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HST2122_171 Assessment 1 Evaluation Worksheet for Critiquing Research Study Report

HST2122 Assessment 1

Evaluation Worksheet for Critiquing Research Study Report

Instructions: Use this template to record your evaluation of the article that you have critiqued for Assessment 1. See separate instructions for detailed guidance on completing assessment.

NOTE: Hide or remove the rows in the summary table, and pages of the detailed critique, not relating to the article chosen for critique. Your summary table should reflect the score and overall
assessment given (and supported by evidence) for each component, in the detailed tables to follow. The current row width can be expanded as high as necessary to provide a complete base of

Critic’s Name
End-text citation of article critiqued:

Part A: Evaluating the Front Matter in a Research Report

Quality Criteria Quality Rating Identify Element Your Evidence and/or Reasoning
3 = Excellent
2 = Good
0 = Poor

1 = Fair

The Key Elements

1. The study’s authors and journal

are reputable.

2. The title reflects the content

and focus of the study.

Page | 1 Adapted from tables in HST2122 textbook Plano Clark and Creswell, 2015
3. The abstract concisely but
accurately summarises the
aim, methodology and main
findings of the report.

General Evaluation

4. The front matter accurately

reflects the content of the
report and allows an evaluation
of relevance.

Overall Quality Part A Total Part A My Overall Assessment of Part A =

0 – 6 = Low quality
7 – 9 = Adequate quality Score =
10 – 12 = High quality

*Quality Rating Options: 0 = Fail 1 = Poor 2= Good 3 = Excellent

Page | 2 Adapted from tables in HST2122 textbook Plano Clark and Creswell, 2015
HST2122_171 Assessment 1 Evaluation Worksheet for Critiquing Research Study Report

Part B: Evaluating the Statement of the Problem in a Research Report

Quality Rating

3 = Excellent
2 = Good
0 = Poor
Quality Criteria Identify Element Your Evidence and/or Reasoning

1 = Fair
The Key Elements

1. The topic is interesting.

2. There is a meaningful problem.

3. The importance of the problem

is justified.

4. There are deficiencies in the

knowledge about the problem.

5. There are audiences who can

benefit from the missing

General Evaluation

6. The passage clearly argues

that the study is warranted.

Page | 3 Adapted from tables in HST2122 textbook Plano Clark and Creswell, 2015
7. The passage is well written.

Overall Quality Part B Total Part A My Overall Assessment of Part B =

Score =
0 - 10 = Low quality
11 - 16 = Adequate quality
17 - 21 = High quality

*Quality Rating Options: 0 = Fail 1 = Poor 2= Good 3 = Excellent

Page | 4 Adapted from tables in HST2122 textbook Plano Clark and Creswell, 2015

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