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Submitted towards partial fulfilment of the requirement of the degree of






M.B.A. 2ND 20421165



I might want to give extraordinary affirmation to Dr. DHEERAJ SHARMA (Assistant Professor of School
of Management Studies, Punjabi University Patiala) for his reliable help and inspiration. I am appreciative
of him for his specialized skill, counsel and fantastic direction. He gave his undertaking trustworthy basic
pursing, yet added numerous precedents and thoughts to improve it.
I might oblige to my other professors who gave on numerous occasions inspected choices of this
undertaking and gave important remarks. I might want to express my thankfulness towards my companions
for their consolation and backing all through the venture.
The last expression of much gratitude goes to every other person who made this task conceivable.
Your commitments have been generously valued.
Roll No- 20421165
MBA- 2nd

The project has been undertaken as a partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree of Masters
of business administration. The project was executing during the third and fourth semester under the
guidance of DR. DHEERAJ SHARMA Faculty of school of management studies.
Furthermore & declare that this project is my original work and the analysis and finding are for academic
purpose only. This project has not been presented in any seminar or submitted elsewhere for the award of
any degree.









Definition of Motivation: -
“Motivation refers to degree of readiness of an organism to pursue some designated goal and implies the
determination of the nature and locus of the forces, including the degree of readiness.”

(The Encyclopedia of Management)

Motivation is the word derived from the phrase ’purpose’ which means that needs, dreams, wants or drives
within the people. It is the procedure of stimulating people to moves to accomplish the goals. In the work
goal placing the mental components animating individuals' behavior may be –

Desire for work

 Success

 Recognition

 Job- satisfaction

 team –work

Perhaps the principle elements of the board are to make eagerness the various employees to behave in the
satisfactory of their capacities. Subsequently the process of a pioneer is to stir hobby in execution of people
of their positions. Motivation is the justification people' sports, needs, and needs. Inspiration is one of the
essential elements of HRM that's involved about the way towards beginning, motivating, coordinating,
and animating representatives to do the better career inside the association. The time period is for the
maximum part utilized for people be that as it can; hypothetically, it can likewise be applied to painting
the reasons for creature conduct too. Motivation initiates individuals for better career execution and high
profitability. It is the aftereffect of connection between humans, the paintings circumstance, and
profession traits. The result of such communique activates a goal coordinated behavior which fulfills the
authoritative need. It is an inward explicit that invigorates, enacts and coordinates person's behavior closer
to the accomplishment of authoritative destinations.

Motivation hence is to transport too or no longer to do something. More specially, motivation in easy
phrases can be understood as a fixed of forces or internal thoughts that reason human beings to act in sure
methods. It is an end result of interaction among internal and external conduct that get up enthusiasm and
persistence to pursue a certain path of movement. At the factor when people, be a part of an association,
they carry with them positive necessities that effect fingers on execution. An element of these necessities
is physiological; others are diagnosed with intellectual and social features. The latter is substantially
tougher to determine and fulfill, and that they differ rather beginning with one then onto the next. Maslow
has built up a chain of significance of necessities as follows: physiological, security, social, regard, and
self-consciousness needs. They companion with the weather to shape hands on needs which can be the
premise of suggestion. Also, thought is influenced by means of people' discernments, remembering their
sensations of price or decency for a situation.

Motivation is a bit via bit degree that prompts someone right into it. It is stated that a person who isn't
roused cannot make contributions top notch individual execution, regardless of how successful he is.
Essentially, the statistics verify that people with much less capacity yet with high notion can carry out
better inside the affiliation.

The three critical additives of motivation are requirements, drives, and objectives. Needs allude to a human
beings physical and mental prerequisite. On the off risk that such conditions are not met through the
authoritative cycle, they lead to drives. It implies unfulfilled need invigorates character to accomplish
something. The drive is at ultimate coordinated toward the fulfillment of some specific objectives. At the
point when an objective is executed, it reestablishes the mental and physiological equilibrium in the

Managers can encourage employees through strategies such as pay, advertising and praise. Employees
also can inspire themselves through seeking paintings wherein person dreams, want and desires can be
Types of motivation: -

These two types of motivation are called intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and are thoroughly described
as follow: -

A. Intrinsic motivation: -

Intrinsic motivation refers to the stimulation that drives adopting or changing behavior for private pride
or achievement. Such motivation drives a person to perform an pastime for inner motives which might be
individually fulfilling, instead of being encouraged extrinsically – this is, by the possibility of acquiring
some outside reward, inclusive of cash.

To positioned it some other way, intrinsic motivation is whilst the reward for accomplishing a movement
or finishing an assignment is the project itself. When someone needs to consume ice cream, for instance,
their incentive is typically to experience the flavor of the ice cream. It is a term that describes a person's
inner motivation.

The pleasure or leisure that one receives from finishing or even working on a task generates motivation.
Intrinsic motivation is inspired by a variety of factors.

B. Extrinsic motivation: -

It is something that is accomplished to or for human beings to inspire them it arises from elements outside
a man or woman, which include cash, grades, complaint or punishments. These rewards offer pride and
satisfaction that the project itself may not provide. An extrinsically motivated individual would possibly
work on a challenge even if they have got little hobby in it. This kind of motivation generally has an
immediate and effective effect, but it does now not generally tend to final for lengthy.

Extrinsic motivation alludes to conduct this is pushed by using outer prizes. These prizes can be
unmistakable, like coins or reviews, or immaterial, like commendation or reputation. In assessment to
inherent suggestion, which emerges from in the person, extraneous proposal is targeted sincerely round
outside remunerations.

Classical theories of motivation: -

These theories are based totally at the wishes of people. These theories try to give an explanation for why
the desires of people hold changing beyond regular time and therefore awareness at the unique elements
that encourage them. In general, those theories explain motivation as the product of internal drives that
encourage an character to transport in the direction of the pride of person wishes. Major content material
theories of motivation are:

 Maslow's hierarchy of needs

 McClelland's learned needs theory

 Alderfer's ERG theory

 Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory

1. Maslow’s hierarchy needs of theory: -

Abraham Maslow is properly renowned for providing the Hierarchy of Needs Theory in 1943. This
principle is a classical depiction of human motivation. This principle is primarily based on the belief that
there may be a hierarchy of 5 desires inside each character. The urgency of those needs varies. These five
needs are as follows-

1. Physiological needs- These are the basic needs of air, water, food, clothing and shelter. In other
words, physiological needs are the needs for basic amenities of life.
2. Safety needs- Safety needs include physical, environmental and emotional safety and protection.
For instance- Job security, financial security, protection from animals, family security, health
security, etc.
3. Social needs- Social needs consist of the want for romance, affection, care, belongingness, and
friendship. They mirror the person’s preference for love, affection and belonging. These needs can
be fulfilled by means of the agency trough sport teams, parties and celebrations. The managers can
assist to meet employees' social desires through displaying direct care and difficulty for personnel.
4. Esteem needs- Esteem needs are of two types: internal esteem needs (self- respect, confidence,
competence, achievement and freedom) and external esteem needs (recognition, power, status,
attention and admiration). Individuals need to attain a great popularity in a group or strive to boom
their fame inside the eyes of others are driven by means of those wishes. The business enterprise
can assist to satisfy personnel' esteem desires via showing employees that their work is favored
and diagnosed.
5. Self-actualization need- This include the urge to grow to be what you are able to becoming / what
you have the potential to come to be. It includes the want for increase and self-contentment. It also
includes choice for gaining greater understanding, social- provider, creativity and being aesthetic.
The self- actualization desires are by no means fully satiable. As an man or woman grows
psychologically, possibilities hold cropping up to hold developing.

According to Maslow, individuals are inspired through unsatisfied needs. As each of those desires is
extensively satisfied, it drives and forces the next want to emerge. Maslow grouped the five needs into
classes - Higher-order needs and Lower-order needs. Lower-order wishes protected physiological and
safety necessities. Externally, those decrease-order necessities are often met. The higher-order desires
have been defined as social, esteem, and self-actualization. These better-order needs are usually met
internally, this is, within a man or woman. As a result, we can deduce that during a boom, personnel'
decrease-order wishes are vital met. Maslow's hierarchy of Needs has been criticized because there may
be little proof that aid its strict hierarchy and the reality that people satisfy best one motivating want at a
time. The principle additionally fails to prove any clean relationship among wishes and behavior, and is
therefore not able to expect whilst a particular want can be manifested.

2. McClelland’s theory of needs

McClelland’s theory of needs is One such idea that explains this system of motivation with the aid of
breaking down what and how needs are and how they have to be approached. David McClelland was an
American Psychologist who developed his principle of needs or Achievement Theory of Motivation which
revolves round three critical elements, namely, Achievement, Power and Affiliation

This theory turned into hooked up inside the Nineteen Sixties, and in step with McClelland, all of us have
the sort of wishes and are guided by it, irrespective of our age, sex, ethnicity, or culture. This speculation
is likewise called Acquired Needs because McClelland proposed that an person's particular desires are
received and inspired over the years as a result of his lifestyles stories.

This Need principle, also referred to as Three Needs Theory, became recommended via Psychologist
David McClelland. This motivational theory states that an person's wishes for achievement, manage, and
association have a primary effect on their moves, which is important to bear in mind in a managerial sense.
Need for Achievement

According to the primary issue of McClelland’s principle, humans need to attain matters and want to be
known as accomplished names in their respective area. A footballer may need to be acknowledged for the
range of dreams scored while an author would possibly need to win primary awards for her books.
McClelland’s fulfillment motivation idea is applicable to individuals who are comfy running in a
hierarchical device that rewards performance-related achievements.

Need for Power

According to McClelland’s theory of motivation, a person has an internal preference to benefit manipulate
and authority over others. Unlike the achievement motive principle, someone with a want for energy aims
to influence and regulate the other character’s choice to in shape their very own wishes. McClelland’s
principle of needs indicates that seeing others accepting their ideas and perspectives boosts their own self-

Need for Affiliation

The want for affiliation is the 1/3 need in McClelland's idea of motivation. People who need to build social
relationships with a selected institution of human beings feel this need. As such, they have a tendency to
paintings in companies and cost the improvement of friendly, long-term relationships. They have a sturdy
preference to be preferred and accepted by way of others. People like this make extremely good

3. Alderfer's ERG theory

Clayton Paul Alderfer, an American psychologist, recommended this concept, believing that each want
has a monetary price and consequently may be divided into decrease-order and better-order needs. He also
discovered some overlap among physiological, safety, and social wishes, in addition to an unstated line
between social, confidence, and self-actualization desires. Alderfer's ERG idea, which is a simplified
model of Maslow's wishes, turned into born because of this.

Existence need

The needs related physiological and protection components of human beings that are a demand for survival
are included within the lifestyles wishes. As a end result, Maslow's physiological and safety needs are
grouped collectively due to the fact they may be equal in nature and have a comparable effect on an
person's actions.

Relatedness need

The relatedness needs that someone seeks to build relationships with the ones approximately whom he
cares are referred to as relatedness needs. These desires consist of Maslow's social desires as well as a
portion of self-belief wishes bobbing up from interpersonal relationships.

Growth need

Maslow's self-actualization wishes, in addition to a portion of self-assurance desires that are inner to the
individual, which includes a experience of being special, staff development, and so on, are included by
using the boom needs. Thus, boom needs are those who inspire a person to attain his complete capability
in the contemporary surroundings

4. Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory

A two-factor theory, also known as the motivator-hygiene theory, was introduced by Frederick Herzberg,
a behavioral scientist, in 1959. According to Herzberg, some work variables lead to happiness, while
others lead to disappointment. The opposite of "satisfaction" is "no satisfaction," and the opposite of
"dissatisfaction" is "no dissatisfaction," according to Herzberg.
Hygiene factors

Hygiene factors are the ones job elements that are vital for life of motivation at workplace. These do not
result in high quality delight for long-term. But if those elements are absent / if those elements are non-
existent at workplace, then they cause dissatisfaction. In other words, hygiene elements are those factors
which while ok/reasonable in a process, pacify the personnel and do no longer make them dissatisfied.
These factors are extrinsic to paintings. Hygiene elements also are referred to as as dissatisfies or
preservation factors as they may be required to keep away from dissatisfaction.

Motivational factors-

According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors cannot be regarded as motivators. The motivational factors
yield nice pleasure. These factors are inherent to paintings. These elements motivate the personnel for a
advanced performance. These elements are known as satisfiers. These are factors involved in appearing
the activity. Employees find those factors intrinsically profitable.

Rewards and Incentives:

“Reward is the benefits that arise from performing a task, rendering a service or discharging a
responsibility.” Pay is the hugest and propelling gain this is gotten in kind for playing out an undertaking
or administration. It is pay that inspires humans to exit additionally, search for work. Pay is also one in
all simplest a handful few distinct ways to set a generally nice ordinary really worth to the person's
paintings dedication. Pay can likewise be an exceptional demotivator, if workers aren't happy with the
prize package, it is going to be hard for the organization to enlist and keep terrific human beings.

Employees will enhance their conduct by using operating tougher or prioritizing their choices in the event
that they feel they will be rewarded with something valuable, in line with proponents of the expectancy
principle. As a end result, promotions are an fantastic manner to apprehend and praise commitment and
activities that the company desires to promote.

There are numerous matters to consider earlier than making choices about what sort of payment gadget is
maximum suitable for an organization. Managers must begin by asking what objectives they're in search
of to achieve. These are possibly to consist of the subsequent:

• To limit expenditure on wages and salaries over the long time.

• To entice and retain staff of the desired caliber, enjoy and qualifications.
• To motivate the team of workers a good way to maximize organizational overall
• To direct attempt and exuberance in precise directions and to encourage specific styles
of employee conduct.
• To underpin and facilitate the management of organizational exchange. There is not
any one bills machine which can acquire all of the above cited capabilities for all
personnel in an corporation. Managers are required to weigh up the blessings and
downsides of every price device and determine in which to put the emphasis on.

Total reward system:

A total compensation strategy is a commercial enterprise strategy that rewards workers for reaching
precise business desires with monetary, non-financial, and developmental rewards. Compensation and
rewards are mixed with possibilities for professional development within a inspired paintings weather in
this technique. Designing and implementing a complete rewards strategy requires a big-scale technique
that drives organizational exchange. Top government and management buy-in are essential for the
achievement of a complete rewards method. Your venture crew should be made up of choice-makers as
well as front-line personnel to make certain that your technique is properly-rounded and fits the wishes of
anyone on the desk. If you use in a union surroundings, it's miles essential to remember the fact that
collective bargaining may additionally affect the implementation of your approach. In the whole praise
machine, each tangible and intangible rewards are considered treasured. Tangible rewards get up from
transactions between the business enterprise and employee and include rewards which includes pay,
private bonuses and different blessings. Intangible rewards ought to do with gaining knowledge of,
improvement and paintings experience.

Developing a total rewards strategy is a four-step process consisting of:

Assessment: A venture group surveys your present benefits and remuneration framework and makes a
decision the adequacy of these frameworks in aiding your enterprise arrive at their targets. Exercises that
manifest throughout the appraisal duration of the interaction take into account reading your representatives
for his or her feelings and convictions with respect to their compensation, blessings and openings for
improvement and development just as reading your present techniques and practices. The fundamental
end result of the appraisal level is the undertaking institution evaluation document, which incorporates
your suggestions for the brand-new all-out remunerations framework.

Design: The senior management group identifies and analyzes numerous praise techniques to decide what
would paintings first-class in their place of business. It makes a decision what's going to be rewarded and
what rewards will be offered to personnel for the one’s achievements. In a complete rewards approach,
pay rewards for success of goals will no longer be the most effective consideration. HR strategists will
also decide additional benefits (bendy paintings agenda, extra time without work) or personal
improvement opportunities (education or promotional) that employees will obtain due to meeting the
installed corporation goals.

Execution: The HR department implements the new rewards gadget. It circulates substances that talk the
brand-new strategy to employees. Training also commences so that managers and choice-makers are able
to correctly degree the success and employees are capable of recognize what they want to obtain to receive
the rewards.
Evaluation: The effectiveness of the brand-new plan has to be measured and the effects communicated
to business enterprise selection-makers. Based in this, changes can be proposed to the strategy for future
Types of reward system for employees
Employee benefits are bonuses presented to employees based totally on their person fulfillment, crew
overall performance, or the business enterprise's ordinary performance. Commission prices, one-time
incentives, income increases, stock alternatives, and "swag" together with employer promotions, sporting
occasion passes, and extra day off are all possible perks.

Monetary Reward Systems

An annual or semi-annual incentive is the most common shape of monetary compensation scheme. These
mid-yr. and stop-of-yr. bonuses are top notch for motivating people to compete in terms of efficiency and
productivity. Cash awards, profit sharing schemes, and stock options are all sorts of economic incentives.
In many industries, economic incentives are sufficient to get maximum productiveness you’re of
personnel. This type of praise system works first-rate with personnel who are inspired by way of cold,
hard cash.

Non-Monetary Reward Systems

A non-monetary compensation scheme could be as simple as a certificate for "first-class performer" or

"employee of the month." This shape of incentive addresses an employee's psychological need to be
recounted for his or her efforts. Extra day without work, bendy work hours, place of work discounts (such
as a gymnasium club), and unfastened parking also are non-financial options to recollect.

Employee Assistance Programs

Employee assistance services support employees' physical and psychological wellbeing a good way to
help them create a higher work-life balance. Some employee plans offer reductions on fitness-related
company offerings, consisting of gymnasium memberships. Other employee help services assist workers
who are managing paintings-related pressures, family problems, or grief. Employee assist offerings are a
wonderful way to help your personnel. Employee assistance packages are a remarkable manner to assist
your team of workers participants with their domestic responsibilities so they may supply their first-class
overall performance at work.

Employee Recognition Programs

Employees who're rewarded for his or her achievements and accomplishments work more difficult and
have a greater optimistic mindset at work, in accordance to research. Employee appreciation can variety
from basic verbal encouragement to a formal award ceremony. Rewards may be issued daily, weekly, or
on the stop of the month, depending on the form of worker reputation. As with the other kinds of reward
systems, employee popularity blessings both the company and the worker by using supporting create a
extra efficient, wonderful paintings surroundings.

Types of Incentives:
Incentives refers to rewards given to employee in financial on non-financial form as a way to inspire them
to paintings extra correctly.

An worker is paid an incentive in monetary or non-monetary form on the premise of his man or woman
overall performance. Incentives range for people at exceptional position in an organizations hierarchy and
for distinct time durations and state of affairs.

Payment by Result - Employees are rewarded based totally on the quantity of goods or units they
manufacture or the time it takes to provide them, that's traditionally the maximum commonly used
compensation scheme. This scheme has been criticised as it has a tendency to favour amount of
manufacturing over high-quality, which may also result in decrease product or service pleasant. There is
a exceptional need to alter and examine the effectiveness of this scheme if it is to maintain the impact of

Skills-based pay- It is a pay-for-competencies-or-competences scheme in which employees are

compensated for the talents or talents they learn. This technique lets in workers to have a say of their
salaries through gaining knowledge of new skills that contribute to pay raises. Multitasking and versatility
are endorsed by using skill-based totally reimbursement, allowing the enterprise to adapt to consumer
wishes quicker and extra successfully.

Profit sharing- Employees are compensated with organisation stock or a part of the corporation's earnings
via this incentive-based totally rewards scheme. By linking pay to benefit, this scheme is said to increase
worker loyalty to their business, thereby deepening the diploma of mutual interest. Profit sharing also
fosters the concept that everybody is on the equal team, with the identical objectives.

Performance-related pay - It is based totally on the idea that if an employee is rewarded financially for
a task properly completed, they will carry out better. This scheme comes in exclusive flavors. The
advantage-based approach evaluates an employee's overall performance when it comes to previously
established dreams. In a purpose-based totally framework, the boss and employee seek advice from and
agree on a set of goals. In order for overall performance associated pay to paintings it should be based on
clear and measurable objectives which can be agreed through each the company and employee.

How to Increase Employee Motivation Using Rewards

1. Involve all employees in the development, implementation and revision of rewards programs

Involving all personnel (or representatives from distinctive positions) will inspire conversation among
employees and management approximately the rewards method. It may also ensure that both employees
and top management are onboard with the praise gadget.

2. Ensure that employees view the rewards as worth the effort

Including personnel in the praise application improvement procedure is vital to ensuring that they price
the rewards and notice them as well worth the effort. Managers ought to fee worker enter and pick out
rewards thus. Employees who see the rewards as worth the effort might be more stimulated to work tough
to attain them.

3. Make sure that employees understand how to earn the rewards

Managers need to genuinely delineate how employees can earn rewards. When personnel have a complete
knowledge of what is predicted of them, they'll be more capable of accomplishing overall performance
4. Make sure employees view the reward system as fair

When personnel view the reward machine as honest, they'll be more engaged in trying to gain the
reward. Rewards ought to be allotted consistently in keeping with pre-decided regulations. Never
engage in favoritism or reduce corners as this could have a detrimental impact on worker overall

5. Reward teamwork and cooperation

Team-based incentives have been determined to be extra effective at increasing overall performance than
individual incentives. If group-primarily based rewards are not already included inside the enterprise
approach, they ought to be. Additionally, the resources committed to group-primarily based rewards must
be large. This should have a widespread effect on cooperation, employee cohesiveness and the agency’s
bottom line.
In the literature review chapter, the regions of worker motivation, work pleasure, worker achievement,
and incentive gadget mechanisms and peculiarities are integrated within the literature review portion. A
review of the literature has established the importance of rewards in the motivation of employees. Rewards
systems have gradually evolved from being one dimensional financial reward to an integrated system that
encompasses all tangible and intangible aspects in the form of a total rewards system. Motivation is
influenced more by intangible rewards such as recognition. Total reward systems play an important role
in determining the level of motivation of employees.

Armstrong, (2002) study found that total rewards system is one of the recent developments in the field
on human resource management and this concept is defined as using all the gears available to the company
in order to magnetize, retain, encourage and gratify these employees and includes all forms of investments
made in things that lead to employee satisfaction and are valued by the employees.

Ballentine (2003) study examined that employee rewards are intended to appreciate outstanding job
results, offer input, make work easier to complete, inspire and enable workers to be more efficient, and
assist management in achieving their al (2006) also argues that there an effective reward
system can retain the high performers in the organization and reward is related to their productivity.

Deci and Ryan, (1985) studied that motivation is often termed to be a supposed construct that attempts
to explore the reasons behind what people do and it relates to the study of instigation, strength,
perseverance and worth of a goal directed behavior and motives are the requirements and desires that
stimulate people to achieve something (Brophy, 2004). The study of motivation revolves around the
concept of energy which relates to the power of needs and desires to generate an urge and direction which
helps give meaning to the behavior in relation to the external and internal stimuli

Egwuridi (1981) study found that using a sample of employees from high and low occupational ranks,
the researchers looked into motivation among Nigerian workers. The hypothesis that low-income workers
would be intrinsically motivated was not confirmed, nor was the assumption that higher-income workers
would value intrinsic job factors more than low-income workers. This clearly demonstrates how important
extrinsic work factors.

Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnelly (2000) studied that motivation is a term used to describe the forces
that work on or inside a person to cause them to initiate and guide action. We use the term to describe
variations in behavior intensity (more extreme behaviors as a result of higher levels of motivation) as well
as to suggest behavior direction.

Lawler, (1973) examined that the theories regarding employee motivation can be divided into four broad
approaches; paternalistic approach, scientific management, management through participation and
combination approach. The paternalistic approach argues that if the employer pampers and takes care of
the employee’s needs then the employees will be motivated to work hard while scientific management is
the opposite extreme and believes in the systematic soldiering of the employees. The third approach
believes that in order to get the employees motivated, it is best to get participation form them in
determining their rewards. The fourth approach is a combination all three previous approaches and advises
to develop reward systems that are able to achieve a balance of all three.

Jarvis, (1999) studied that why certain individuals are more motivated than others in achieving a task is
known as McClelland-Atkinson need achievement theory. According to this theory, the intrinsic
motivation of every individual is to succeed while the extrinsic motivation that works against this is the
motivation to avoid failure. Individuals in whom the motivation to achieve is higher that motivation to
avoid failure appear to be more motivated and passionate while achieving a task.

Jensen, McMullen and Stark, (2007) study found that a company’s commitment to a total rewards
system is a sign the company has recognized employees as its most important resource and that financial
or tangible rewards alone are necessary but not enough to motivate employees. Total rewards are a broad
concept and it has implications related to leadership, growth opportunities, and recognition and job
enablement. These systems have been developed in response to factors such as the constant war for
keeping employees and a diverse workforce with diverse needs.

Martin, (2010) examined that a total reward system is designed in such a way so that it departs from the
conventional reward procedures and incorporates other intangible factors such as its characteristic of being
holistic, takes on a contingency approach, integrates the rewards with the other functions and overall
objective of the company, is more employee oriented, offers a personalized or customized approach, is
distinctive and evolutionary so that it has the ability to adapt to the necessary changes.

Rynes, Gerhart and Minette,( 2004) studied that there exists a discrepancy between what employees say
and do regarding the importance of pay. Even though employees may rate pay as being of a very high
importance but in reality, it is not equally important for all employees and in certain situations, the
importance given to a good salary may also decline.

Vroom (1964) study found that employees are more productive when their pay is linked to their success
rather than based on personal bias or discrimination, but rather on an objective assessment of an
employee's worth. While several methods for assessing job performance have been developed, the method
chosen in most cases is dependent on the type of work. A total reward scheme is a compensation plan that
incorporates elements such as learning and growth, as well as aspects of the workplace, into the benefits
package. Both tangible and intangible incentives are valued in the overall incentive scheme.

Worldatwork, (2007) examined that a holistic approach towards reward system include enhancement of
recruitment and selection activity, reduction in the fixed portion of the rewards system, developing
employees, and increase in cooperation, inculcating creativity and innovation and reinforcement of good
Wood (1974) found that skilled and semi-skilled male and female paper workers to investigate the
relationship between different worker attitudes, job motivation, and efficiency. According to the findings,
highly active workers who were more intrinsically motivated by their work did not express satisfaction in
line with company performance evaluations. They were more intrinsically motivated than those who were
more extrinsically motivated.
Any collection of facts, records, or data for the development of understanding is called "studies."
Systematic research has to obey a hard and fast of steps and a strict preferred protocol. These laws are
usually similar, even though they can range barely relying on the sector of research.


The time period "research methodology" comes from the phrase "boost learner's dictionary,"
which defines studies as "a careful investigation or inquiry, in particular thru the quest for brand
spanking new information in any branch of know-how." For instance, a few authors outline
studies method as "a scientific try to achieve new know-how.” According to Clifford Woody
studies contains defining and redefining troubles, formulating hypothesis or cautioned solutions,
amassing, organizing and comparing statistics, making deduction and attaining conclusions and
then trying out of the conclusion to determine whether they fit the in the formulating speculation.



 Through interaction with respondents

This project is special in nature and therefore method used for sample technique in purposive sampling
method. The method used for sample technique was simple sampling method.


A sampling plan is a most important parameter that is widely used in the studies to provide a detailed
outline about sample design, which includes, how to select the respondents from the particular company
as I have selected Maruti Suzuki, how to decide the sample size to accomplish the purpose of the study.
As far as this research questionnaire will be sent to Maruti Suzuki ltd for collect the data. I have prepared
various types of tables and charts for various components.
Motivational (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation)


The objectives determine the future and outcome of the research. No work can start with objectives
being formulated and defined. The present research work has the following objectives:-

 To study factors affecting the motivation of employees

 To make comparison among financial and non-financial factors affecting motivation.
 To analyze the profile of employees on the basis of psychological variables.
 To study influence of motivation on job performance in Maruti Suzuki.
The study will analyze which components, contribute to employee motivation. In this the study of
the effect of applause gadget on motivation level of worker in Maruti Suzuki. The study will be
confined to the study's theoretical structure.

The study is divided into six chapters;


1 Introduction
2 Literature review
3 Research Methodology
4 Company Profile
5 Interpretation and Analysis
6 Conclusion, Limitations and Suggestions

The first chapter is the Introduction which highlights the origin and growth of the motivation in world
and in India. I had discussed about motivational theories as well as reward system and incentives system

The second chapter is Literature review focuses on the light of available literature which is useful for
this research work. The selection of the topic for the study has been undertaken after a brief review of the
available literature and research done on this subject. The purpose for referring of research papers, project
reports, case studies, thesis and dissertation are to derive supporting evidence for some of the findings of
the study. An attempt has been made to refer some of the national as well international journals.
The third chapter is Research Methodology defines about the research design with aspects like the scope
of the study, its objectives, need, and period of data, research methodology and tools and techniques used
for the study.

The fourth chapter is Company profile an attempt has been made to clearly understand the theoretical
aspects of Maruti Suzuki company, its mission and vision.

The fifth chapter is on Interpretation and analysis, which discusses the qualitative data is gathered using
a specially constructed questionnaire that is built on the study's theoretical structure. Respondents are
asked to rate their views on a 1-5 Liker scale (from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree") in response to
20 questions. The questionnaire was sent to Maruti Suzuki ltd for collect the data. I have prepared various
types of tables and charts for various components

The sixth chapter is on Findings and Suggestions where on the major findings of the study and few
suggestions were made.
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (previously Maruti Udyog Ltd) is India's largest passenger automobile enterprise
accounting for over 50% of the domestic vehicle marketplace. The business enterprise gives full range of
vehicles from access level Maruti Alto to elegant hatchback Ritz A-megastar Swift Wagon R Estillo and
sedans DZire SX4 and Sports Utility car Grand Vitara. The corporation is a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor
Corporation of Japan. The Japanese car essential held 56.21% stake in Maruti Suzuki as on 31 December
2017.The enterprise is engaged in the business of producing purchase and sale of motor motors and spare
elements (vehicles). The different activities of the corporation encompass facilitation of pre-owned car
income fleet control and car financing. They have four flora three positioned at Palam Gurgaon Road
Gurgaon Haryana and one positioned at Manesar Industrial Town Gurgaon Haryana. The organization has
nine subsidiary companies namely Maruti Insurance Business Agency Ltd Maruti Insurance Distribution
Services Ltd Maruti Insurance Agency Solutions Ltd Maruti Insurance Agency Network Ltd Maruti
Insurance Agency Services Ltd Maruti Insurance Agency Logistics Ltd True Value Solutions Ltd Maruti
Insurance Broker Ltd and J J Impex (Delhi) Pvt Ltd.

Historical background
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd turned into integrated on February 24 1981 with the call Maruti Udyog Ltd. The
company turned into shaped as a government company with Suzuki as a minor accomplice to make a
human beings's vehicle for middle magnificence India. Over the years the organization's product variety
has widened ownership has modified arms and the purchaser has developed.

In October 2 1982 the corporation signed the license and joint undertaking settlement with Suzuki Motor
Corporation Japan. In the 12 months 1983 the agency started their productions and launched Maruti 800.

The agency released Gypsy in December 1985.

In the 12 months 1987, the enterprise forayed into the foreign marketplace via exporting first lot of 500
vehicles to Hungary.

In the 12 months 1990 the organisation released India’s first sedan Maruti a thousand and Esteem in
November 1994.
In the 12 months 1997 the business enterprise started out Maruti Service Master as model workshop in
India to look after income service.

In yr 2000 the enterprise launched a name Centre. This becomes the primary time a automobile company
had ever released a call centre in India. In September 2000 the organization released its maximum selling
model Alto. In the 12 months 2002 the Maruti released Maruti finance to provide monetary offerings like
extended warranty and finance for vehicle coverage.

The corporation launched its MPV Grand Vitara in April 2003.

Maruti launched its maximum popular & successful hatch-again Swift in 2005.

Maruti released diesel version of Swift in January 2007 & in May 2007 the business enterprise launched
its sedan SX4 in Indian car market.

In July 2007 Maruti Udyog Limited renamed Maruti Suzuki launched its elegant car Ritz.

In the year 2011, the employer launched its luxury sedan Kizashi and with an objective to meet the wishes
of large family size purchasers, on 12 April 2012 the business enterprise launched its MPV Ertiga. This
record speaks about Economic, Environmental & Social performance of Maruti Suzuki India confined.
Mr.R.C.Bhargava-Chairman, Maruti Suzuki India Limited, on this document said that, the sustained
increase achieved by using Maruti Suzuki over its 26 yr. adventure is the result of stakeholder centric
guidelines adopted from their childhood, that have additionally saved in view the pastimes of society and
the organization s ability to reply to the changing market ‟ necessities.

The company additionally showcased the XA-Alpha a concept compact SUV. During the year 2012-
thirteen the business enterprise commenced the paintings at the Gujarat web site. During this period Suzuki
Japan decided that India will now be chargeable for the export markets of Africa the Middle East and its
neighboring nations.

It also has to determine the goods to be manufactured for these markets and if necessary, establish meeting
vegetation remote places. This decision will significantly help the boom of its exports. In 2014-15 Maruti
launched a hit sedan Ciaz version vehicle.

During the year 2015-16 new merchandise brought by the company namely the Baleno and the Brezza
surpassed its expectations of demand and both vehicles had a ready length of 6-7 months.

On 28 July 2016 Maruti Suzuki announced that its premium retail showroom underneath the NEXA brand
has completed 365 days of operations. At that time the employer said that NEXA is expected to make a
contribution 15% of its sales by means of 2020.

During the fiscal 2020the company registered an overall quantity decline of sixteen.1% due to vulnerable
demand surroundings in both the domestic and export markets. The agency's operations have been
suspended inside the latter a part of March 2020 due to unheard of COVID-19 outbreak which cause a
nationwide shutdown of monetary activities. During the year250 carrier workshops have been delivered
to the community that is the highest ever in a single economic 12 months taking the overall wide variety
of workshops to 3864 overlaying 1914 cities across the us

Sales network: Maruti Suzuki has about 2000 outlets across the city that caters to every need of the
customers in their times of need.
NEXA: The Company launched NEXA for the top rate Maruti customers. Maruti Suzuki S-Cross was the
primary automobile to be released through NEXA and the employer plans to introduce many extra models
inside the future. Currently, Maruti Suzuki sells Baleno, Baleno RS, S-Cross, Ciaz, Vitara brezza, and
Ignis thru it.

Maruti Insurance and Finance: Maruti Suzuki presents vehicular coverage and economic offerings
through a couple of agencies that it has tied up with. Some of the clients consist of the ABN AMRO Bank,
HDFC, ICICI, Kotak Mahindra, Bajaj Allianz, New India Insurance and Royal Sundaram, etc.

Maruti TrueValue: A one-prevent save for all Maruti and Suzuki vehicles. Customers could be able to
inquire, buy, promote, and also change the company automobiles or other manufacturers as properly. As
of now, TrueValue has over 1200 retailers all through a couple of cities in the U.S.
Maruti Suzuki –logo and its meaning
The present modified of Suzuki logo is designed in red and blue colors. The red colors (the letter S of
Suzuki) represent passion, integrity and tradition, while the blue (the letter M of Maruti) stands for
excellence and majesty.
Maruti Suzuki – Mission
Maruti Suzuki’s mission statement says,” To be The Leader in the Indian Automobile Industry,
Creating Customer Delight and shareholder’s Wealth; A pride of India.

Maruti Suzuki - Future Plans

In an alliance with Toyota, Maruti Suzuki might be targeting the Hyundai Creta space with a midsized
SUV in 2022, and this vehicle might be based on the present day Brezza architecture. A C-section MPV
in 2023 is likewise planned, and both automobiles are likely to be produced at Toyota's manufacturing
facility in Bidadi.

Unlike the re-badged Baleno, Ciaz and Ertiga, with a view to be shared by using Maruti and Toyota in
India till 2022, the SUV and MPV below development are likely to have distinct traits or differentiation
to make sure that each group gain from India’s growing desire for software automobiles.

“With over a dozen SUVs deliberate by means of its rivals, Maruti Suzuki knows it has to have aggressive
offerings to preserve its 50% overall percentage. The exit from diesel makes compact UVs a task, however
a 1.5-litre diesel engine is not but dominated out,” stated one in all 4 executives privy to Maruti’s plans.
“Plus, Maruti may be relying on the localized hybrid answers from Toyota to spruce up its destiny

The application automobile section is predicted to overhaul the humble hatchback section in India, as
more and more customers decide on the tall and excessive-seating SUVs and MPVs that fee as little as Rs
5 lakh and as excessive as Rs 1 crore. According to vehicle forecasting firm IHS Markit, application
automobile income will near 2019 at 38%, a tad at the back of the hatchback section, earlier than
overtaking the latter in 2020. The percentage of entry-vehicle or mini-vehicle segment, once Maruti's
mainstay, these days money owed for simply 10% of the general market as in opposition to 25% proportion
it loved 5-7 years ago.

Apart from bringing inside the petrol versions of Vitara Brezza and S-Cross, Maruti created an access
stage SUV with S-presso. Maruti expects a giant variety of its Swift, Dzire, Ciaz, and Ertiga consumers
to finally improve to a bigger SUV and MPV.
Maruti Suzuki - Competitors

The top 10 competitors in Maruti Suzuki's competitive set are Tata

Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Mahindra, Toyota, Chevrolet, Ford, Volkswagen, Ashok Leyland
and Mercedes-Benz.

Startup Name Maruti Suzuki India Limited

Headquarters New Delhi, India
Industry Automotive
Founded 24 February, 1981
Founder Government of India
CEO Kenichi Ayukawa
Parent Suzuki Motor Corporation
Area Served India

Maruti Suzuki - Business Model

Maruti Suzuki's product range extends from entry stage small vehicles like Alto 800, Alto K10 to the posh
sedan Ciaz. Other sports include facilitation of pre-owned vehicle income fleet management, car
financing. Its Business Segments are divided into: Operating Income from sales of automobiles and
Interests from Investments. Maruti Suzuki offers 17 models of cars

Company focuses on catering to the needs of almost all the segments from the middle class to high class
through wide range of products

Product range of the company includes:

It offers full range of cars– from entry level Maruti 800 & Alto to stylish hatchback Ritz, A star, Swift,
Wagon R, Estillo and sedans DZire, SX4 and Sports Utility vehicle Grand Vitara.
 Maruti Alto 800
 Omni
 Gypsy
 Zen Estilo
 Wagon R
 Versa
 A– Star
 Ritz
 SX4
 Dzire
 Grand Vitara
 Ertiga
 Celerio
The qualitative data is gathered using a specially constructed questionnaire that is built on the study's
theoretical structure. Respondents are asked to rate their views on a 1-5 Liker scale (from "strongly
disagree" to "strongly agree") in response to 20 questions. The questionnaire was sent to Maruti Suzuki
ltd for collect the data.

Demographic details



t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal


male Female
Mean 4.18 4.55
Variance 0.162 0.090
Observations 43 7
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 10
t Stat -2.84
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.009
t Critical one-tail 1.81
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.018
t Critical two-tail 2.23

As in step with responses, responses 86% respondent have been male in Maruti Suzuki and 14%
respondent have been lady in Maruti Suzuki. H1 there is no big impact on gender on reward device on
motivational degree of personnel. As per visible in table, they found out that variance is almost same. A
appears at the table, the price of the t Stat (-) 2.84 is extra than critical cost (CV) is 2.23. So, I finish that
we fail to reject the null hypothesis. So, there is no significant difference between the suggest of rewards
and motivation degree of employee of woman and male.
Marital status

Table 2.

Sum of Sum of Sum of
Unmarried Married Divorce
72.00 14.00 0.00



Sum of Unmarried
Sum of Married
30.00 Sum of Divorce

20.00 14.00


According to the survey, they display the marital status of employees working in Maruti Suzuki. About
72% of the single respondents have been running in Maruti Suzuki and 14 personnel had been married
and people constituted 14% of populace beneath this take a look at while no one of the respondents had
divorced working for this observe.



To calculate the instructional stage of the personnel, the annova is used to determine if any statistically
vital versions exist among the method of two or more impartial variables. So, we can analyse the
academic level with questionnaire through annova test.

3.1 I am ready to increase my work efforts in order to gain the rewards.

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 10 5 0
Diploma 8 36 4.5 0.29
Graduate 28 123 4.39 0.470
Post graduate 12 48 4 1.09

Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 2.541429 4 0.635357 1.072 0.382 2.579
Within Groups 26.67857 45 0.592857

Total 29.22 49

From the table3.1, the result revealed that the f is much less than f crit. F cost is 1.072 and f crit fee is
2.57. The p cost is zero.382 that's greater than 0.05. So, we are able to fail reject the null speculation.
This means that there's no large difference among the 4 companies. According to the survey, about 56%
respondents were graduate employees as consistent with their qualifications and 24% respondent were
submit graduate personnel as according to qualification.

3.2 Employee work more as a team in order to gain the rewards.

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and below 2 9 4.5 0.5
Diploma 8 32 4 0.29
Graduate 28 126 4.5 0.259
Post graduate 12 54 4.5 0.273
Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 1.68 3 0.56 2.061 0.118 2.807
Within Groups 12.5 46 0.271739

Total 14.18 49

From the table3.2, the result disclose that the f is much less than f crit. F cost is 2.06 and f crit cost is
2.80. The p value is 0. Eleven which is larger than 0.05. So, we can't reject the null speculation. This
means that there is no huge difference among the four companies. So, it may conclude that at least one
of the imply distinctive within the given four corporations for Employee paintings greater as a crew with
a view to benefit the rewards

3.3 The rewards are distributed rightfully.

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 9 4.5 0.5
Diploma 8 36 4.5 0.285714
Graduate 28 125 4.464286 0.257937
Post graduate 12 43 3.583333 0.628788

Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 7.239048 3 2.413016 6.776 0.0007 2.81
Within Groups 16.38095 46 0.356108

Total 23.62 49
From the above table 3.3 modern clean that we will reject the null speculation. Because firstly f crit is
2.8. This is more than the F price is 6.77. And the P price is 0.007 outcomes less than the 0.05. This way
that there may be vast distinction among the five groups. So, it may conclude that as a minimum one of
the suggest distinct within the given four companies.

3.4 The rewards match my work efforts.

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 9 4.5 0.5
Diploma 8 35 4.375 0.268
Graduate 28 119 4.25 0.269
Post graduate 12 48 4 0.364

Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 0.955 3 0.318333 1.075 0.369 2.807
Within Groups 13.625 46 0.296196

Total 14.58 49

From the table3.4, the result clear that the f is less than f crit. F price is two.80 and f crit fee is 1.07. The
p fee is 0.36 which is larger than 0.05. So, we cannot reject the null speculation. This means that there's
no massive difference among the five agencies. So, it could conclude that rewards fit my paintings
efforts at least one of the mean unique in the given four businesses.

3.5 I am satisfied with the quality/ quantity of the rewards.

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 8 4 2
Diploma 8 33 4.125 0.696
Graduate 28 111 3.964286 0.999
Post graduate 12 47 3.916667 0.265

Source of SS df MS F P- F crit
Variation value
Between 0.224048 3 0.074683 0.093 0.9633 2.807
Within Groups 36.75595 46 0.799042

Total 36.98 49

From the table3.5, The end results clear that the f is smaller than f crit. F fee is 0.093 and f crit value is
2.8. The p fee is 0.96 which is bigger than 0.05. So, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. This indicates
that there may be widespread distinction between the 5 groups. So, it could finish that at the least one in
all suggest extraordinary within the given four groups for satisfied with the high-quality/ amount of the

3.6 The rewards motivate me to perform well in my job.

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 8 4 0
Diploma 8 30 3.75 0.5
Graduate 28 118 4.214286 0.619048
Post graduate 12 55 4.583333 0.44697

Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 3.449048 3 1.149683 2.104 0.113 2.807
Within Groups 25.13095 46 0.546325

Total 28.58 49

From the table2.5, The end results clear that the f is much less than f crit. F cost is 2.10 and f crit cost is
2.80. The p value is 0.11 which is higher than 0.05. So, we can fail to reject the null speculation. This
approach that there is no good-sized difference among the 5 groups. So, it can conclude that as a
minimum one of the imply one of a kind in the given four agencies for rewards motivate me to perform
nicely in my task.

3.7 The rewards have a positive effect on the work atmosphere.

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 7 3.5 0.5
Diploma 8 35 4.375 0.267857
Graduate 28 115 4.107143 0.765873
Post graduate 12 51 4.25 0.386364

Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 1.416429 3 0.472143 0.795 0.503 2.807
Within Groups 27.30357 46 0.593556

Total 28.72 49
According to the table 2.7, The F cost is less than the F crit value. The cost of F is 0.79 and the fee of F
crit is 2.80. The P value is 0.50 which is bigger than 0.05. So, its evidence that we will fail to reject the
null speculation and there is no sizable difference among the four organizations’ respondents for the
rewards functions an effective impact at the paintings environment.
3.8 Does one feel that employee motivation is impacted by rewards and recognition system?

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 8 4 2
Diploma 8 31 3.875 0.982143
Graduate 28 122 4.357143 0.386243
Post graduate 12 43 3.583333 1.174242

Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 5.459762 3 1.819921 2.598 0.064 2.807
Within Groups 32.22024 46 0.70044

Total 37.68 49

From the table 3.8, There is huge distinction among the 4 agencies for the employee motivation is
impacted by means of rewards and reputation gadget. So, we will breakdown to reject the null
speculation. Because the P fee is 0.064 that's extra than 0.05. They also found out that F price is greater
than the value of F crit. The well worth of F is 2.59 and the price of F crit is 2.80.

3.9 Factors which motivates you the most?

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 4 2 0
Diploma 8 17 2.125 0.982143
Graduate 28 53 1.892857 1.210317
Post graduate 12 22 1.833333 1.242424
Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 0.459762 3 0.153254 0.132 0.940 2.807
Within Groups 53.22024 46 1.156962

Total 53.68 49

According to this table 3.9, They found out that the 4 corporations are which component is maximum
prompted to all employees so there is no extensive difference among those groups. So, it cleared that the
fee of P is 0.940 which is extra than 0.05. We can fail to reject the null hypothesis. The cost of F is 0.132
and a pair of.8 is the price of F crit. Its method the cost of F is much less than F crit.

3.10 How far you are satisfied with the incentives provided by the organization?

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 6 3 0
Diploma 8 30 3.75 0.785714
Graduate 28 104 3.714286 1.174603
Post graduate 12 47 3.916667 0.992424

Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 1.489048 3 0.496349 0.474 0.702 2.807
Within Groups 48.13095 46 1.046325

Total 49.62 49
The table 3.10 Suggests that we will fail to reject the null speculation. Because the price of P is 0.72 is
extra than 0.05. The fee of F is 0.47 and the cost of F crit is 2.80. There isn't any massive difference
among the four groups of happy with the incentives supplied with the aid of the corporation.

3.11 My employer encourages me to work?

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 7 3.5 0.5
Diploma 8 33 4.125 0.410714
Graduate 28 114 4.071429 0.291005
Post graduate 12 44 3.666667 0.424242

Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 2.02119 3 0.67373 1.949 0.135 2.807
Within Groups 15.89881 46 0.345626

Total 17.92 49

According to this table 3.11, They show that the cost of F crit is 2.80 and the fee of F is 1.94 this
indicates the F crit is more than F. The cost of P is 0.035 is extra than 0.05. So, we fail to reject the null
speculation. There isn't any enormous difference between the 4 companies for employee encourage me
to paintings.

3.12 I need special skills in my job tasks.

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
12th and 2 9 4.5 0.5
Diploma 8 33 4.125 0.410714
Graduate 28 125 4.464286 0.332011
Post graduate 12 47 3.916667 0.265152

Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 2.824048 3 0.941349 2.838 0.0482 2.807
Within Groups 15.25595 46 0.331651

Total 18.08 49

This table 3.12, they discovered that the want unique talents in my activity responsibilities are good
sized distinction among the four agencies. The value of P is 0.048 is much less than 0.05. So, we are
able to reject the null speculation. The value of F is more than F crit. The Value of F is 2.83 and the
value of F crit is 2.80.

Do you have children?






As shown in chart they discovered that approximately 66% respondents have no children and 33% of
respondents have children while employed in an association.

Q5. How many years have you been working in your current work task?

Row Labels Count

less than 1 year 15.00
1-2 years 18.00
2-5 years 11.00
5-10 years 3.00
over 10 years 3.00
Grand Total 50.00
20.00 18.00
16.00 15.00
12.00 11.00
8.00 Total
4.00 3.00 3.00
less than 1 1-2 years 2-5 years 5-10 years over 10 years

According to this survey, approximately 18% of the respondents had been operating in their
contemporary work challenge for 1-2 years, and identical percentage of interviews haven been running
for five-10 years and over 10 years, constituting approximately 3%. Also approximately 15% and
eleven% of respondents were doing their contemporary paintings assignment for less than 1 years and 2-
five years respectively.

Q6. How many years have you working in Maruti Suzuki?

Row Labels Count

less than 1 23.00
1-2 years 13.00
2-5 years 9.00
5-10 years 2.00
over 10 years 3.00
Grand Total 50.00
25.00 23.00


15.00 13.00

10.00 9.00 Total

5.00 3.00

less than 1 1-2 years 2-5 years 5-10 years over 10 years

Moreover, majority of them have been operating in Maruti Suzuki for much less than 1 years, having
23% whereas about thirteen% respondents is constituted for those who've been having running there for
1-2 years. Also about 5-10 years and over 10 years there are little bit difference each of those years.

To analyze the effect of reward system on motivation level of employee in Maruti


I applied the regression in this objective

H0: There is no extensive effect of praise system on motivation degree of personnel.

H1: There is considerable effect of reward device on motivation stage of employees.

Where praise and motivation level became taken as impartial variable and structured variable changed
into dealt with.

Table 4


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.502721
R Square 0.252728
Adjusted R Square 0.23716
Standard Error 0.352009
Observations 50


The above desk provides the value of R and R2. In which R variable is without a doubt constitute simple
correlation 0.498 and there may be no relationship in any respect. The value of R2 discovered that how
an awful lot total point falls on regression line. The value of R2 is 0.252 which suggests well. It way
25% of 1 value healthy the regression model.

df SS MS F
Regression 1 2.011514 2.011514 16.23365 0.000199
Residual 48 5.947686 0.12391
Total 49 7.9592

1. Dependent variable: motivation employees

2. Predicators: (constant), rewards

The goodness healthy for model became tested the usage of ANOVA desk and F price became located
to be 16.23, that's big at 0.00 indicating the model has a goodness in shape. Here P price is much less
than 0.05 which indicates that basic the regression version statistically full-size i.e. Well for the facts.

Coefficient Standard t Stat P-value Lower Upper Lower Upper

s Error 95% 95% 95.0% 95.0%
Interce 1.448062 0.535425 2.704510 0.0094 0.3715 2.5246 0.3715 2.5246
pt 827 646 37 19 07 19 07
rainfall 0.507958 0.126072 4.029100 0.0001 0.2544 0.7614 0.2544 0.7614
115 32 978 99 73 44 73 44

1. Dependent variable: Motivation employees

The result of coefficient desk indicated that the contribution of unbiased variable (rewards) on based
variable thru the beta price is 1.44. The fee of t –value turned into installation to be 2.70 which had been
setting up to be compelling at significance price is 0.00. So, it was concluding that the test of speculation
gift that there's big effect of motivation stage of workers.
To determine if there is relationship between reward and employee motivation.
To study the relationship between praise and employee motivation. So, the Pearson correlation become
implemented in Oder to test the speculation. And there was additionally applied for determine the
relationship between rewards and worker motivation.

rewards motivation
rewards 1
motivation 0.502721 1


When we prove in table 4.1, the consequences indicated that they could supported that the parsons’
correlation cost is calculated to be 0.502. This is near 1. In other phrases, we can say that the robust
courting among reward and motivation employees.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.502721
R Square 0.252728
Adjusted R Square 0.23716
Standard Error 0.352009
Observations 50

This desk revealed that the electricity of the linear relationship between the reward and motivation level
of employees. The cost of the multiple R is 0.502 that's related to the correlation. And it shows the direct
and wonderful dating among two variables. The coefficient of determination, the price of R-rectangular
is 0.25 they mention that 25% of the deviation in employee motivation and rewards. And the final
variable can be applied to other variable which is not part of our have a look at.

Hypothesized testing:
This hypothesized testing is analyses through T-test as shown in the below table:

rewards motivation
Mean 4.228571 3.596
Variance 0.1591 0.162433
Observations 50 50
Pearson Correlation 0.502721
Hypothesized Mean 0
df 49
t Stat 11.18587
P(T<=t) one-tail 2.14E-15
t Critical one-tail 1.676551
P(T<=t) two-tail 4.28E-15
t Critical two-tail 2.009575

According to this table, they indicate that the relationship among rewards and motivation degree of
personnel. They evaluation through the t-check which show the check of the speculation and they also
discovered the important cost is 2.009 and the cost of t-stat is eleven.18 which display critical value is
better than t-stat this means that the null hypothesis is approved. The cost of correlation is 0.502 and
significance fee is 0.00. This is much less than 0.05. So, it can conclude that they show the statically vale
of correlation between to variables.



 Shortage of time is major obstacle of the take a look at.

 Primary statistics is the principle supply, however also there can be some unfairness in statistics’
offer on this have a look at.

 Resources have been constrained for my have a look at.

 Respondent aren't disposed to reply correctly.

 In spite of protection taken there are superb procedural and technical barriers.

 The populace of our take a look at is 50 only, that is modest the outcomes might not represent the
proper plot for whole population.

 The responses disposed by way of the respondents may or won't be suitable.

 When the above topic has become a burden component for my researcher there may be very
sufficient for time to disabled the detail.


 To inspire workers, tremendous operating surroundings need to be constructed.

 Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation need to receive to employees.
 Employees ought to be granted reimbursement based totally on their result.
 Employees need to be supply adequate admire and attention.
 Special seminar and different programs need to be carried out for personnel.
 Create a pleasant environment for encourage to employees for superior work.
 Employees must take note of what their coworkers, peers, and team participants are pronouncing
because this makes them experience heard and respected.

In very last remarks, the concern on my research assignment is effectiveness of reward device on
motivation stage of employees. For this undertaking I conducted a survey for fifty employees in Maruti
Suzuki. The greater level of motivation and pride, consequently, the higher stage of performance and
productiveness amongst personnel. The handiest manner to motive employee to achieve the ambition
intention of the organisation include create environment friendly.

 The number one objective of this looks at to become aware of the elements that affect the reward
system on motivation stage of employees amongst company. There are predominant factors that
work motivation in my examine. One is intrinsic motivation which comes from inside the
personnel. Other aspect is extrinsic motivation which comes from outside thing like rewards and
profits and so forth.

 Many tests have been applied of survey responses for analysis survey wherein the result of this
examine found out that most people of they fail to reject the null speculation because of greater
fee. And there's no large difference among two variables.

 For enhancing the reward machine and work motivation that the personnel need to protected
choice making procedure and improvement.

 So, it may finish that the overall elements that affect work motivation in organization are private
growth, loss of motivation, income and advertising. The strong effective dating among rewards
and motivation employees.


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