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ME 325 Control Systems


1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems
1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems Brian Douglas [Search in LinkedIn]

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Feedback systems, mathematical modelling of physical systems; Laplace transforms, block diagrams, signal flow
graphs, state-space models; Time domain analysis: performance specifications, steady state error, transient
response of first and second order systems; Stability analysis: Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion, relative stability;
proportional integral, PI, PD, and PID controllers; Lead, lag, and lag-lead compensators; Root-locus method: analysis,
design; Frequency response method: Bode diagrams, Nyquist stability criterion, performance specifications, design;
State-space methods: analysis, design; Physical realizations of controllers: hydraulic, pneumatic, and electronic

Texts: [1] K Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 5th Ed., Pearson Education Asia, 2002.
[2] B C Kuo and F. Golnaraghi, Automatic Control Systems, 8th Ed., John Wiley (students ed.), 2002.

References: [1] M Gopal, Control Systems: Principles and Design, 2nd Ed., TMH, 2002.
[2] M Gopal, Modern Control System Theory, 2nd Ed., New Age International, 1993.
[3] R. C. Dorf and R. H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 8th Ed., Addison Wesley, 1998.
[4] P. Belanger, Control Engineering: A modern approach, Saunders College Publishing, 199

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems


Dr. Karuna Kalita

Mechanical Engineering Department
Office: D302

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Text book that we will follow

Control Systems Engineering, Wiley Students Edition, Author: Norman S. Nise

Modern Control Engineering , 5th Ed., Pearson Education Asia, Author: K. Ogata

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Grading pattern

Mid-semester 30%

End-semester 30%

Assignment 10%

Viva 30%

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Lecture #1


1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Input Output
y (t ) Mechanical, x (t )
electrical, etc.
• May be scalar or vector • May be scalar or vector
• Usually can be defined by the • Usually the user specifies a
• It is subject to noise (or errors) desired form
• Sometimes it can be measured,
others it can not

• Described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) operating on the input (“dynamics”)

• If the ODEs operate on the output as well, then we refer to it as a feedback system
• Can be linear or nonlinear

➡ The purpose of “control” is to ensure that the output waveform resembles the
waveform desired by the user, despite the system’s dynamics and disturbances
by noise
➡ Usually, control requires feedback

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Greece (BC) – Float regulator mechanism
Holland (16th Century)– Temperature regulator

Figure 1: Watt’s Flyball Governor (18th century)

ME 325 Control Systems


Figure 2: Water-level float regulator

ME 325 Control Systems

Figure 3: Closed-loop feedback system

ME 325 Control Systems


18th Century James Watt’s centrifugal governor for the speed control of a steam
1920s Minorsky worked on automatic controllers for steering ships.
1930s Nyquist developed a method for analyzing the stability of controlled systems
1940s Frequency response methods made it possible to design linear closed-loop
control systems
1950s Root-locus method due to Evans was fully developed
1960s State space methods, optimal control, adaptive control and
1980s Learning controls are begun to investigated and developed.
Present and on-going research fields. Recent application of modern control theory
includes such non-engineering systems such as biological, biomedical, economic and
socio-economic systems

ME 325 Control Systems

Example 1

Hard Disk Drives

Speed Control Head-Disk Tracking

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Commons license.

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Example 2

Ball on Plate with Arduino


1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Example 3


Speed Control
Stability Control

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Example 4 Manufacturing Automation

Figure 4: Manufacturing automation

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Example 5

Figure 5: Hybrid systems

ME 325 Control Systems

Example 6

Figure 6: Wind turbines

ME 325 Control Systems

System Classifications
• Single vs Multiple Inputs/ Single vs Multiple Outputs
– SISO (single input - single output)
• Feed-forward vs feedback
• Linear vs nonlinear

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Feed forward vs feedback
• Feedforward: acts without taking the output into account
– Example: your dishwasher does not measure the
cleanliness of plates during its operation
• Feedback: the output is specified by taking the input into
account (somehow)

y (t ) + x (t )

 Plant

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems
Open-Loop Transfer Function Im
R(s) = Input Signal

E(s) = Error Signal

𝐸 𝑠 𝐶 𝑠 𝐵 𝑠 C(s) = Output Signal
𝐺 𝑠 𝐻 𝑠
B(s) = Feedback Signal

Open-Loop Transfer Function is the ratio of the feedback signal B(s) to the actuating error
signal E(s) B(s)
= G(s) H (s)
E (s)
Feedforward Transfer Function is the ratio of the output signal C(s) to the actuating error

C (s)
signal E(s)
= G(s)
E (s)
When the open-loop transfer function and the feedforward transfer function are
the same?
1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems
Thank you

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Lecture #2


1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems
Open-Loop Transfer Function Im
R(s) = Input Signal

E(s) = Error Signal

𝐸 𝑠 𝐶 𝑠 𝐵 𝑠 C(s) = Output Signal
𝐺 𝑠 𝐻 𝑠
B(s) = Feedback Signal

Open-Loop Transfer Function is the ratio of the feedback signal B(s) to the actuating error

signal E(s)
= G(s) H (s)
E (s)
Feedforward Transfer Function is the ratio of the output signal C(s) to the actuating error

C (s)
signal E(s)
= G(s)
E (s)
When the open-loop transfer function and the feedforward transfer function are
the same?
1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems
Closed loop transfer function with NEGATIVE Feedback

C (s) = G(s) E (s)

E ( s ) = R ( s ) − B ( s ) = R ( s ) − H ( s )C ( s )
C ( s ) = G ( s )  R ( s ) − H ( s ) C ( s ) 

C ( s ) = G ( s ) R ( s ) − G ( s ) H ( s )C ( s )

C (s) G(s)
Closed loop transfer function =
R(s) 1+ G(s) H (s)

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Closed loop transfer function with POSITIVE Feedback

C (s) = G(s) E (s)

E ( s ) = R ( s ) + B ( s ) = R ( s ) + H ( s )C ( s )

C ( s ) = G ( s )  R ( s ) + H ( s ) C ( s ) 

C (s) G(s)
Closed loop transfer function =
R(s) 1− G(s) H (s)

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

+ 4.330

 Re


s - plane

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems


1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Block diagram of an industrial control system, which consists of an
automatic controller, an actuator, a plant, and a sensor (measuring element).

ME 325 Control Systems

Framework for system control
Mechanical, Electrical, Fluid, Thermal
Time Varying   Time Varying
 Input Dynamic Output 
Frequent Dependent   Frequent Dependent
• Real Physical System
• Multi-Domain Ideal Elements
• Network Representations
• Idealized Representation: Lumped Model
• State Variables and LODE’s
• Resulting Equations of Motion
• Laplace Transforms
• Transfer Function Representations
• Pole Zero Analysis Linear System
• Frequency Response Analysis
• Standard Inputs and Prediction of Responses Theory
• Transient Response
• Bode Diagrams
• System Design Changes; Feedback Control
• Steady State Errors Control System
• Input Tracking
• Response Shaping
•“Desired” Input - Output Response
1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems
1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems
Thank you

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Lecture #3


1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Physical realization of systems
• Mechanical
• Electrical
• Fluid
• Thermal
• Electromechanical
• Mechano-fluid
• Electro-thermal
• Electromechanical, fluid and thermal

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

The Design Process

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems
Antenna Azimuth: An Introduction to Position Control System
The radio telescope antenna is one example of a system that uses position control systems. An antenna
azimuth position control system that could be used to position a radio telescope antenna has been
discussed. We will see how the system works and how we can effect changes in its performance. The
discussion here will be on a qualitative level, with the objective of getting an intuitive feeling for the
systems with which we will be dealing. An antenna azimuth position control system is shown in
Figure 7(a), with a more detailed layout and schematic in Figures 7(b) and 7(c), respectively. Figure
7(d) shows a functional block diagram of the system. The functions are shown above the blocks, and
the required hardware is indicated inside the blocks.

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

The purpose of this system is to have the azimuth angle
output of the antenna, 0(t), follow the input angle of
the potentiometer, i(t). Figure 7(d) and describe how
this system works. The input command is an angular
displacement. The potentiometer converts the angular
displacement into a voltage.

Figure 7 Antenna azimuth position control system: a. system concept; b. detailed layout; c. schematic; (figure

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Figure 7 (d) functional block diagram

Figure 8 Response of a position control

system, showing effect of high and low
controller gain on the output response

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Closed-Loop System Subjected to a Disturbance

CD ( s ) G2 ( s )
D ( s ) 1 + G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) H ( s )

CR ( s ) G1 ( s ) G2 ( s )
R ( s ) 1 + G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) H ( s )

G2 ( s )
C ( s ) = CR ( s ) + CD ( s ) = G1 ( s ) R ( s ) + D ( s ) 
1 + G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) H ( s ) 

when G1 ( s ) H ( s )  1 and G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) H ( s )  1

CD ( s )
Case I: the closed-loop transfer function becomes almost zero, and the effect
of the disturbance is suppressed. This is an advantage of the closed-loop system.

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

CR ( s ) 1
Case II: the closed-loop transfer function approaches as the gain of
R(s) H (s)
G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) H ( s ) increases. This means that if G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) H ( s )  1 , then
CR ( s )
the closed-loop transfer function becomes independent of G1(s) and G2(s) and
inversely proportional to H(s), so that the variations of G1(s) and G2(s) do not affect the
CR ( s )
closed-loop transfer function .
This is another advantage of the closed-loop system. It can easily be seen that any

closed-loop system with unity feedback, H(s) = 1, tends to equalize the input and output

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Thank you

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Closed-Loop System Subjected to a Disturbance

CD ( s ) G2 ( s )
D ( s ) 1 + G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) H ( s )

CR ( s ) G1 ( s ) G2 ( s )
R ( s ) 1 + G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) H ( s )

G2 ( s )
C ( s ) = CR ( s ) + CD ( s ) = G1 ( s ) R ( s ) + D ( s ) 
1 + G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) H ( s )

when G1 ( s ) H ( s ) 1 and G1 ( s ) G2 ( s ) H ( s ) 1

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Classification of Industrial Controllers

1. Two-position or ON-OFF controllers

2. Proportional controllers
3. Integral Controllers
4. Proportional-plus-Integral Controllers
5. Proportional-plus-Derivative Controllers
6. Proportional-plus-Integral-plus-Derivative Controllers

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Two-position or ON-OFF Control Action

Let the output signal from the controller be u(t) and the actuating error signal be e(t). In two-
position control, the signal u(t) remains at either a maximum or minimum value, depending
on whether the actuating error signal is positive or negative, so that

u ( t ) = U1 , for e ( t )  0 where U1 and U2 are constants. The minimum

= U2, for e ( t )  0 value U2 is usually either zero or –U1 .

(a) Block diagram of an on–

(a) Liquid level control system (b) Electromagnetic valve
off controller

Level h(t)–versus-t curve for the system shown above

(b) block diagram of an on–off controller
with differential gap.
1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems
Proportional Control Action
For a controller with proportional control action, the relationship between the output of the
controller u(t) and the actuating error signal e(t) is
u ( t ) = K pe ( t )

U (s)
or, in Laplace-transformed quantities, = Kp
E (s)

where Kp is termed the proportional gain

Integral Control Action
For a controller with integral control action, the value of the controller output u(t) is
changed at a rate proportional to the actuating error signal e(t).
du ( t )
 e (t ) dt
= Ki e ( t ) or u ( t ) = Ki
dt 0

where Ki is the integral gain

U ( s ) Ki
The transfer function of the integral control is =
E (s) s

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Proportional-Plus-Integral Control Action
 e (t ) dt
u ( t ) = K pe ( t ) +
Ti 0

U (s)  1 
The transfer function of the controller is = K p 1 + 
E (s)  sTi 

where Ti is called the integral time

Proportional-Plus-Derivative Control Action

de ( t )
u ( t ) = K p e ( t ) + K pTd
U (s)
The transfer function of the controller is = K p (1 + Td s )
E (s)

where Td is called the derivative time

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Proportional-Plus-Integral-Plus-Derivative Control Action

Kp de ( t )

u ( t ) = K pe ( t ) + e ( t ) dt + K pTd
Ti 0 dt

U (s)  1 
The transfer function of the controller is = K p 1 + + Td s 
E (s)  sTi 
where Kp is the proportional gain, Ti is the integral time, Td is the derivative time

Typical values for a control problem Kp = 18, Ti = 3.077, Td =0.7692

Block diagram of a Proportional-Plus-Integral-Plus-Derivative controller.

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1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems
Procedure for Drawing a Block Diagram

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Block Diagram Reduction

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Block Diagram Reduction

R1(s) R2(s) R3(s) R4(s) R5(s)


1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Cascade form

Parallel form

Feedback form

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Moving Blocks to Create Familiar Forms

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

Thank you

1/13/2023 ME 325 Control Systems

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