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Chemical Papers


Adsorption of fluoroquinolone by carbon nanotubes: a combined

experimental and density functional theory study
Zhiqian Chen1 · Ruiling Han2 · Changping Zhong1 

Received: 30 December 2019 / Accepted: 16 May 2020

© Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences 2020

There is growing concern regarding the widespread use of fluoroquinolones (FQs) and their presence in the aqueous envi-
ronment due to the rapid antibiotic resistance. In this study, wet chemistry experiment and DFT calculation were employed
to investigate the adsorption of enrofloxacin (ENR), the most frequently used veterinary FQs, by carbon nanotubes (CNTs).
The result revealed that the surface oxidation of CNT greatly modified its surface chemistry and thus had significant effect
on ENR adsorption by the electrostatic and H-donor–acceptor interaction. Furthermore, the coexisted cations in environ-
ment could both react with ENR to form cation–dipole complex and react with CNT via cation–π interaction, leading to
an enhanced adsorption of ENR. These results highlight the important role of surface chemistry in the efficient removal of
antibiotics in waters.

Keywords  Fluoroquinolone · Carbon nanotubes · Adsorption · Cation · DFT calculations

Introduction the environmental behavior and risk assessment of ENR are

urgently required.
Due to inappropriate prescribing and poor regulation, over- Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have ever-increasing indus-
use of antibiotics has become a serious problem to human trial applications due to the unique chemical and electronic
and ecological health worldwide (Larson 2015; Reardon properties (Wang et al. 2019). The rapid development and
2014). Enrofloxacin (ENR), one of a broad spectrum of the increasing industrial applications of CNTs make them
fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics, has been extensively used inevitably enter into environments (Lowry et al. 2012; Yang
in veterinary pharmaceuticals. By arbitrary disposal and and Xing 2010). It is well established that hydrophobic inter-
excretion without metabolism, ENR has been frequently action is the dominant force that drives adsorption of hydro-
detected in rivers and insufficiently treated wastewaters at phobic organic chemicals (HOCs) from water to hydropho-
ng L−1 to low μg L−1 levels (Guo et al. 2019; Novo et al. bic CNT surfaces (Wang et al. 2010; Wu et al. 2012; Yang
2013). Continuously increased ENR concentration leads to and Xing 2010). For polyfunctional ionogenic compounds
a proliferation in aquatic environments of bacteria contain- (IOCs) (MacKay and Vasudevan 2012), such as various
ing genes for resistance to FQ and other antibiotics. Thus, antibiotics, however, the interaction mechanisms on CNT
surface are more complicated. Because the polyfunctional
groups of IOCs can be simultaneously involved in the sur-
face interactions by multiple mechanisms, including π bond-
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this ing interaction, hydrophobic effect, electrostatic interaction,
article (https​://​6-020-01204​-3) contains hydrogen bonding, and Lewis acid–base interaction (Zhao
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
et al. 2014). Furthermore, CNTs in the waters are easily
* Changping Zhong oxidized to obtain oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface. The surficial heterogeneity of the oxidized CNTs
results in a more complicated surface interaction.
Department of Pharmacy, Wuhan Hanyang Hospital, In addition, the role of metal cations present in envi-
Wuhan 430050, China
ronments on the adsorption has always been neglected.
Institute of Medicinal Chemistry, Wuhan University, Actually, due to the extended sp2 carbon network of CNT
Wuhan 430071, China

Chemical Papers

surfaces, metal cations can interact with the CNT surfaces to treatment as previously described (Cho et al. 2008). The
exhibit cation–π type of noncovalent interaction (Umadevi obtained oxidized CNT was denoted as O-MWCNT. All
et al. 2014). Cation–π interactions are the strongest nonco- CNTs were characterized for their surface element contents
valent interaction between cation and electron-rich π system, (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, AXIS Supra by Kratos
which has been recognized as a major force for molecular Analytical), zeta potential (Zetasizer Nano-ZS, Malvern
recognition, protein structure, enzyme–substrate interac- Instruments, UK), and specific surface area and pore volume
tion, and other biological processes (Carrazana-Garcia et al. (multipoint Brunauer–Emmett–Teller measurements, ASAP
2012; Mahadevi and Sastry 2013). Previous experiential and 2020, USA), as shown in Table 1.
theoretic studies mainly focused on the nature of cation–π
interaction itself while less attention was paid to under- Batch adsorption experiment
stand its potential environmental impact. It is reasonable to
hypothesize that metal cations can be attracted and enriched ENR (100 mg L−1) was dissolved in background solution
on CNT surfaces by cation–π interaction and in turn affects containing 0.02 M NaCl and 200 mg L−1 ­NaN3 as a stock
the adsorption of antibiotics. Considering the extended π solution. Adsorption isotherms and adsorption edge of ENR
conjugation structure of CNT surface, this affection should on MWCNTs and O-MWCNTs were conducted in this study.
be of substantial significance. In addition to cation–π inter- Adsorption isotherms were conducted by adding 0.8 mg of
action, cations can also interact via cation–dipole interac- MWCNTs or O-MWCNTs into a 22-mL Teflon-lined screw
tion with antibiotics which contains various polar substitu- cap vial, along with 20 mL background solution spiked with
ents (Watt et al. 2009), such as carboxyl, phenol, amino, the stock solution of ENR to eight different concentrations
and halogen substituents, or via cation–π interaction with (0–10 mg L−1). A parallel set of controls without CNTs was
antibiotics which contains aromatic moieties (Vasudevan set up as the initial concentration references. The pH of the
et al. 2013). Nevertheless, the roles of metal cations in the samples was adjusted to 3.0, 7.0, and 10 by NaOH or HCl
cation–CNT–antibiotic ternary system remain unclear. to investigate the adsorption of different ENR speciations.
The objective of this study, therefore, was to firstly inves- Then, all the samples and controls were mixed in the dark
tigate the adsorption mechanism of ENR on pristine and oxi- for 24 h at 25 ± 1 °C. After 24-h equilibration, the vials were
dized CNTs and then probe how the environmental cations centrifuged at 3500 g for 20 min, and the concentration of
impact ENR adsorption on CNTs. Both macroscopic adsorp- sorbate in supernatant was analyzed by high-performance
tion experiments and quantum chemical calculations were liquid chromatography with a UV detector (Shimadzu LC
used to study the interaction mechanisms. The results should 20A). Each data point of the adsorption experiment was run
further our fundamental understanding of the interactions of in triplicate. For pH edge experiment, the initial concentra-
FQs with carbon-based materials in real aquatic systems. tion of ENR was fixed at 2 mg L−1. The aqueous/solid ratio
was 25,000:1 (w/w). The pH of suspension was adjusted in
the range 2.5–10 using HCl or NaOH.
Materials and methods
Data analysis
Characterization of CNT
Due to negligible mass losses (< 6%) as indicated in control
Multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs) were obtained from Nano- tests without sorbents, the amounts of adsorbed ENR were
tech Port Co., China. Prior to the sorption experiments, calculated by the mass difference. Adsorption isotherms
the carbon nanotubes were purified to remove amorphous were fitted to the Freundlich equation (qe = KF·Cne ), where
carbon and metal catalysts using thermal and NaClO treat- qe (mg g−1) and Ce (mg L−1) are equilibrium concentrations
ments. To obtain a high level of surface oxidation, a por- of ENR on the solid sorbent and in the solution, respectively,
­ NO3 oxidation
tion of purified CNTs were treated using a H and n is a dimensionless linearity parameter related to the

Table 1  Characteristics of CNTs Surface atom (%)a Absurf Vbmeso Vbmicro pHpzc


MWCNT 97.0 3.0 0 89 0.425 0.071 4.5

O-MWCNT 92.4 7.6 0 114 0.582 0.106 3.7
 Surface element content was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). bAsurf (surface area,
­m2 g−1), Vmeso (mesopore volume, ­cm3 g−1), and Vmicro (micropore volume, ­cm3 g−1) were calculated from
the adsorption–desorption isotherms of N
­ 2 at 77 K by multipoint BET, BJH, and DR methods, respectively

Chemical Papers

surface heterogeneity. The single-point adsorption coeffi- (ΔGcal), enthalpy(ΔH), and entropy (ΔS), were calculated
cient, Kd, was calculated at Ce = 0.05, 0.5, and 5 mg L−1 on by following equations (Zou et al. 2012):
the basis of the fitting result of Freundlich model.
Ea = Ecomplex −EENR −Ecation (1)
Computational details
ΔGcal = Gcomplex −GENR −Gcation (2)
In order to explicit the role of metal cations in the ENR
adsorption process on CNT, single-walled CNT (SWCNT) ΔH = Hcomplex −HENR −Hcation (3)
was constructed for the DFT calculations of the ENR–cation
and SWCNT–cation complexes. The selection of SWCNT
is based on the identical structure of the external surface of ΔS = (ΔH−ΔG)∕T (4)
SWCNT and MWCNT, which is the main area for the reac- where E stands for the sum of electronic and thermal ener-
tions of CNTs and organic compounds (Pan and Xing 2006). gies, H represents the sum of electronic and thermal enthal-
The (8, 0) zigzag SWCNT (length 1.36 nm, outer diam- pies, and G is the sum of electronic and thermal free ener-
eter 0.63 nm), composed of 96 carbon and 16 saturated gies for the optimized configurations; the subscript complex
hydrogen atoms, was built as the nanotube adsorbent model stands for the ENR–K+ interacting system.
using Nanotube Modeler program. The electronic proper-
ties and the adsorption nature of CNT depend on the chiral-
ity and curvature of the nanotube (Deb et al. 2018, Singh
et al. 2016). The previous study has proven that (8,0) zig- Results and discussion
zag SWCNT has the moderate chirality and curvature for
the adsorption of organic compounds and ions (Wang et al. Adsorption isotherms of ENR on CNTs
2017). All the structures were subjected to full geometry
optimizations without any constraints. ENR is an amphoteric molecule with two ionizable groups
SWCNT and SWCNT complex optimization was per- (Fig. 1a): one carboxylic acid group (­ pKa1 6.27) and one
formed by a two-layer ONIOM calculation at (M06-2X/6- tertiary aliphatic amine group located on the piperazine ring
31G(d): PM6) level of theory. Specifically, 24 C atoms of ­(pKa2 8.30) (Yan et al. 2012, 2013). Thus, the adsorption
SWCNT nearby the reaction sites and the metal cations were isotherms of ENR on MWCNTs and O-MWCNTs were con-
treated as high level using quantum mechanical method structed at pH 3, 7, and 10, where cationic, zwitterionic, and
(M06-2X/6-31G(d)), while the remaining fragment of the anionic ENR species were predominant in solution, respec-
C atoms of SWCNT, which were not directly involved in the tively (Fig. 1b).
cation–π interaction, was treated as low level using molecu- The isotherms were fitted very well to the Freundlich
lar mechanics method (PM6). model (r2adj > 0.95), and the fitting results are presented in
Single ENR molecule, cation, and ENR–cation complex Table 2. Since Kf values are dependent on n values and thus
were optimized at the M06-2X/6-31G(d, p) level of theory, cannot be directly compared, Kd values were used for a bet-
and the nature of stationary points were confirmed by fre- ter comparison. For each pH, the Freundlich n values have
quency calculations. All the single-point energy calculations insignificant difference between MWCNT and O-MWCNT,
were performed at M06-2X/6-311++g(d, p) level of theory. which was in consistent with the result of the previous
M06-2X functional used here has been considered to be study that MWCNTs contain a similarly heterogeneous and
very suitable for noncovalent interactions without increas- widely distributed set of adsorption site energies irrespec-
ing computational cost (Zhao and Truhlar 2008). To test tive of surface oxygen content (Cho et al. 2008). On the
the accuracy of the method, B3LYP functional with same contrary, diverse effects of MWCNT surface oxidation on
basis set was used for comparison. The interaction energies ENR adsorption capacity were observed. Compared to pris-
are corrected for basis set superposition error (BSSE) with tine MWCNT, the increased surface O-containing groups
the keyword “Counterpoise = N” for all fragments in the of O-MWCNT enhanced the adsorption of ENR at pH 3,
complex by the counterpoise method of Boys and Bernardi exhibited insignificant impact at pH 7, and inhibited the
(1970). The solvation effect was considered by using an adsorption at pH 10 (Kd values in Table 2).
integral equation formalism polarizable continuum model Increased O-containing functional groups on CNT sur-
(IEFPCM) to mimic the bulk solvent polarization effect of faces usually decreased the adsorption of organic pollut-
water (Cances et al. 1997). All calculations were performed ants (Cho et al. 2008; Li et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2013).
using Gaussian 09 (RevA.01) program. It is believed that the competition of water molecules with
The thermodynamic parameters of complexes, including organic pollutants on the oxidized sites of CNTs makes
adsorption energy (Ea), changes in the Gibbs free energy the CNT surface more hydrophilic and has less accessible

Chemical Papers

O-MWCNT possessed higher adsorption capacity than

MWCNT at pH 3. Increased adsorption of ciprofloxacin,
an analogue of ENR, was also observed on the acid-treated
CNTs (Carabineiro et al. 2011). They attributed this result to
the increase surface area of CNTs after oxidation. If it was
true, the effect of adsorption enhancement should always
exist at various pH conditions.
Considering the surface chemical property changes
caused by oxidation, we rationalized the diverse effects on
ENR adsorption capacity govern by electrostatic interactions
rather than hydrophobic effects or specific surface areas.
The ­pHpzc values (point of zero charge) of MWCNT and
O-MWCNT are around 4.5 and 3.7, respectively (Fig. 2).
At pH 3, O-MWCNT possessed lower positive zeta poten-
tial than MWCNT, which led to weaker repulsive electro-
static interactions between protonated ENR and positively
charged CNT surface. Therefore, adsorption capacity with
O-MWCNT (kd = 554.16 L g−1, ENR = 0.05 mg L−1) was
relatively higher than that with MWCNT (kd = 339.07 L g−1).
At pH 7, zwitterionic ENR was the predominant species in
solution (Fig. 1a). The presence of cationic and anionic func-
tional groups of ENR could lead to simultaneously attrac-
tive and repulsive electrostatic interactions with negative
charged surfaces, which mitigated the influence of surface
charges discrepancy. At pH 10, higher negative zeta potential
of O-MWCNT led to stronger repulsive electrostatic inter-
actions between deprotonated ENR and negatively charged
surface of O-MWCNT than that with MWCNT. Therefore,
adsorption capacity with O-MWCNT (kd = 38.40  L  g−1,
Fig. 1  pH-dependent speciation of ENR. The neutral nonionized
ENR = 0.05  mg  L−1) was relative lower than that with
species is spontaneously rearranged to the zwitterionic species (a), MWCNT (kd = 178.30 L g−1).
and adsorption isotherms of ENR on MWCNT (open symbols) and In addition to electrostatic interactions, H-donor–accep-
O-MWCNT (closed symbols) at different pHs. Curves represent the tor interaction may also be an important factor (Chen et al.
fitting of experimental data to the Freundlich model
2007). At acid condition (e.g., pH 3), O-containing func-
tional groups (e.g., –COOH) on O-MWCNT surfaces can
adsorption sites, both of which are responsible for the act as H-donor (Wu et  al. 2012), to form H bonds with
adsorption decrease (Wu et al. 2012). This reason, how- carbonyl group and/or fluorine on ENR, which act as
ever, cannot explain the result in present work that the H–acceptor, leading to enhanced ENR adsorption capacity

Table 2  Fitting parameters for CNTs pH Freundlich model Kcd

ENR adsorption to MWCNT
and O-MWCNT using Kbf n r2adj 0.05 0.5 5
Freundlich ­equationa
MWCNT 3.0 71.41 ± 4.98 0.48 ± 0.06 0.96 339.07 102.40 30.92
7.0 31.10 ± 1.08 0.19 ± 0.02 0.96 352.04 54.52 8.44
10.0 16.23 ± 0.69 0.20 ± 0.03 0.95 178.30 28.26 4.48
O-MWCNT 3.0 109.92 ± 3.98 0.46 ± 0.04 0.98 554.16 159.82 46.09
7.0 25.86 ± 1.67 0.28 ± 0.04 0.95 223.55 42.60 8.12
10.0 4.06 ± 0.153 0.25 ± 0.02 0.97 38.40 6.83 1.21
 Mean values ± standard errors and adjusted correlation coefficients (r2adj, determined using the numbers
of data points and fitting parameters) are presented for Freundlich equation parameters. bThe single-point
adsorption coefficients (Kd) are presented for equilibrium concentrations at Ce = 0.05, 0.5, and 5  mg·L−1.
[(mg g−1)/(mg L−1)n]. cL/g

Chemical Papers

pHpzc pKa1 pKa2

I=0.002 M
I=0.02 M
100 I=0.2 M

Kd (×10 L/Kg)




2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 2  Zeta potential values of MWCNTs (50 mg L−1) as a function pH
of solution pH. p­ Hpzc values of MWCNTs and O-MWCNTs are 4.5
and 3.7, respectively pHpzc pKa1 pKa2
b 200

of O-MWCNT. As pH increased (e.g., pH 7 or 10), the tran- I=0.002 M

I=0.02 M
sition from –COOH to –COO− on CNT surface occurred and
I=0.2 M
the H-donor–acceptor interaction diminished and vanished Kd (×10 L/Kg)
finally. 120

Effect of pH and ionic strength on ENR adsorption 80

Since the electrostatic interactions played an important role

in the ENR adsorption on CNTs, the effects of pH and ionic
strength on ENR adsorption were further investigated. Fig-
ure 3 displays the results of ENR adsorption pH edge experi- 0
2 4 6 8 10 12
ments on MWCNT and O-MWCNT, using 0.002 M, 0.02 M, pH
and 0.2 M NaCl as background electrolytes.
Solution pH strongly affected the ENR adsorption on Fig. 3  The ENR adsorption on MWCNT (a) and O-MWCNT (b) as
both CNTs. At pH < pHpzc, the surface of MWCNTs was affected by ionic strength and pH values in solution
positively charged due to the surface protonation (i.e.,
S−OH + H+ ↔ S−OH+2  ) and cationic ENR ­( ENR +) pre-
dominated the solution (Figs. 1a, 2). As mentioned above, leading to a higher adsorption at pH < pHpzc. Oppositely,
with the increasing pH, lower positive surface charge of when pH > pH pzc , deprotonated functional groups on
MWCNTs caused weaker electrostatic repulsion, leading the CNT deduced the H-bond formation with ENR and
to increased ENR adsorption. When ­pHpzc < pH < pKa1, the enhanced the formation of water clusters, which occupied
surface of MWCNTs turned to be negatively charged due part of effective adsorption sites and weakened the hydro-
to the surface deprotonation (i.e., S − OH ↔ S − O− + H+ ) phobicity of CNT surfaces, leading to a lower adsorption
and ­ENR+ still predominated the solution (Figs. 1a, 2). capacity.
The decreased adsorption with increased pH ruled out the The effects of ionic strength on ENR adsorption by
importance of electrostatic interaction in this pH range MWCNTs were also investigated (Fig. 3). For both MWCNT
because if it played a leading role, electrostatic attraction and O-MWCNT, ionic strength affected ENR adsorption in
between negative surface of MWCNTs and E ­ NR+ should the same trends that increasing ionic strength resulted in
further enhance the adsorption. By comparison of the ENR decreased adsorption at around ­pHpzc and had little effect at
adsorption on MWCNT and O-MWCNT, we believed that alkaline condition. The increased electrolyte ions could sig-
deprotonation of the functional groups of CNTs controls nificantly expand the thickness of electrical diffused double
the ENR adsorption. O-MWCNT contained higher con- layer surrounding the MWCNT particles, which prevented
tent of surface O-containing groups than MWCNT and MWCNT and ENR from approaching each other, leading
thus processed more active sites to form H-bond between to decreased adsorption (Yang et al. 2012). The adsorp-
undeprotonated surface O-containing groups and ENR, tion on O-MWCNT seemed more sensitive to the change in

Chemical Papers

ionic strength than that on MWCNT due to more functional In contrast, ­K+ at all four negative ends of ENR molecule
groups of O-MWCNT. was stable to form ­K+–dipole complexes (Fig. 4b–e, b’–e’).
In addition, slight increased adsorption with increasing This result is also supported by the frequency calculations
ionic strength on MWCNT at acidic condition was also that no imaginary frequency of these K ­ +–dipole complexes
observed, consistent to the results of the previous study was observed (Tables S1–4 in Supplementary Information
(Paul et al. 2012). The increased adsorption was attributed to (SI)).
the shielding of repulsive electrostatic interactions between In order to determine the nature of the noncovalent inter-
­E NR + and positive MWCNT surface by the increased action in the ENR–K+ complexes, the energy decomposi-
electrolytes. Unaffected adsorption on O-MWCNT with tion analysis was calculated based on the classical molecular
increasing ionic strength was probably due to the surface force field (EDA-FF) using the Multiwfn software (Lu and
complexation between ions and surface functional groups Chen 2012). As shown in Table S5, the results of EDA–FF
of O-MWCNT, which mitigated the shielding effect of the analysis were in agreement with our calculated interaction
increasing ionic strength. energies (Table 3) and confirmed that the electrostatic inter-
actions were dominant in the ENR–K+ complexes.
DFT study of the roles of cation in the ENR The interaction of ENR and cation can be illustrated by
adsorption on CNTs molecular electrostatic potential (MESP) of ENR, which is
calculated as shown in Fig. 5. The strong withdrawal of π
The presence of various cations in the environments has sig- electron density from the ring by fluorine leads to an asym-
nificant influence on the ENR behaviors because they can metric PES with a positive local minimum (0.24 kcal mol−1).
react with both ENR and CNTs. In order to determine the Thus, cation–π interaction can be hardly formed at this
involved interaction mechanism among ENR, cation, and position. This observation is consistent with Bania’s result
CNTs, DFT calculation was employed. that the presence of electron withdrawing groups on ben-
First, the ENR–cation interaction was investigated. Since zene such as –NO2 could destroy the formation of cation–π
ENR molecule has several polar substituent groups, such complex (Bania et al. 2014). Besides, two adjacent nega-
as carboxyl, fluorine, piperazinyl amine group, as well as tive ends of carbonyl and carboxyl group form the global
aromatic moiety, metal cation can either participate in dipole minimum of ENR molecule (− 64.12  kcal/mol). By the
interaction with the polar ends of ENR or in cation–π inter- force of strong negative potential, K ­ +–dipole complex is
action with the ENR π region, which is cation–quadrupole stable at the directions deviated from the negative ends of
interaction (Watt et al. 2009). To determine the predominant ­ + at
the local dipole moment axis (Figs. 4c’, 5). Similarly, K
interaction mode between ENR and cation, we selected K ­ + the end of fluorine substituent group also deviates the direc-
as model cation and considered five putative sites for intro- tion after optimization, by the combined forces of negative
ducing ­K+ in the vicinity of ENR molecule, including the fluorine (− 28.42 kcal/mol) and nitrogen lone pair electrons
π cloud domain and four negative ends of the local dipole (− 20.37 kcal/mol).
moment (Fig. 4). Calculation of the ENR–K+ interaction energies and other
The results of geometry optimization showed that no thermodynamic parameters is also shown in Table 3. All
potential energy surface (PES) minima were found for the ΔS, ΔH, and ΔG values were < 0, indicating that all the
cation–π complex with K ­ + starting over π cloud (Fig. 4a, a’). complexations were exothermic and spontaneous. For both

a b c d e


a’ b’ c’ d’ e’
2.815 Å
2.742 Å

2.916 Å
No PES minima 2.619 Å

Fig. 4  M06-2X/6-31G(d, p) optimization of ENR–K+ complex where first row shows five different starting geometries and the second row
­K+ starts at a π electronic domain; b fluorine group; c carbonyl shows the minima of ENR–K+ complexes found at M06-2X/6-31G(d,
group; d carboxyl group, and e piperazinyl amine group of ENR. The p) level (C: gray; H: white; O: red; Cl: cyan; N: blue; K: purple)

Chemical Papers

Table 3  Counterpoise corrected interaction energies (Einteraction), enthalpy (ΔH), changes in the Gibbs free energy, and entropy (ΔS) for B3LYP
and M06-2X methods
Position B3LYP/6-311 ++g(d,p)//B3LYP/6-31 g(d,p) M06-2X/6-311 ++g(d,p)//M06-2X/6-31 g(d,p)
Einteraction ΔH ΔG ΔS Einteraction ΔH ΔG ΔS
(kcal mol−1) (kcal mol−1) (kcal mol−1) (cal mol−1 K−1) (kcal mol−1) (kcal mol−1) (kcal mol−1) (cal mol−1·K−1)

Fluorine − 23.33 − 21.92 − 14.83 − 23.77 − 26.57 − 26.96 − 20.41 − 21.98

Carboxyl − 28.48 − 25.66 − 19.40 − 21.00 − 28.78 − 26.97 − 20.55 − 21.55
Amine − 15.34 − 14.61 − 8.18 − 21.56 − 16.97 − 17.66 − 11.59 − 20.36
Carbonyl − 44.71 − 43.24 − 35.86 − 24.75 − 47.19 − 46.24 − 39.01 − 24.25

Fig. 5  Molecular electrostatic potential (MESP) of ENR with the

isosurface of ρ = 0.001 a.u. The red and cyan dot represents the local
maximum and minimum, respectively

B3LYP and M06-2X methods, the value of all ­K+–dipole

interaction energies was negative, which indicated the
formation of a stable ­K+–dipole complex. The decreas-
ing order of complexation energy at various positions fol-
lowed the order carbonyl group > carboxyl group > fluorine
group > piperazinyl amine group. This order was in agree-
ment with increased order of distances between K ­ + and
the negative ends of the local dipole moment. Usually, the Fig. 6  The frontal (a) and lateral (b) diagrams of SWCNT complex
interaction energy of a complex < − 5 kcal/mol indicates a optimization performed by a two-layer ONIOM calculation
physical adsorption and interaction energy > − 12 kcal/mol
a chemical adsorption (Umadevi and Sastry 2011). Based on
this rule, it could be confirmed that cation–dipole noncova- of theory, in which 24 C atoms nearby the reaction sites
lent interaction at these four sites indeed existed, especially and the metal cations were treated as high level for DFT
at positions of carbonyl and carboxyl group. Considering the calculation and other atoms were treated as low level for
interaction energy of K­ +–H2O complex is only − 18 kcal/mol molecular mechanics calculation (Fig. 6). Five cation spe-
(Watt et al. 2009), we could deduce that ENR–K+ complex ­ +, ­Mg2+, ­Ca2+, ­Cu2+, and Z
cies, namely K ­ n2+, were put in
is strong enough for ENR to replace waters from ­K+–H2O the same position as the initial position for the geometry
complex in aqueous medium. optimization. Then, the cation–π interactions were inves-
Then, the cation–CNT interaction was investigated. tigated in gas, water, n-hexane, and cyclohexane solvents
Because the SWCNT has too many C atoms, the precise (Fig. 7). The result showed the strong cation–π interac-
calculations will cost too much resource. Thus, SWCNT and tion between the cation and SWCNT in gas. The decreas-
SWCNT complex optimization was performed by a two- ing order of the interaction energy followed the order
layer ONIOM calculation at (M06-2X/6-31G(d): PM6) level ­Mg2+ > Zn2+ > Cu2+ > Ca2+ > K+ (Fig. 7a), which was in line

Chemical Papers

Fig. 8  The dual roles of cations in the interactions in ENR–cation–

CNT ternary system

the increased surface O-containing groups of CNT could

enhance ENR adsorption at acidic condition, exhibit insig-
nificant impact at neutral condition, and inhibit ENR adsorp-
tion at alkaline condition. This diverse effect was mainly due
to the electrostatic and H-donor–acceptor interaction. When
cations coexisted with CNT and ENR, cations played dual
roles in their interactions (Fig. 8). On the one hand, cation
could react with the carbonyl and carboxyl group of ENR
Fig. 7  ONIOM calculation of interactions of five cation species, molecule to form cation–dipole complex. On the other hand,
namely ­K+, ­Mg2+, ­Ca2+, ­Cu2+, and Z
­ n2+, with SWCNT in gas, water, cation could react with CNT via cation–π interaction. Thus,
n-hexane, cyclohexane solvents (a), and the adsorption experiment of in the ENR–cation–CNT ternary system, cation may act as
various cation species by SWCNT in n-hexane (b)
bridge to enhance the adsorption of ENR and the extent of
the enhancement depended on the species of the cation.
with the result of cation adsorption experiment by SWCNT
in n-hexane (Fig. 7b). Although the binding energy of a sin-
gle ­H2O molecule on the SWCNT was very low (− 0.69 to
− 2.08 kcal mol−1, depending on the orientation of water Conclusion
molecule to the SWCNT, Fig. S1), when bulk ­H2O mol-
ecules were concerned, due to the hydration effect, this inter- In this study, the adsorption of ENR by CNT and the role of
action energy decreased significantly, especially C ­ u2+ and cations were investigated by both experimental and theoreti-
­Zn that the cation–π interaction disappeared. It is reasona- cal study. The results of adsorption isotherm, pH edge, and
ble since water molecule with a dipole experiences a favora- ionic strength experiments demonstrated the surface oxida-
ble interaction with a cation which significantly impairs the tion of CNT had significant effect on ENR adsorption due to
cation–π interaction, leading to an extremely low calculated the electrostatic and H-donor–acceptor interaction between
interaction energy. Nevertheless, our DFT and adsorption ENR and CNT. The theoretical calculation study also con-
experiment study demonstrated the presence of the cation–π firmed that cations played dual roles in ENR–cation–CNT
interaction between the cation and SWCNT, the intensity of ternary system that react with ENR molecule to form cat-
which depended on the species of the cation. ion–dipole complex and react with CNT via cation–π inter-
On the basis of the above experimental and theoretical action. The results of this study gained insights into the role
results, the interaction mechanisms in ENR–cation–CNT of cation in adsorption of ENR by CNT on the molecular
ternary system are elucidated. The surface oxidation of CNT scale and provided theoretical support for efficient removal
has diverse effects on ENR adsorption capacity. Specifically, of antibiotics in waters.

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