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Homework English lesson 7 April 2023 Cebotari Dionisie

1. Healthcare professional: Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is [Your Name] and I am a healthcare

professional. What is your name?

Patient: My name is [Patient Name].

Healthcare professional: Nice to meet you, [Patient Name]. How are you feeling today?

Patient: I'm feeling okay.

Healthcare professional: Great. Before we begin, I'd like to establish a rapport with you. Could you tell me a little
bit about yourself?

Patient: Sure. I'm [age] years old and I work as a [occupation]. I live with my [family members/roommates/pets] in

Healthcare professional: Thank you for sharing that with me. Now, let's talk about your medical history. Have you
had any past illnesses or medical conditions?

Patient: Well, I had pneumonia when I was a child, but nothing else that I can think of.

Healthcare professional: Okay. Have you ever had any surgeries or hospitalizations?

Patient: No, I haven't.

Healthcare professional: Alright. Do you have any chronic conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure?

Patient: No, I don't.

Healthcare professional: That's good to hear. Now, I would like to ask you about your family medical history. Do
you know if anyone in your family has had any medical conditions or illnesses?

Patient: My grandfather had heart disease, and my aunt has asthma.

Healthcare professional: Thank you for letting me know. Now, could you tell me about any medications you're
currently taking or any allergies you have?

Patient: I take [medication name] for [condition], and I'm allergic to [allergen].

Healthcare professional: I see. Is there anything else you think I should know about your medical history?

Patient: No, I don't think so.

Healthcare professional: Alright. Do you have any questions or concerns for me?

Patient: No, not right now.

Healthcare professional: If you do have any questions or concerns later on, don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Thank you for sharing your medical history with me, [Patient Name]. It was nice meeting you.
2. Healthcare professional: Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is [Your Name] and I am a healthcare
professional. What is your name?
Patient: Hi, I'm [Patient Name].

Healthcare professional: Nice to meet you, [Patient Name]. How are you feeling today?

Patient: I'm not feeling well. I have been experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath.

Healthcare professional: I see. I am sorry to hear that. Before we start, could you please provide me with your
personal details such as your age, occupation and where you live?

Patient: Yes, I'm [age] years old, and I work as a [occupation]. I live in [city/country].

Healthcare professional: Thank you for that information. Now, let's talk about your medical history. Have you had
any past illnesses or medical conditions?

Patient: Yes, I have a history of high blood pressure and diabetes.

Healthcare professional: Okay. Have you ever had any surgeries or hospitalizations?

Patient: Yes, I had a surgery for appendicitis a few years ago.

Healthcare professional: Alright. Do you have any chronic conditions, apart from high blood pressure and

Patient: No, I don't.

Healthcare professional: Understood. Now, I would like to ask you about your family medical history. Do you
know if anyone in your family has had any medical conditions or illnesses?

Patient: My father had a heart attack, and my mother has a history of breast cancer.

Healthcare professional: Thank you for sharing that with me. Now, could you tell me about any medications
you're currently taking or any allergies you have?

Patient: I'm taking Metformin and Lisinopril for my diabetes and high blood pressure, and I'm allergic to penicillin.

Healthcare professional: I see. Is there anything else you think I should know about your medical history?

Patient: No, I don't think so.

Healthcare professional: Okay, I understand. Do you have any questions or concerns for me?

Patient: Yes, I am worried about the chest pain and shortness of breath. What could be the possible causes?

Healthcare professional: Well, those symptoms can be caused by various conditions, including heart or lung
problems. We will need to run some tests to determine the cause. But rest assured, we will work together to
figure out what's going on and create a treatment plan to help you feel better.

Patient: Thank you, that is reassuring to hear.Healthcare professional: Of course. If you have any more questions
or concerns, feel free to ask me. Thank you for sharing your medical history with me, [Patient Name]. We will work
together to improve your health.

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