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ENGL 210 – Team 1 – Team Charter

Team Members: Dana AbouHassanain (Team Manager), Alah Omar, Hasan Shomar, Mostafa Faraj
Date Submitted: 04 February 2023

Broad Team Goals

- Develop effective team collaboration strategies
- Prosper a high level of production and effort throughout the semester
- Improve collaborative writing skills as a team

Measurable Team Goals

- Meet internal and external deadlines
- Attend and utilize weekly meetings for clarification of tasks + feedback on work + planning
- Adhere to the tasks and deadlines established in the task schedule
- Review and update task schedule weekly

Personal Goals
Dana wants to improve leadership and problem-solving skills to become a more effective leader in her
workplace. She wants to become more confident in her ability to navigate complex challenges and make
decisions that benefit herself and her team.

Alah wants to improve time-management skills as well as writing and oral communication skills to become more
organized and productive and be better able to prioritize her tasks and meet deadlines. Moreover, she wants to
express her ideas and thoughts more clearly and persuasively in written form as well as verbally articulate her
thoughts and ideas more effectively.

Hasan wants to improve collaboration skills and learn strategies to establish and maintain trust within the team.
By developing these skills, he wants to be able to become a more effective team player and work better with
others to achieve common goals.

Mostafa wants to improve writing skills to be able to be more persuasive and influential in his written
communication. He also wants to improve his time-management skills to better adhere to the task schedule
while balancing his time outside of the course’s work.

Individual Commitment
- All members are willing to commit to responding to WhatsApp messages within 1 day
- All members commit to attending all scheduled meetings unless some personal emergencies were to
- All members commit to submitting individual work before the internal deadlines and providing feedback
on group work
Other Concerns
- Dana is concerned that her writing won’t be concise enough
- Alah is concerned that her work may be of insufficient writing level and not meet the team standards
- Hasan is involuntarily feeling the responsibility to do all the work
- Mostafa is concerned that he won’t meet the writing standard for professional and technical writing

Conflict Resolution
1. Try and resolve the issue individually
2. If necessary, approach the team manager directly and try to resolve the conflict with their help
3. If the conflict relates to the team as a whole, the team manager will arrange a meeting and the team
will communicate the issue before trying to find a solution together
4. In case the team manager is not able to resolve the conflict, raise the problem to the course instructor

Missed Deadlines
1. If a team member misses an internal deadline, a 24-hour notice to submit the work will be sent out by
the team manager.
2. If not submitted by then, the task will be assigned to a different team member.
3. The course instructor will be notified by the team manager if the team member did not have a valid
reason for missing the deadline. Each member is allowed to miss a deadline with valid excuse once only
(except for high emergency cases).

Unacceptable Work
1. If a team member turns in work that is clearly unacceptable, for example does not meet the assignment
criteria or the writing standards of the team, other team members should report their list of concerns
to the team manager.
2. The team manager will then contact that team member directly and suggest a deadline (around 24
hours) for when a revised copy of the work is due.
3. In the case of any confusion with the acceptability of their work, the team member can seek for
clarification from the team manager who may provide further details about the required changes that
need to be done.

Team Members Signatures:

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Dana AbouHassanain Alah Omar Hasan Shomar Mostafa Faraj

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