08 Contents

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Subject Page
Preface : i-ii
Acknowledgement: i-iv
Abbreviations : v-vi
Scheme of Transliteration : vii
Introduction :
• A General Discussion on the Vedanga literatures : 1
• A discussion on Siksa : 3
• A discussion on Kalpa : 12
• A discussion on the Nirukta : 16
• A discussion on chanda : 18
• A discussion on jyotisa : 21
• A discussion on Vyakarana: 22
• Origin and expositions of Partisakhyas of the four Vedas : 26
• Importance and scope of the Vedas : 33
The phonetic and Morphological expositions
of Rigveda Pratisakhya with references of
samjna paribhasa and samhita patala : 44
• Treatment of vowels in the Pratisakhyas : 44
• Treatment of consonants in the Pratisakhyas : 47
• Treatment of Anusvara in the Pratisakhyas : 49
• Treatment of Samhita in the Rigveda Pratisakhya: 59
• Treatment of vivrtti in the Pratisakhya : 61
• Division of Sandhi: 63
• Treatment of svarasandhi and its varieties : 64
The phonetic and morphological expositions
of the sandhi patala of Rigveda Pratisakhya : 81
• Avasangama asthapita sandhi: 81
• Vasangama asthapita sandhi: 82
• Treatment of Visarjaniyas in the euphonic
combination in the Rigveda Pratisakhya : 89
• Treatment of Antah pata in the Pratisakhyas : 111
• Deviation of final n : 111
• Insertion of consonant sounds in the
euphonic combination of Vyanjanas : 124
• Elision or ommission of consonant sounds
in tlie euphonic combination of Vyanjanas : 128
• Conversion of a-kara into a a-kara : 130
• Some irregular combinations
registered in the Rigveda Pratisakhya : 132
Siksa Patala of Rigveda Pratisakhya : 139
• Defmation of Siksa : 13 9
• Origin of sounds : 140
• Sound production : 142
• Factors of sound : 142
• The consection of sprstatva, isatsprstatva, karana and prayatna : 14 5
• Treatment of Ranga : 152
• The concept of nasikya in the Pratisakhyas : 154
• Treatment of 1 and r in the Pratisakhyas : 156
• The nature of dipthongs found in the Rigveda Pratisakhya : 15 9
• Different classes of svaras : 163
• A discussion on avagraha : 169
Expositions of Rigveda Samhita on metre : 184
• The Gayatri metre and its varieties : 189
• Usnik metre and its varieties : 191
• Anustubh metre and its varieties : 193
• Brhati metre and its varieties : 195
• Pankti metre and its varieties : 197
• Tristubh metre and its varieties : 198
• Jagati metre and its varieties : 201
• A discussion on conjunct consonant sound : 215
• A discussion on prasna : 216
• The role of avasana in the metrical treatment: 217
• A discussion on pragatha : 218
• Conclusion as well as the major findings of the thesis : 237
Bibliography : 245
Primary References : 245
Secondary References : 245
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias : 252

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