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Z13MAN – Management Skills Effective

Management Skills Assignment Word


List of Figures.............................................................................................2
Key Management skill................................................................................3
The three basic types of management skill include:............................................4
Management Hierarchy...............................................................................4
Leadership and management.........................................................................5
Management Roles.....................................................................................6
Effective management skills.........................................................................6
Management theories....................................................................................7
The three stages of HR planning:....................................................................7
Maintaining diversity..................................................................................8
There are two type of Diversity.....................................................................9
Managing Diversity.....................................................................................9
Managing theories.........................................................................................9
Reference List............................................................................................12

List of Figures
Figure 1: Three basic types of management skills..................................................4
Figure 2 Simple Management Hierarchy...............................................................4
Figure 3 Mitzberg's ten management Roles...........................................................6
Figure 4 Overview of the HR Planning Process.......................................................7
Figure 5 difference between group versus team....................................................8
Figure 6 Justice Theory diagram......................................................................10
Figure 7 characteristic model.........................................................................11
Figure 8 five steps in the training process..........................................................11

University was granted permission by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
where they have a new campus in Wroclaw. This is a guidance for the new management
team. This guidance will be identifying and introduce the importance of management
skills and the staff would be getting a better understanding in diversity.
This report will be covering the main facts, which would be the importance of effective
management skills within Coventry University Wroclaw. Secondly, the importance of
recognising and maintain diversity within in these areas. Finally, management theories on
motivation, decision making and problem solving.
The importance of effective management for organisational success is by increasing the
quality of management. The quality of management is one of the nine success by which
management today.
The management skill that is required for effective management for the university would
be having continuously learning and train throughout their career.

Key Management skill

The key management skills as a staff should follow has been listed below and what is
expected for each skill:

 Planning: is a visual aspect within in an organization. Staff would have to

think how they are delivering the lessons to their students by planning
everything ahead.

 Communication: possessing is great as it would be determining how well

information is sharing throughout a group.

 Decision making is another important key skill which would be a main

reason a staff to success. They are fully responsible for their result of their

 Problem Solving: is an essential skill. They have to have a good ability to

tackle and solve the frequent problems that would increase.

 Listening: is known as a communication is being able to listen to each other.

 Motivating: helps to bring forth a desired response. There are two type of
motivation which are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

The three basic types of management skill include:
Technical Skills is when a
worker has the ability and
the knowledge to achieve in
their goals

Conceptual Skill is
Interpersonal Skill is
when terms of
when they are trying
knowledge and ability
different method of
abstract thinking and
skills to motivate a
formulating ideas

Figure 1: Three basic types of management skills

Management Hierarchy

Dean of the university

Deputy Dean of the university

Head of the Department

Home-room Subject
Teachers Teachers

Administration Staff

Figure 2 Simple Management Hierarchy

Dean of the University: The Dean of the university is the highest position in the
management hierarchy. Their role is to oversees all the academic and non-academic issues
that would be developing in university. The dean would be then communicating with the
Deputy Dean of the University: The deputy dean is the next top tier position in a
university management hierarchy. The role is to coordinates the admission process,
holding several meetings with university staff to express any type of development in the
educational programs, developing and monitoring the annual budgets.
Home room Teachers: The home-room teachers are in charge of guiding a particular class
for exact period of time. The role is coordinates various of events of the class at periodic
intervals of time, organise the grade sheets of the individual’s students, develops the
quarterly and annual report marks from students.
Subject Teachers: Subject teachers will be teaching a specific subject that they are
assigned to. The role of a subject Teachers would be delivering information about the
specific topic of subject to the students. They would be communicating with home-room
teachers at an even interval to talk about any improvement in teaching strategies.
Administration Staffs: This would be a non-teaching duty of the university that would be
working at the office. They would be responsible also with all the paper works or enquiries
that a student would struggle.

Leadership and management

They should be able to assign tasks but to define purpose. They have to organize workers
and to develop their talent by coordinating. A leader role is to motivate. All the staffs are
known as a leader, where they have motivated.
Warren Bennis talks in his book 1989 “On Becoming a Leader” where he has composed a
number of list of differences. Here are view ones he mentioned:
1. The manager administers; the leader innovates
2. The manager is a copy; the leader is an original
3. The manager maintains; the leader develops
4. The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people
5. The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust
With the increase of knowledge “one does not ‘manage’ people-the task is to lead people.
The aim is to achieve a goal is to make productive with their specific strengths and
knowledge of every individual.

Management Roles

This table is used to influence others to get their things done correctly. In Figure 3 it
describes illustrates by each with an example.

Figure 3 Mitzberg's ten management Roles
of task motivates an organisation member so that they can work together to achieve their

Effective management skills

Culture: The importance of culture within in an organization matters. Outcomes, quality

and innovation are strongly related to organisation culture. Is important that the
university organized structured should be aligned with its vision and strategies.
Finance: panning involves analysing short-term and long-term money flows to and from the
company. In this condition university’s will be taking long-term of finance for developing
anything at the university.

There are key steps of financial planning:
 Forecasting Firms
 Developing budgets to meet the needs
 Establishing financial controls to see if the company is achieving its goals

One of the best principles to follow is Fayol’s Weber which emphasized:

 Written rules, decisions guidelines and details recording
 Consistent procedures, regulations and policies
 Staffing and promotion based on qualification

Management theories

The three stages of HR planning:

 Forecasting
 Goal setting
 Strategic Planning
 Program implementation
 Evaluation
HR planning would start to develop the university objectives and they would be able to
receive competitive advantages.
Human resource inventory will be a list of organization employees by name, education,
training, language and other important information

Figure 4 Overview of the HR Planning Process

There are specific

ways in which HR planning is critical to strategy

 Capability gaps
 Capability surpluses
 Workforce utilities

 Talent pool development

Maintaining diversity

Working as a team is a great advantage as it would help the university to gain a

competitive advantage together as they can improve its performance and they would start
to develop the student’s motivation when the university works together.

Figure 5 difference between group versus team

We also have to look at the environment factors when it comes to starting a new business.
An external environment is divided in two layers:

 General Environment
 Competitive Environment

There are two type of Diversity

 Majority Groups- they are the people that take almost all the decisions

 Minority Groups- these are people that don’t work under anyone or hold a position
Together these two groups form the social system of an organisation. Most people work in
a group all the staffs have to make sure that they communicate in some way to keep on

Managing Diversity

Organisation that would start to finance their supplies that are taking advantages of their
opportunities were diversity offers and should overperform those that fail to make an

Planning Managers Controlling


Organizing Influencing

The advantages of benefits of diversity

 Increase of workforce creativity

 Range of knowledge and skill
 Taking decisions that is based on different perspectives
 Services provided to diverse population

Managing theories

Motivation is known as a psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed

Motivation is one of the key factors that a staff should look at. They should develop their
knowledge and understanding of:

 Modern views of motivation

 The motivation of a diverse
 The theory of practise
There are good theories which can be used as an example for motivation, which are:

 Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs

 McGregor’s Theories X and Y
 Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory
Equity/Justice Theory

There would be a model of motivation that would be explaining how the people start to
strive for fairness and justice in social exchange.

Figure 6 Justice Theory diagram

Motivation for the university is important as it would be engaging and when you stay
connected to the organisation.

Content 4 Major Reinforcement


Process Job description

Motivating a Diverse Workforce

 Compressed workweek
 Flexible work hours
 Job sharing
 Telecommuting

Figure 7 characteristic model

Is important that a staff is qualified and suitable certificate to teach student if they are
under qualified or have not enough experience, they can have training. Is the university’s
responsible suitable staff for their university. Also, this would make specific skills receive
which is knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviour to receive their goals.

Figure 8 five steps in the training process

Figure 8, it gives you the necessary steps to develop their skills and knowledge in the
field. Also, through this they can rapidly change requires that employees must learn new
skills over the time.

In conclusion this report has covered three main parts. Part one would be talking about
the effective management skills. The skills that a staff need to have to develop the
university. Part two is talking about recognising and maintaining the diversity. This would
be to identifying the key areas. Part three would be talking about motivation, how
motivation is effective for the university and how it can be developed.

Reference List 2021. Management 101 – concepts and definitons at COMP6044. [online]
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CIPD. 2021. PESTLE Analysis | Factsheets | CIPD. [online] Available at:
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Corporate Finance Institute. 2021. Management Skills - Types and Examples of Management
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Google Books. 2021. Management Theory and Practice. [online] Available at:
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Hierarchy Structure. 2021. School Management Hierarchy Structure | Hierarchy Structure.
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Pediaa.Com. 2021. Difference Between Group and Team | Definition, Characteristics,
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Rastogi, 2021. Human Resource Planning. [online] Available at:
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