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Cashiering system

In our generation so many things are different. The advent of technology has changed the way we
live, work and spend leisure time. Computer was considered the lifeblood of society; people are
everywhere. And the advancement in discoveries, both in hardware and software, keep coming, day
in and day out. Technology changes and improves at a rapid pace and companies and institutions
need to cope with it. This is because as the latest knowledge of development in computer technology
grows people’s standard increase. people seek and crave for betterment and more efficient ways to
accomplish tedious task. At the present time, people behind large and small companies adopt modern
technology in order to survive and compete with markets demands. Also, through the use of this,
different transactions and processing systems have become computerized for greater ease and

An automated cashiering system is any system where an input is provided and a machine or
computer carries out a process that produces an output. A cashiering and student account system is
a combination of software and hardware that receives call detail and service usage information,
groups this information for specific accounts or customers, produces invoices, creates reports for
management, and records (posts) payments made to customer accounts.

Background of Study
Most institutions and establishments that researcher visit are using systems to easily cater the needs
of the customers or clients. It will also provide a better service to its clientele. The system will properly
accommodate the needs of the students and the parents in taking the statement of accounts. It will
provide an accurate, fast and smart statement of accounts to students that are up-dated for the
school administrator and the students. It will also provide students to view their own statement of
accounts. Cashiering and Student Account System has different features that would be a perfect aide
for the students, school administrators, cashiers and parents as well. It can process payments and
assessments of students. It can also view the remaining balance of students and can view the
previous and present income collected in every department or courses. Administrators can modify the
information of students and cashiers. Administrators can also monitor the user’s log, if who and what
time the user (cashiers or students) used the system. Administrators can also view the history of
payments and the remaining balance of students.

Statement of Objectives
General Objective

The main objectives of this study is to design and develop an Automated Cashiering system and
student account system in Madana Mohana Academy that will to make their recording fast, easy,
updatable and accurate. Likewise accounting data becomes efficient with minimal accounting errors,
to increase cashiering productivity.

Specific Objective

A user-friendly computer system that can perform the following task: Develop a system that can give
accurate records of the student financial records. Develop a system that can accept & calculate
payments and let the user choose any particular. Print bills for individual account.

Develop a system that generates accurate weekly, monthly, and yearly reports. Develop a system
that Let the user allow to add, delete, and edit information. Develop a system that can store data in
the database.

Develop a system that let the admin to create an account.

Significance of the study

Having an automated Cashiering system is not only significant for the institution but also for the
employees and students as well. It is significant for the institution for all of their transaction are
accelerated they can maximize the capability of their employees, they will have less expenses, and
having such system will boost their popularity. A system that accelerates transaction and automate
developing of the cashiering & SAS will benefit the employees for they don’t have to waste their time
recording, searching for records, writing reports, and all other manual staff therefore they can do their
job at their best. It is significant for the students because they don’t have to waste time just to pay
their bill and they don’t have to worry for their account because everything and all of their records are

Scope and limitation

Our project includes billing the students, accepts payments made, produces invoices, and creates
reports for management. Our project is only limited to that transaction therefore any other system like
enrollment and grading system is not included in this system. If you like to upgrade your system with
that following, it will be another contract.

Foreign Literature
According to some inventors; An automated cashier apparatus, comprising a console having first and
second compartments therein, said first and second compartments being separately and
independently accessible; data entry means for accepting purchase information from a customer and
data display means for displaying sale-related data to the customer; communication means for
transmitting said purchase information to a remote order fulfillment means, said data entry and
display means and communication means being mounted in said first compartment; means for
accepting credit card purchase information; coin and currency acceptance, storage and dispensation
means located in said second compartment, said second compartment comprising a tamper-resistant
safe structure; said data entry and display means, credit card acceptance means and coin and
currency acceptance and dispensation means being logically interconnected and controlled by
microprocessor means comprising a primary microprocessor located in said second compartment and
a secondary microprocessor located in said first compartment, said primary microprocessor adapted
to control coin and currency acceptance and dispensation and said secondary microprocessor
adapted to perform order acceptance and display functions.

Local Literature
The Liberty Christian School is a Christian coeducational day school, named after Pastor Celis. It was
established on November 28. The Liberty Christian manual enrollment and cashiering system was
developed in 1993 and it’s unable to meet the growing demands for their students. Hence, it needs a
re- engineering and introduce new modification for the system in accordance to the fast-changing
technology. The new well - enhanced automated system of Liberty Christian School Enrollment and
Cashiering System has begun this year during the second semester of 2007-2008. The new system
of Liberty Christian School has improved to the unsatisfactory performance of the old system. The
certain flow of our program is inputting the necessary information of the students and supply the
correct output of the enrollment, and the selected accounts of the students.

There are certain necessities that have been added in the system, like, a student could possibly be
accelerated or dropped out from class due to failed subjects of which the student could have made up
or summer classes within that year. Also, the students could promptly ask for an assessment of
his/her subjects together with his/her accounts. There are typical problems of the system that has
been established but because of this proposal the system is clarified and settled in some ways, such
as records of students are easily updated and information are being retrieved accurately, Advancing
Information Technology Research accounting data is efficient with minimal accounting errors. Also, it
enhances cashiering productivity.

Review of related Literature and studies

Cashiering and student account system has existed for a very long time, people has already been
having transactions every day in their lives. But as the advancement of technology take over the way
we live, people always seek to make things easier with the help of the machines or computer. That’s
why programmers try to make everything automated to make our work easier.

For developing this project we used the Systems development life cycle (SDLC). SDLC is a process
used by systems analyst to develop an information system. The SDLC aims to produce a high quality
system that meets or exceeds customer expectation, reaches completion within times and cost
estimates, works effectively and efficiently. SDLC can be described along spectrum of agile to
iterative to sequential. But for this project we use the sequential, which is the waterfall. We used the
waterfall as a guide follows its sequence of stages in which our output of each stage becomes our
input for the next. These stages start with as planning, analysis, design, implementation, and
maintenance. As we go on in this project we will follow this stages to derive in a successful system.

Our system analyst conduct series of research, visit the company, observe how their current system
works, and interview many employee involve in the system as many as possible. In this phase, we
aim to gather data, determined the problem, determine the cost, develop schedule, consider the need
of the client, set goals and objective that will serve as a guide throughout this project.

With the data gathered in the planning phase, we now use this data to make and information out of it.
We will then provide solution with the problem we discovered. Describe costs and benefits and submit
a preliminary plan with recommendation. We also try to communicate with the client and ask for their
recommendations and how they would like their system to become. With the complete information our
system analyst have gathered. She now discussed with the system designer and builders and
explains everything on how the system will work.

In this phase we now use the information and decision made in the analysis phase. Our designers job
to make our project to have great user interface. We will show you the final design in the later page.

This phase involved in installation, and testing the final system of course with the client’s approval.
We also conduct training for the users of the system.

This is the last phase in the waterfall method; the system is already running in this phase. This phase
is for some corrections and upgrades to expand the systems capacities. When this phase is over our
contract is done. But if the client request for additional function it will be an additional contract.

Requirement Analysis
Client/Customer Requirements

By applying Agile modeling in developing our Information system, we developers observes how their
current system work and conducted an initial interview. We then discuss on how we are going to
upgrade their current system with the clarification with the limitations that the system that we will be
making will only support student registration and accept some payment, then we are given some
requirements from the client on how their system should be upgraded; Secure Data storage

Password protected
User-friendly Graphical User-Interface
To be able to generate reports and transaction
Handles payment
Prints receipt

Performance Requirements

Functional requirements

Hardware Requirements

1.1.5 Software Requirements


2. Schedule of Activities

3. Logical Design
3.1 Entity-Relationship Diagram

3.2 Activity Diagram

3.3 Screenshots

3.4 Development
3.5 Testing
3.6 Deployment
3.7 Evaluation
3.8 Maintenance Plan
4. Result and Discussions
5. Conclusion And recommendation
6. Appendices


System Coding

Data Gathering Procedures and Output

In our Data gathering since we decide to use the waterfall method we follow its phases to gather
information. First, in our planning phase we search for a willing company to make their system
automated, there we found the institution called Madana Mohana Academy who wants their
cashiering system automated. To gather data we conduct a series of interview to the involved
employee, we also ask for the management for their ideal system. After the interview we observe how
their current system works. Upon observing we notice many problems and we got an idea on what
system we will develop. After the planning phase we move on to our analysis and so on. That’s how
we gather data and came up with an output.

Company background
Madana Mohana Academy is a private school own by Mr. George Bristol. It is a non-sectarian pro-life
institution which means it is a vegetarian school bringing meat inside the campus is strictly prohibited.
Its vision is to help the student to understanding their essence, position, and function as a human
being, and there mission is extract the student’s full potential. MMA is a Hindu practice school. It’s
been develop last 19forgoten which started as a preliminary school, but it’s been develop over the
year and now they have secondary level and looking forward to be a college. MMA is a private school
and has been supported by rich Hindus over the world. MMA is quite different from other school it’s
like a training center. It discipline the students and guide them how to live in this world without being
attach in it. Relationship with opposite sex are also prohibited.

Description of the System

Cashiering and student account system is the heart of their system it is because it is where payments
are made, confidential records are stored. Even though MMA has equipment and capable of having
an automated system they stick to manual system because they lack the knowledge on how to get
such system. They are used on having their financial system manually because they used to have
less used to have less student, but now with the increasing number of students many problems occur.
Billing and recording the payments of the students has been done manually, recording are put into a
columnar journal, they divide the whole book and give space for each student, and receipts has been
done manually by hand. As a result their employee consume all the time just by recording. As we
observe, they surely need to automate their system and see the difference for themselves.

Agile modeling Diagram

Problem Areas
As we observe how their system work we discover a lot of problems. With the increasing number of
student they encounter many problems especially to their accounting department. It has become a
problem to the institution, students, and employees. Having their system manually and records are
put in a book they can’t avoid data loss, time consuming because they have to scan for the whole
book just to find the particular student, prone to errors, require continuous monitoring to ensure that
each transaction is accounted for, and the cost to maintain manual systems it is considerably higher
due to the amount of manpower needed, Summarizing data and writing reports take lot of time, data
duplication: the same data gets repeated over and over since the employees find it hard to keep track
of the documents, information and transactions, lack of security: since data is stored in filing cabinets
it is freely available to anyone, common errors: when entering data customers might have accidentally
switched details and data since it is hand written, repetition of work: if there are any changes to be
made, the data will have to be entered again.

at times the worker would forget to make the changes or forget that they had already altered it and
might redo it again, its again time consuming, too much paper work: since everything and every
details is written down manually in paper there will be too much paper work!, space consuming: since
the data and paper is stored in filing cabinets it consumes too much place, as the amount of work
done on paper increases the filing cabinets too increases, slow retrieval of data: the information of
students and details are stored in different parts of the record book and so takes a long time to
retrieve the data. Those where the problems we discovered with just observing in a short period of

System Overview
A School cashiering and student account system is a combination of software and hardware that
receives call detail and service usage information, groups this information for specific accounts or
Students, produces invoices, creates reports for management, and records (posts) payments made to
customer accounts. It is also safe because it is encrypted with password therefore only admins are
the only one allowed to log in. The back end of the financial system periodically combines records
from the bill pool to create a single invoice that is sent to the students. The payments are posted
(recorded) in the system. This system is inexpensive to maintain and cost-effective to enhance.

Process Specification

Data flow Diagram


System Design/Specification

User of the system is required to Log-in before he/she can access the system for confidentiality.

This is the main window of the system. It compose with three main part which are the student list
window, the preview window and the buttons. The student list window literally list all the student which
shows the student current account. The preview window shows basic information of the student
selected in the student list window. The last part are the buttons, each buttons has its own function
and has its own window.

This windows will accept payments from the student. It will appear when the user selected a student
and click the pay button. This window will accept any payment. Each bill has its own code therefore
the student can choose what bill and how much they will pay, when the user click the pay button, a
receipt will be printed and the data is updated in the database.

This is the user account form it will appear if the add user account button a child button of the add
button. It is use to create user account that can be able to access the system.
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