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Name: Emmanuel V.

Email address:
Group: Batch 4 Jamero Group
Program MACCDS
Modules: Facilitating OBE

-TASK 2-

1. In what kind of world do we ant (our children) to live, and how can education help shape that
world through influence and contributions of its graduates?
We all want to live in a world that is safe, just, and sustainable. A world where people
respect each other's differences and work together towards common goals. Education can
play a crucial role in shaping this kind of world by providing students with the knowledge,
skills, and values they need to become responsible, engaged citizens who can make positive
contributions to society.

Education can also help shape the world by fostering critical thinking, creativity, and
innovation. By encouraging students to ask questions, explore new ideas, and challenge
conventional wisdom, education can inspire the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and
problem-solvers who can address the complex challenges facing our world today.

Moreover, education can help to reduce inequalities and promote social mobility,
enabling individuals to achieve their full potential regardless of their background or
circumstances. By providing equal access to quality education, we can create a more just and
equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Therefore, as educators, we have a responsibility to help shape the world we want to

live in by preparing our students to become active and engaged citizens who can make a
positive difference in their communities and beyond. We can do this by providing them with
a well-rounded education that develops their intellectual, social, and emotional skills, and by
fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and inclusion.

2. What are the universal qualities and capacities that will sustain people in our world of intense,
constant challenge and change and how can education directly foster and honor them?


There are several universal qualities and capacities that can help individuals navigate the
challenges and changes of our world. These include:

Adaptability: The ability to adapt to new situations, learn new skills, and adjust to
changing circumstances is essential in a world where technology, economics, and society are
constantly evolving.
Resilience: The ability to bounce back from setbacks, failures, and adversity is crucial in a
world where success is often uncertain and obstacles are common.

Critical thinking: The ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make
informed decisions is essential in a world where misinformation and propaganda are

Creativity: The ability to generate new ideas, solve problems, and think outside the box
is important in a world where innovation and entrepreneurship are highly valued.

Empathy: The ability to understand and connect with others, to see things from different
perspectives, and to collaborate effectively is essential in a world where diversity and inclusion
are increasingly important.

Education can directly foster and honor these qualities and capacities by:

Teaching adaptability and resilience through experiential learning, problem-based

learning, and real-world projects that require students to adapt to new challenges and persevere
through setbacks.

Fostering critical thinking through inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, and

interdisciplinary approaches that encourage students to analyze information, evaluate evidence,
and make reasoned judgments.

Encouraging creativity through arts education, design thinking, and project-based

learning that allow students to explore new ideas, experiment with different approaches, and
generate novel solutions.

Developing empathy through social-emotional learning, service learning, and cultural

competence education that help students understand and appreciate different perspectives,
respect diversity, and collaborate effectively with others.

By focusing on these qualities and capacities, education can prepare students to thrive in
a world of intense, constant challenge and change, and to make meaningful contributions to

3. What life-roles and performance abilities will people require to both cope with and thrive in
our unsettled 21sth century world, and how can education address and develop them?


The 21st century is marked by rapid technological advancements, environmental challenges, and
societal changes that are transforming the way we live and work. To cope with and thrive in this
unsettled world, individuals will need to possess a combination of life-roles and performance
abilities. Here are some of the key roles and abilities individuals will require:
Adaptive learners: The ability to learn and adapt quickly to changing circumstances will
be crucial in the 21st century. People will need to be able to acquire new knowledge and skills,
and apply them in novel situations.

Creative problem solvers: As the world becomes more complex, people will need to be
able to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to problems.

Collaborators: The ability to work effectively in teams and across diverse cultures and
backgrounds will be essential in a globalized world.

Communicators: Clear and effective communication skills, including the ability to use
digital tools, will be essential in a world where communication is increasingly digital and global.

Ethical leaders: As technology advances and globalization increases, individuals will need
to be able to navigate complex ethical issues and make decisions that are in the best interest of
society as a whole.

Education can play a critical role in developing these abilities in individuals. Here are some ways
that education can address and develop these skills:

Emphasize critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Education can encourage students to think
deeply and critically about complex issues, and develop problem-solving skills that can be
applied in a variety of contexts.

Foster creativity and innovation: Education can provide opportunities for students to
explore their creativity and develop innovative ideas.

Promote collaboration and teamwork: Education can provide opportunities for students
to work in teams and across diverse cultures and backgrounds, building skills that are essential
for success in a globalized world.

Develop communication skills: Education can provide opportunities for students to

develop effective communication skills, including the ability to use digital tools.

Teach ethical decision-making: Education can provide opportunities for students to learn
about ethical issues and develop the skills needed to navigate complex ethical dilemmas.

Overall, education has a critical role to play in developing the life-roles and performance
abilities individuals need to cope with and thrive in the 21st century. By emphasizing critical
thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, and ethical decision-making skills, education
can help individuals navigate the complexities of our rapidly changing world.

4. What is the true nature and depth of human capacities, and how can we best cultivate them
for each learner?

The true nature and depth of human capacities are multifaceted and complex. Humans possess a
wide range of cognitive, emotional, and social capabilities that enable us to learn, grow, and
adapt to different environments and situations.

Some of the key cognitive capacities include perception, attention, memory, reasoning, and
problem-solving. These cognitive abilities are closely linked to each other and can be developed
and strengthened through various learning experiences.

In addition to cognitive capacities, humans also have emotional and social capacities that are
critical for personal and social well-being. Emotional capacities include self-awareness, self-
regulation, empathy, and resilience, while social capacities include communication,
collaboration, and teamwork.

To best cultivate these capacities for each learner, it is important to understand their unique
strengths, interests, and learning styles. Different learners may require different approaches and
strategies to optimize their learning and development.

Teachers and educators can support learners by providing a learning environment that is
engaging, supportive, and challenging. This can involve using a variety of teaching methods and
techniques, providing opportunities for hands-on learning and exploration, and offering
personalized feedback and guidance.

It is also important to recognize that learning and development are ongoing processes that occur
throughout the lifespan. Therefore, it is important to provide opportunities for learners to
continue to develop and grow over time, both in formal educational settings and in everyday life

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