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Matoshri Education Society’s


A/P: Dhanore, Tal-Yeola , Dist.-Nasik, 423401

Micro Project Report

Academic year: 2022-23

Title of Project: fault electrical machine.

Name of Student : Thakare Rupesh Devalya

Class : TYEE

Semester : 6th

Roll No : 13

Enrollment No : 2011710108

Seat No : 456661

Program : Electrical Engg.

Course : MEE

Course Code : 22625

Name of Teacher : Prof:Salpure.K.S

Matoshri Education Society’s
A/P: Dhanore, Tal-Yeola , Dist.-Nasik, 423401


This is to certify that Mr. Thakare Rupesh Devalya Roll No: 13 of 6th semester of

Diploma in Electrical Engineering has successfully completed the Micro Project

in MEE for the Academic year 2022 -2023 as prescribed in MSBTE curriculum

under the guidance of subject teacher.

Place: Yeola Enrollment No :2011710108

Date: Seat No : 456661

Subject Teacher HOD Principal

Prof:Salpure.K.S Prof: Gujar.N.P Prof: Gurathi.G.S

Micro Project Report Index

Academic Year : 2022-23 Program : Electrical Engineering

Class : TYEE Course : MEE

Code : 22625 Roll No : 13

Enrollment No : 2011710108 Exam Seat No : 456661

Title of Micro Project: fault electrical machine.

Sr. Contents Page No.

1 Introduction 06

2 Abstract 07

3 Modern Electric Ship Propulsion System 08

4 Electric Machines and Fault Diagnosis 08

5 Rotor Magnets Defects in Permanent Magnet Motors 09

6 Advantages 10-11

7 Disadvantages 12-13

8 Conclusions 13-14

Signature of Student Signature of Faculty

Rubric for Evaluation of Micro Project
Academic Year : 2022-23 Program : Electrical Engineering
Class :TYEE Course : MEE
Code : 22625 Roll No : 13
Enrollment No : 2011710108 Exam Seat No : 456661

Title of Micro Project : : fault electrical machine.

Group Members :
No. Roll No. Name of Candidates
1) 13 Thakare Rupesh Devalya

a Prepare vehicle layouts with chassis specification

e Prepare simple electrical-electronic circuits for automobile systems
Sr. Marks
No Criteria Obtained(out Poor(0) Average(1) Good(2)
of 2)
1 Not submitted Proposal or Project proposal &
Submission of anything in project project report
Project time report submitted ij time
Proposal/Report submitted
in time
2 Not attained Attained Attained maximum
CO/PRO attainment any CO/PRO some CO/PRO
3 Content of Not contains Contains Contains maximum
Project/Formatting relevant some relevant infromation
information relevant
4 Total Marks (06)
5 Question/Answers
Total (10) :

Additional Comments (if any): Name of Teacher & Sign

Micro Project Log Book
Semester : 6th Program :Electrical Engineering
Course : 22625 Class : TYEE

Topic of the Micro-Project: fault electrical machine.

Sr.No Roll No Name of Group Members Sign

1) 1 Thakare Rupesh Devalya

Name & Signature of Project Guide Name & Signature of HOD

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