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Unfair Recruitment Practices: An Examination of Discrimination in Recruitment and Selection


For this essay we will see the unfair practices that exist in the selection process of new
personnel for companies and how these have been denounced by the applicants for all the bad
practices we have identified 3 important points that are: Discrimination by sex, discrimination
by presence and discrimination based on size, build, and educational center.

Discrimination based on sex

Discrimination based on sex is something very common that happens in all jobs, even more so
in interviews, since many times companies only want women for secretarial jobs or minor jobs
and for men if there are jobs that require more effort. and get better pay. This discrimination
today is no longer so notable, since women are now entering the field of masonry, driving
heavy machinery, mining and fishing. But this is still not very well seen by companies and when
women apply for these positions, they mostly enter because of acquaintances or quotas, very
little on their own merit.

Discrimination by presence

Another of the requirements published or demanded in the personnel selection process is that
of "good presence". In order to discover what is required with such a requirement, the
intermediaries of the offices were asked and they pointed out that behind this request there
are hidden discriminatory attitudes associated with the physical appearance of the applicant
and especially his race. Employers understand by good appearance a person who presents the
following characteristics: well-groomed, white complexion, good image, good physical
condition, thin and finite

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