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Business Requirement Document

Vlinkin Professionals

Business Requirements Definition

Chat Application
Business Requirement Document
Project Code: Group- 01
Project Name: Chat Application
Customer Name:
Technical Manager/ Email ID: Bimbitha /
Project Manager / Email ID: Akshay K Y /
Quality Co-ordinator / Email ID:
Customer Contact Information:

Revision History
Version Date of Description of Reason of Affected Approved By
(x.yy) Revision Change Change Sections
1.00 03- may- 2023

List of Reference Documents

Name Version No.
1. Requirement Gathering – Chat application 1.00

Table of Contents Content
Business Requirement Document

1. Purpose
2. Overview
3. Requirement overview
3.1 Functional Requirement.
3.2 Non- Functional Requirement.
4. Summary of Requirements

Communication is a mean for people to exchange messages. It has started since the beginning of
human creation. Distant communication began as early as 1800 century with the introduction of
television, telegraph and then telephony. Interestingly enough, telephone communication stands out
as the fastest growing technology, from fixed line to mobile wireless, from voice call to data
transfer. The emergence of computer network and telecommunication technologies bears the same
objective that is to allow people to communicate. All this while, much efforts has been drawn
towards consolidating the device into one and therefore indiscriminate the services. Chatting is a
method of using technology to bring people and ideas together despite of the geographical barriers.
The technology has been available for years but the acceptance it was quit recent. Our project is an
example of a chat server. It is made up of applications the client application which runs on the users
pc and server application which runs on any pc on the network. To start chatting our client should
get connected to server where they can do Group and private chatting.

This Requirements Document will provide the requirements for a Chat Application.
Both functional and non-requirements will be documented. Project Summary will be

Requirement Overview:

 Registration
Business Requirement Document

 Login / sign-in option

 Home page

 Contact

 Chat area

 Review

Functional Requirements:

Requirement ID Statement

RF01 This app must have privacy for user.

RF02 This app should have friends list.

RF03 User shall be able to add friends.

RF04 User shall be able to block or remove.

Non-Functional Requirement:

Non-requirement ID Statement

NRF01 Chat app should be secured from hackers.

NRF02 All data must be backed-up.

NRF03 Chat application will be ready to launch within 30days.

Summary of Requirements:

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