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Bronze Portfolio Requirements NOTE:

You must have passed your Lean
Please read the Portfolio Information and Instructions document before building Bronze examination before you can
your Bronze Portfolio. You may find it helpful to have a copy of the Lean submit your Bronze Portfolio.
Certification Competency and Behavior Model and Lean Certification Body of
Knowledge at hand as you complete your Portfolio requirements.
Bronze Certification is focused on tactical lean. Tactical lean is the deployment and application of lean principles,
concepts and methods locally, within a work group or value stream. This may be a workshop or project focused on
implementation of specific lean concepts or techniques regardless of the industry (services, manufacturing, retail,
insurance, medical, etc.) where the project took place or was executed.
As a Lean Bronze Certification candidate, please complete the Plan-Do-Check-Act (Adjust) reporting on your three (3)
best projects. It is expected that as a Lean Bronze Certification candidate you will have many projects to choose from,
and your Portfolio should reflect the three that best represent your lean knowledge, experience, and continuing growth
and development.

Bronze Portfolio Scoring

Each element of the Portfolio is scored individually. To successfully pass the Portfolio, you must receive:

•  A “pass” on the education, training & development requirements.

•  A score of 12 out of 15 possible points on EACH project (all three projects must pass).
•  A score of 20 points out of 25 possible for your Portfolio reflection.

If an element of your Portfolio does not pass, your Portfolio will be returned to you and you have one opportunity to update
the element that did not meet the requirements. Upon resubmission, only that element will be reviewed. Elements that
already passed will not be re-evaluated.

Portfolio Component Scoring Pass Point
Education, Training, and Development Pass/Fail Pass
Tactical Projects (3) 15 points per project 12 points per project*
Tactical Portfolio Reflection 25 points 20 points

*Each project must receive a score of 12 or higher for successful Portfolio completion.

Portfolio Review Process

All Portfolios will be peer reviewed. Portfolios will be evaluated and scored against the criteria outlined under the
Portfolio Requirements.
Bronze candidate Portfolios will be evaluated by a single reviewer. As a system of checks and balances, if a Portfolio does
not pass on the second submission with the original reviewer, it will then be sent to a second reviewer for review and score
verification. If a second reviewer is required, a conference call between reviewers will be held to reach consensus on the
Portfolio score before results are returned to the candidate.
The Portfolio review process may take up to 60 days to complete.

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 1


Submitting Your Portfolio

To submit your Portfolio, log into your SME Customer Account, or create a new account, in the upper right hand corner of
the homepage ( If you need assistance, call SME Customer Care at 800.733.4763 or 313.425.3000, Monday
through Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. View detailed instructions with images here.

1. After signing in, click View Your Profile (located in upper right hand corner of the webpage).
2. Under My Account, on the left side of the webpage, click Portfolio Submission under Certification.
3. At the bottom of the left side of the webpage under My Submissions, click New Submissions.
4. Under View Abstracts, click Start to the right of the Bronze Portfolio.
5. Keep yes checked for Are you a Author on this submission?
6. Enter the Title of your submission (i.e., Lean Bronze Portfolio).
7. Select Lean Portfolio for the Category from the drop down menu.
8. You do not need to enter any data in Length in Minutes or Audience Level of Expertise.
9. For Min. Number of Required Reviewers, enter one.
10. Highlight Bronze below Topic Options and click the arrow to move it to the box at the right of the screen.
11. Primary Topic will automatically populate after selecting Topic Option.
12. For Keywords, click on Tactical (Bronze) then click the arrow to move it to the box at the right of thescreen. Click Save
and Continue.
13. Verify or update your personal information then select Continue from the drop down box after Save and,then click Go.
14. In the Word text box, add a note about your Portfolio (e.g., Lean Bronze Portfolio, first submission). Textmust be
entered in this field to proceed.
15. Click Choose File and select your Portfolio file. Please use this naming convention for your file:CustomerID-Last Name
First Name-Bronze Portfolio. (Do not include zeros at beginning of Customer ID.)
16. Click Upload.
17. Type Yes in the text box below Do you agree to the terms and conditions. Note: there are no terms andconditions to
which you are agreeing.
18. The Usage Questions section is not applicable for portfolios. Please make sure all questions areanswered no then click
Save and Continue.
19. Verify your submission details and contact information. If everything is accurate, click Submit.

An email acknowledgement will be sent when your portfolio is received. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within
48 hours, please assume your portfolio was not received. Report any upload difficulties to or call
SME Customer Care at 800.733.4763 or 313.425.3000.
Review of your portfolio may take up to 60 days to complete.

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 2


Education, Training, and Development Documentation

Please document the lean-related education, training, and development activities in which you have participated. They may
include training (public or company-sponsored), conference attendance, hands-on workshops, books, videos, etc.
The education, training, and development requirement for Lean Bronze Certification is 80 hours.
Education, training, and development documentation MUST demonstrate continuing investment in your lean education over
time. For example, if you started your lean journey in 2001, you should illustrate how you’ve invested in your education, training
and development from 2001 to the present.
Your education, training, and development for Lean Bronze Certification should include three (3) or more of the various
categories of professional development activities listed below. Information submitted could be subject to audit.
See Lean Bronze Certification: Education and Training Requirements document for acceptable credit hours.
Your total combined education, training, and development MUST include all four (4) categories of the Lean Certification Body of
Knowledge (PDF):

•  Cultural Enablers
•  Continuous Process Improvement
•  Consistant Lean Enterprise Culture
•  Business Results

Indicate the parts of the Lean Certification Body of Knowledge covered in the training you’ve documented by placing X’s in the
appropriate columns of the Lean Certification Body of Knowledge categories. Please refer to the Lean Certification Body of
Knowledge (PDF) for the topics covered under each major category.
NOTE: If you are including Kaizen events or other “hands–on” events in this section, they may not be used for your Portfolio
projects. You may only count each activity or event one time within your Portfolio.

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 3


Education, Training, and Development Form

Please enter your education, training, and development activities in the form below. The number of hours will sum automatically.
You can download the Lean Certification Body of Knowledge at
You are seeking a Lean Certification, so while Six Sigma, Balanced Scorecard, Leadership Development, and other activities are
certainly relevant, they should not dominate the education, training, and development activities you list below to the exclusion of
lean activities.
Place an “X” in the cells below to indicate the following
Lean Certification Body of Knowledge areas covered by your
education, training, and development activities. (See the Lean
Certification Body of Knowledge for topic details.)

Continuous Consistent
Education, Training, and Development Activities Cultural Business
Year Hours Process Lean Enterprise
(Descriptions) Enablers Results
Improvement Culture
If submitting a single activity for more than 20 hours of credit, provide an outline of the course/activity, explaining its content.
Preparing material for Balanced ScoreCard Training
2022for Med
2 level management X
(Company: Canal
X Sugar) X
Preparing material for A3 problem solving for Project
2022& Operations
2 Teams (Company:
X Canal Sugar)
Preparing material for SOP generation for Production
2022& Maintenance
2 XTeams (Company:
X Canal XSugar) X
Peparing material for OEE Training & Calaculation
2 for Operations Management
X (Company: Canal Sugar)
Preparing material for On Job Training & Skill Assessment
2023 2for Production
X Team X
(Company Canal Sugar)
Preparing material for Work Place Organization for
2 Team X
(Company: X
General MotorsXEgypt)
Preparing material for Takt time & Actual Takt time
training2for Operation Team (Company:
X General
X Motors Egypt)
Preparing material for Throughput improvement process
2021 including
2 pareto charts X
& Downtime analysis
X for production team (Company: General
Preparing material for line balancing and Value added
2021 analysis
2 (Company: General
X Motors Egypt)
Reading Book: Gemba kaizen 2019 4 X X X X
Reading Book: The Toyota Way 2021 4 X X X X
Reading Book: Lean Production Simplified 2022 4 X X X X
Reading Book: Learning to See 2022 4 X X X X
Reading Book: The Lean Handbook A Guide to the
Bronze4 X X X X
Kaizen/Lean Event – Facilitator for X560 line backend
2019 process
20 productivity
X improvement
X (Location:
X LEONI Egypt)
X (Duration: 5 Days)
Kaizen/Lean Event – Participant for developing Quality
2019 dimensional
14 Xanalysis tool
X (Location: General
X Motors Egypt)
X (Duration: 14 Days)
Lean Employment (LEONI Egypt/Industrial Engineer/2.5
20 X X X X
Lean Employment (General Motors Egypt/Industrial
20 years)


1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 4


Lean Course Outline

If any one item accounts for more than 20 hours, a course outline should be provided in order to evaluate lean course content.

Please paste copy from course outline below:

Kaizen/Lean Event – Facilitator for X560 line backend process productivity improvement (Location: LEONI Egypt)
(Duration: 5 Days)
Kaizen Event Objective was to:
1- Assess the real current state (on shop floor) vs documented performance (through time study)
2-Perform gap analysis (through value added analysis & waste identification and ranking ,man machine chart analysis &
two handed charts)
3-Develop solutions (through brainstorming - layout, workstation & work sequence modifications)
4-Verfiy and standardize (confirm solution effectiveness and update SOPs)

LEONI Egypt/Industrial Engineer Job Responsibility:

• Ensure complete smooth process for production with the highest possible utilization of resources
• Striving for continuous improvement and better resources utilization
• Developing and Improving Several Industrial Tool Software for Internal Use (Replacing Commercial
Software). Done through utilizing both technical and programming skills
Accomplished through:
• Conducting Method and Time Studies in order to provide targets for production
• Calculation of required facilities to meet customer demand.
• Balancing dynamic lines to determine number of workstations required to be able to fulfill demand
while ensuring highest possible utilization
• Utilization of process improvement tools and techniques

Lean Employment (General Motors Egypt/Industrial Engineer/2.5 years)

• Monitoring and Improving Manufacturing KPIS. (DT, NSOT, HPU, Overspeed, Lead Time, etc.)
• Follow-up and support headcount reduction through process improvement (Lean & Kaizen)
• On-Site Global Manufacturing (GMS) Training for Production line foremen & operators
• Conducting GMS Audits on Shop Floor
• Management and development of Downtime Cost Recovery Process
• Development of tools to streamline processes & improve their overall efficiency (DFSS)
• Business Process Automation

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 5


Lean Bronze Project Documentation

Tactical (Local) Projects
Lean Bronze candidates are focused on the tactical (local) application of lean, and must report out on three (3) lean projects.
Tactical (local) lean is the deployment and application of lean principles, concepts and methods within a work cell, work
group or value stream. A project may be a workshop, event or activities focused on implementation of specific lean concepts
or techniques.
For the Lean Bronze Certification projects, please use the “Tactical (Local) Project Form” to document each of your projects.
Describe the three (3) most significant lean projects you have lead or participated in (one per page). It is assumed that a Lean
Bronze candidate will have lead or actively participated in more than three (3) projects, and should select the best projects from
that experience. Projects should reflect both the depth and breadth of your lean knowledge and experience.
Projects should demonstrate continuing practice in lean. For example, if you are applying for certification in 2014, and you
started your lean practice in 2001, you may choose to include projects from 2002, 2008 and 2012 in your Portfolio to
demonstrate that you are still practicing lean.
PASS POINT: Each tactical project must score 12 out of 15 possible points. Each project must pass for successful
Portfolio completion.

Lean Certification Portfolio Writing Tips

Effective Portfolio Tips
Don’t assume, remember that the reviewers weren’t present for your experience. Maximize the space allotted for each section in
the Portfolio form to give direct, concise accounts of your experience.
State “What” and “How”
Go beyond simply answering the “what” to also tell the reviewers the practical application of the tools — the “how”. For
example, to answer what metrics you used in the project, simply listing the metrics doesn’t tell the reviewer how they were used.
Consider one additional sentence to tell a more complete story.
Example: Metrics used in this project: floor space utilization, motion, and process cycle time (What). These metrics were
critical to aligning the team to the project objectives, helped us prioritize the most pertinent opportunities for improvement,
and were visually posted to communicate progress along the way (How).
Don’t Forget About You!
Remember this certification is about you! This is an individual certification that is intended to recognize you for your lean
leadership. Be clear in describing what you personally did to deliver success in the projects.
Example: A general team statement like, “The team utilized fishbone diagrams and five-why’s to complete root cause
analysis,” tells the reviewer something different than stating how you personally impacted or led the team. This statement,
“I facilitated the team through effective root cause analysis by utilizing tools such as fishbone and the five whys. These tools
helped allowed the team to complete structured, facilitated, discussions to go beyond symptoms and drive to true root causes
for the issues we faced,” offers better information Telling the story of your lean experience by being concise, stating the facts,
and focusing on your lean leadership will help you write an effective Portfolio in support of your quest for lean certification!

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 6


Tactical (Local) Project 1

Project Title: Tipping Process Throughput Improvment
Organization Function

Organization: Canal Sugar

Industry: Sugar Manufacturing
Industry and organization function affected. Function: Production
Two parts: which industry and which function in
the organization(s).

Problem Statement

During the commissioning of Canal Sugar's New Plant. the actual average
throughput for six unloading bays were 10,433 beet tons/ day vs. the planned
Describe the problem or opportunity using minimum throughput of 18,000 beet tons/ day. This was not adequate for both
complete sentences. the testing required during the commissioning. In addition, such low throughput
What were you attempting to accomplish? Why?
resulted in large queues of trucks carrying sugar beet resulting in the
deterioration of the raw material and increased cost from supplier incurred fines

Project Dates

Provide the project start date. Project Start: 08-Jun-2022 till 28-Jun-2022
If you are no longer involved in the project, also My involvement: 12-Jun-2022
provide the date you transitioned off the project. Transition from active involvement to high level oversee: 28-Jun-2022
Projects should show a progression in dates to Project End: 15-Jul-2022
reflect a history of lean experience. When did
the project begin and end, and when did you join
and leave?

Your Role

I was called upon as LeanSubject Matter Expert. My objective was to work with
Role in the project and team selection process owners (engineers & operators) to quantitative analysis (capacity) for the
Two Parts: your role and how team members were current state and come up with both the short & long terms actions to reach the
selected. What did you do on the team? future state which was to achieve a minimum throughput of 16k tons/day for 6
If you selected others to be on the team, explain
if you were selected, explain why? unloading bays. Later in the project I requested logistics lead, maintenance
supervisor, safety supervisor to join the core team in the solution phase

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 7


Tactical (Local) Project 1

1 Project Selection

I was assigned to the project but the top management due to the criticality of the
situation. As explained in problem statement, the throughput of the 6 tipping
How were you involved in project selection stations was lower than the minimum required capacity of 18,000 ton/day. this
and definition?
would impact the commissioning activities done at that time which would impact
Why did you select this project to work on? If
you were assigned to this project, explain your the daily operation capacity of the plant. In addition, due to long queuing times,
understanding of why this project was selected. raw material quality would degrade as it is exposed to the sun further reducing
the output of the sugar that would be produced. Finally, suppliers would charge
us more due to the trucks being stuck at the tipping station queue.

The main objective was to increase the throughput of the 6 tipping stations to a
total throughput of 18,000 tons/day. However the secondary objective was to set
Why was the project selected? a road map to further increase the throughput to 28,000 tons/day for next
Define the problem in more depth than the
problem statement above. For example, you might
campaign commissioning that would be performed in 2023. It is also important to
explain its scope and/or how it fit into the bigger mention that there was no current state documentation(not the process was not
picture for the organization. stable and had to operational documents regarding the roles and responsibility of
each operator or the manpower that should be assigned to each tipping stations)

The impact of the bottleneck of the tipping stations was that it would not allow for
adequate testing to be performed on the plant's equipment which would in turn
impact the whole sugar manufacturing campaign. This mainly due to the
regulations (safety, insurance, etc.) forcing the actual operation throughput to
What was the impact on the whole organization?
not exceed the throughput achieved during the commissioning phase

One of the main objective of this new plant was that it was the spearhead of
Egypt's strategic initiative regarding food sustainability (mainly to achieve 100%
self-sufficiency of Egypt's sugar requirement). This was paramount for Egypt's
How did this project link to customer quality,
food security especially after the major disruption events that occurred in 2022
cost, and delivery?
Why do you think those links were important? impacting the whole economy. Not achieving the required throughput at the
tipping station, would constraint the plant capacity thus not closing the sugar gap.

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 8


Tactical (Local) Project 1

2 Documentation

Since no current state documentation existed. I performed time study to capture

the current state (as-is). this was done through capturing 15 cycles of the tipping
Describe the current process condition that process. process would start by truck entering the unloading bay (through
produced the current process outcome.
guidance of an operator). Operator would then hook the truck to safety chains.
Be specific, and quantify your response, if you
can. What was YOUR role in documenting the Then the operator would position lock discs at the center of each wheel and
current condition? though a control panel, engage the locks to lock the truck in place. after which
the driver would open the side doors of the trucks. After which the platform is
tipped to 45 degree to unload the beet. Side door are then closed and truck leave

Conducting the time study, I identified the average cycle time for one cycle
(current state) was around 48 mins with the truck average tonnage of around
57.5 tons. This would result in an actual capacity for 6 bays operating for 24hrs
What was the target condition (specific and to be around 10,433.
Target condition was to achieve a minimum throughput of 18,000 tons/day with a
secondary objective to reach 28,000 tons/day

performed time study to capture the current state (as-is). this was done through
capturing 15 cycles of the tipping process in video. After which I performed task
breakdown for each element along with documenting if it value add, non-value
What was YOUR role in documenting it?
add or necessary value add using a video time study software. I also created a
swim-line process flow for the whole process.

Target condition was set by management as explained above

What was the most important takeaway in

deciding the target condition?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 9


Tactical (Local) Project 1

3 Metrics

Metric used was sugar beet tons tipped per 6 loading bay per 1 day.
What metrics were used to measure the problem
current state was 10,433 tons/6loading bay/1day vs target of 18,000
and why were they relevant to achieve the target
condition? Other metrics used to calculate the above metric was the average cycle time to
State facts and figures to support your reasoning. tip one truck
Note: Company confidential data can still be used
in an indexed or normalized data format.

4 Planning

I used ganatt chart to demonstrate the tasks to be done by the different parties to
allow for holistic view of the whole project. I also conducted daily standoff
What planning tools were used in tracking the meeting to discuss with the core team the activities to be performed on that day.
progress of the project? Why were those tools Finally we also employed action plan list detailing the different activities along
chosen? What was your role in managing the with the owners and the due dates.

1 Project Contribution

I was responsible to guide the different teams through systematic thinking and to
utilize the adequate Lean tools to achieve the required objective. I would coach
them about the different lean techniques to help us during the current state and
What were YOUR roles and YOUR responsibilities
problem solving stage (such as 5S, SMED, 5 Whys,RCA, etc.). I would explain to
during your tenure on the project? How did the
team benefit from your participation? them how I was able to document the current state using time study. In addition
on how to identity and categorize the different wastes available in the process.
And finally the importance of standardization

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 10


Tactical (Local) Project 1

2 Countermeasures

from time study performed combined with the use of Pareto chart for the
List specific countermeasures and solutions. necessary and non- value added activities, we identified the main wastes that
Why were those countermeasures and solutions needed to be address first. Countermeasures included implementing a
retractable platform to prevent beets from falling under the truck (which saved 12
What was your role in deciding on the
countermeasures and solutions? mins). Another counter measure was the use of shovel like tools instead of
clearing beet by hand. Also to close side doors away from platform (8min saved)

Based on the waste Pareto generated from the time study, we generated
consensus on the waste activities that needed to be addressed. This was mainly
Describe the actions taken to implement and test
done during a team meeting session which I facilitated. During countermeasures,
the countermeasures.
Why were those actions taken? I requested supervisors from different functions to support and verify in solution
What was your role in deciding the actions? generation. Solutions would be drafted during brainstorming sessions and pilot
area was staged at one of the tipping stations were modification were performed.

I was the facilitator of the brainstorming sessions and would follow up on the
different project activities. I was also responsible for communicating the project
How did the team identify and make changes? status with top management and requesting support and resources from them
What was your role in that process? based on project needs.

3 Lean Principles and Tools

What lean principles (Lean Thinking or Shingo Process Focus and Gemba when analysis the current state of the process
Prize concepts and principles) did YOU use in Standardization when creating Job element sheets for the different elements for
this project? training and documentation for the process owners
Why were those principles appropriate for this
Seek perfection were we continued to identify improvements and implement
What was your role in deciding on the lean them even after achieved our targets

SMED (when identifying the the tipping platform was the main bottleneck of the
tipping process and all actions that could be done independent of the platform
What Lean Tools were used in this project? such as closing the side doors, should be done away from the platform)
Why were they appropriate for this project?
Standardized Work Combination Table when quantifying the current state using
What was your role in deciding the tools to use?
time study. Visual management was used to guide trucks to entry the unloading
bay and to locate it to the exact stop position.

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 11


Tactical (Local) Project 1

1 Results

Yes target was achieved and exceeded. In the pilot area, we were able to reduce
the cycle time for the loading bay from 48 mins to around 16 mins (31,134 tons
Referencing the Plan section parts 2 and 3, was per 6 unloading bays per day). This was validated through a time study
the expected target achieved?
conducted on the pilot area after it has been working continuously for 2 days. My
How was it validated?
What was your role in assessing the improved role was to valid the time study on shop floor.

We were able to quickly implement short term actions to the rest of the loading
bays reducing the cycle time from 48mins to 27mins thus increasing the capacity
of the 6 unloading bays from 10,433 to 18,400 thus allowing for adequate testing
Referencing the reasons for selecting the project, throughput throughout the commissioning phase. (tipping station was
what were the benefits of the improved condition? de-bottlenecked).
Long term actions were planned to be conducted after 2022 campaign to further
reduce the tipping cycle time from 27 mins to 16 mins thus increasing the
capacity of the 6 unloading bays from 18,400 to 31,134 and meeting the sec targt

target was exceeded.

If the condition didn’t improve, explain why?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 12


Tactical (Local) Project 1

2 Monitor

I would conduct random audit during on shop floor during weekly gemba to
review the documentations, operators training and awareness regarding their
Standard Operating Procedures & Job Element Sheets. Finally, feedback
Describe your personal role in monitoring the
regarding the process and suggestions were captured and discussed with the
project. Specifically, what process did you follow
and why did you choose that process? shop floor operators, supervisors and engineers.

After verification that the solution was effective in the pilots area, due dates and
owner were assigned to implement these changes on the remaining unloading
How did you monitor the implementation of the bays. The progress was reviewed daily through followup meeting to review
improvements to see if it was producing the progress and identify obstacles and support needed. After changes were
results you expected, and if not, how did you implemented, the core team would be present at the shop floor to oversee the
make adjustments?
hand over to production team.

Changes were delegated to the maintenance supervisor as he was the subject

matter expert on that matter. However, daily progress was reviewed during the
daily followup meeting and when the changes were implemented, the core team
What actions were taken to monitor changes?
If you found an exception, what did you do to
would be on shop floor to support and witness the handover to the production
correct it? team.

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 13


Tactical (Local) Project 1

3 Assessment

It exceeded the expectation. In the pilot area, we were able to reduce the cycle
time for the loading bay from 48 mins to around 16 mins (31,134 tons per 6
Referencing the target condition and metric, unloading bays per day).
describe the level of improvement assessment. Improvement was implemented in two phases as stated in the previous section
Did the changes meet, exceed, or fall short of thus increasing the capacity of the 6 loading bays from 10,433 to 18,400 to
your expectations (explain why)?
31,134 tons per day

yes and even exceeded

Did the actual level of improvement match your

planned level of improvement? Why / why not?

it was overall improving. due to several reasons including:

-management focus and commitment at the tipping area
Referencing the target condition and at least -regular gemba audits at the tipping area
three measures of the metric, describe the
trend of Improvement assessment. Are the
-continous feedback feed forward between management, core team and the
improvements holding, improving, or sliding back operation team to resolve and improve the process
to the old ways?

it was overall improving. due to several reasons including:

-management focus and commitment at the tipping area
-regular gemba audits at the tipping area
Explain why trends are responding the way -continous feedback feed forward between management, core team and the
they are. operation team to resolve and improve the process

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 14


Tactical (Local) Project 1

1 What have you personally done to sustain this project?

as stated in previous sections, I would conduct random audit during on shop floor
during weekly gemba to review the documentations, operators training and
How long were YOU involved in ensuring the new awareness regarding their Standard Operating Procedures & Job Element
processes became the new way of operating and
Sheets. Finally, feedback regarding the process and suggestions were captured
what did YOU do to make sure the gains were
held? (We are looking for specific actions YOU and discussed with the shop floor operators, supervisors and engineers.
did to ensure sustainment)

2 Next Steps

As process has reached stability. our next plans is to implement poka yoke for
the maximum degree angle of inclination for the tipping platform. this is mainly to
What do you think are the next improvement prevent human error of passing the operational tipping limit and risking failure for
steps for this project? What else should or could the hydraulic piston. we also plan to implement light senors to indicate the the
be done to continue to improve in this problem loading bay is ready to receive the truck and at the same time automatically
area, or area of opportunity?
calculates the time between cycles to be monitored at the main control room
through control charts.

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 15


Tactical (Local) Project 1

3 Lessons Learned

What has the experience of planning and

implementing this project taught you personally?

What did you learn about the work area that you
did not know before?

How does this knowledge inform you or deepen

your understanding of what affects the target

What change in approach will you take for

future projects?

What new knowledge did you gain either

technically and/or working with people?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 16


Tactical (Local) Project 2

Project Title:
Organization Function

Industry and organization function affected.

Two parts: which industry and which function in
the organization(s).

Problem Statement

Describe the problem or opportunity using

complete sentences.
What were you attempting to accomplish? Why?

Project Dates

Provide the project start date.

If you are no longer involved in the project, also
provide the date you transitioned off the project.
Projects should show a progression in dates to
reflect a history of lean experience. When did
the project begin and end, and when did you join
and leave?

Your Role

Role in the project and team selection

Two Parts: your role and how team members were
selected. What did you do on the team?
If you selected others to be on the team, explain
if you were selected, explain why?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 17


Tactical (Local) Project 2

4 Project Selection

How were you involved in project selection

and definition?
Why did you select this project to work on? If
you were assigned to this project, explain your
understanding of why this project was selected.

Why was the project selected?

Define the problem in more depth than the
problem statement above. For example, you might
explain its scope and/or how it fit into the bigger
picture for the organization.

What was the impact on the whole organization?

How did this project link to customer quality,

cost, and delivery?
Why do you think those links were important?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 18


Tactical (Local) Project 2

5 Documentation

Describe the current process condition that

produced the current process outcome.
Be specific, and quantify your response, if you
can. What was YOUR role in documenting the
current condition?

What was the target condition (specific and


What was YOUR role in documenting it?

What was the most important takeaway in

deciding the target condition?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 19


Tactical (Local) Project 2

6 Metrics

What metrics were used to measure the problem

and why were they relevant to achieve the target
State facts and figures to support your reasoning.
Note: Company confidential data can still be used
in an indexed or normalized data format.

7 Planning

What planning tools were used in tracking the

progress of the project? Why were those tools
chosen? What was your role in managing the

4 Project Contribution

What were YOUR roles and YOUR responsibilities

during your tenure on the project? How did the
team benefit from your participation?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 20


Tactical (Local) Project 2

5 Countermeasures

List specific countermeasures and solutions.

Why were those countermeasures and solutions
What was your role in deciding on the
countermeasures and solutions?

Describe the actions taken to implement and test

the countermeasures.
Why were those actions taken?
What was your role in deciding the actions?

How did the team identify and make changes?

What was your role in that process?

6 Lean Principles and Tools

What lean principles (Lean Thinking or Shingo

Prize concepts and principles) did YOU use in
this project?
Why were those principles appropriate for this
What was your role in deciding on the lean

What Lean Tools were used in this project?

Why were they appropriate for this project?
What was your role in deciding the tools to use?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 21


Tactical (Local) Project 2

1 Results

Referencing the Plan section parts 2 and 3, was

the expected target achieved?
How was it validated?
What was your role in assessing the improved

Referencing the reasons for selecting the project,

what were the benefits of the improved condition?

If the condition didn’t improve, explain why?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 22


Tactical (Local) Project 2

2 Monitor

Describe your personal role in monitoring the

project. Specifically, what process did you follow
and why did you choose that process?

How did you monitor the implementation of the

improvements to see if it was producing the
results you expected, and if not, how did you
make adjustments?

What actions were taken to monitor changes?

If you found an exception, what did you do to
correct it?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 23


Tactical (Local) Project 2

3 Assessment

Referencing the target condition and metric,

describe the level of improvement assessment.
Did the changes meet, exceed, or fall short of
your expectations (explain why)?

Did the actual level of improvement match your

planned level of improvement? Why / why not?

Referencing the target condition and at least

three measures of the metric, describe the
trend of Improvement assessment. Are the
improvements holding, improving, or sliding back
to the old ways?

Explain why trends are responding the way

they are.

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 24


Tactical (Local) Project 2

1 What have you personally done to sustain this project?

How long were YOU involved in ensuring the new

processes became the new way of operating and
what did YOU do to make sure the gains were
held? (We are looking for specific actions YOU
did to ensure sustainment)

2 Next Steps

What do you think are the next improvement

steps for this project? What else should or could
be done to continue to improve in this problem
area, or area of opportunity?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 25


Tactical (Local) Project 2

3 Lessons Learned

What has the experience of planning and

implementing this project taught you personally?

What did you learn about the work area that you
did not know before?

How does this knowledge inform you or deepen

your understanding of what affects the target

What change in approach will you take for

future projects?

What new knowledge did you gain either

technically and/or working with people?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 26


Tactical (Local) Project 3

Project Title:
Organization Function

Industry and organization function affected.

Two parts: which industry and which function in
the organization(s).

Problem Statement

Describe the problem or opportunity using

complete sentences.
What were you attempting to accomplish? Why?

Project Dates

Provide the project start date.

If you are no longer involved in the project, also
provide the date you transitioned off the project.
Projects should show a progression in dates to
reflect a history of lean experience. When did
the project begin and end, and when did you join
and leave?

Your Role

Role in the project and team selection

Two Parts: your role and how team members were
selected. What did you do on the team?
If you selected others to be on the team, explain
if you were selected, explain why?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 27


Tactical (Local) Project 3

4 Project Selection

How were you involved in project selection

and definition?
Why did you select this project to work on? If
you were assigned to this project, explain your
understanding of why this project was selected.

Why was the project selected?

Define the problem in more depth than the
problem statement above. For example, you might
explain its scope and/or how it fit into the bigger
picture for the organization.

What was the impact on the whole organization?

How did this project link to customer quality,

cost, and delivery?
Why do you think those links were important?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 28


Tactical (Local) Project 3

5 Documentation

Describe the current process condition that

produced the current process outcome.
Be specific, and quantify your response, if you
can. What was YOUR role in documenting the
current condition?

What was the target condition (specific and


What was YOUR role in documenting it?

What was the most important takeaway in

deciding the target condition?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 29


Tactical (Local) Project 3

6 Metrics

What metrics were used to measure the problem

and why were they relevant to achieve the target
State facts and figures to support your reasoning.
Note: Company confidential data can still be used
in an indexed or normalized data format.

7 Planning

What planning tools were used in tracking the

progress of the project? Why were those tools
chosen? What was your role in managing the

7 Project Contribution

What were YOUR roles and YOUR responsibilities

during your tenure on the project? How did the
team benefit from your participation?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 30


Tactical (Local) Project 3

8 Countermeasures

List specific countermeasures and solutions.

Why were those countermeasures and solutions
What was your role in deciding on the
countermeasures and solutions?

Describe the actions taken to implement and test

the countermeasures.
Why were those actions taken?
What was your role in deciding the actions?

How did the team identify and make changes?

What was your role in that process?

9 Lean Principles and Tools

What lean principles (Lean Thinking or Shingo

Prize concepts and principles) did YOU use in
this project?
Why were those principles appropriate for this
What was your role in deciding on the lean

What Lean Tools were used in this project?

Why were they appropriate for this project?
What was your role in deciding the tools to use?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 31


Tactical (Local) Project 3

1 Results

Referencing the Plan section parts 2 and 3, was

the expected target achieved?
How was it validated?
What was your role in assessing the improved

Referencing the reasons for selecting the project,

what were the benefits of the improved condition?

If the condition didn’t improve, explain why?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 32


Tactical (Local) Project 3

2 Monitor

Describe your personal role in monitoring the

project. Specifically, what process did you follow
and why did you choose that process?

How did you monitor the implementation of the

improvements to see if it was producing the
results you expected, and if not, how did you
make adjustments?

What actions were taken to monitor changes?

If you found an exception, what did you do to
correct it?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 33


Tactical (Local) Project 3

3 Assessment

Referencing the target condition and metric,

describe the level of improvement assessment.
Did the changes meet, exceed, or fall short of
your expectations (explain why)?

Did the actual level of improvement match your

planned level of improvement? Why / why not?

Referencing the target condition and at least

three measures of the metric, describe the
trend of Improvement assessment. Are the
improvements holding, improving, or sliding back
to the old ways?

Explain why trends are responding the way

they are.

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 34


Tactical (Local) Project 3

1 What have you personally done to sustain this project?

How long were YOU involved in ensuring the new

processes became the new way of operating and
what did YOU do to make sure the gains were
held? (We are looking for specific actions YOU
did to ensure sustainment)

2 Next Steps

What do you think are the next improvement

steps for this project? What else should or could
be done to continue to improve in this problem
area, or area of opportunity?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 35


Tactical (Local) Project 3

3 Lessons Learned

What has the experience of planning and

implementing this project taught you personally?

What did you learn about the work area that you
did not know before?

How does this knowledge inform you or deepen

your understanding of what affects the target

What change in approach will you take for

future projects?

What new knowledge did you gain either

technically and/or working with people?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 36


Bronze (Tactical) Portfolio Reflection Form

1 What are your lessons learned through completing the lean certification process (training, knowledge exam, portfolio)?

How have you improved your knowledge and skills

as a result of pursuing Lean Certification?

2 What has been the greatest challenge in your lean journey and how did you address it?

There are always struggles and challenges in

learning and implementing lean. Describe one
major challenge and how you overcame it.

3 What have you learned in your Lean journey and how have or will you change your approach/application. Give specific example.

What could you improve about your approach to

leading and implementing Lean?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 37


Bronze (Tactical) Portfolio Reflection Form

4 What is your three year personal lean developmental/continuous improvement plan? With respect to leading and implementing lean, what
self-improvement objectives have you set for the next few years?

Year 1
Be explicit in explaining the rationale behind
your plan.

Year 2
Be explicit in explaining the rationale behind
your plan.

Year 3
Be explicit in explaining the rationale behind
your plan.

5 What do you see as the greatest challenges to achieving your plan and how do you plan to overcome them?

What might stop you from achieving the self-

improvement objectives you outlined in #4 above?

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 38


Portfolio Feedback (Optional)

What suggestions or ideas do you have to help us with the continuous improvement and ongoing maintenance of the Lean Certification
program? Enter your suggestions or ideas below.

Please provide your contact information so reviewer(s) may contact you during the review process if clarification is needed:


Preferred Phone

Preferred Email Address

1000 Town Center, Suite 1910 Southfield, MI 48075 313.425.3000 39

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