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LTHS Professional Appraisal System

Post-Observation (Formal) Feedback Form

Certified Staff Member

Department Science

Division Administrator Karen Raino

Date of Observation 2/10/23 Class IPC Period 7


I. Brief Summary
Students sat and chatted quietly before the bell. On the screen, the learning target - I will be able to evaluate
conversation models - the homework, and what they needed for the day. Kirsten gave reminders about the retake
opportunity. Kirsten projected a question of the day - Is it ever OK to lie to children? If so, when? If not, why? Turn and
talk. Students immediately turned and talked.

1:25 - Kirsten rang a bell and students focused on her. Why do parents lie to children? To protect their innocence. To make
them happy. Did any of you come from a family that didn’t lie about Santa, etc. One student explained that in his religion
they didn’t believe in that. Kirsten shared her story as a parent when she became a parent. When else is it ok to lie?
When they ask where babies come from or where is Grandpa now? Students argued about that. You lie when the child
cannot understand the situation. Kirsten shared a story or two from her own life.

1:30 - Open up the assignment on Canvas. Students got their chromebooks out. This is the graded formative in this unit.
Students were to read the assignment and then close their computers when they were done. all students read.

1:33 - Any questions. What are we supposed to do after we read it? Close the screen. This way, I know you’ve read it.
Here is a real quick overview for the formative. A slide projected reminders of the format of the assignment - a
videotaped conversation of a family or friend. Students could use one of five questions as prompts. Kirsten showed the
students how to upload the file to Flip from a phone or tape it directly on FlipGrid. Kirsten reiterated that these would not
be shown to the class, only to her. Do they have to be 10 years older than you? Not for the formative. Do you need to see
both of us? You aren’t being graded on your tech skills, but it would be best if I can see both people. At a minimum, I
need to see you. Will someone who isn’t an active listener harm my score if they butt in, etc.? Great question. Kirsten
explained that no, it wouldn’t affect your grade. I am scoring you, not the partner. Can we have notes when we’re doing
this? You could but I’d keep it natural. That is what we are going to talk about today. How are we going to have a
conversation in which you listen to understand.

I am going to give you 15 seconds to go find a partner. Sit with them. Someone you will collaborate with. Kirsten asked
who a student’s partner was. She moved a student so he had a group. Turn your rubric that says Model #1. Students were
to watch the model and score it. Kirsten referred to the self-assessments she read and what some of the trends in
responses were. I have asked Nick to have a conversation today. He will get candy.

1:42 - I’m going to have a conversation with Nick. Watch and listen. You and your partner will score me on the rubric and
how effectively I’m listening or propelling the conversation or how adaptable I am. The prompt for the conversation was
“If you could change anything about your life, what would it be? Students watched the conversation and a few wrote on
the rubric.

1:48 - Round of applause for Nick. Students discussed the three skills and scored Kirsten on the three skills. She
encouraged the students to be honest. She gave them 2-3 minutes. Students immediately engaged in the discussion. A
student left the room. His partner joined the two boys in front of him. Be as brutal as you need to be.

1:51 - Kirsten rang the bell. Walking around I saw some interesting points. Let’s start with a positive. What did I do well in
the discussion? You listened very well. Can you be more specific? You listened well when he said he wanted to be hotter.
You were not looking focused in the conversation. Anything else I did well? I think you were trying to understand but you
didn’t seem to know what to say back to him. You were trying to push it along. Anything I did well? You could keep the
conversation going. It developed off the original topic. Adaptability. You were able to answer from a response that was

1:55 - What else did I struggle with? You kept bringing it back to yourself. A student referred to the rubric language
regarding adaptability. Kirsten said that she didn’t focus on responding to what he was really saying.

1:57 - Now, we will watch Model #2. I’ll never have you do something that I won’t do. How would you score it and how do
you think it contrasts? Students watched attentively.

2:02 - In the interest of time, I’ll give you two minutes and score me. There are things I struggled with, but give me a score
on all three. How was that conversation different from the first one? Students started to assess. A student was distracted
and said he was starving. The three boys to my left did not engage in the activity. Did you give me the same grade?

2:04 - Kirsten rang the bell. For the question on the bottom, how was the conversation different? You interpreted Tam’s
message better than the conversation with Nick. It was more accurate. That speaks to Listening to Understand vs.
Listening to Reply. You have a relationship with Tam. Find someone that you feel comfortable with. You asked questions
you cared about. Things you always wondered about. Students started to pack up. Let’s practice our listening and not
pack up. You practiced restraint.

2:08 - Turn and talk about the three bullet points. What does it mean to “listen to understand? Why is it important? How
do we do this? All students engaged in a discussion except for the student whose partner left the class. A student said
that he gets bored after three minutes. Kirsten talked to him about how conversations could develop and move in
different directions.

2:10 - How do we do this? Rephrasing. The bell rang. Ponder that! Have a phenomenal weekend!

II. Positive Observations

III. Suggestions for Improvement

IV. Other Feedback

_____________________________________________________ _____________
Signature of Certified Staff Member Date

_____________________________________________________ _____________
Signature of Division Administrator Date

_____________________________________________________ _____________
Signature of Building Administrator Date

The signature of the staff member indicates their awareness of this document and feedback, not necessarily
their agreement.

cc: ∙ Certified Staff Member

● Division Administrator
● Building Administrator
● Human Resources (original)

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