and care of a mother. All the session in that event is great but the one thing
that gave my Spiritual Journey is the session that talks about the CROSS

Your Life After You Met Christ

I would say my life after that event was pretty good, I felt the love and care I always wanted to feel in the
presence of God, I learned to be transparent to God. Truly that God is the God of change, He changed my life. From the
old Sherwin who always does the wrong thing to Sherwin that doing what God wants to do.
From Sherwin who seeks motherly love and care in this world are now found in one and only God.I know that
God has not done yet in my life, in my spiritual life and physical life. Again, I am Sherwin Joshua Perez a once was used
to seek love and care of a mother in this world has found the love and care in one and only God.

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