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Marley Technology & Environment

Johnson Marley uses the UNF Hicks Honors website

relatively infrequently. She receives the
UNF Honors Student “Hicks Happenings” newsletters on Monday,
Exploratory Major so she finds no use for checking the website
regularly. She’s only used it since she applied
to clarify a handful of questions. She mainly
accesses the website through her personal
laptop, in her dorm, the library, or the
Starbucks lounge on campus. She doesn’t
ever think to use her smartphone to check
the website, but she does view the
newsletter on her phone. Otherwise, Marley
uses her smartphone and the internet several
times a day for other tasks, and she’s
proficient in basic technological navigation.

Personal Description & Marley’s main titles are as a freshman Hicks
Lifestyle Honors student. Her main responsibilities as
a student include completing class
● 18 years old assignments, and as a freshman Honors
● Freshman student, she participated in Colloquium in
● Studious and Determined her first semester and a required ENC 1143
● Bilingual (English and Spanish) Honors course in her second semester. She
enjoys bigger freshman dorms, early
Marley currently lives in the Honors registration for courses, and free printing in
Living-Learning Community in Crossings Q. the Honors lounge, though she wasn’t aware
She studies for about 25 hours a week, in of the early registration or free printing prior
addition to her 15 credit hours of classes. to moving onto campus. She’s received no
She’s a UNF scholarship recipient, so she’s guidance on how to most efficiently utilize
determined to maintain a good GPA. She the website, so she only pokes around on it
spends her free time participating in a few when she needs something. She has no
different clubs on campus, and she enjoys responsibility to the website, so she has no
watching medical and police procedural power to deal with misinformation, bugs, or
dramas. confusing links. She doesn’t have a clear idea
of who to even notify of issues that she
notices, so she just doesn’t say anything at all.
Marley Johnson sits down at the Thomas G. Carpenter library at 10:15 on a Monday
morning, around the middle of the semester. She pulls her laptop out of her bag and opens it up to
look into a required class she heard some other Honors students talking about, called
“Pre-Capstone Symposium.” She sees, in her email inbox, the most recent “Hicks Happenings”
newsletter in her email, so she clicks on the mailchimp link. She scans the “Hicks Happenings”
website for pertinent information but doesn’t find any information about the “Pre-Capstone
She’s not quite sure what “Symposium” is, so she heads over to the Hicks Honors College
official website. She looks at the six picture-oriented links on the front page, but none of them
seem to be helpful for her purpose, so she scrolls over each of the categories of the drop-down
menu at the top of the website. She clicks on the Capstone option under “Academics” because she
knows Symposium is related to the Capstone. She scrolls past the bullet points, down to the
drop-down menu labeled “Important Capstone Information.” She clicks through and finally finds
one of the tabs that addresses Symposium. She reads and re-reads the information. It doesn’t
really clarify what the class actually is or when she needs to take it.
Frustrated, she decides to try to ask someone about it. She remembers seeing an “Honors
Advising” tab, so she finds it again under “Academics” in the top menu. She knows she has her own
First-Year advisor, but they aren’t associated with Honors, so she decides to try to find an Honors
advisor. She clicks on the tab, scrolls through the information, and, at the bottom of the page, finds
the phone number for the First Year Advising office, not the Honors advising.
She knows that’s not what she wants, so she clicks on “Contact Us” from the top menu. It
takes her to a page, where on the first row of pictures, it has a link that says “Meet With An Honors
Advisor.” She clicks on the link, but it takes her back to the same “Honors Advising” page she was
on earlier. She’s annoyed that she can’t get a straight answer or even a direct way to ask someone
her question. Knowing she has homework to do, she closes the tab and decides to ask another
student or her ENC 1143 Honors professor about it later.
Amelie Technology & Environment
Tenenbaum Amelie is familiar with the Hicks Honors
website, but she only uses it a few times a
UNF Honors Student
semester. She relies on the website for
Information Systems Major Honors requirements in order to graduate
with Honors. Previously, she used the
website to find info on upper-classman
Honors housing options. Her major program
requirements and responsibilities take
priority over Honors.

Amelie likes to access the website from her

phone. She gets frustrated with scrolling past
photos and digging to find essential
information. She receives Hicks Happenings
emails in her “Other” inbox on her UNF email,
but she does not read them. She does not feel
like either application are geared towards
her position as an upperclassman. When she
does use the website, Amelie is never on
Personal Description & there for more than half an hour, even if she
didn’t find what she needed.
● 22 years old Roles
● Senior
● Part-Time Tour Guide & Library Amelie is an upper-classman Hicks Honors
Assistant student. She completed the Colloquium
course in the Film group and took the
Currently, Amelie lives on campus in Pre-Capstone course online. The only
upper-classman housing. She is taking 12 Honors requirement she has left is the
credit hours, reaching the end of her degree Capstone. Her other roles include being a
requirements. She came to UNF due to tour guide for the university and assisting at
scholarships and was excited about her the library, as well taking on leadership
acceptance into the Honors program. She positions within her major. Amelie finds that
works extremely hard in her studies and her Capstone information on the website
part time jobs. Because Amelie is confuses her, and her busy schedule makes it
experiencing senioritis and burn out from a challenging for more inquiry. She is unsure
stressful last year of schooling, she tries to exactly who to reach out to.
relax when she can by hanging with friends
and scrolling social media apps.
Amelie Tenenbaum sits at the desk located in her dorm room one Tuesday morning.
Leaving soon for work, she does not want to get her computer out of her bag and wait for it to start
up. It is the end of January, and Amelie remembers to update herself on Honors requirements
before the semester progresses closer to graduation. She goes to access the Hicks Honors website
on her phone, searching “Hicks Honors college UNF” on Google.

Amelie scrolls to the bottom of the page past other photos to find “Honors requirements.”
She reads the page, confused on where the information is located. Amelie clicks the drop down
menu for “1. Complete the Honors curriculum.” The information presented confuses Amelie due to
the vagueness of the bullet points. She scrolls and clicks on number 2 to read about the Capstone
requirement. Amelie gets little information and then clicks on the link within the paragraph. The
link takes her to a longer paragraph with more vague indications on what the Capstone is. She then
sees five more drop down menus with longer explanations and more links. The drop down menus
annoy Amelie on her phone.

Reading over the info, Amelie finds herself somewhat knowledgeable of the process but
still confused on the specifics. The definition of a Capstone quoted on the website is from
Wikipedia and the Merriam-Webster dictionary, which makes her more confused on what the
Capstone is supposed to be. She begins to think the Capstone may be much too strenuous in
addition to her other responsibilities. She clicks on the Capstone form link in order to see more.
Then, out of curiosity, she clicks to view the form upload, and the link takes her to Microsoft
Forms, thinking this may reveal a contact for the Capstone. Clicking back to the main page does
not work.

Amelie closes out and is forced to go through the same process she did earlier to return to
the page. Instead, Amelie decides to scroll down to look for a contact. She sees “Contact Us” after
scrolling for a while. She sees four staff members, but she is still unsure who to email about the
Capstone. Amelie already knows there are no advisors since she has fallen down that rabbit hole
of endless internet clicks before. Frustrated and out of time, Amelie closes out of the website and
leaves for work, potentially returning to the website at a later date.

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