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Fluid known as substance that can flow. Liquids and gases are both fluid. Next, density is the
substance’s mass per unit of volume and its symbol ρ. Archimedes’ principle is apply when all the
substances fully underwater, the buoyant force will equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. When
its floating, the buoyant force is equal to magnitude of the gravitational force, and also the
gravitational force equal to weight of the fluid. Apparent weight in a fluid is when the object is
underwater the pressure will be imbalance and will decreases the reading. It turns out that the
buoyant force is equal to weight of the fluid displaced by the object. Pressure(Pa) didn’t have
directional properties. Atmospheric pressure known as air pressure and has weight. Pressure within
fluids, a measurement of the force per unit area that acts on an object in the fluid.

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