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Great Discoveries in Paleoanthropology

Paleoanthropology is the study of extinct primates. The primary method used by

paleoanthropologists is the analysis of fossil remains. However, they increasingly rely on other
scientific disciplines to gain a better understanding of the environmental forces that played a
role in our evolution, as well as the formation of the fossil record.
Create a factsheet to profile a major discovery in Paleoanthropology
1. Identify the name and/or species
2. Date (year) the discovery was found; how long did it take to excavate the specimen?
3. Who found the discovery (lead paleoanthropologist and/or team)
4. Where (include a map) – describe the terrain/environment
5. How old is the specimen? How was the age determined?
6. Provide a description of the find (3-5 points)
7. What do the physical features tell us about this specimen?
8. Additional details or fun facts about the discovery (2 points)
9. Include supporting images with a brief caption
10. Cite each section (1-8) with an in-text citation and include a reference list of all sources
used in proper APA format at the bottom/end of your information
Submit your work to the EDSBY Dropbox

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