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Z14MAN – Marketing For Business

Marketing Proposal Assignment

Assignment 2/2 Word Count:1503

Figure ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Market Research to Support Market Planning at JD Sports ................................................................... 3
.......................................................................................................................................................... 43
Market Research ............................................................................................................................... 43
Primary market research .................................................................................................................... 4
Secondary market research .............................................................................................................. 54
Targeting of Customers at JD ................................................................................................................ 65
Marketing Techniques at JD.................................................................................................................. 65
Digital marketing ............................................................................................................................... 65
Advertising ........................................................................................................................................ 65
The Marketing mix for Men’s Winterunner at JD Sport ....................................................................... 75
Product .............................................................................................................................................. 75
Place .................................................................................................................................................. 76
Price ...................................................................................................................................................... 76
Promotion ......................................................................................................................................... 86
Recommendations and Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 97
Reference List...................................................................................................................................... 108

Figure 1 JD Sports Logo .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.3
Figure 2 Marketing Research Process ..................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3 Nike Windrunner Jacket ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.6


The purpose of marketing proposal is to show the selected product that has been impacted by the
recent world-wide pandemic in 2020.This proposal would be addressed the following issues about
the groups of customers/consumers for the selected products and its services. Secondly it would be
discussing the use of marketing research for the planning. Thirdly, it would be talking about the
different type of techniques that are used in a product and service within in an organisation. Lastly it
would be going through the marketing mix the selected product. Commented [LF1]: Add a sentence here of the company
you are focusing on

Market Research to Support Market Planning at JD Sports

Market Research to Support Market Planning at JD Sports Commented [LF2]: Always start new headings on a new
About JD Sports

Commented [LF3]: Take a look at how to correctly present

your images here
JD Sports was found in the year 1983 by John Wardle and
David Makin. It is been running for long time and has been 4
UK leading specialist retailer of fashionable branded in
sports. Uk has around 56 stores of JD and has been
dominated mostly in EU such as Germany, Ireland, France,
Netherland and Spain. JD has developed and be able to
open a store in Asia which was based in Malaysia.

(About Us, n.d.) Figure 1 JD Sports Logo

Market Research Figure 21 JD Sports Logo

Market Research is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a
specific marketing situation facing an organization. (Kotler & Armstrong 2021, p.123)

Is necessary for JD Sport to consider with Market Research:

 To figure out what products and services they should put in the marketplace
 To aim for the target audience and to find out about the product or service. Also is
important to test their quality of product.
In figure 2 it shows below the breakdowns of the process into six steps:

(Kotler & Armstrong 2021, p.124)

Figure 32 Marketing Research Process

Market research would include the following one of it would be collecting Data. There are two types
of market research which are primary and secondary.

Primary market research

Quantitative market research at JD Sports include:

 Exit surveys: JD Sports would be the purpose of the surveys is primary to recognise the
reason for their visit, frequently visit or reason for against purchase

 ‘Shopping bag’ survey: through ‘JD Sports’ they would be able to identify what other stores
JD customers use and spend money in. Through this they would be able to see which retailer
attracts a similar profile to JD
 On-site fieldwork- JD’s would-be finding site research team where they would be investing
significant time for researching new location. (how busy the area is)

Qualitive information is a primary market research this would be focusing on consumers opinion
depending on the product or services.

 Focus groups: small groups of 8-10 people, JD Sports would run in schools or even colleges
where they would be able to get direct feedback from its core consumers

Secondary market research

Secondary research is also known as ‘desk research’. This research information would be collected
by another organisation to provide market information and is an overview of the market. Secondary
research would be included:

 Government census data: they would be conducting every 10 years across the UK and it
would gather all the data on factors such as number of people, their ages and occupations
in a location

Targeting of Customers at JD
There are six bases of market segmentation which are: Commented [LF4]: Always make sure you make a
connection between your changes in topic to aid your flow
 Statics factors e.g It is vital that organisations conduct market research to
 Psychographics profile further understand their customers and market place….

 Conduct Style
 Geographics factors
 Financial factors
 Benefits sought

Demographic segmentation can be used for JD Sports. JD sports will be targeted as individuals or as
groups of people of their age, gender and life cycle stage.

Marketing Techniques at JD

Digital marketing
JD sports is successful because it has been heavily investing in its e-stores. It is leveraging the
opportunities that arise from digital marketing due to the customers are using social media
frequently to make their purchase decisions. In this case the innovation digital platforms of JD sports
have enhanced the customers purchase desire and the customers will learn more about the brand.
This integrated digital approach has given positive impact to JD sports as its online sales would come
up to 13.2% of the total sales as compared to the year earlier which was only 10.4%. This can be Commented [LF5]: Reference
explained by the customer are enthusiastic about its multi-channel.

If they are introducing new products at a lower price this would help to increase on the market
share. They could do advertisement on newspaper or magazines such as FHM and NME which have a
huge circulation with men. They also can advertise through social media as they can reach their
customers easily.

They offer promotion and they do sales for certain products which attracts costumers to purchase
their products, these would-be costumers that never have shopped at JD before.

The Marketing mix for Men’s Winterunner at JD Sport

Product Commented [LF6]: Again don’ forget to add a transition in
here from the previous topic
Product Is known as one of the functions and features that have been offered by a good. JD sells
lifestyle products which are sportswear ranges.

There is different type of pricing strategies which can be adopted:

 Market penetration-introducing a new product where they can

help to more market share by a low cost

The chosen product is a Nike windrunner jacket. This product water

resistant it has a breathable mesh lining and adjustable hood. This
product would be suitable purchase during the lockdown for people to
do their daily base activity in any weather.

The place element covers in marketing mix the product being available to
the customers in the most possible way. JD has been operating in sever
ways which are: Figure 43 Nike Windrunner Jacket

 High street
 Out of town location
 E-commerce
 Shopping centre

JD Sports makes sure that it checks frequently the performance of the stores to consider if they have
to open up a new store. Also, by analysing sales performance and forecasting sales. The right
location can maximise sales, limit cost and therefore maximise profit.

Due to COVID-19 lockdown rules all the unessential shops such JD Sports have been shut down
however JD websites which is there for 24/7 with only a minimum payment for shipping. This Nike
Windrunner is available worldwide under JD website.

The price would be changing certain times depending on some factors which are the cost to produce
it, the amount of profit that is required, competitors prices and the price which the consumers are
willing to pay. Is a key part for the organisation to get the price right as it is a marketing strategy. JD
Sports need to make sure that the price is willing to change by consumers as value for money in
relation to the quality of good. There is different type of pricing strategies which can be adopted to
generate demands which are:

 Market penetration
 Competitive pricing
 Strategic pricing

The jacket has a reasonable pricing of £70 which many consumers are willing to pay for a Nike
jacket. Also, it would make JD Sports to be more competitive.

The purpose of promotion is to make sure to produce awareness in consumers or generate interest
to purchase the product. Another way of promotion would be it is being created to change the
brand a brand image. We can see that JD Sports wants to position itself away from competitors to be
able to give it competitors advantage.

JD Sports uses well known models such as Jordan Hames who stared in Love Island Season 5. For the
selected product it is promoted by Tristian Jones who stared in Survival of the Fittest. JD Sports have
a range of brands available which means when those brands promote their product it also promotes
JD as those brands that are available at JD Sports such as Nike Windrunners which are available at
both stores. Due to COVID-19 JD Sports had a clearance/offer on their websites for two weeks, this
promotes the brand as consumers are attracted to lower prices and this also gives them the chance
to purchase products which they can use either at home or products after lockdown.

Formatted: Heading 2

Proposal of new marketing mix

Although JD already have a strong marketing mix, it can be proposed that the following adjustments Commented [LF7]: To strengthen your proposal we need
can be made in order to adapt to the limitations created by the pandemic. to see some greater focus on you recommendations – can
you make suggestions for each aspect of what they can
Price Product improve in order to adapt to the new situation of selling
primarily online ?
Formatted Table

Promotion Place

Recommendations and Conclusion
JD Sports has produced a unique position for the brand within the mind of its consumers whilst
remaining true to its corporate values. They are clearly focusing on stocking their products on what
their consumers wants, as well as giving distinctive or exclusive ranges that can be purchase bin JD
sports. This would be linked with the range for strategies for placing and positioning the brand,
which has resulted in significant growth for the business. It would be by understanding the
costumers needs and they would be able to develop their business in difficult economic and
competitive market. By constantly adapting and changing marketing mix by concentrating on their
costumers, this would make them be ahead in competition.

Reference List


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