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translation, 3 vols.

, 1887-1888); Introduction a l'etude de

Persian fleet in vain endeavoured to relieve it, and Miletus

was the first of the journalist type of authors, a social

as first, second and third, one of which Bills being accomplished, the

Ulric, consul- general of Denmark, and wife of the British

The calculation of the areas of African drainage systems,

coasts. On this account South Africa has a general resemblance

Stephanokontae are withdrawn become Isokontae. Conjugatae,

Panama in a scheme for the conquest of Peru (see PERU:

person, limited by custom to the case where a woman is the

four years of it, during which the chronicles are almost

acid-chlorides being formed which are readily decomposed

coustre or coutre, an old word meaning one who has

Massawa taken over by them from Egypt in the following month.

contractions of the Greek MSS. these have now with one consent

census, 41,950. Albay is one of the most important cities

has not advanced beyond the stage of an unbranched filament.

from a considerable section of the upper waters of the

to Canada of the amplest rights of self-government.

the strongest language in regard to the intolerable burden

victory, he had consigned 18,000 persons to the executioner.

attempted unsuccessfully to trek into the country, and Portugal

opinion. But its importance and recognition--especially

Larf, Vestergotland, in 1750. He was appointed teacher

4. B anan A

Animals, especially the higher forms, are much less sensitive

(1879); J. A. Chabrand and A. de Rochas d'Aiglun, Patois des

(Eustratius, 12th century) quotes from one Heraclides

TABLE XXX.--Number of Persons of Ten Years of Age and over in

Books of the Old Testament), p. 182.

for recommending him to public employment. Though the Whigs

execution, but her honour was miraculously preserved. When

and was with Moore in Sweden and Spain, as well as in the

Thrushes have not been widely introduced, but the song-thrush

1882 45 1 31 2 21 10

form, so to speak, a new code of the law of nations, which,

the other by Bering Sea; or that Malayoid wanderers were

See Andrew of Wyntoun, The Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland,

at proof'' is given by the formula:-- quantity of sample

the mode of formation, there can be little doubt that this

lost the foramen, or perforation, at the lower end, and the

lyddite shell is made solid to prevent the possibility of the

Prof. Sanday (``Eucharist'' in Hastings' Dictionary of

Of his works the chief are two collections of his poetry and

Languedoc (12401242), and others emanating from the people of

this highest zone are Androsace helvetica, A. glacialis,

assembly, surrounded by his armed suite, and it was lawful

be not used, there be as many newe occupations that were not

sciences of embryology or ontogeny, phylogeny and histology.

advantages it thus enjoyed were artificially increased to

important works was the Elements de Philosophie published in

certainly suggests that it is. Aesthetics, too, began its

to analyse all articles of food and drink (see ADULTERATION).

Spaniards, with monstrous fatuity, refused to make use of

often affects the water of the karez or subterranean canals.

penetrated into the Mazarine Palace. It is not so often

Baltic. Briefly, it was Absalon's intention to Clear the

one to every 1100 inhabitants. The ``obligatory referendum''

here. The imperial villa occupied the site of the present

the 28th with an agreement for freedom of trade and freedom

England, and principally by the Stationers' Company, are

altogether from episcopal control, and making them responsible

Bethune, all of whom bore the title of earls of Albemarle.

as a real ethnicon; the name of the tribe is always Aeqai,

in words but weighty in matter,'' and valuable for the

woman must be actually pregnant. In most states not only is

The word has also been used in the same legal sense as

substances; this is philologically illustrated by the words

Bombay government, the sultan undertook to make compensation

from the central district, the Viossa the central from the

may not lightly be disturbed. For the most part, both law and

residence. It is not till the final break up of the Carolingian

Geant,'' which was the largest gas-balloon made up to that

rule. In the cases of aluminium dissolved in tin and of

the formation of hypochlorite and chlorate should set

la mesure d'un arc du parallele moyen (2 vols., 1825-1827);

for the enforcement of the law and the maintenance of

Albert (the Bear) of Brandenburg . . . . . . . . . . 1169

Korosko. A branch railway, 138 m. long, from Abu Hamed

to his family and friends, united to a generosity, vigour and

of large towns in Abyssinia proper is due to the provinces

from 1831 until his death is, in some respects, the most

placed in command of the Saxon army, which had now become

sailed in October first to Cartagena in South America, and

it can be taken apart and transported over hills and sewed

``Theophilus'' and his circle; also an early tradition makes

of the usual red colour. In Polysiphonia they cover the

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