Holiday Trees Frosh2022

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Leadership Procedure Form Activity: Wee Cowmepertion Person(s) in Charge:__Eceslwren Canes Team Members: _yoi pie On , Wulee on 2] /2U “Procedure form Is to be completed and tumed in the Activities Director one week after the Date of Event: ity of the student leader to meet this deadline without a reminder. event. It is the responsi Final Grade: - Sl. “To be completed by the AD. Note: signatures from the AD will not be completed the day this form is due. Signatures must be completed prior to due date. ‘Team Leader Check in Form:__Y\_/60 RHS Paperwork Procedure Form Score:_[A) _/30 (point value can change due to activity) ‘AD Evaluation of Execution of Event Score:_B_/10 Total Points/Final Score:_ 1 /I0_ #60 » STEP Your Responsibilities Date Point Value © Completed _| rode comple. dyad) overview Facilitative Leadership: As a class/group discuss the overall q 4 event/theme/ goal of activity. “tach minutes or notes, * Bf Explain the message/purpose of this activity here: Te sree: comperions purpose wes Pune SOO Noring, AoqErner Ane Sore A no od, and sepresens sve fresh class as awMnae Expl how tis even/ocviy wil flow the GIVE-ASK-GVE rode by Envolve Snudent Leadership Gre. WE gov Woliday spirit +O a Wich OFF Ae HOlllays ancl cepretent Give wr CLOSES Gao GAL we askedl ane student Wooly ao axkend she rally Sixte Gawes anda dirivks © grovide enfersatnm-cral ‘3 ways that we want the stodents of RHS to feel during this mage L Cneetsr Anchoring 2 Enciuded 4s 3, BEIWAAG, Complete the Organize Checklist of tasks & responstblites by student leaders vent 5 points Breakdown page, $ points checklist, 10 points Flow To... Breakdown, hs Checklist, & How : Ton LoS 18.20 we Complete Complete the Leadership Activity Event Procedure Form according Leadership the regulations and required paperwork along with signatures for Procedure Form | RHS. {4 Gratitude ‘Thank you cards done, must be completed and tured in athe ime of 5 theproesi orm de dee 4 Evauate Event Complete an After Action Report (AAR) Vv a8 Tota Poi, 60 points Valve 5|. 160 Congratulations on being a Team Leader! What's the difference between acting as Team Leader and acting as Team Member? Being a Team Member is about contributing and completing. Being a Team Leader is about facilitating, delegating, supporting, and celebrating. ‘Asa Team Leader you have an entirely different set of responsibil ities which center around 1) ensuring that your Team Members have the skills to complete their tasks on time a, See thé Check In Process below 2) understanding the big picture and making sure all the pieces come together Did you complete ZL your assigned task? t If Yes, celebrate their success! Ifno, ask them, Why? Address their needs. Deny the urge to complete the task for them!! See your advisor if you have questions about how to help. Set a new Check Date and modify the Task Checklist. Repeat! Four main reasons a group member does NOT complete their task: 1. Forgetfulness 2. Lack of resources 3. Lack of time 4, Lack of interest Event Planning Outline (Breakdown) Event Location: _ (QU Brief Description of Event: DEOCOKE cA Aree 8O we waged ond 4 we ov Wadley wiefs 4 ‘Toolbox for event (suppliesneeded)_— WEE, ori reintes , Vedas j ___ Main Attraction Close/Shut Down Welcome / Greeting GIVE BENEFIT BUILD TRUST vhe peneSix of ais even’ OFS x0p Vring, xoyerncr ye SkUdeT ody *O eros Anis NOT wane olin wrouyrs an HEP owacacrion ROAEVS MONT Ane axes SVG} WEMY WWM vnermserGes, Woe dagenre™ AO NYY Tacees are made wercrng Ane xFeED WOR ve and eV +he antersaanmen aw classes aves 40 We Vir TASK ‘WHO Is DUE DATE | DONE? NOTES Responsible ‘Yes or {only 1 person) No OM Sems | waina wv |\e/VZ2 es | elonce 4) axee, Naina “- [17/822 Yes 4 Noe 8S e [| Wyee mM. [12/8/74 es ee wee “""| Evame we |\/V2e yes LENS | Comme a. |I2/822| Yes Drocaye Ma _o- [2e//2uyes soasmcored Wane Mm. [2/8/22] Ges Foceogyte [Mama \e_fejwwj27| yes ) Event Planning Outline (Breakdown) Event Name: TCE AeceoCowions_ Event Date:_\t/@ [72 Event Location: (US Brief Description of Event: COCOKE cn AEE sO + Main Attraction Welcome / Greeting BUILD TRUST nis ener rua ON HE exudes Mar [ne Lrees evi OEM} WOKE evn selG eS. We, dogerrer #9 NICH Tees ore made worcling ne, WEED WE Uw Ug ANd “KON tne J avbS 40 We Vir entersoanmen ve we nie ecoviciecl Wy *he\r Tamed « CAass SKE CET ond Cheol sacs - Me main oreracriony AS classes and OANA Av up oO: swe. _WoVidhaay Ss CONN 4 Toolbox for event (suppliesneeded)_ RE, _ocniwreints , MojasS » eo ane NEES, rusic, anh gRePAKER BY PA Arie Close/Shut Down BENEFIT The peneSix of aes ENE OTS AOD Ving, SOYern whe sxudene ody XO ennjou provided FOr shew Step 6: How To... Create the steps in how your crew completed this activity. From the start ti] the end, what steps were taken to ensure this event was a success. Depth and detail will be very important in this task ahead and will be used as a reference for future leaders in this activity. **Exampled Provided: Class T-Shirts 2weeks + Create tshirt(s) design(s) and/or crew neck/ tank top + Get approved by class officers + Create clothing on iza design + Create a unit price week + Send out class text with pictures of designs Have all class officers create social media posts with clothing Create shifts throughout officer team for the day of Create a spread sheet to keep track of orders and kids’ class schedule + Create a poster with pictures of the designs on them Day of + Create another social media post + Create another class text + Bring tables/chairs/ music + Bring poster with images How To... “You can type up this document and add here, or add another piece of paper as needed. How to Tree Competition/decorations This event is used to bring together the student body for the gathering of lighting trees, holiday carols, and more. The tree competition is one of the main events in the holiday night rally and overall unites those who chose to attend this rally. Pick theme (our theme was masquerade) Order list -Omaments Star -Beads -Lights -Masks -Feathers -boas ‘Tree Finding someone with a tree that you can borrow is the easiest option If you can't borrow a tree you can order one like we did Forms PO forms (get tuned in asap that way all of your decorations will be in on time) Announcement form (we only had to do an announcement form because we were running this week) ‘Time management/meetings Make time to talk about a theme (be creative and go above and beyond) Get decor ordered weeks in advance!! (our class waited til last minute and was in alot of stress) Decorate the tree the day of and try and wait to put decorations on till you get into the mub or else they will fall off and break while transporting the tree (our lights broke on the way to the mub) petuinegm Bale watt Leadership Activity Event Procedure Form Directions: Any time our class has an activity for our student body there are multiple forms andl steps (0 --seeomplish in order to have a successful event, This form will assist to make sure all components activity are “pleted and done so in an efficient manner. ‘The overall grade will depend on the completeness of His activity dividual in the class whether directly involved or not. We are a functioning business aud will be applied to every int nd family that must help one another be successful. Working together is a key skill needed in this course and out see real world. ‘This process will help everyone with their responsibilities and cooperation with others. [ [Procedure Tndividual(s) Responsible Point | Points ] Comments/Notes Value_| Received Name of Event: Tree _Aecorari ne Date of Event:_\2/@/2@ T.] Facility Form: Student willprinta | Student Leader Tpomt | 7 INIA copy & attach the confirmation of | Activities Director (assist as event through the following site: | Seeded) hittps:liwww.tiponhigh.netvuse- | ™ offacilties ]._ | Purchase Order: Purple form Apoints | Q/4 Pandora othe . pois |2F items gpod, ‘ASB Bookkeeper in Attendance apy oF PO? Office a. Who filled form out b, Date Activities Director signed the form & ASB Treasures |, |e: Dat form tured into the ASB } | Bookkeeper Bookkeeper here: FX copy must be provided an alached this form. 5, | Announcement’) Spoints | oy/5 a. Date filled out & by whom 5 ae ee tatty Actiies | @—ateme_Wwiltacse 0/1427, Director and/or Head Advisor 47 otitis aie (Q) 2 4. Date(s) announcement (5) will copy of ll announcements must be beread attached to this formt o__ Muha a__xaftfoe _ %. | Publicity Tpoints | 12 | emaenct 7 «2. Form of publicity used a ayn. oteYS \ 7 bb. Date publicity put up & by Ersxoccoies 9ST ‘whom b.__ jo Jaz - \rfalee 7 Geshe RoraTom fonda 3 points | 3 forty’s office or with the Bookkeeper in Attendance Office —_— )) | a: Date form is picked up _/ | b Date Activites Director signed | P- the form & ASB Treasurer c. Date form tured into the Bookkeeper “Must be signed off by the ASB | Bool here: &_| Dance Forms (applicable Spoints | 16 ~Danee Procedure Form: Got Jrom the Vie Principal a ‘a. Date form is picked up — Date form is complete ©. Date tured into the attendance | b.. office °, “please include a copy of completed form = DJ; Sounds in Motion 522-5999 a, Date called & by whom b. Date contract is filled out and returned to company. To be completed by AD or Head Advisor, ‘communication is key! «. Date of call back one week prior toevent 9, | Minutes: 3 points |) 3 | a. Date of meeting & location ®, Date minutes emailed to AD — copy of he mints must be preset on completed procedure form. For AD to Sign: A copy was ce d to the Activities Director: “Le form to be verified/signed by the ASB President: 3 points 3 B Completed ig to be verified/signed off by ivities Director: 3 point | 3B Total amount of point value and points received: BO Grade: \4-/a0 Leadership Activity Event Procedure Form Directions: Any time our class has an activity for our student body there are multiple forms and steps to -eeomplish in order to have a successful event. This form will assist to make sure all components to an activity are apleted and done so in an efficient manner. The overall grade will depend on the completeness of this activity ‘aid will be applied to every individual in the class whether directly involved or not. We are a functioning business and family that must help one another be successful. Working together is a key skill needed in this course and out in the real world. This process will help everyone with their responsibilities and cooperation with others. Procedure Tndividual(s) Responsible Point | Points | Comments/Notes Value_| Received Name of Event: Tree Aecorarine, Date of Event:_\2/8/2Z T, | Facility orn: Seen vil prints ‘Student Leader T point i IN/A copy & attach the confirmation of i ‘i event through the following site: Director (assist as https:/Awww.riponhigh.netfuse- oF facities F,_ | Purchase Order: Purple form Gpoints | Qi Jadwionraieeenm 1a Vous Vern a |idems god “ASB Bookkeeper in Attendance | * O84 Nero apy oF PO Office 1. Who filled form out bo jae Date Activities Director signed | the form & ASB Treasurer © fee py g-Date for ted ino he ASB | ue signe ff tg 145B ookkesper Bookkeeper here. Tust be provided an attached t0 5, | Anmouncement(@y Spoimis | TS ‘Date filled out & by whom < A ue b. Date signed off by Activities 3 Wiig V1 Director and/or Head Advisor 4 Piscuunelnwnie ater (BQ 4. Date(s) announcement (s) will YA copy ofall announcements must be be read attached to this form! efi a__vait]ez _ 6. | Publicity 2 points | | /2 7 a. Form of publicity used ps \ emdenct b. Date publicity put up & by whom 7, | Cash Box Form: form found in Spomis |B Morty’s office or withthe Bookkeeper in Attendance Office a. Date form is picked up b. Date Activities Director signed | D-__ ae 7 the form & ASB Treasurer «©. Date form turned into the Bookkeeper. —_—— After Action Report TNCOLQMOLN AAS acHVINY yearned xO OTe AME cemvenn Cass thar we weccl aur aecor@sions CLarter Wn advances CLE NASS Aik @ apart yore” Of gong over Ant = 30P and geting o mut sve aone) wih TONS Ok decorations 22 SM the eves ANEE. HIS We Kealty YnOUgne WeTY one Acgexher and ynisect Woda a5 ane srudety A whole Mgnt rarvey “ne ace AecorationsS were eed 40 grotiE YOY onck entiqnement +o sue student vocdys we ees ror OY cont cha ape student 0dY eonme che sve efesamey pecavse we were 4nt youre class ale 30 promo Hee and encayvlacye cur dass 4 come suppers eur WATE We Ack ay Yhe Molicay Score your event ~ 1 being poor, 10 being great gy OFdEE QeCOK wong Bp dons occer ES Db woccow week wr advance Grown’ sanieonc Activities Director Evaluation of Event Completion Event Team Leader Debrief & Communication Factor Team leader(s) was able to debrief cohesively when asked. If team leader was unavailable, a group member ‘was knowledgeable and able to present. ADs inquire of “to dos” and/or deadlines met were answered professionally by the team leader/group Point Value: QP ‘Comments: Professionalism & Respect ‘Team Leader/Group Members acted and executed the event with professionalism and efficiency. Respect toward peers, group members, staff, and AD were executed with professionalism tree looked Faloutuus | Overall Evaluation ADs perspective of the overall completion of activity. "Deadlines met “Were constant reminders from the AD necessary *All team members present or were there excuses *Did the team execute a strong activity or was there disappointment and improvement that could have been made? 416 Total Points: S no eee ”"_—T mmm CV 1S1U Ly Jo/pue JOSIAPY Aq paubis 24 3S \ sor ONY OWS OS A Vyywo > JAso 305 moxowes \Ooves oa. Dak 30 BWIA A yaOsoZ AOS Samael: / ey lnm possourpeodiedicy (=)e120 unating Ayeq SLNSNASDNNONNV SD Ta th CES ce = eR wee { : : aa Re : ; BPA A wer mae ae EA Re Pie a G Send list to others see More searchehistst | Filter Sort aya birthday tit Pate Masquerade tree (reshie) Pte Mogan Prva Rallys te ‘Save & Compare ate Fes crete nek ot wee Memmmesesateruat om were a cmt hem eee eon oe Se ea 858 GOL Rae PO str Some

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