Paragraph and Paragraph Development

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Paragraph and paragraph development

A paragraph is a collection of sentences relating to one main idea. It is a group of sentences

covering a single idea. A paragraph starts on a new line, either indented or numbered. Sentences
make up a paragraph and paragraphs make up an essay or a composition. Paragraphs are used to
express thoughts and there are two aspects of a good paragraph- the thematic (Unity, Coherence,
Orderliness and Completeness) and the structural aspects (Topic sentence, Supporting sentences
and Concluding sentence).

Features of a good paragraph

The following features/elements are important while discussing the theme of a paragraph:

1. Unity
One of the essential features of a paragraph is unity. To achieve this, a paragraph must deal with
one central theme. This theme is what will be fully developed through the other sentences in the
paragraph. All the sentences in a paragraph must be related to the theme that the paragraph is
emphasizing. Occasionally, writers get carried away with an aspect of the central theme of a
paragraph to the extent that they digress. This digression may eventually make their write-up or
paragraph uncoordinated or disjointed. You must guide against this. Below is an example of a
paragraph that lacks unity.

Go through the paragraph below which is an example of a paragraph that has unity.

The management committee on December 8th agreed that the personnel manager should be
instructed to employ more staff. The management committee had been meeting for hours before
they took some vital decisions concerning the company. The committee noted that the company
had been short-staffed and that production had dropped drastically. The few members of staff
had written a letter of protest on excess work load without pay to the management committee

All the sentences in this paragraph have something to do with the central theme on the decision
of the management committee. Actually, the first sentence is the topic sentence and the other
three sentences when summarised express the need for more staff as a result of recent
happenings in the company. Sentence 2, explains the fact that the committee had to meet for
hours before the decision to employ more staff was taken.

2. Coherence
Another quality of a good paragraph is coherence. This has to do with having the parts of a
paragraph in a meaningful order. The ideas presented in a paragraph must be orderly and
understandable. There must be a logical sequence of ideas. These can be attained through the use
of conjuncts or transitional words such as however, nevertheless, in addition, consequently,
indeed, finally, as a result, in spite of, in contrast to, again etc. Coherence can also be achieved
through the precise use of pronouns to avoid repetition of some nouns. The third way by which
coherence can be achieved is through the repetition of specific ideas, although not necessarily the
same words or phrases. You should try to avoid sentences that start with ‘This is because---‘. The
pronoun ‘this’ could be vague in such sentence
3. Orderliness
This refers to the way in which the writer organizes his thoughts. The sentences in a good
paragraph should follow one another in a sequential manner. Every sentence in a paragraph must
be linked together.
4. Completeness
A good paragraph should be well developed in such a way that enough sentences are provided to
buttress the writer’s point. A paragraph should have a topic sentence, supporting sentences and
concluding sentences. All these are needed before a paragraph could be said to be complete.

Structural aspects of a paragraph

The following are important structural aspects of a paragraph:

1. Topic sentence
This is a sentence that that summarizes the writer’s main idea. It tells the audience the thing that
the whole paragraph is centered on. It is the most important part of a paragraph.

2. Supporting sentences
These sentences give detailed information relating to the topic sentence. They expatiate what the
topic sentence is all about and give readers cogent reason for it.

3. Concluding sentence
This sentence relates with the topic sentence and summarizes the supporting sentences.

Example of a paragraph demonstrating the structural aspects

Topic sentence: Goods manufacturers must provide clear and accurate information about their
products, so that consumers can make informed decisions.
Supporting sentences: It is illegal to give false information about a product, for example stating
that a food item contains gingers when it does not. It is the responsibility
of the consumer to read labels and get adequate information about the
product they want to buy.
Concluding sentence: Inaccurate food labeling could lead to serious health problems for
consumers who have allergies.

Importance of paragraphing
1. It makes the writer to organize and represent his ideas in an orderly manner.
2. It breaks the text up to easy-to-read sections.
3. It helps readers to enjoy what has been written.
4. It directs the order of the sentences.
5. It helps readers to understand the essay better.

Types of Paragraph
Every write-up should contain three types of paragraph, namely: introductory, transitory and
concluding paragraphs.
Introductory paragraph
This is the first paragraph which explains the topic and prepares the readers for the rest of the
essay. Because it is responsible for both the reader’s first impression and setting the stage for the
rest of the work, the introduction is the most important paragraph in the work. Introductory
paragraph engages and captivates the readers. An interesting, thought-provoking or generally
entertaining introduction makes the readers excited to keep reading.

Transitory paragraph
The paragraphs immediately after the introduction and before the conclusion fall under this
category. They form the main body of the write-up and each of them normally discusses a point
or an idea. The ideas discussed in all the transitory paragraphs should have coherence as
discussed earlier in this note.

Concluding paragraph
Concluding paragraph is the last paragraph and final section of an essay. This paragraph
summarizes the points made in the essay and restates the thesis statement in different words.
Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you
to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your essay. It can suggest broader
implications that will not only interest the readers but also enrich their lives in some ways. It is
your gift to your readers.

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