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he was sent (1739) to Edinburgh to study theology with

which dealt with the powers of the land commission led to

Douai, and Le Parfait du paon, written in 1340 by Jean

affluent of the Orinoco. Although the Terni is somewhat

the Areopagite, bishop of Athens and founder of the abbey,

silk is produced in the west; and the vine is extensively

leading to the platform in front of the iconostasis (q.v.),

Beau, who has been named the last of the Romans. The new

number of industries are using the gas for manufacturing.

been largely thought out under the influence of philosophic

alligator, has the widest distribution, from southern Mexico

is at the present day characteristic of the Siberian

the ruins of Mitla, Oaxaca, with wall mosaic of joined

that part of the world which the Greeks called Libya

Croatia-Slavonia, and a royal free town of Hungary; pleasantly

and his ultimate failure was due in considerable measure

errors of fact and judgment, will remain standard; J. Fiske's

script. The pictographic characters, found on seals and discs

parallel ridges, in some places upwards of 2200 ft. in

Another brother, CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, Jr. (1835- ), born

methods of reducing opposition, but it does not seem that his

Character and policy.

aqueduct, baths and an amphitheatre; nearly 400 inscriptions

hydrogen. Aluminium sulphate Al(SO4)3, occurs in the

further confirmation when he caused himself--or allowed

successor, `Ali III. of Morocco, Madrid, Lisbon and Oporto were

liable, on the one hand; and, on the other, various morbid

time immemorial by the Negroid peoples, and whole tribes are

with magnesium alkyl iodides (in absolute ether solution) to

suppression of individuality and the lack of initiative and

title of Cosmographia Ethici, written in barbarous Latin,

as in others, to the Court of Appeal, and from thence to

1893 18 93 1901 1 1

appear that, whereas only 11% of British 520,000 agricultural

his majority in 1805, he married on the 28th of July Catherine

In Fucaceae an apical cell is situate at the surface of the

air, and when in January 1879 Stanley left Europe as the

commercially, being a mixture of the pure crystalline material

L=KV2Secosa, or the factor may be taken direct from the

channel between the larger lake and Dweru. The accurate

jealousies among the Arabic and non-Arabic subjects of the

a Greek alphabet, whether directly or indirectly, that the

When it is sought to consider algae with a view to the

A man of rare intelligence, a fearless horseman and an eloquent

the means for further building, and for a largely increased

work with good illustrations. For the beginnings of the

Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,236,768

``Agricultural Holdings in England and Abroad,'' by Major

N1. Fucus vesiculosus, young oogonium.

the statue in the Louvre (from the Villa Borghese), which

winter. During the summer they require plenty of water,

R.M. Royal Marines, Resident Magistrate.

together, it was at the instigation of Baalis, king of Ammon,

it is used in the sense of ``offering'' (Luke xxi. 5), it

3. Circulars, sent in quantities to specific classes of

dress. Previous to the session of 1890-1891, the royal speech

stood the temple of Jupiter Latiaris, where the annual festival

perfect fluid, its fundamental property of elastic reaction

the sea-level, throughout the year. They are not used

(2) A phthisical lung, grey nodules being scattered here and

recommends ``quycksettynge, dychynge and hedgeyng''; and

twelve, beans and potato flour each in one; of thirty-four

Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 15; Halliburton and Brodie, Journ.

region in which the food remains for a considerable time

the body of his murdered father: a mystic melancholy liable

practice was chiefly in commercial, railway and patent cases

head of the Lyceum and lectured on peripatetic philosophy. The

sodium in absolute alcoholic solution (A. Ladenburg, Ber.,

streets running between them. It is evidently planned in

professor of philosophy, of botany and of medicine; and

Europe. King Francis encouraged the ill-recorded and disputed

Peru; Barbacoan, Colombia; Betoyan, Bogota; Canichanan,

1840-1841 (Stockholm, 1893). He also edited Sveniska

Christ, who appeared to her in the most extravagant forms. At

French army commanded by Marshal Soult. (See PENINSULAR WAR.)

relating to numbers, stores, victualling, clothing, &c. But

traditions of the largely Hellenistic Church of Antioch, a

features. He was a man of strong will, of great aptitude for

Espronceda's celebrated poem, El Diablo Mundo. Disappointed

the history of the exploration of the High Alps, but the two

on the flanks and the dismounted men-at-arms in the centre;

precautions have been taken that fitting times be selected,

the twenty-first; adult life till fifty; and old age.

or an average of one sample to 384 inhabitants for the whole

the other tribes from the central valley of Mexico, was

Belgium, Sweden) insist upon the use of from 5 to 10% of

1561 (Cal. State Papers, Dom. Ser., Addenda, 1547--1566, p.

either in name or in form. In his Life of Samuel Johnson,

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