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RISAT-2, or Radar Imaging Satellite-2 was an Indian radar imaging reconnaissance satellite that was
part of India's RISAT programme. It was built by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and
successfully launched aboard a PSLV-CA launch vehicle at 01:15:00 UTC on 20 April 2009 from the
Second Launch Pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre.[3 ]

Names Radar Imaging Satel l ite-2

Mission type Radar imaging

(Reconnaissance and disaster management)

Operator Indian Air Force


C OSPAR ID 2009-019A [1]

SATC AT no. 34807

Website www.isro.g ov.in/Spacecraft/risat-2 (http://www.isr

o.g ov.in/Spacecraft/risat-2)

Mission duration 5 years (pl anned)

13  years, 4 months, 3 0 days (el apsed)

Spacecraft properties

Spacecraft RISAT-2

Bus OptSat-2000

Manufacturer ISRO (satel l ite)

IAI (SAR radar)

Launch mass 3 00 k g (660 l b)

Power 750 watts

Start of mission

Launch date 20 April 2009, 01:15:00 UTC [2]

Rocket PSLV-C A (PSLV-C 12)

Launch site Satish Dhawan, SLP

C ontractor Indian Space Research Organisation

Orbital parameters

Reference system Geocentric orbit[2]

Regime Sun-synchronous orbit

Altitude 548 k m (341 mi)

Incl ination 41.0°

Period 90.0 minutes

RISAT programme

The principal sensor of RISAT-2 was an X-band synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) from Israel Aerospace
Industries (IAI).[4] It is designed to monitor India's borders and as part of anti-infiltration and anti-
terrorist operations.[5] The satellite has a mass of 300 k g (660 lb).


Technical capabilities


ANUSAT satellite


See also


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Last ed ited 1 month ago by Oh sin

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