Observation and Assessment Service Learning PDF

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Union Christian College

City of San Fernando, La Union

School of Education, Arts, and Sciences

Name of Participant: Kian Andrew Garbo Age: 10

Grade: 5 School: SJSMES

Name of SL Implementer: Kerry Mae Mara Date of Assessment: 12/04/22

About the Participant: Describe the child. Family Background. Likes and dislikes. Interest
and hobbies

Participant’s Strengths in Reading: During the assessment, what were the good reading
skills that the child demonstrated?

Participant’s Weaknesses in Reading: During the assessment, what were the reading skills
the child needs to improve on? What were his common mistakes?

Reading Level Attained: Level ______

________________________________ _________________________________
Name and Signature of SL Implementer Name and Signature of Parent/Guardian
Reading Level Assessment
Literacy Level Scale Rating
Level 0- Nothing
Level 1- Letter
Level 2- Word
Level 3- Sentence
Level 4-Story
Level 5- Story + Comprehension
Level 6- Local Material + Comprehension
NRI-Needs Reading Intervention

Plan for Intervention:

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