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Contact Toxicity of some newer insecticides against mango mealy bug,

Drosicha mangiferae (Green)

Priyanka Dwivedi, Gaurava Kumar* and R.P. Srivastava

Bioactive Plant Natural Products (BPNP) / Insecticide Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Entomology, Govind

Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar - 263 145, Uttarakhand, India


An experiment was conducted to determine the contact toxicity of some newer insecticides, viz.,
chlorantraniliprole, fipronil, imidacloprid, indoxacarb, and monocrotophos against second instar nymphs
(mean nymphal wt. = 28 mg) of mango mealybug, Drosicha mangiferae by residue contact bioassay and
nymphal dip methods. Indoxacarb and fipronil both, at 0.01% a.i., proved almost non-toxic in residue
contact bioassay method on glass surface. The LC30 and LC50 values of monocrotophos at 24 and 48 HAE
were 0.0027 and 0.0078%; and 0.0024 and 0.0073%, respectively. In nymphal dip method the LC50 value of
monocrotophos and imidacloprid at 48 HAE were 0.0084, 0.0022%, respectively and of indoxacarb at 72
HAE was 0.0027%. In another experiment the LD30 and LD50 values of indoxacarb against 4th instar nymphs

value at 72 HAE was 18.93 µg/nymph.

(mean nymphal wt. = 64.6 mg) of D. mangiferae by topical application method, using a micro syringe was
4.69 and 8.31; 4.57 and 7.77; and 4.302 and 6.601 µg/nymph at 24, 48, and 72 HAE, respectively. The LD90

Key words : Chlorantraniliprole, fipronil, imidacloprid, indoxacarb, Drosicha mangiferae (Green), bioefficacy.

INTRODUCTION Pakistan and China (Alam, 1962; Rafiq and Ghani,

Mango (Mangifera indica Linnaeus) a member 1972; Pruthi and Batra, 1960; Srivastava, 1997;
of family Anacardiaceae (Singh, 1968; Litz, 1997), is Karar et al. 2012). An estimated 50% losses occur
known as king of fruits. It is attacked by a number in mango crop due to mango mealybugs (Karar et
of insect pests among which mealybugs are one of al., 2012). Being a polyphagous pest in nature it
the most important pests. It has about 20 species has a very wide host spectrum which includes fruit
of which, Drosicha mangiferae (Green), Drosicha trees, ornamental plants, vegetable plants, weeds
stebbingi (Green) and Rastrococcus iceryoides and grasses, etc. (Srivastava, 1997).

(Green) are considered to be the key destructive The nymphs and females of this bug suck sap
mealybug species of mangoes in the Subcontinent from inflorescence, tender leaves, shoots and fruit
South East Asia. The mango mealybug, D. mangiferae peduncles. Affected panicles shrivel and become
(Homoptera: Coccidae) was first reported from dead. The nymphs secrete honey dew, which
Dehradun on sal and from Lahore on mango by facilitate the growth of sooty mould fungus (Smith
Stebbing 1889. The pest is widely distributed in the et al., 1997). Due to the growth of sooty moulds on
Indo-Gangetic plains from Punjab to Assam. The leaves, photosynthesis activity is affected (Pruthi and
infestation is quite serious in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Batra, 1960). Severe infestation affects the fruit set

Bihar and Delhi, while moderate in West Bengal and causes leaf and fruit drop. The recommended
and low in Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Himachal method for checking damage by mealybug is killing
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra the different stages of insect on the branches by
Pradesh (Tandon and Lal, 1976; Srivastava, 1997; insecticidal sprays (Atwal et al., 1969; Birat, 1963;
Akter et al., 2017). Apart from India, it has also been Morrill and Osanes, 1947; Singh, 1957), Directorate
reported as serious pest of mango in Bangladesh, of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage (2013)
has recommended the use of dimethoate 30EC
*Corresponding author’s E-mail : and monocrotophos 36SL @ 0.05 and 0.04%,
respectively. NCIPM (2007) has recommended in plastic rearing boxes (size: l 24 × b 15 × ht. 8
fastening of 400 gauge alkathene sheets of 25 cm cm). The data on mortality was recorded at 12, 24,
width to the tree trunk and soil application of 2% 48 and 72 hours after exposure (HAE). Moribund
methyl parathion or 1.5% chlorpyriphos dust @ 250 nymphs were counted as dead.
gm/tree in the middle of December. The mortality rate
Nymphal dip method : The contact toxicity of the
up to 55% was achieved with the insecticidal sprays
above five insecticides was also assessed by
with metasystox and ethyl-parathion (Ishaq et al.,
nymphal dip method against 2nd instar nymphs (mean
2004). Considering all the associated problems for
nymphal wt. = 28 mg) of D. mangiferae following
better management of D. mangiferae this study was
(Watkinson et al., 1984; Murgesan and Dhingra, 1998;

done to check the contact toxicity of some newer
Khan and Jamil, 2007; Kumar, 2008; Kumar and
insecticides against the insect.
Srivastava, 2009) in corning glass petridishes under
laboratory conditions (Avg. temp. = 23 ± 2°C, RH
MATERIALS AND METHODS = 60-70%). Five concentrations of each insecticide

Culture of D. mangiferae : The nymphs of mango taken for the residue contact bioassay method were
mealybug were collected from the heavily infested prepared in tap water. Thirty mealybug nymphs
host plants at the Garden Section of the G.B. Pant were taken in a muslin cloth cover/ bag and dipped
University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar in the respective dilution of the insecticides for 20
and this was pre-conditioned in the laboratory for seconds. After contact exposure, ten nymphs were
about 12 hours without food. (Khurana and Verma, transferred to each rearing box (size: l 24 × b 15
1988; Srivastava, 1981). The culture was used the × ht 8 cm) containing fresh mango leaves and this

next day for testing the bio-efficacy of insecticides.
Residue contact bioassay method: An experiment
was conducted to determine the contact toxicity
of five insecticides viz., imidacloprid (Maharaja
17.8 SL, Gharda Insecticides Ltd.), indoxacarb
(Avaunt 15.8EC, EI Dupont), fipronil (Regent
constituted one replication of a dilution (treatment).
The observations on nymphal morbidity and mortality
were recorded at 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 HAE. Moribund
nymphs were counted as dead.
Topical application bioassay method: A
preliminary experiment was conducted to determine
5SC, Bayer Crop Science Ltd.), monocrotophos
the LD50 (contact toxicity) of indoxacarb against
(Monodhan 36SL, Dhanuka Agri Tech Ltd.), and
fourth instar nymphs of D. mangiferae (mean
chlorantraniliprole (Coragen 18.5SC, EI Dupont)
nymphal wt. = 64.6 mg) by topical application
against 2nd instar nymphs (mean nymphal wt. =
bioassay method under laboratory conditions
18mg) of D. mangiferae by residue contact bioassay
(mean temp. = 30 ± 2°C and RH = 60-70%). Five
method (Srivastava and Proksch, 1991 and 1993;
dilutions of indoxacarb were prepared in acetone
Murugesan and Dhingra, 1998; Ramangouda and
and 2.5µl of each of these dilutions were applied
Srivastava, 2009 and Thodsare and Srivastava,
to the thoracic region of fourth instar nymphs of

2014) in corning glass petridishes under laboratory

D. mangiferae using a repeating topical dispenser
conditions (Avg. temp. = 23 ± 2ºC, RH = 55-65%).
attached to 25µl Hamilton microapplicator syringe.
Five concentrations of each of the insecticides The amount of a.i. present in 2.5 µl volume of each
viz. indoxacarb, fipronil, imidacloprid, monocrotophos of the above mentioned dilutions were: 13.17, 10.50,
and chlorantraniliprole based on the findings of 7.87, 5.25 and 2.62 µg/nymph (Hummelbrunner
preliminary experiment, were prepared in tap water. and Isman, 2001; Chilana and Srivastava, 2010;
One ml of each dilution was put into each of the Pavela, 2005; Bhatt, 2014; Thodsare and Srivastava,
lids of corning glass petridish (dia. 9 cm, ht. 1.5 2014). Ten bugs were taken for each dilution. The

cm), making concentric rings so as to make a thin topically exposed nymphs were kept in corning
film. The solvent was allowed to evaporate at room glass petridishes (dia: 9 cm, ht. 1.5 cm) lined
temperature. After evaporation, the 2nd instar nymphs with a moist filter paper. Fresh Ficus leaves were
of D. mangiferae (n=6) were introduced into each provided for feeding. The observations on morbidity
petridish and given 30 minutes contact exposure. and mortality were checked at 6, 12, 24, 48 and
The control nymphs were exposed to water film only. 72 HAE. Moribund nymphs were counted as dead.
Three replications were maintained per treatment. The mortality in each treatment was corrected by
The treated nymphs were offered fresh mango leaves Abbott’s formula (Abbott, 1925).
Statistical analysis : The observations recorded on mortality (0.037%) by this method up to 72 HAE (Tables 1
were corrected using Abbott’s formula (Abbott, 1925) as and 2).
given under:
Nymphal dip method : All the five insecticides
Abbott's corrected mortality (%) = × 100 except fipronil, proved toxic to the mango mealybug,
Where, T = mortality in treatments (%) reflecting an array of toxic response depending upon
    C = mortality in control (%) the concentration of a.i. Dip method, therefore, proved
better than the residue contact bioassay method
The data obtained was subjected to probit in evaluating the contact toxicity of insecticides.
analysis for calculating regression equation and LC/ The LC values of monocrotophos at 48 HAE were

LD values following Finney (1971). LC50 values were 0.0026 (LC30) and 0.0084 (LC50); of imidacloprid
computed using probit analysis based computer 0.00104 (LC30), 0.0022 (LC50) and 0.015 (LC90);
programme STPR718. Relative toxicity (RT) of and of indoxacarb at 72 HAE were 0.00029 (LC30)
insecticides was calculated based on LC 30, 50 and 0.0027 (LC50), respectively (Tables 3 and 4). A

and 90 values by using the following formula comparison of dose-mortality response expressed
(Ramangouda and Srivastava, 2009). in terms of relative toxicity (RT) indicated that
LC value of least toxic insecticide imidacloprid was 2.5 and 3.81 times more toxic than
RT =
LC value of candidate insecticide monocrotophos at 48 HAE, LC30 and LC50 levels,
respectively (Table 3).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Topical application bioassay method : The LD30 and
The results on the assessment of toxic response LD50 values of indoxacarb at 24, 48 and 72 HAE were

of insecticides against D. mangiferae have been
presented under the respective heads as outlined
in materials and methods. Residue contact bioassay
method: Among the 5 insecticides tested for their
contact toxicity against 2nd instar nymphs of D.
mangiferae only monocrotophos reflected the
4.69 and 8.31; 4.57 and 7.77; and 4.302 and 6.601
µg/nymph, respectively. The LD90 value of indoxacarb
at 72 HAE was 18.93 µg/nymph. It is evident from the
data that indoxacarb reflected good contact toxicity
against 4th instar nymphs of mango mealybug when
applied using a microlitre syringe (Tables 5 and
considerable toxicity. The LC30 and LC50 values at 24 6). NCIPM in its technical bulletin 19 (2007) has
and 48 HAE were 0.0027 and 0.0078; and 0.0024 recommended the use of certain insecticides for the
and 0.0073%, respectively. Surprisingly, indoxacarb control of mango mealybug, D. mangiferae Green.
and fipronil both at a concentration of 0.01% a.i. For example monocrotophos (0.04%) and dimethoate
proved almost non-toxic against 2nd instar nymphs (0.06%) sprays if nymphs have already ascended the
in this method. Similarly, no mortality was recorded trees. Khurana and Verma (1988) have evaluated 24
in imidacloprid (0.0089%) and chlorantraniliprole insecticides under laboratory and field conditions, in

Table 1. Dosage-mortality response of monocrotophos against 2nd instar nymphs of mango mealybug, Drosicha
mangiferae (Green) at 24 HAE by residue contact bioassay method.
Insecticide LC values (%) Chi square Regression equation Fiducial limits at LC50
(Trade name) LC30 LC50 Y = a + bx Lower Upper
Monocrotophos 0.0027 0.0078 1.12 Y = 3.964 + 0.361x 0.0041 0.013
(Monodhan 36 SL)
HAE = Hours after exposure, Mean nymphal wt. = 18 mg/bug

Table 2. Dosage-mortality response of monocrotophos against 2nd instar nymphs of mango mealybug, Drosicha
mangiferae (Green) at 48 HAE by residue contact bioassay method.
Insecticide LC values (%) Chi square Regression equation Fiducial limits at LC50
(Trade name) LC30 LC50 Y = a + bx Lower Upper
Monocrotophos 0.0024 0.0073 1.34 Y = 4.025 + 0.349x 0.0037 0.013
(Monodhan 36 SL)
HAE = Hours after exposure, Mean nymphal wt. = 18 mg/bug
Table 3. Dosage-mortality response of monocrotophos and imidacloprid against 2nd instar nymphs of mango mealybug,
Drosicha mangiferae (Green) at 48 HAE by nymphal dip method.
Insecticides LC values (%) Chi Regression equation Fiducial limits at LC50
(Trade name) LC30 *RT at LC50 RT at LC90 square Y = a + bx Lower Upper
LC30 LC50
Monocrotophos 0.0026 1 0.0084 1 - 7.09 Y = 3.884 + 0.377x 0.0049 0.014
(Monodhan 36 SL)
Imidacloprid 0.00104 2.5 0.0022 3.81 0.015 2.97 Y = 3.406 + 0.528x 0.0016 0.0031

(Maharaja 17.8 SL)
HAE = Hours after exposure, Mean nymphal wt. = 18 mg/bug
*Relative toxicity (RT) = LC value of least toxic insecticide/LC value of candidate insecticide

Table 4. Dosage-mortality response of indoxacarb against 2nd instar nymphs of mango mealybug, Drosicha mangiferae
(Green) at 72 HAE by nymphal dip method.
Insecticide LC values (%) Chi square Regression equation Fiducial limits at LC50
(Trade name) LC30 LC50 Y = a + bx Lower Upper
Indoxacarb 0.00029 0.0027 0.194 Y = 4.409 + 0.179x 0.00086 0.019
(Avaunt 15.8 EC)
HAE = Hours after exposure, Mean nymphal wt. = 18 mg/bug

(Trade name)
Table 5. Preliminary study on dosage mortality response of indoxacarb against 4th instar nymphs of mango mealybug,
Drosicha mangiferae (Green) by topical application bioassay method at 24 HAE.
Insecticide LD values (µg/larva)
Chi square

Regression equation
Y = a + bx
Y = 3.677 + 0.389x
Fiducial limits at LD50
(Avaunt 15.8 EC)
HAE = Hours after exposure, Mean nymphal wt. = 64.6 mg/bug

Table 6. Preliminary study on dosage mortality response of indoxacarb against 4th instar nymphs of mango mealybug,
Drosicha mangiferae (Green) by topical application bioassay method at 48 HAE.
Insecticide LD values (µg/larva) Chi square Regression equation Fiducial limits at LD50
(Trade name) LD30 LD50 Y = a + bx Lower Upper

Indoxacarb 4.57 7.77 1.30 Y=3.651+0.414x 4.88 14.28

(Avaunt 15.8 EC)
HAE = Hours after exposure, Mean nymphal wt. = 64.6 mg/bug

which monocrotophos (0.025%) resulted in 14.3, 14.3 method, proved toxic in nymphal dip method with
and 39.0% mortality at 1, 2 and 3 days after releasing LC50 values of 0.0084 (monocrotophos), 0.0022
the first instar nymphs of D. mangiferae on insecticidal (imidacloprid) and 0.0027 (indoxacarb) at 48 HAE.
films prepared on filter paper circle. Monocrotophos Dip method exposes the insect to the insecticides

in our experiments against 2nd instar nymphs of D. all around its body surface whereas residue contact
mangiferae has reflected considerable toxicity in bioassay method on glass surface exposes only the
residue contact bioassay method on glass surface ventral surface of the insect body. This probably has
(LC50 = 0.0078 and 0.0073% at 24 and 48 HAE). led to the better results of contact toxicity evaluation
Indoxacarb (0.01%), fipronil (0.01%), imidacloprid in dip method. Kumar (2008) and Murugesan and
(0.0089%) and chlorantraniliprole (0.037%) which Dhingra (1998) have also pleaded the superiority
proved almost non-toxic against 2nd instar nymphs of dip method in evaluation of contact toxicity of
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