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Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)

IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2

Machine Learning and IoT based Disease

Predictor and Alert Generator System
2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) 978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 10.1109/ICCMC48092.2020.ICCMC-000142

Nidhi Kundu1 Geeta Rani2 Vijaypal Singh Dhaka 3
Department of Computer &
Communication Engineering, Manipal
University Jaipur, Jaipur-303007

Abstract- Rapidly expanding market of health and increase help of IoT[2][3] and Machine Learning. To handle the
in the common health issues such as cardiovascular, lot of data and providing lo w cost sensors deep learning
neurological and pulmonary, sleep, hydration and breath rate provides best techniques. Some techniques are
disorders motivates researchers to contribute in developing as
discussed by the authors which can be imp lemented in
well as designing systems that accurately observes the body
parameter analyses, where the values of monitored
health sector in [4]. These techniques are Auto
parameters and generates alerts if the values show deviation Encoders [AE], Restricted boltzmann machines and
from the standard pre-set values. The monitoring helps in RNN-Recurrent Neural Network. CNN-Convolutional
early detection of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart, Neural Net work, DBN-Deep Belief Network. A E
respiratory disorders. Devices described in literature faces the performs better than neural network due to the pre
challenges such as low reliability, low accuracy and less training. Co mpare to the conventional mach ine
energy efficient. In this manuscript, authors present a review learning models deep learning models are better for
of existing literature available at national as well as implementation in the health monitoring[4]. Deep
international level. The review focuses on wearable devices
Learn ing is useful as it handles large amount of clin ical
such as smart eyewear, wrist band, smart jewelry, sleep track,
smart garments and head mounted etc. The challenges
data easily and also increase the co mputational power.
identified by the review, motivates the authors to focus on For elderly people, it is very necessary to give extra
designing a health monitoring frame work. In this manuscript, care as they live most of the time alone at home. For
the authors propose a Machine Learning and IoT based such people Bayesian Network based observing system
Disease Predictor and Alert Generator S ystem. The ease to with the Dynamic capabilities was developed based on
use and high reliability proves the usefulness of system in the the human postures[5]. Th is model gives 82% accuracy
real time scenario. and instantaneous response to elderly who stay alone at
home. Authors compared the various health monitoring
Keywords-Wearable device; Deep learning; Health; energy devices their features with advantages and
efficiency; Feature extraction; Review. disadvantages.
The review gives an insight that design of devices with
I. INTRODUCTION low power consumption, reliab ility, security and
comfo rt are at h igh demand. Th is can be possible with
The growth and development of a country is directly the help of Machine Learning. The existing devices are
determined by physical, mental and social health of challenging to use due to uncomfortable use, adverse
people living there. Nowadays, medical issues are effects on body, high cost, low reliability and more
expanding at faster rate. The advancement in human intervention. Moreover, the study of existing
technology has changed the life style of people. Thus, literature shows that there is lack of single system that
they become more prone to disorders such as heart can predict a disease or disorder, analyze the severity of
disorders, brain hemorrhage, d iabetes and blood disease, send notificat ions and generate suitable
pressure. Continuous health monitoring and disorder prescriptions to deal with the emergent heath condition.
prediction is a key requirement to maintain health of To provide a solution to the above discussed
the nation. A review of wea rable health monitoring challenges, in this manuscript, the authors propose a “A
devices in [1] present a review on the basis of real time health monitoring and disorder predict ion
important bodily intimations such as heart rate, body system using IoT and machine leaning”.
temperature , respirat ion rate, , blood pressure, blood
oxygen saturation, blood pressure etc. sensed, II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
technology and architecture used for sensing. In today’s
A study of existing literature reveals that different
era, the world is heading where network and its devices
devices are designed to monitor the parameters such as
both present at the same time. This is possible with the
Electroencephalogram Graph (ECG), Blood Pressure

978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 764

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2

(BP), Respiration Rate (RR), Blood Oxygen Level rate and temperature[2].Mobile phones or laptops can
(BOL) etc. These devices have advantages as well be directly connected to proposed system to measure
disadvantages. A comparison of different devices is heart rate and inform the patient directly by the doctor.
given in Table I. Colu mn 1 present the name of It is helpful for the people who are unable to fix
parameter to be monitored, colu mn 2 shows the appointment face to face with doctor, elderly people to
features of the devices designed to monitor a parameter, give them ext ra care, people in remote areas. To
column 3 highlights the advantages and the last column monitor ECG signal now adays many non -contact
shows the disadvantages of using the device. Authors capacitive electrodes are used instead of those which
present a summary o f various health monitoring touch the skin[1]. As per the review for b lood pressure
devices proposed by different authors for various age watch type pressure sensors where used[7]. Author
groups is Table II. proposed a firefly system for d iagnose of heart using
A comparison of traditional methods of disease support system imp lementation and making it
prediction with the machine learn ing models indicates computationally effective. Exemp lified as use of
that machine learning models yield mo re pro mising Decision Support System to diagnose heart disease(s)
results if well trained with huge dataset. Deep Learn ing using feature selection and classification techniques [8]
provides the machine health monitoring system[4]. In helps to accurately diagnose the heart disorders or
this feature selection techniques helps to make the diseases. Respiration rate is often guessed instead of
computational processing faster, remove noise fro m recorded in clin ical settings. Using accelero meter
data, reduce the complexity of data, for insufficient respiration rate can be measured remotely[9]. Pulse
data samples. Authors discussed the time do main, oximetry use by authors to make respirat ion rate
frequency domain, time -frequency domain techniques measure efficient for clinical staff, continuous
of feature selection. Denoising of the data samp les is monitoring , co mpatib le fo r clin ical practice,
very beneficial for the mach ine health data. For targets reasonable, and accessible, [10]. Continuous non-
whose values are discrete softmax layer is applied and invasive chemical sensing enables the considerable use
for continuous linear regression. An effective use of in various health monitoring applicat ions [11]. To
Internet of Things (IoT) helps to manage the implement security in hospital environ ment author
voluminous data generated in the clinical records. proposed a layer system with the policies to regulate
Analysis of clinical parameters recorded in the the reliability , security, sustainability, trust [3].Author
generated data using a blend of IoT and mach ine designed the hospital system using IoT and AI with
learning provides an effect ive way o f disease prediction focus on security issues in hospital. The main object ive
[6].Authors analyze the health system based on the of our develop ment is to develop a mon itoring system
changes observe din the body. Authors proposed the suitable for all ages and also energy efficient using
robust health care system using IoT to monitor the heart deep learning.

T able I. Comparison of Devices used for Monitoring Body Parameters

Name of Body Features of Device/ System Advantages Disadvantages

Parameter to
be Monitored
ECG[1, 4] Wet Ag/AgCl electrodes. Low cost, compact, reliable. Cause skin irritation, less
contact with skin when gel
Fabric embedded dry electrodes. Electrodes do not cause skin Artefacts due to body
irritation. movement.
Sensors with dryness, flexibility and Being in touch with the skin make it
stretchability. less viable to be used apart from
medical diagnose environment.
Dry electrodes embedded in Fiber must be washable,
electrically conductive Fiber with twistable. Most sensitive to
small current and impedance. motion artefacts.
Blood Pressure Inflatable pressure chops given to Autonomous BP measurement. Disruption of sleep, skin issues and
patient at arm with a stethoscope [1]. stress increases.
Photoplethysmography: BP estimation Wearing comfort and low-cost Inaccuracy and light physical
between the pulse waves measured on optical technique. exercise.
chest or on wrist using PPG signal
obtained by ECG and PPG.[12].
Placing at two adjacent points of the Determines accurately the High power dissemination.
body(neck and wrist), two velocity of the pulse wave and
microelectromechanical sensors . the latency observed. soft
[13]. biocompatible silicone so

978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 765

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2

comfortable to wear on skin.

Experimental watch- prototype near Continuous real-time monitoring of
the radial artery which uses a BP in a smart phone.
pressure sensor [7].
Respiration Rate Elastomeric Plethysmography (EP) The variations in the piezo electric
[1]. sensors are converted into voltage
using the electric belt
Impedance plethysmography (IP) [1]. IP make use of body surface
impedance changes makes by
expansion and contraction during
breathing for the soldiers by
developing a vest.
Respiratory Inductive Plethysmography The breath count of children and
(RIP) [1]. adults are measured using the
magnetic field that relies on the
current in the loop wire and the loop
Garment prototype with high accuracy in Wearable, home based, distinguish the Error if breathing rate is very
measuring the changes in the chest volume predominance breathing compartment. high.
and the abdomen using a piezo resistive
fabric sensor [14].
Accelerometers [9]. Remotely measure respiration rate. Good for short term respiration
rate measurement else give
inaccurate result.
ECG signal [15]. ECG signals based respiratory signal Costly, specified equipment is
extraction was proposed. used which create physical
discomfort for the patient,
Analyze the shape of the filters
used is cumbersome task.
Pulse oximetry [10]. Efficient for clinical staff, continuous Cannot be used to assess
monitoring, reasonable, easily oxygen delivery (anemia) or
accessible and compatible to clinics adequacy of ventilation.
Polymer-based transducers sensors [16]. Low cost, portable, small, easy to use Highly sensitive
and light weight.
Optical fibers [17]. Enable to track breathing in various Not compatible with sensors.
Infrared cameras or acoustic methods. Not suitable for wearable
A polymer named Polypower No use of dangerous fluid metals.
Blood Oxygen pulse oximetry principles and Used in acquiring saturation levels of Under research
Saturation (SpO2) Photoplethysmography (PPG) technology the blood oxygen.
Chip on Ear lobe. Small in size. Wrong result on excessively
high movements.
Fabric where optical fibers used to made Efficient to analyze different tissue Light source limited to low
both light-source and detectors [19]. depths. power.
Blood Glucose Collecting samples of blood via finger Collecting samples of blood via finger Development of massive
Level pricking pricking scarring formation.
Medtronic Continuous Glucose Dexcom, Inc with a needle, to release
Monitoring (CGM) device. insulin into the body using insulin pump that is wearable
Adhesive patch e.g. Dexcom, Inc with a Continuous monitoring. Not good for skin as beneath
needle, to release insulin into the body the skin.
using insulin pump that is wearable
sending the data wirelessly.
GlucoWatch® first commercial wearable Frequent, non-invasive measurements. T he onset of the
devices for continuous monitoring of Complications of diabetes.
blood glucose but due to skin burning
issues discontinued.[20].
Skin Perspiration Sensor to observe sweat [11]. Ensure patient safety and avoid

978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 766

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2

clinical problems
A Bluetooth module interfacing with Skin perspiration continuous
microcontroller [21]. monitoring.
Capnography Access PCO2 , capnography units with Cost effective and safe Not good during anesthesia,
quick calibration procedures which is issues related with associated
reliable, portable and cost effective [22]. burns and elevated
temperatures, does not access
respiration rate.
Body T emperature Core temp: a battery-less RFID Wireless epidermal temperature Variation in results as
thermometer [23]. sensor which can be reused, RFID temperature varies frequently.
thermometer without battery to
measure CT (core temperature).
Skin temp [24]. Real time estimation of CT with high Technical issues in traditional
accuracy. ways.

T able II. Summary of Health Monitoring Devices Proposed by Different Authors.

Author, Contributions De vices Target age Convenience of use Drawbacks

Year group
Weider D. Yu, Developed a Wireless Pocket PC, Tablet PC, eBox II, and For Reduces efforts of All health parameters are
Pradeep Ray, Mobile Multimedia Server. physicians physicians and nurses measured manually by
and Tiberiu Information System RFID-Patient identification, and nurses by displaying patient nurses and updated.
Motoc, [25] (WISH) in Healthcare Registered physicians and nurses and record which is Uneducated patients or
Using RFID. Tested in access WISH and update database patients. accessible from computer phobic cannot
US in 2008. remote.
through Pocket PC, Tablet PC, access WISH.
eBox II, and Server.
Sumit Cardiovascular, Biometric shirt, Old age. Use of on body electrodes,
Majumder, neurological and Fitness trackers. more power consumption,
Tapas Mondal, pulmonary diseases the wearable may be
M. Jamal can be predicted uncomfortable, allergy
Deen, causing etc.
fall detection, gait
2017[26] pattern and post
James Wearable device to collect data, use Patients of
McWhortera, of IoT, If condition of nightmare any age.
Lucas Browna, arises in patient then it activates the
Lara Khansab, system to suppress activities and
2017[27] cause normalized sleep.
Benjamin W Wearable measuring Apple Watch 3 and the Fitbit Any age Measurement of HR
Nelson, MS; heart rate for 24 hours. Charge 2 HR, ECG groups. would become
Nicholas B Analyses. increasingly inaccurate as
Allen activity intensity
(2019)[28] increased.

Jonathan M. Observes sleep, mPower (Pod measure EMG) Any age Athletes, soldiers, Not validated
Peake, breathe rate and stress. garments: Athos, Sensoria, groups. firefighters, and
Graham Kerr, Dynafeed, industrial laborers,
John P. Hexoskin to measure firefighters.
Sullivan cardiorespiratory function and
(2018)[12] physical activity levels.
OmegaWave, Zephyr sensor, E4
wristband, Reign Active Recovery,
MioSLICETM wristband, HELO
smart watch, Biostrap, CoreSense
(Heart rate monitor).
Priyanka Wearable and a smart Zephyr BT [heart rate information] Any age Athletes, military, Variation in time while
Kakria,N. K. phone based real time Omron Wireless Upper Arm blood groups. heart patient sending the message, no
Tripathi,and health monitoring. pressure monitor, G plus, energy efficient, area
Peerapong Bluetooth based temperature sensor covered was fixed 10-
Kitipawang(20 100km

978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 767

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2


This manuscript focuses on designing and developing a Fig. 2 shows the architecture of the proposed device. To
Real Time Health Monitoring and Disorder Pred iction reduce the human intervention in the proposed system,
System (HMDPS). The system will mon itor the body authors focus on applying Deep Neural Network algorith ms
parameters such as blood pressure, neural stress, blood as Deep Neural Net work is faster than the conventional
glucose level, temperature and heart rate using sensor based mach ine learning Techniques. Algorithm used in our
wearable device, send the collected data to cloud, and proposed system is Convolutional Neural Net work [CNN]
applies the machine learning algorith m to make pred iction and Recurrent Neural Network [RNN]. These algorith ms
of one or more disorder. It will notify the person in case of perform auto matic prep rocessing, feature extract ion,
deviation fro m the standard values of body parameters. classification and evaluation. Thus, minimizes the hu man
Moreover, this will send the alert to the registered mobile intervention. Moreover, training of proposed model on
numbers, mobiles connected to nearest tower location and huge real time dataset ensures the reliability and accuracy
ambulance in case of emergency. The degree of emergency of the system. The continuous training of the system makes
will be decided by setting a threshold for different body it effective to the system is applicab le fo r all age groups
parameters on consulting the specialist doctors for and even for people with disabilities.
respective disease. Fig. 1 shows the flow diagram of health
monitoring system.
Alert message in case of Prescription using CNN, RNN
Set the Standard value for Prediction of unusual emergency using phone and deep learning techniques to
various health behaviour from the standard internet. patient.
parameters. values.

Fig. 1. Flow Diagram of Health Monitoring

Glucose Pressure body pain
Level StandardValues
Wearable Standard andand M easured
Device valuesofof
values Body
Body Parameters
Stress T emperature
Heart Rate

Disorder Prediction
Applying AI using Machine Learning
algorithms (CNN, algorithms
prescription to Alerts on Registered Mobiles Nearest T ower
prevent Connected Mobiles Nearest Ambulance
Fig. 2. Architecture of Health Monitoring and Prediction System

IV. Conclusion
This manuscript presents an extensive survey of wearable proposed in this manuscript, overcome the drawbacks of
devices and/or health mon itoring systems available or the existing devices using contactless sensors. Being
proposed in literature. Devices discussed in Table I and contactless, the system does not cause irritation to a patient.
Table II measure body parameters such as heart rate, Being automatic, it is convenient to use for disabled people
respiration rate, blood glucose, body temperature etc. On and people fro m all age groups. For using the system, there
the basis of review of existing literature, authors conclude is no requirement of rigorous training. Use of mach ine
that microeletro mechanical sensors make use of two learning algorith ms is effective in making accurate
electrodes placed in t wo nearby points of neck or wrist of predictions of disorder(s) without human intervention.
body for measuring b lood pressure and yields accurate Effective blend of IoT and Machine Learning helps to deal
results. But its high-power consumption restricts its use. with volu minous clinical data for early predict ion of
Apple Watch 3 and the Fitbit Charge 2 measure heart rate. diseases. Thus, the features such as contactless, automatic,
These devices are capable in analyzing ECG o f patients. dealing with huge dataset, convenience of use, generating
But these devices give inaccurate results on huge data sets. alerts, notifying to concerned authorities in time prove its
Moreover, disabled people found the devices inconvenient usefulness in the real scenario of med ical field. The system
to use. The Machine Learning and IoT Based System is still in the stage of development of its prototype. Authors

978-1-7281-4889-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 768

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K25-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4889-2

are working in the direction of making it energy efficient and economic.

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