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Through this magazine

are bringing you the
legacy of the Leo Club
of NIBM.

Stepping into an ex-

citing adventure....

The Editorial Team
NOTE (PG- 01)
• President
• Secretary
• Assistant Secretary

(PG- 05)


(PG- 06)

(PG- 08)


Dear Leos of NIBM,

The first year of the NIBM Leo Club is coming

to end. It was an uphill battle to overcome to get
this far. As a university-based inaugural club, we
worked on a lot of startup projects during my le-
ostic year in 2022-2023. Together, we have signif-
icantly improved both the lives of individuals in
need and our communities.

I’d like to extend an invitation to all of my NIBM

brothers and sisters to join this incredible platform,
which exposes your skills to the entire world.

As my year is about to end, I want to thank all

the members, executives, and directors who have
worked with me thus far to leave a lasting legacy.
I appreciate having the privilege of being your
president. It has been an honor to work with each
of you, and I can’t wait to see what you will all be
able to accomplish in the years to come.

Thank You.

Leo Gevindu Kodikara,

Leo Club of NIBM.

PAGE NO - 01

Dear Leos of NIBM,

I’ve loved serving as the  secretary of Leo Club

of NIBM, and I appreciate all of your support and
assistance throughout that time.

I’m grateful for those who encouraged me to

advance as the secretary of the NIBM Leo Club
and to strive for greater things. As I reflect on our
time together, I am filled with a sense of pride and
gratitude for all that we have achieved. There is
no question in my mind that each and every one of
you will keep having a positive influence on your
communities and beyond.

A special thank you to Leo Ashvini Fernando for

her commitment to seeing the magazine through to
the end.

Thank You.

Leo Thisaruni Wijebandara,

Leo Club of NIBM.

PAGE NO - 02

Dear Leos of NIBM,

Becoming the assistant secretary of the Leo Club

in Nibm was a fantastic experience. This is a great
opportunity, and I contend with my position.

In this journey as the assistant secretary, I met with

countless obstacles. I am grateful to all who helped,
motivated, and supported me during those hard-
ships, and i believe your support will always be with

Special thanks should go to Ashvini for her invalu-

able dedication. Her contribution to our magazine
should always be appreciated. Even with her busy
schedule, she was able to fulfil her tasks and release
this magazine. She has always showcased her tal-
ents, and we are grateful to have her in our team.


Leo Nethra Kariyapperuma,

Assistant Secretary,
Leo Club of NIBM.

PAGE NO - 03
Project Hunger
It’s important to keep eating healthfully as you age. Your body’s
needs for energy (calories) decrease as a result of changes.

On May 2, 2023, we were successful in providing parents at

Ganemulla Suwasewana Elder’s Home with a nutritious lunch along
with some party time.

As Leos of NIBM we were so pleased to see them being happy.

PAGE NO - 05
International days and weeks are opportunities to raise awareness of important problems, to mobilize polit-
ical will and funding to tackle world issues, and celebrate and highlight human achievements. International
Days have been around since before the United Nations was founded, but the UN has embraced them as a
potent advocacy tool.

07 td of April - World Health Day

The purpose of World Health Day is to raise awareness of health con-

cerns that affect people all over the world. World Health Day is an in-
ternational effort that encourages everyone, from world leaders to the
general public in every nation, to concentrate on a particular health is-
sue that has an influence on the entire world. With a focus on fresh
and developing health concerns, World Health Day offers a chance
to launch group efforts to safeguard people’s health and wellbeing.

14 th of April - Sinhala and Tamil New Year

Aluth Avurudda, or Sinhalese New Year, is a national holiday in

Sri Lanka that honors the traditional New Year of the island’s Sin-
halese and Tamil populations. The majority of Sri Lankans as well
as the Sinhalese and Tamil people celebrate this significant day.

The start of the new year coincides with the sun’s transi-
tion from Meena Rashiya (the house of Pisces) to Mesha Rashi-
ya (the house of Aries), according to Sinhalese astrology. It also
signifies the conclusion of the spring and the harvest season.

25th of April- World Malariya Day

Recognizing the successes of nations that are close to eradicat-

ing malaria and those who have already done so will help the world
reach its goal of zero cases of the disease. They serve as an inspi-
ration for all countries seeking to eradicate this dreadful disease
and enhance the wellbeing and standard of living of their people.

PAGE NO - 06

Dear Leos of NIBM,

We have reached to the very end of the maga-

zine.The tenth edition is being released right now.
Along this journey my Club President Gevin-
du Kodikara along with my Leos  has helped me
alot.  It has been an honor to serve as your editor.

Also I would like to express my gratitude to all

those who submitted articles, photographs, and
other content. This magazine is more interesting
to read and more instructive thanks to your efforts
and inventiveness. Together, we put a lot of effort
into creating a bulletin that promotes the Leo Club’s
principles and showcases our successes and volun-
teer activities.

As my period as Bulletin Editor draws to an end, I’d

like to encourage the next Bulletin Editor to keep
sharing their experiences with the larger community.

Thank you for the privilege of serving as your Bul-

letin Editor.

Leo Ashvini Fernando,

Bulletin Editor,
Leo Club of NIBM.

PAGE NO - 08

Dear Leos of NIBM,

I want to take a moment to think back on the amazing

trip we have experienced over the past year as my
tenure as graphic designer. It has been a privilege to
be your designer, and I want to thank my president
Leo Gevindu Kodikara for believing my potentials.

We have put a lot of effort into developing visual-

ly attractive designs that display our initiatives and
events as well as the Leo Club’s core beliefs. We
have worked together on leaflets, posters, and social
media graphics to raise awareness of our volunteer
efforts and encourage others to become involved.

As I hand over the reins to the next Graphic De-

signer, I encourage you to continue to use the power
of design to communicate your message and inspire
action.  I look forward to seeing all of the amaz-
ing designs you will continue to create in the years

Thank You.

Leo Chanaka Bandara,

Assistant Designer,
Leo Club of NIBM.

PAGE NO - 09
“Together let us all thrive to make
a change in the world. It is time our
motherland needs Leos the most and
we shall strive for excellence!”

-Leo Gevindu Kodikara-

Club President 2022-23
APRIL 2023
Tenth Edition


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