Tutorial-5 - AI

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Princess Nora Bint Abdulrahman University IT 201T- Principles of Information & Technology Systems

Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences First Semester

Department of Information Technology Tutorial 5– Artificial Intelligence

Q1): Represent the following as a semantic network:

We consider any individual studying or conducting research at a university to be an academic.
Within the academic community, there are two categories: students and staff.

Students get some form of funding and staff get a salary. Students who are studying for their
primary degree are called undergraduates, and attend a particular course (e.g. Mathematics, Computer
Science, Geography, etc.). All other students are called post-graduates and have a primary degree.
They also have some research area (e.g. Artificial Intelligence).

Three categories of staff exist: lecturers, demonstrators, and researchers. Lecturers give a course
(e.g. C/C++ Programming), and demonstrators provide support for those courses. On the other hand,
researchers conduct research into a particular research area.

John is a student studying Computer Science. Mary is a lecturer in Computer Science.

Q2): Represent the semantic network of Q1 as a set of frames.

Q3): If the symbols C, W, and H mean “it is cold”, “it is warm”, and “it is hot”, write
the English statements corresponding to the following statements in propositional
a. ¬H
b. W∨H
c. W∧H
d. W ∧ (¬ H ¿
e. ¬ (W ∧ H)
f. W →H
g. (¬C) → W
h. ¬(W → H )
i. H →(¬W)
j. ( (¬C) ∧ H ) ∨ (C ∧¿¬ H ¿)
Princess Nora Bint Abdulrahman University IT 201T- Principles of Information & Technology Systems
Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences First Semester
Department of Information Technology Tutorial 5– Artificial Intelligence

Q4): Using the symbol R for the sentence “It is raining” and the symbol S for the
sentence “It is sunny”, write each of the following English sentences in propositional
a. It is not raining.
b. It is not sunny.
c. It is neither raining nor sunny.
d. It is raining and sunny.
e. If it is sunny, then it is not raining.
f. If it is raining, then it is not sunny.
g. It is sunny if and only if it is not raining.
h. It is not true that if it is not raining, it is sunny.

Q5): Write each of the following English sentences in propositional logic:

a. It is necessary for you to get a C- in MATH 218 to graduate.

b. We never have class on Friday.

c. To get a promotion, you must work hard.

d. You can access the website only if you pay a subscription fee.

Q6): Use a truth table to find whether the following argument is valid:
{ P ∨Q , P }∨– Q
Q6): Use a truth table to find whether the following argument is valid:
{ P →Q , Q→ R }∨– (P → R)

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