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Norm 1 Standard
Brose numberina system 510890-1 14


Structure and terminology ............................................................................................. 2

Category ......................................................................................................................2
Index ...........................................................................................................................3
Production Materid No. Closure system ............................................................................. 4
Engineering Material No. Closure System ............................................................................ 5
TZ1 drawing numbers ...................................................................................................... 6
Classiiication of material .................................................................................................. 8
Descripiion of product hierarchy .......................................................................................9
Definibon of standard p a m ............................................................................................ 9

Cited standards and other documents

Number Tide
PR R2 060 GR 54 00 Change management
PR U2 050 GR 52 00 Standardization of partslcomponents and function interfaces
BN 587954 Brose drawings

Brose worldwide - All business divisions

Erstellt ICreated Geprüf~I Checkad Ersatz tür I Replacement for

Name Gudrun Beloch Name Dieter Barcsik BN 510890-1 13
Unterschrih ISignature Unferschrin ISignafuie Ausgabedatum IDate ot issue

IUL 30, 16.01.06

Weitergabe Extern / Transfer external Individuell Originalsprache I Original language DE

Transfer BROFIS 1 Transfer BROFIS tieferantlOienstlei~tef/LizenznehmerlJoint-Venture

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Wmiiergabo S w l e Voruiolf3~guwd i o s r venriiliclan Umorlagsln). Verwertung und r eC h i ~OWidemidd pronriotw
Thi eopying. use. diaribution or d l ~ t o ~ ot
hlimilung ~nhdtseiat
nicht ohne un- n>rbrwo a h r i f l i k ~ o m h n i i g u . informaim ~ ~ m a n in ed thi. daumantw io nrisay piohibtted witlam prior wriften
g e l d t c t Zurriderhadluwon varptlichtonzu Schdonsrsatz Alle Rocht- fGr den Fdl mnssnt Rn" b m e h h d l rubpst rhc inhiwing p a h to rcmcdws Tho a n v r r o r m
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r of a patom or thi regiaratw ot a ufililv m d c l or

Norm / Standard
Brose numbering system 510890-114

1 Structure and terminology

identity number = 10 digits

master number = 6 digits

1 6 4 7 1 1 - 0 0 0 / 1 0 2 1

category = 1 digits

serial number = 5 digits

index = 3 digits

class number = 4 digits

The identity number should be used irrespective of the class number, and the index is a permament part of
it. Each identity number alw ays has 10 digits, including the dash betw een the serial number and the index.

Materials w it h identity numbers of category 1 and 9 w ill be classified according to the valid classification
of class type 001 (SAP).

2 Category

1XXXXX Semi-finished products, parts, assemblies and finished products

2XXXXX Process materials and packing mat erials
3XXXXX Tooling, w orking st ock, testing equipment, material-handling equipment
4XXXXX Draw ings and sketches
5XXXXX Standards, specifications, law s
7XXXXX Draw ings and sketches
9XXXXX Semi-finished products, parts, assemblies and finished products

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Mitteilung ihres Inhaltes ist nicht ohne unsere vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung information contained in this document(s) is strictly prohibited w ithout prior w ritten
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der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. all rights in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or

Norm / Standard
Brose numbering system 510890-114

3 Index

The index indicates the amendment level. In the index area 100 – 899 “ production and spares” no variant
formation is permitted. A new variant alw ays requires a new mast er No., also during t he spare delivery

Index areas and application

000 – 099 engineering index before engineering release

Only for prot otyping and enquiry

100 – 899 from engineering release onw ards production and spares
For production and purchasing

900 – 999 engineering index after engineering release

Only for prot otyping and enquiry

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der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. all rights in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or

Norm / Standard
Brose Nummernsystem 510890-112

4 Production Material No. Closure system

Systematic arrangement of change-over from Bosch material No. to Brose Wuppertal material No. (Production)

z.B. digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bosch Material No. F 0 0 P 0 V 0 5 5 3

Bosch Draw ing No. F 0 0 P 0 V 0 5 5 3 0 1 Version / Änderungsstand

digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Brose Wuppertal
Material No.
3 V 0 5 5 3 - 1 1 0

Brose Wuppertal
Draw ing No.
3 V 0 5 5 3 - 1 1 1
1 st digit: 3 = Final product
1 = Sub assembly
2 = Single part
4 = Motor cooling (2 nd position " K" )
5 = Material

Digits 5 to 10 of the Bosch Material No. w ill get digits 1 to 6 of the Brose Wuppertal Material No. (mast er No.). The 2 nd digit w ill be an alphabetic charact er
thereby (how ever not “ C” ).
Digit 7 w ill be formed as a dash.
Digits 8 to 10 w ill build the index (modification index).

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vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung gestattet. Zuw iderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadensersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der prohibited w ithout prior w ritten consent. Any breach shall subject the infringing party to remedies. The ow ner reserves all rights in
Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design.

Norm / Standard
Brose Nummernsystem 510890-112

5 Engineering Material No. Closure system

Systematic arrangement of change-over from Bosch material No. to Brose Wuppertal material No. (Engineering)

z.B. digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bosch Material No. F 0 0 P E 0 1 2 3 4

Bosch Draw ing No. F 0 0 P E 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 version / modification index

digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Brose Wuppertal With regard to the Brose Wuppertal Material
Material No.
3 C 1 2 3 4 - 0 0 0 No. w hich has just been creat ed from the
Bosch Mat erial number, the first and second
digit s w ere sw it ched for system-technical
Brose Wuppertal
3 C 1 2 3 4 - 0 0 0 reasons. The " E" has been replaced by a " C"
Draw ing No.
and the first " 0" has been replaced by a " 3" .

Digits 5 to 10 of the Bosch Material No. w ill get digits 1 to 6 of the Brose Wuppertal Material No. (mast er No.).
Digit 7 w ill be formed as a dash.
Digits 8 to 10 w ill build the index (modification index).

Please note:
Numbers of document s like F00PB12345 (FMEA etc.) w ill not be changed.

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vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung gestattet. Zuw iderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadensersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der prohibited w ithout prior w ritten consent. Any breach shall subject the infringing party to remedies. The ow ner reserves all rights in
Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design.

Norm / Standard
Brose numbering system 510890-114

6 TZI drawing numbers

TZIs (Technical det ails) are draw ings w ithout Mat erial No (Part No).
TZIs have to get a Brose draw ing frame and they are plotted from CAD to SAP directly.

6.1 Modification of TZI’s with existing Brose drawing No.

TZI’ s w hich are already available w it h the conventional numbering system (Brose identity No) in
SAP w ill further be continued w ith this numeric by modification.

6.2 Creating of a new TZI No.

By creating a new TZI No the follw ing regulation is valid: Number assignment via CV01N in SAP


Document (Master number) 324634

TZI Draw ing number
Document part 001
Document version (Index) 00

By modification of the draw ing the document version w ill be increased by 1.

Document (Master number) 324634

TZI Draw ing number
Document part 001
Document version (Index) 01

The TZI draw ing No. consists of the alphabetic character T, the SAP document No., the dash and
the SAP document version (10 digit s).


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der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. all rights in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or

Norm / Standard
Brose numbering system 510890-114

6.3 Drawing entry

in modification and title field

Document version

T for TZI Document No. Document Indicating TZI

6.4 Authorization profile

Number assignment for TZI’ s according to BDR (Brose draw ings)

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der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. all rights in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or

Norm / Standard
Brose numbering system 510890-114

7 Classification of material
7.1 Description class system
Similar materials w ith collective charact eristics gets to abstract to classes. The material class
consists the class no., the class description and numbers of defined charact eristics and their
The class system of the separate business division consists trans-sectoral and non trans-sectoral

Overview class system:

BIN/ Functional Areas / Standardization / 07 classification of material / 01 Übersicht

Class w ith charact eristics and values: SAP / P01 / CL6AN Class list

7.2 Application
The classification data of materials are used for creating material description, searching of
materials, ect.

7.3 Responsibilities
The business division respectively department in charge is responsible for his ow n classes of

Complet e system Direct or Standardization Coburg

Window regulat ors Direct or Design Coburg

Door syst ems Direct or Design Hallst adt
Seat adjusters Direct or Design Coburg
Closure systems Direct or Design Wuppertal
Motors Direct or Development Motors Hallstadt
Electronics Direct or Development Electronics Hallst adt
Standard parts Direct or Standardization Coburg
Semi-finished products Direct or Pre-Production Coburg
Packages Direct or Central Logistics Coburg

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der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. all rights in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or

Norm / Standard
Brose numbering system 510890-114

8 Description of product hierarchy

8.1 Description
The hierarchy of products/materials classification for reporting purposes of business assessment.

Overview product hierarchy:

BIN/ Functional Areas / Standardization / 07 classification of material / 50 Produkthierarchie

In SAP / P01:
Material / Basic data 1 / General data

8.2 Responsibility
The Direct or of Controlling business division is responsible for his ow n product hierarchy.

The Direct or of Standardization is responsible for implementation of product hierarchy in SAP.

8.3 Note
The maintenance of the bacsic data in SAP (basic data 1+ 2, classification) is regulat ed by the
modification management.

9 Definition of standard parts

In SAP, the st andard part s are defined in the classification of the bacsic data.

9.1 Parts and sub assemblies

The f ollow ing feat ure characteristic applies for the highest serial index (100-899) of the standard

Part definition: STANDARD PART


The f ollow ing feat ure characteristic applies for all levels of the serial indices (100-899) low er as
the highest serial index. Additional for all levels of the development indices (000-099 and
900-999) of the standard part s:

Part definition: STANDARD PART


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Mitteilung ihres Inhaltes ist nicht ohne unsere vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung information contained in this document(s) is strictly prohibited w ithout prior w ritten
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der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. all rights in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or

Norm / Standard
Brose numbering system 510890-114

9.2 Final assemblies

The f ollow ing feat ure characteristic applies for the highest serial index (100-899) of the standard
Part definition: STANDARD PART

The f ollow ing feat ure characteristic applies for all serial indices (100-899) low er as the highest
serial index. Additional for all levels of the development indices (000-099 and 900-999) of the
standard parts:
Part definition: NOT DEFINED

9.3 Basic data

All features of classification from the basic data must be complet ely classified.

9.4 Intention
Definite identification of standard parts provides a basis for standardization task.

9.5 Application
These classification dat a of material are used for inquest of standard parts (e.g. SAP-Code of
transaction CL30n), for the definition of part s in the modification management GECOS, etc.

9.6 Responsibility
Responsible f or the maint enance of the classification feat ures in the basic data is the component
development of the business division (at BD SL design)

9.7 Standard parts, standard component parts

The Excel-List „ Standardt eile, Standardbaukästen Kategorie1.xls“ reflects the current status of
part s in SAP and is available in BIN/Functional Areas/Standardization/09 Standard parts, Standard
component part s/ Standardteile, Standardbaukästen Kategorie1. Until the implementation of this
list in SAP, the component engineers notify every change of the spectrum of the parts to ZEW-
SN. Then, ZEW-SN updat es the list.

9.8 Further applicable process descriptions

PR_U2_050_GR_52_00 Standardization of parts/component s and function interfaces
PR_R2_060_GR_54_00 Change management

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Mitteilung ihres Inhaltes ist nicht ohne unsere vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung information contained in this document(s) is strictly prohibited w ithout prior w ritten
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der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. all rights in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or

Norm / Standard
Brose numbering system 510890-1 14

Index Vorgang 1 Änderung Datum I Date Erateln I Prep-d Rütung Normung

Moditication Neme Check Standadis.

109 Standard revised 1 0 7 . 1 1.02 1 Beloch

110 I Par. 4 and 5 : change-over Bosch material No. to
I Brose W u ~ ~ e r t material
al No. added.
' 29.03.04
1 Beloch
' Par. 6: TZ1 drawing number added. 4
11 1
11 3 j
' Par. 6 conformed
, Par. 7 to 9 added.
to the convention of TZI.

t 01.09.04 @
-- .-

.. 4
1 08.11.05 1 Beloch
I Beloch
_ _

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Wcitcrgaba a w i e Y e r r Y f S t l ~ u wdiczer rsnrailibcn Unloriqldnl. Vcrwerhiw urd Thc m ~ y i w vc.
. dirtibumn or dioslours of mc mdidcntid d p m ~ d d r y
Milloil~g ihm. I n h i i e r ist mcht ohne war. vorhcrigc rMittlichc Gir(irnigung info<rndionsontinsd in thisd~umenflsl8s Stricily prohibitod without Prior writtcn
o c l i n c t . Zuriidwhdlurgon rerptlrhlcn zu S c h d a i s c r s e . Alle R r h r r f i h den Fdl son- Any b r c r h h i l o a s l thc infringing P m " to mrnsdies Thc a n e r rear-3
dir P ~ M ~ ~ I W d e r ~ e b r u c h m u * i - ~ i n t r m u nuorbeh&n.
~ i i riohrsin thc c r r m o f mcoranr of m patent oi ~ h cm ~ * r e n o nof a utilih r n d d rr

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