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definition: give an account of
synonyms: tell, narrate or correlate
derivations: relative, relation

definition: to fear greatly
derivations: dreadful, dreadfully, dread (noun)
Dreadful synonyms: frightening, fearful or scary
Dreadful opposites: pleasant or agreeable
Dread (noun) synonyms: great fear, alarm or anxiety
Dread (noun) opposite: confidence

definition: a household servant
derivations: domestically, domesticate
Domestic definition: to adapt to life in association with and to the use of humans.

definition: to laugh at or to make fun of mockingly or contemptuously
opposites: praise or respect
derivations: ridiculously, ridiculous, ridicule (noun)
Ridiculous definition: provoking laughter
Ridiculous synonyms: silly or absurd
Ridiculous opposites: serious or reasonable
Ridicule (noun) synonyms: derision or mockery

definition: to use up wholly
synonyms: to tire or to wear out
opposites: invigorate or refresh
derivations: exhaustion, exhaustive, exhaustively
Exhaustion definition: extreme weariness
Exhaustion synonym: burnout
Exhaustive synonyms: rigorous or thorough
Exhaustive opposite: incomplete
definition: a student who stays out of school without permission
derivation: truancy
Truancy definition: the act of staying out of school without permission

definition: willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property
synonyms: hooliganism or roguery
derivation: vandal
Vandal definition: a person who wilfully mars or destroys property

definition: to affect strongly, often favorably
synonyms: inspire, amaze or overwhelm
opposite: disappoint
derivations: impression, impressive
Impressive synonyms: amazing or admirable
Impressive opposites: unimpressive or disappointing

definition: to take in or to soak up
synonyms: consume, engross or draw in
opposites: resist or reject
derivations: absorption, absorbent, absorbing

definition: to recognize or point out a differency
synonym: differentiate
opposites: confuse or mistake
derivations: distinguished, distinguishable, distinction
Distinguished definition: standing above others in character, attainment or reputation
Distinguished synonym: important
Distinction synonym: differentiation, importance or eminence

definition: to express or explain your thoughts or feelings clearly in words
synonyms: eloquent, fluent or well-spoken
opposites: unvocal or inarticulate
derivations: articulately, articulation

definition: having or desiring knowledge
synonyms: respected or reputed
opposites: disreputable or obscure
derivations: prestige, prestigiously

derivations: influential, influentially
Influential definition: having the power to change
Influential synonyms: authoritative or forceful
Influential opposites: powerless or weak

synonyms: articulate or fluent
derivations: eloquence or eloquently
Eloquence definition: the ability to speak and write well and in an effective way
Eloquence synonyms: articulateness
Eloquence opposite: inarticulateness

definition: a highly talented child or youth
derivations: prodigious, prodigiously
Prodigious synonyms: extraordinary or remarkable
Prodigious opposite: ordinary or common

definition: an act of offering something precious
synonyms: to offer or to give up
opposites: to safeguard or to keep
derivations: sacrifice (noun). sacrificial, sacrificially
Sacrifice (noun) synonym: offering

definition: to be useful or profitable to someone or something or to receive benefit from
someone or something
synonyms: aid or help
opposite: harm
derivations: benefit (noun), beneficial, beneficially, benefactor, beneficiary
Benefit (noun) synonyms: advantage or profit
Benefit (noun) opposites: detriment or harm

definition: a feeling of sadness or disappointment over something that has happened
synonyms: remorse or sorrow
opposites: satisfaction, enjoyment or delight
derivations: regret (verb), regrettable, regrettably
Regret (verb) synonyms: to feel remorse or to feel guilt
Regret (verb) opposite: enjoy
definition: to fight or to struggle tenaciously
synonyms: to fight or to combat
derivations: battle (noun)
Battle (noun) definition: a long fight between large organized armed forces
Battle (noun) synonyms: fight or clash
Battle (noun) opposite: truce or ceasefire

definition: to make available for use
synonyms: deliver or supply
opposites: hold back or reserve
derivations: provider, provision

definition: an act of traveling from place to place
synonyms: trip or expedition
derivation: journey (verb)
Journey (verb) definition: to travel somewhere
Journey (verb) synonym: to travel

To make history.
definition: to do something important that has not been done before
derivations: history, historian, historical, historically
History synonym: past
History opposite: present

definition: to regard as right or true
synonyms: to consent or to give in
opposites: to deny or to reject
derivations: acceptance, accepted, acceptable, acceptably
Acceptance synonym: recognition
Acceptance opposites: denial or rejection

definition: a clear difference or contrast or exceptionally high quality
synonyms: difference, excellence or perfection
opposites: similarity, worthlessness or inferiority
derivations: distinguish, distinguishable, distinguished, distinguishing

definition: extreme degree of strength, force, energy or feeling
synonym: strength
opposite: moderation
derivations: intense, intensive
Intense definition: showing strong feeling or earnestness of purpose

Word pairs.

On every cigarette packet there’s a warning about the harmful effect that smoking has on our
health, yet that doesn’t stop smokers from buying cigarettes over and over again.
We all joke about being lonely and having few friends, but it has been scientifically proven
that hugs can affect a person’s immune system in a positive way.

There have been 129 mass shootings this year alone in the US, which makes students even
less motivated to go to school now, because for the most part they don’t feel safe.
“Save the turtles”, one of the most popular sayings of 2019/2020, became popular through
protests and, as we call them, VSCO girls.

sacrifice verb/sacrifice noun.

He sacrificed his school at 16 years old to help his mother with the bills and to take care of
his siblings, and we applaud him for that especially now that he’s going back to school to
finish his education.
He has been praised for all his hard work at the firm, but no one sees the sacrifices that his
assistant made to attend to his every need.

The hitchhiker had been standing at the side of the road for almost 12 hours when someone
finally offered him, but it was a creepy old him so he reluctantly accepted.
Bullying is unacceptable, even though it’s a very common phenomenon in today’s society.

Today’s society allows us to be much more open minded while hearing other people’s opinion
on topics, but that certainly wasn’t the case 20 to 30 years ago.
He kept on talking for almost 30 minutes about the correlation between colors and how
businesses use them for their branding, but no one understood the meaning of what he was
saying or why he was even talking in the first place.
❖ module 3 proverbs 2 & 4
❖ module 4 proverbs 3 & 5
❖ module 5 proverbs 3 & 4

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