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Response of impedance parameter on waves

in micropolar thermoelastic Modified Green

Lindsay Model
. Rajneesh Kumar, 2 Sachin Kaushal and 3 Arun Kochar
1 Department of Mathematics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India,
2,3 Department of Mathematics, School of Chemical engineering and Physical
Science, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara- India


The present study is focused on devoting a model to estimate the response of

impedance parameter in micropolar thermoelastic under Modified Green-Lindsay
(MGL) model. The problem of reflection phenomena is formulated and explained
for the considered model. Amplitude ratios of various waves are obtained for Modi-
fied Green-Lindsay (MGL) model, Green-Lindsay (G-L) model, and Lord-Shulman
(L-S) model in context of micropolar thermoelastic for Longitudinal displacement
wave (LD-wave), Thermal wave (T-wave), Coupled transverse wave (CD-I) and
Coupled microrotational wave (CD-II). The impact of impedance parameter on
various reflection cofficients are displayed in the form of graph. From present
study certain cases are also deduced.
Key Words: Modified Green-Lindsay (MGL), wave propagation, Impedance pa-
rameter, micropolar thermoelasticity.

1 Introduction
In micropolar elasticity, the body is assumed to be consisting of interconnected
material particles like small rigid bodies that can undergo both rotational motion
and translational motion. In such motion material particles are free to rotate. So,
in this case, the motion of the particle is considered as combination of deformation
and microrotation which lead to six degrees of freedom. Because of this, the
interaction between two parts of material particles of a body is observed not only
by a force but also by a torque, which results in the asymmetric force stresses
and couple stresses in the body. The examples of such kind of materials are solid
propellant grains, polymeric materials, and fibre glass etc. Eringen [1] developed
theory of micropolar elasticity. Various authors discussed different types of the
problem in Micropolar thermoelastic medium and notable of them are [2-4].

With the context of fractional order theory of thermoelasticity Kumar et al. [5]
investigated variations in normal and radial displacement, components of stresses
(shear stress, normal stress and couple stress) in a micropolar thermoelastic solid.
Yu et al. [6] established a generalized thermoelastic model by introducing the
strain rate in Green-Lindsay (GL) thermoelastic model with the aid of extended
thermodynamics and compared speed of the thermal wave of the present model
with Green-Naghdi (GN) models. Kumar et al. [7] obtained secular equation for
Rayleigh wave in a micropolar thermoelastic half space with impedance parame-
ters. Recently Quintanilla [8] proved the exponential decay of solutions and also
described spatial behaviour of these solutions for modified Green-Lindsay thermoe-
lasticity under the purview of modified Green-Lindasy (MGL) theory of generalized
Sarkar et al. [9] studied the reflection of magneto-thermoelastic plane waves
from stress free and thermally insulated surface in a homogeneous isotropic ther-
mally conducting elastic half-space medium under modified Green-Lindsay (MGL)
theory of generalized thermoelasticity with two temperatures. Sarkar et al. [10]
investigated the problem of reflection in propagation of thermoelastic harmonic
plane waves.
Sarkar and De [11] investigated the propagation of time-harmonic plane waves
in an infinite elastic solid material under the modified Green-Lindsay (MGL) model
of generalized thermoelasticity and formulate the results for various reflection co-
efficients. Kumar et al. [12] observed that amplitude ratios of various reflected
and refracted waves are influenced by the fractional-order thermoelastic proper-
ties of media by considering reflection and refraction of waves in elastic half-space
and a two-temperature generalized thermoelastic half-space with fractional order
In this paper, amplitude ratios of various reflected waves i.e. Longitudinal wave
(LD-wave), Thermal wave (T-wave), Coupled transverse (CD-I) wave and Coupled
microrotational (CD-II) wave in micropolar thermoelastic media by employing
Modified Green Lindsay model are obtained numerically. The impact of impedance
parameter and different models i.e. MGL model, G-L model and L-S model on
amplitude ratios is shown graphically, which will be beneficial for those who are
working in field of Geoscience and Seismology.

2 Preliminary equations
The field equations and constitutive relations (Eringen [1] and Yu et al. [6]) in
absence of body forces and heat source are as follows:
∂ →

1 + n1 τ1 (λ + µ)∇(∇ · →

u ) + K(∇ × φ ) + (µ + K)∇2 →


∂ ∂2→
∇T + ρ 2 ,
= γ1 1 + n2 τ1 (1)
∂t ∂t

− →
− →
− ∂2 φ
γ∇2 φ + (α + β)∇(∇ · φ ) + K[∇ × → −
u ) − 2 φ ] = ρj 2 , (2)
∂ ∂T ∂
K ∗ ∇2 T = ρCe 1 + n3 τ0 + 1 + n4 τ0 γ1 T0 u̇r,r , (3)
∂t ∂t ∂t
∂ ∂
tij + γ1 1 + n2 τ1 T − 1 + n1 τ1 ur,r δij
∂t ∂t

= 1 + n1 τ1 λ µ(ui,j + uj,i ) + K(uj,i − ijr φr ) (4)
mij = αφr,r δij + βφi,j + γφj,i (5)
where γ1 = (3λ + 2µ + K)αt , αt - coefficient of linear thermal expansion, λ, µ -
Lame’s constants, → −
u - displacement vector, t - time, φk - microrotation vectors,
ρ, Ce - density and specific heat respectively, tij - components of stress tensor, T
- temperature distribution, γ, K, α and β are micropolar constants, mij - couple
stress tensor’s components, δij - Kronecker delta, τ0 and τ1 are relaxation pa-
rameters, n1 , n2 , n3 and n4 are parameters, ijm - alternating tensor, T0 - reference
temperature, K ∗ - coeffcients of the thermal conductivity, ∇2 - Laplacian operator,

In case of Modified G-L theory: n1 = n2 = n3 = n4 = 1,

In case of G-L theory: n1 = n4 = 0, n2 = n3 = 1,
In case of L-S theory: n1 = n2 = 0, n3 = n4 = 1,
In case of Coupled Theory: n1 = n2 = n3 = n4 = 0.

3 Solution procedure
Micropolar thermoelastic half-space under MGL model having homogeneous and
isotropic properties is taken. The rectangular cartesian co-ordinate system (x1 ,
x2 , x3 ) having origin at interface x3 = 0 along with x3 -axis pointing normally into

medium is considered. Hence all the field variables depend only on x1 , x3 and t.
we confine the problem For two dimensional problem, we take

− →

u = (u1 , 0, u3 ), φ = (0, φ2 , 0), (6)

Dimensionless variables are taken as:

ω1 ρc21 1 ω1 T
(x0i , u0i ) = (xi , ui ), φ02 = φ2 , t03i = (t3i ), m032 = m32 , T 0 = ,
c1 γ1 T0 γ1 T0 γ1 T0 c1 T0

c1 ω2 c1
(τ00 , τ10 , t0 ) = ω1 (τ0 , τ1 , t), (z10 , z20 ) = (z1 , z2 ), z30 = 31 z3 , z40 = ∗ z4 , i = 1, 3,
γ1 T0 c1 ρ K
ρCe c21 λ + 2µ + K
ω1 = and c21 = .
K∗ ρ
With the help of the expression given by Helmholtz decomposition, u1 (x1 , x3 , t)
and u3 (x1 , x3 , t) can be expressed as:

∂q ∂ψ ∂ψ ∂q
u1 = − , u3 = + . (8)
∂x1 ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂x3
Equations (1)-(3) reduce to following form after using equations (6)-(8)

∂ ∂ ∂2q
1 + n1 τ1 ∇2 q − a4 1 + n2 τ1 T = 2, (9)
∂t ∂t ∂t

∂ ∂2ψ
1 + n1 τ1 (a2 ∇2 ψ + a3 φ2 ) = 2 , (10)
∂t ∂t
∂ 2 φ2
a5 ∇2 φ2 − a6 (∇2 ψ − a7 φ2 ) =
, (11)
∂ ∂T ∂ ∂ 2
1 + n3 τ0 + a8 1 + n4 τ0 ∇ q = ∇2 T, (12)
∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t
(λ + µ) µ+K Kγ1 T0 γ1 T0
a1 = , a2 = , a3 = , a4 = ,
ρc21 ρc21 ρ2 c41 ρc21
γ Kc21 2K γ1 c21
a5 = 2 , a6 = , a7 = , a8 = .
c1 jρ ω12 jγ1 T0 ρjω12 K ∗ ω1
Considering the motion to be harmonic, we assume

(q, T, ψ, φ2 ) = (q 0 , T 0 , ψ 0 , φ02 )eικ(x1 sin θ−x3 cos θ+υt) ,

where θ is angle of inclination, ι is known as iota, κ denoted as wave number and
quanties such as q 0 , T 0 , ψ 0 , φ02 are arbitrary constants.
With help of the values of q, T, ψ, φ2 , we get following equations

(υ 4 + Aυ 2 + B)(φ2 , ψ) = 0, (13)

(υ 4 + Eυ 2 + F )(T, q) = 0, (14)
where υi (i = 1 − 2) are roots of characterstic equation (13) and υj (j = 3 − 4) are
roots of chracterstic equation (14). υ1 , υ2 corresponds to velocities of the LD-wave
and T-wave, whereas υ3 , υ4 corresponds to the velocities of CD-I wave and CD-II
ω 2 (a2 + a5 ) + a3 a6 − a2 a7 + ιτ1 n1 ω(−a2 a7 + a3 a6 + a2 ω 2 )
A= ,
ω 2 − a7
−a2 a5 ω 2 (1 + ιτ1 n1 ω) ω(τe τθ + a4 a8 τf τg ) − ι −ωτθ
B= , E= , F = ,
ω 2 − a7 ιτe ιτe
ι ι ι ι
τθ = (τ1 n1 − ), τe = (τ0 n3 − ), τf = (τ1 n2 − ), τg = (τ0 n4 − ).
ω ω ω ω
Making use of (6)-(7) in (4)-(5), we obtain
∂ ∂u1 ∂u3
t31 = 1 + n1 τ1 a9 + a10 − a11 φ2 , (15)
∂t ∂x3 ∂x1
∂ ∂u3 ∂u1 ∂
t33 = 1 + n1 τ1 a12 + a13 − 1 + n2 τ1 T, (16)
∂t ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂t
m32 = a14 , (17)
µ+K µ K ρc21 λ γω12
a9 = , a10 = , a11 = , a12 = , a13 = , a14 = .
γ1 T0 γ1 T0 ρc21 γ1 T0 γ1 T0 ρc41

4 Restrictions on Boundary
The boundary conditions at surface x3 =0 are taken as
(i)t33 +ωz1 u3 = 0, (ii)t31 +ωz2 u1 = 0, (iii)m32 +ωz3 φ2 = 0, (iv)K ∗ +ωz4 T = 0.
where z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 are impedance parameters.
We assume that the values of q, T , ψ, φ2 ,

A0i eιk0 (x1 sin θ0 −x3 cos θ0 )+ιωt + Ai eιki (x1 sin θi +x3 cos θi )+ιωt
q= (19)

di (A0i eιk0 (x1 sin θ0 −x3 cos θ0 )+ιωt + Ai eιki (x1 sin θi +x3 cos θi )+ιωt )
T = (20)

B0i eιk0 (x1 sin θ0 −x3 cos θ0 )+ιωt + Bi eιkj (x1 sin θj +x3 cos θj )+ιωt
ψ= (21)

fi (B0i eιk0 (x1 sin θ0 −x3 cos θ0 )+ιωt + Bi eιkj (x1 sin θj +x3 cos θj )+ιωt )
φ2 = (22)

[ω 2 − (1 + ιτ1 n1 ω)κ2i ] a5 kj2 + a7 − ω 2

di = , fi = (i = 1, 2), (j = 3, 4)
(1 + ιτ1 n2 ω)a4 a6 kj2

A0i (i=1-2) represents amplitude of incident LD-wave, T-wave and B0i (i=1-2) are
the amplitude of incident CD-I wave and CD-II wave. Ai (i=1-2) corresponds to
amplitude of the reflected LD-wave and reflected T-wave. Bi (i=1-2) correspond
to the amplitude of the reflected CD-I wave and CD-II wave.
Snell’s Law is given by
sin θ0 sin θi
= , (23)
υ0 υi

κi υi = ω, at x3 = 0, (i = 1 − 4) (24)

 υ1 , incident LD − wave

 υ ,
2 incident T − wave
υ0 =

 υ3, incident CD − I − wave

υ4 , incident CD − II − wave
Assuming the phase of the reflected waves and using equation (23)-(24), we can
easily write
 !2 1
cos θj υ0 2
= − sin θ0  . (25)
υj υj

As given by Schoenberg [13], we can write

cos θj cos θj cj
= 0 +ι (j = 1 − 4),
υj υj 2πυ0

!2 1   !2 1
2 2
cos θj

1  υ0 2
 υ0
0 = Re  − sin θ 0  , cj = 2πIm  − sin2 θ0  ,
υj υ0   υj 
 υj
0 0
where υj and θj denote the real phase speed and the angle of reflection respectively
and cj represents the attenuation in a depth and it is assumed to be equal to the
wavelength of incident wave i.e. (2πυ0 )/ω
0 0 # −1
i 1 2
υj sin θj 2
2 2 2
= sin θ0 + Re (υ0 υ4 ) − sin θ0 2 .
υ0 sin θ0

Invoking the boundary condition (18) along with equations (8), (15)-(17) and (19)-
(22), determine the system of equations as:
aij Rj = Yj , (i, j = 1 − 4),
2 2  2
υp υp υ0
2 2
a1p = − 1 + ιτ1 n1 ω a12 sin θ0 + a13 − sin θ0 κ2p − L1 ,
υ0 υ0 υp
2  2 1
υq υ0 υq
a1q = a13 −a12 1+ιτ1 n1 ω −sin θ0 sin θ0 κ2q fp +fp κq z1 ιω sin θ0 ,
υ0 υq υ0
2 2 1
υp υ0 υp
a2p = −κ2p 1+ιτ1 n1 ω a9 +a10 sin θ0 −sin θ0 2
+z2 κp ιω sin θ0 ,
υ0 υp υ0
2  2 2
υq υ0 υq
a2q = fp κ2q 1 + ιτ1 n1 ω a9 2
− sin θ0 − a10 2
sin θ0 − L2 ,
υ0 υq υ0
2 1
υq υ0

a3p = a14 ικq − sin θ0 + ωz3 , a3q = 0,
υ0 υq
2 1
υp υ0
a4p = dp ικp − sin θ0 + ωz4 , a4q = 0, (p = 1, 2), (q = 3, 4)
υ0 υp
2 1
L1 = 1 + ιτ1 n2 ω dp − κp z1 ιω − sin2 θ0 ,
2 1
υq υ0
L2 = a11 1 + ιτ1 n1 ω − fp κq z2 ιω − sin2 θ0 .
υ0 υq
A1 A2 B1 B2
R1 = ∗ , R2 = , R3 = , R4 = ,
B B∗ B∗ B∗

For incident LD-wave B ∗ = A01

Y1 = −a11 , Y2 = a21 , Y3 = a31 , Y4 = a41 ,

For incident T-wave B ∗ = A02

Y1 = −a12 , Y2 = a22 , Y3 = a32 , Y4 = a42 ,

For incident CD I-wave B ∗ = B01

Y1 = a13 , Y2 = −a23 , Y3 = a33 , Y4 = a43 ,

For incident CD II-wave B ∗ = B02

Y1 = a14 , Y2 = −a24 , Y3 = a34 , Y4 = a44 ,

where R1 , R2 , R3 and R4 are amplitude ratio’s of reflected LD wave, T wave, CD-I

wave and CD-II wave making an angle θ1 , θ2 , θ3 and θ4 as shown in fig. 1.

5 Particular cases
(i) If z2 = z3 = z4 = 0 in (26), we obtained the amplitude ratio for Micropo-
lar thermoelastic Modified Green-Linday (MMGL) model with Normal impedance

(ii) The results are deduced for Micropolar thermoelastic Modified Green-Linday
(MMGL) model with Tangential impedance parameter by taking z1 = z3 = z4 = 0
in (26).

(iii) If z1 = z2 = z4 = 0 in (26) then corresponding expression for amplitude

ratio are obtained for Micropolar thermoelastic Modified Green-Linday (MMGL)
with Tangential Coupled Stress impedance parameter.

(iv) Considering z1 = z2 = z3 = 0 in (26), determine the amplitude ratio for

Micropolar thermoelastic Modified Green-Linday (MMGL) model with Thermal
Conductnceness impedance parameter.

(v) Removing impedance parameters i.e. z1 = z2 = z3 = z4 = 0 in (26), we

obtained resulting expression for half space of Micropolar thermoelastic Modified
Green-Linday (MMGL) model.

6 Numerical result and discussion
The following are the material constants of aluminum-epoxy composite at T0 =
0.296K given by Gauthier [14],

λ = 7.59 × 1011 dyne cm−2 , µ = 1.89 × 1011 dyne cm−2 , j = 0.00196 cm2 ,

Ce = 2.361 cal g −1 o C −1 , κ = 0.0149 × 1011 dyne cm−2 , ρ = 2.7 × 103 g cm−3 ,

ω = 5Hz, K ∗ = 0.492 cal s−1 cm−1 o C −1 , τ0 = 0.02s, τ1 = 0.04s.
A comparison of values of the amplitude ratios of different reflected waves against
the angle of incidence θo are represented graphically for micropolar thermoelas-
tic for MGL model, G-L model and L-S model with the impedance parameter
i.e. z1 = 1, z2 = 5, z3 = 2, z4 = 5 and without impedance parameter i.e.
z1 = z2 = z3 = z4 = 0. The computation for micropolar thermoelastic for
MGL model with impedance parameter (IMGL) is represented by a solid line
and without impedance parameter (NIMGL) is represented by a solid line with
center symbols ’diamond’ respectively. For G-L model with impedance parame-
ter (IGL) is represented by a big dashed line and without impedance parameter
(NIGL) is represented by a big dashed line with center symbols ’circle’. For L-S
model with impedance parameter (ILS) is represented by a small dashed line and
without impedance parameter (NILS) is represented by a small dashed line with
center symbols ’triangle’ respectively.

6.1 Longitudinal Displacement-Wave

Fig.2 depicts the variations of |R1 | with angle of incidence θ0 . It is noticed that
the value of |R1 | for ILS increases in entire range and the value of |R1 | is in de-
creasing trend for NILS, which reveals the importance of impedance parameter
but behaviour of amplitude ratio for MGL model and G-L model i.e. for NIMGL,
IMGL, NIGL and IGL follows an oscillatory behaviour.
From fig.3, it is noticed that the value of amplitude ratio |R2 | is in decreasing trend
in the whole interval for IMGL, NIMGL, IGL, NIGL,ILS and NILS but magni-
tude of amplitude ratio |R2 | for NIMGL and NILS is greater than IMGL and ILS,
whereas vice versa trend is observed in case of GL theory i.e. values are greater
for the case of IGL as compared with those obtained for NIGL, which depicts
the importance of impedance parameter in case of G-L model over the other two
models i.e. MG-L model and L-S model.
It is depicted from fig.4 which is a plot of |R3 | with θ0 that the magnitude of am-
plitude ratio |R3 | for IMGL, IGL and ILS is more as compared to NIMGL, NIGL
and NILS in entire range, which is due to presence of impendance parameter and

with increase in θ0 the values tends towards origin.
The variations of |R4 | with angle of incidence θ0 are presented in fig. 5. The
impedance parameters play important role in reflection on amplitude ratio as the
value of |R4 | for IMGL, IGL and ILS follows oscillating behaviour where as the
value of |R4 | for NIMGL, NIGL and NILS shows decreasing trend in entire interval.

6.2 Thermal-Wave

Fig. 6 depicts the variations of |R1 | with θ0 . It is noticed that the value of
|R1 | for ILS is more when compare with IMGL and IGL, the value of |R1 | for
NILS is higher when compare with NIMGL and NIGL which shows the impact of
L-S model on amplitude ratios.

Fig. 7 depicts the variation of amplitude ratio |R2 | with θo . The effect of MGL
model over GL model is noticed as the magnitude of amplitude ratio |R2 | for MGL
model in both the cases (i.e. for IMGL and NIMGL) is more than G-L model i.e.
for IGL and NIGL.

From fig. 8 the impact of GL model on amplitude ratio is observed in which

magnitude of amplitude ratio |R3 | for GL model in both the cases with impedance
parameter (IGL) and without impedance parameter (NIGL) is more as compared
to other two models i.e. MGL model (IMGL and NIMGL) and L-S model (ILS
and NILS) in the entire interval.

The trend of variations for |R4 | with θ0 is presented in fig. 9. The value of
amplitude ratio |R4 | with θ0 for NIMGL, NIGL and NILS follows decreasing trend
after θo = 24o where as the value of |R4 | for IMGL, IGL and ILS follows upword
trend but magnitude of amplitude ratio |R4 | for NIMGL , NIGL and NILS is more
as compared to IMGL, IGL and ILS respectively.

6.3 CD I-Wave

The variations of |R1 | with θ0 are depicted in fig. 10. It is noticed that the
value of |R1 | for all there models with or without impedance parameter i.e. for
IMGL, IGL, ILS, NIMGL and NIGL increases in the first half of the interval
and vice-versa in remaing range but magnitude of |R1 | is more for the NIMGL
as compared to IMGL which depicts the importance of impedance parameter on
amplitude ratio.

The impact of MGL model on amplitude ratio |R2 | is clearly notable from fig.

11 in which magnitude of |R2 | for NIMGL is higher as compared to other two
models i.e. G-L model (NIGL and IGL) and L-S model (NILS and ILS).

The effect of impedance parameters is observed on amplitude ratio |R3 | from fig.
12, in which the value of |R3 | for IMGL follows upword trend but NIMGL follow
oscillating behaviour whereas the value of |R3 | for NIGL, NILS, IGL and ILS de-
picts mirror image in the entire interval.

The trend of variations for |R4 | is noticed in fig. 13. It is observed that the
trend of |R4 | for NIMGL, MIGL, NILS,IMGL,IGL and ILS have similar behaviour
in entire range.

6.4 CD II-Wave

From fig 14 it is observed that the value of |R1 | for NIMGL, NIGL and NILS
follows rising trend in first half of interval and vice-versa in rest of the interval
whereas the value of |R1 | for IMGL, IGL and ILS is in increasing trend but mag-
nitude of |R1 | for NIGL is highest than IMGL, IGL, ILS, NIMGL, NILS which
depicts the effect of G-L theory on amplitude ratio of |R1 |.

The variations of |R2 | with θ0 are noticed in fig. 15. It is observed that the value
of |R2 | is in increasing trend for NIMGL, NIGL and NILS when 0 ≤ θo ≤ 45o and
in decreasing trend in rest of the interval but for IMGL, IGL and ILS the value
of |R2 | is in increasing trend which shows the impact of impedance parameter on
amplitude ratio.

Fig. 16 depicts the variations of |R3 | with θ0 . It is observed that the value of
|R3 | for LS model for both the cases with impedance and without impedance pa-
rameter i.e. ILS and NILS is more as compared to IGL, NIGL, IMGL and NIMGL
which depicts the impact of LS theory on amplitude ratios.

The impact of LS theory and impedance parameter is observed from fig. 17 on

amplitude ratio |R4 | in which the value of |R4 | is in increasing trend for ILS, IGL,
IMGL, NILS, NIGL and NIMGL in whole interval but magnitude of |R4 | for ILS
is higher than NILS, NIGL, NIMGL, IMGL and IGL.

7 Conclusion
In this investigation, the amplitude ratios of various reflected waves are calculated
by considering Modified Green-Lindsay (MGL) model in micropolar thermoelas-
tic medium with impedance parameters are calculated numerically and compared
graphically against the angle of incidence θ0 . Following results have been obtained:

(i) The value of amplitude ratios |R3 | and |R4 | for LD-wave under G-L model
with impedance parameters is higher as compared with other two models.

(ii) The magnitude of amplitude ratios |R3 | and |R4 | in case of G-L model for
T-wave is more as compared with other two models.

(iii)It is seen that for CD I wave the value of amplitude ratios |R1 |, |R2 |, |R3 |
and |R4 | under MGL model follow oscillating behaviour in the entire range of in-

(iv) It has been observed that the value of amplitude ratios |R1 |, |R2 |, |R3 | and |R4 |
for CD II wave in case of L-S model with impedance parameters is in upward trend.

It is noticed that impedance parameters also play an important role on ampli-

tude ratios which has significant effect during the earthquakes and these results
are also helpful for those who are working in the field of Geoscience.

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10 12

Amplitude ratio IR2l

Amplitude ratio IR1l





0 0

0 18 36 54 72 90 0 18 36 54 72 90
Angle of incidence Angle of incidence

Fig.2 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R1| for LD wave Fig.3 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R2| for LD wave



4 18
Amplitude ratio IR3l

Amplitude ratio IR4l




0 0

0 18 36 54 72 90 0 18 36 54 72 90
Angle of incidence Angle of incidence

Fig.4 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R3| for LD wave Fig.5 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R4| for LD wave

Amplitude ratioIR2I
Amplitude ratio IR1I


2 3

0 0

0 18 36 54 72 90 0 18 36 54 72 90
Angle of incidence Angle of incidence

Fig.6 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R1| for T wave Fig.7 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R2| for T wave

2.5 16 IMGL
Amplitude ratio IR4I
Amplitude ratio IR3I



0 0

0 18 36 54 72 90 0 18 36 54 72 90
Angle of incidence Angle of incidence

Fig.8 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R3| for T wave Fig.9 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R4| for T wave
2.5 ILS

6 2

Amplitude ratio IR2I

Amplitude ratio IR1I

3 1

ILS 0.5

0 0

0 18 36 54 72 90 0 18 36 54 72 90
Angle of incidence Angle of incidence

Fig.10 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R1| for CD I wave Fig.11 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R2| for CD I wave

2.2 14

2 12
1.8 10 NIMGL
Amplitude ratio IR3I

Amplitude ratio IR4I

1.6 8

1.4 6

1.2 4

1 2

0.8 0

0 18 36 54 72 90 0 18 36 54 72 90
Angle of incidence Angle of incidence

Fig.12 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R3| for CD I wave Fig.13 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R4| for CD I wave

10 3

Amplitude ratio IR1I

Amplitude ratio IR2I

6 2

2 1


-2 0

0 18 36 54 72 90 0 18 36 54 72 90
Angle of incidence Angle of incidence

Fig.14 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R1| for CD II wave Fig.15 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R2| for CD II wave

12 14 NILS
Amplitude ratio IR3I

Amplitude ratio IR4I



0 4

0 18 36 54 72 90 0 18 36 54 72 90
Angle of incidence Angle of incidence

Fig. 16 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R3| for CD II wave Fig.17 Variation of Amplitude ratio |R4| for CD II wave

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