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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Kiev regional territorial department

Minor Academy of Science of Ukraine

Brovary specialized school of the I-III degree №5

With profound learning of foreign language

Named after Vasyl Stus

Creative Research work:

«The environmental issues of the United States of America,

the United Kingdom and Ukraine»

Composed by: Sofiia Hrebeniuk

Form 11-B

Teacher: Semenyutina I.V.

Brovary 2021


Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
The United States of America ................................................................................... 5
Water Pollution ........................................................................................................... 7
Air and plastic pollution .............................................................................................. 8
Deforestation ............................................................................................................... 9
Mining ...................................................................................................................... 10
Climate change.......................................................................................................... 11
Summary ................................................................................................................... 12
The United Kingdom............................................................................................... 13
Air pollution.............................................................................................................. 15
Soil contamination .................................................................................................... 16
Litter ......................................................................................................................... 17
Climate change.......................................................................................................... 18
Summary ................................................................................................................... 19
Ukraine .................................................................................................................... 20
Massive Deforestation ............................................................................................... 21
Trash Chaos .............................................................................................................. 22
Solution..................................................................................................................... 23
Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 25
Links and literature used ........................................................................................ 26


The environment plays a crucial role in the sustainability of life as we know it here on Earth.

Environmental pollution - the contamination of the physical and biological components of the
earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely

Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat, or
light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or
naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution has significant impacts on human health, the
environment, and even on how some of the Earth’s systems, such as the climate, are
functioning. Pollution touches all parts of the planet. It is affecting our health through the food
we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Approximately 19 million premature deaths
are estimated to occur annually as a result of the way we use natural resources to support
global production and consumption and which impact the environment. All living things
depend on the planet's resources to survive and, if humans continue to pollute and over-use
these resources, they may be completely destroyed or depleted in a matter of years. Recently,
a number of environmental issues have risen to new heights, affecting economies and policies

Pollution can take many forms, ranging from organic compounds and other chemical
substances to different types of energy. Some types of pollution are easily noticed, such as
certain forms of contaminated water, poor air quality, industrial waste, litter, light, heat and
noise. Others are less visible, for example pesticides in food, mercury in fish,
excess nutrients in the sea and lakes, endocrine-disrupting chemicals in drinking water, and
other micro-pollutants in fresh and marine water. Some, such as those coming from abandoned
industrial sites, armed conflict zones, nuclear power stations, pesticide stockpiles and
waste landfills, form part of a longer-term legacy.

Major forms of pollution include air pollution, light pollution, litter, noise pollution, plastic
pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, visual pollution,
and water pollution.

The main aim of my creative work is:

 to tell about the environmental situation in the USA, the UK and Ukraine.

The main tasks of my work are:

 to get acquainted with the ecological issues of the USA, the UK and Ukraine;

 to reveal the importance of environmental protection;

 to discover solutions for ecological problems;

 to develop skills of analyzing information.

This work can be used:

- on the lessons of American Country study;

- as a discussion topic about environmental pollution;

- as a supplement material to other works.

In my creative work I have used the following methods:

 the method of research;

 the method of analysis;

 the method of comparison;

 the method of synthesis of the information.


The United States of America

As everybody knows, the United States became the ancestor of ecology, since it was the first
country to suffer from a predatory attitude towards nature. But with the expansion of
agglomerations, environmental problems became more serious.

Some industrialized and urbanized areas of the United States in the 1960-1970s were on the
brink of an environmental crisis. Industrial waste and other sources of pollution were not
regarded as a threat to the life of humans and living beings.

These disastrous conditions forced the country to enact a federal law on national environmental
policy. Environmental expenditures have been increased.

The United States today is a country with strong environmental laws and controls. The costs
of environmental protection measures were set, new technologies were introduced, especially
since a powerful eco-industry has not been created in the country.

The public began to show significant initiative. Recently, appeared an environmental education
of young people. As a result, the state of the environment began to gradually improve. But
environmental problems remain.

The country's environmental legislation has the following directions:

• Prevention of pollution of individual objects of nature;

• Rational use of natural resources;

• Protection and preservation of especially valuable natural objects.

American legislation also regulates the protection of the environment. This concerns the
protection of waters, the marine environment, flora and fauna, neutralization and disposal of
solid waste, the protection of toxic substances etc.

The use of modern highly efficient technologies, on the one hand, reduces the level of
environmental pollution, and on the other hand, increases the intensity of resource exploitation,
creating new problems.

US Commerce Secretary Donald Evans believes the US has found a better way to tackle this
problem: “Growth is the solution, not the problem. Rather than opposing economic growth to
preserving the environment, the United States is counting on real progress by harnessing the
power of science and advanced technology.”

The main cause of harm to the economy for the environment is the reliance on oil, gas, and
coal as energy carriers and on cars, which make a decisive contribution to the destruction of
the environment. The first step on this path should be the transition to renewable energy
sources (RES). This is the sun, wind, water etc.

According to the international expert and analytical organization Worldwatch Institute, in

1990-2000. US wind power consumption increased by 25%, solar energy - by 20%. In the
coming years, cars should receive engines powered by hydrogen, and in the future, they will
be driven by other environmentally friendly energy sources.

The main environmental research in the United States has two directions: the problem of clean
air and the problem of solid household waste. Environmental issues in the United States also
include climate change, energy, species conservation, invasive species, deforestation, mining,
nuclear accidents, pesticides, pollution, waste and over-population.

Of course, the intensity of pollution in the territory is not the same and takes on large
dimensions within the American megalopolises.

Water Pollution

Water pollution in the United States is a growing problem that became critical in the 19th
century with the development of mechanized agriculture, mining and
industry. Extensive industrialization and rapid urban growth exacerbated water pollution as a
lack of regulation allowed for discharges
of sewage, toxic chemicals, nutrients and
other pollutants into surface water.

In the early 20th century, communities

began to install drinking water treatment
systems, but domestic sewage, industry,
and agriculture were not effectively
addressed in the US until the later 20th
century. These pollution sources can affect
both groundwater and surface water. Multiple pollution incidents have left lasting impacts
on water quality, ecosystems, and public health in the United States.

Many solutions to water pollution in the United States can be implemented to reduce water
pollution. This actions include municipal, agricultural and industrial wastewater
treatment, erosion and sediment control, and the control of urban runoff.
While the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does a relatively good job of regulating
drinking water quality, our lakes, oceans and rivers are still suffering a great deal of water
pollution. On a global scale, people dump two million tons of sewage into waterways every
single day. Plus, pesticides and other chemicals on land often put chemicals in our main bodies
of water and drinking sources. And some pollutants, like microplastics and dissolved metals,
are difficult to remove even through industrial wastewater purification processes.

Air and plastic pollution

Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals into the atmosphere, causing harm or discomfort
to humans or other living organisms, or damaging ecosystems. Air pollution can cause health
problems including infections, behavioral changes, cancer, organ failure, and premature death.
Air pollution has affected the United States since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

According to a 2009 report, around "60 percent of Americans live in areas where air pollution
has reached unhealthy levels that can make people sick".

The United State is the biggest creator of plastic waste and the third largest source of ocean
plastic pollution, e.g. plastic waste that gets into the oceans. Much of the plastic waste
generated in the United States is shipped to other countries.

At 760 kg per person the United States generates the greatest amount of municipal waste. In
2018 municipal waste totaled 292.4 million short tons, or 2.2 kg per person per day.

Solid waste policy in the United States is

aimed at developing and implementing
proper mechanisms to effectively manage
solid waste. For solid waste policy to be
effective, inputs should come from
stakeholders, including citizens, businesses,
community based-organizations, non-
governmental organizations, government agencies, universities, and other research
organizations. These inputs form the basis of policy frameworks that influence solid waste
management decisions.


Deforestation in the United States was an ongoing process until recently.

Prior to the arrival of European-Americans, about one half of the United States land area was
forest, about 4,140,000 km2 estimated in 1630. Forest cover in the Eastern United States
reached its lowest point in roughly 1872 with about 48 percent compared to the amount of
forest cover in 1620. The majority of deforestation took place prior to 1910 with the Forest
Service reporting the minimum forestation as 2,920,000 km2 around 1920. A 2017 study
estimated 3 percent loss of forest between 1992-2001.

The 2005 (FAO) Global Forest Resources Assessment ranked the United States as seventh
highest country losing its old growth forests, a vast majority of which were removed prior to
the 20th century.

Virgin forest in the U.S.

1620 1850 1926

Deforestation in the United States was affected by many factors. One such factor was the effect
of the logging industry on forests in the country.

The biggest issue thought to be facing deforestation in the United States was illegal logging.
The Forest Service and EPA work together to make sure that the permits for logging companies
in the United States are granted in such a way that the forests are kept healthy and sustainable.

It has also been argued that trees can lower temperatures by around 10 degree Fahrenheit and
their removal can lead to warmer temperatures.


Mining in the United States has been active since the beginning of colonial times, but became
a major industry in the 19th century with a number of new mineral discoveries causing a series
of mining rushes.

The mining industry has a number of impacts on

communities, individuals and the environment. Mine safety
incidents have been important parts of
American occupational safety and health history. Mining has
a number of environmental impacts.

In the United States, issues like mountain top removal,

and acid mine drainage have widespread impacts on all parts
of the environment.

Since about 26% of all types of energy used in the United

States are derived from fossil fuel consumption it is closely
linked to greenhouse gas emissions. The energy policy of the
United States is determined by federal, state and local public
entities, which address issues of energy production, distribution, and consumption, such as
building codes and gas mileage advancements. The production and transport of fossil fuels are
also tied to significant environmental issues.

Climate change

Climate change in the United States impacts on the natural environment and people.

The current effects of global warming in the United States are widespread and varied. In 2012,
the United States experienced its warmest year on record. Different regions experience widely
different climatic changes. Changes in climate in the regions of the United States appear
significant. For example, drought conditions appear to be worsening in the southwest while
improving in the northeast. Generally, states that emit more carbon dioxide per person and
block climate action, are suffering more. Some research has warned against possible problems
due to American climate changes such as the spread of invasive species and possibilities
of floods as well as droughts. Climate change is seen as a national security threat to the United

In 2015, The New York Times and several other sources revealed that oil companies knew that
burning oil and gas could cause global warming since the 1970s but, nonetheless, funded
deniers for years.

The United States is among the most significant emitters of greenhouse gasses in the world. In
terms of both total and per capita emissions, it is among the largest contributors.


The demand for resources will only grow as the U.S. population continues to increase. Energy
and water demand, in particular, are set to grow by 50 percent in the next 10 years, intensifying
resource stresses and bringing new uncertainties to sustainability. How much longer until there
are no more of these resources left?

One viable solution is the Paris Agreement, which Obama signed in 2016. Within this
agreement, nearly every country pledged to cut carbon emissions. Some policy makers don’t
think renewable energy management is the answer to these issues. So, at the federal level,
policymakers aren't currently introducing many solutions to environmental issues. Thus, the
fate of the U.S.—and the planet—continues to fall into the hands of the general public. Luckily,
corporations, organizations and the average citizen have all proposed and enacted solutions to
these environmental issues. Individuals are putting the EPA in the spotlight, and businesses
are receiving legal assistance for conservation and environmental law compliance. In addition,
universities and major corporations commit to net-zero emissions or major reductions in
energy usage.

The organized environmental movement in the USA is represented by a wide range of

organizations sometimes called non-governmental organizations or NGOs. These
organizations exist on local, national, and international scales. Environmental NGOs vary
widely in political views and in the amount they seek to influence the environmental policy of
the United States and other governments.
Community members frequent farmer's markets, support small businesses and work to reduce,
reuse and recycle plastics and other materials. Others are eating less meat or buying repurposed
clothes to reduce their carbon footprints. Organizations reforest barren lands and actively fight
for change. Together, the people are a force to be reckoned with. And, working as one, we may
incite worldwide change.

The United Kingdom

The UK has been a highly-populated island nation for centuries and the country’s current
environmental issues are a culmination of these years of interactions between the British and
their natural surroundings.

But, however, most of the British are concerned about the state of the environment. The
population became aware of the problem when there was a sharp increase in support for the
green movement in the mid-1980s. The government, in turn, has approved laws that limit the
level of permissible emissions into the global environment and protect it from new threats.
However, critics argue that the measures are ineffective and insufficient. The polluted
atmosphere of England is a significant threat to the health of its population, especially for

England is trying to reduce environmental difficulties by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the Kyoto Protocol commitment, the country has already reduced emissions by
22% compared to 1990.

The reform of 1988 defined a system of new tasks for general education schools in England.
The country's leadership has identified environmental education as the heart of sustainable
development policies. The goal of sustainable development is to support the joint actions of
all sectors of society and the economy to move smoothly, bypassing various kinds of crises.
However, the study of environmental issues in the system of both basic and additional classes
for all regions is mandatory.

In accordance with the National Education Program, schools are required to perform the
following socially important tasks:

 provide all students with the opportunity to gain knowledge, values, skills, and abilities
that are necessary to protect and improve the environment;
 to support students in their desire to observe nature and study the environment from
various points of view;
 arouse the natural interest of children in environmental issues, as well as their desire to
take a practical part in solving real environmental problems.

For the past decade, the state of the environment in the UK has significantly deteriorated both
in urban and rural areas. With a population of almost 67 million, such a highly populated and
technologically advanced nation grows the environmental suffers. According to the UK NEA,
grazing air pollution and the forces of climate change have significantly affected the
mountainous regions of the UK. Due to climate change; rising seawater temperatures and
exploitation of marine resources led to a serious loss of quality in UK marine ecosystems. Air
pollution, climate change, litter, waste, and soil contamination are all a part of the human
activity that create these environmental issues in the UK.

Air pollution

Gases that lead to air pollution include carbon, nitrogen and sulfur oxides. While some of these
gases occur naturally, the serious polluters come from the burning of fossil fuels: coal, oil and
natural gas. Poisonous gases are being released in the air through smoke released by factories
and chemical industries.

Some examples of natural substances that contribute

to air pollution in the UK are dust and pollen while
examples of man-made substances contributing to the
problem are gases that come from cars and truck
exhaust. Many areas, including major cities
like London are found to be significantly and
regularly above legal and recommended levels. Air
pollution in the UK is a major cause of diseases such
as asthma, lung disease, stroke, and heart disease.

However, air pollution is monitored and regulated. Air

quality targets for particulates, nitrogen
dioxide and ozone, set by the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), are
mostly aimed at local government representatives responsible for the management of air
quality in cities, where air quality management is the most urgent. In 2017, research by the
Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change and the Royal College of Physicians
revealed that air pollution levels in 44 cities in the UK are above the recommended World
Health Organization guidelines.

The UK government has plans to improve pollution due to traffic, and is banning the sale of
new fossil fuel cars by 2030, and is phasing out the use of coal in its electrical power

Soil contamination

Soil contamination is a part of land degradation that is caused by the presence of chemicals
and this contamination is incredibly dangerous for humans. Soil contamination in the United
Kingdom has been an ongoing issue in some regions, United Kingdom show that the soil has
been contaminated for the past thousand years, this increases the risk of potential pollutants to
enter the atmosphere. Soil contamination, like littering, is caused by improper disposal of waste

Contaminated land needs to be remediated before it can be used for urban development. Land
used for agriculture is also at risk of contamination. Heavy metals and other contaminants are
deposited via atmospheric deposition. The most recent estimate of the total area of
contaminated land in England is 300,000 hectares. Some 80% of treated sewage sludge in the
UK is applied to agricultural soil to improve organic matter and nutrient levels. However, the
sludge can contain materials such as metals, microplastic, persistent organic pollutants and
pharmaceuticals which contaminate the soil. Several studies have shown that pharmaceuticals
applied to the soil via treated sewage sludge accumulate in crops, re-entering the food chain.

Although the concentrations consumed

are unlikely to cause a health risk, the
risk from long-term consumption are
not fully known. The application of
sewage sludge as a fertiliser has been
identified as an important source of
microplastic. Studies have shown that
composts made from household waste also usually contain plastic. There is already evidence
indicating that microplastic interact with soil organisms, reducing their ability to provide
important ecosystem services. Further research is required into the unknown effects of
microplastic entering the food chain and being consumed by people.


Littering is the act of improperly disposing of any kind of waste material, littering in the United
Kingdom is an especially significant problem. The Marine Conservation Society (MCS)
revealed that its annual beach litter report has shown a rising trend in garbage on United
Kingdom shores over 20 years, so they conclude that there clearly isn't enough being done by
the UK government in trying to decrease this problem. In addition to this, litter in UK oceans
have been widely affecting the marine life. Littering is such a serious concern with oceans
because it destroys the habitat of the marine life and is the reason of fatal consequences for
countless sea creatures.

Recycling industry workers in the UK say they don't know how they will handle plastic waste
after China banned the import of such waste. Britain sent up to 500 thousand tons of plastic
for recycling to China annually, but now the trade in plastic waste has been suspended.
According to representatives of the British Waste Recycling Association, the country is
currently unable to independently cope with about a quarter of its plastic waste.

The association's executive director, Simon Ellin, said: `We simply do not have markets in the
UK to sell this waste, which means that our entire industry is undergoing major changes. The
situation is really tough, but mostly in the short term, so we can handle it. In the long term, we
need a much smarter waste strategy`.

However, any attempt to start burning more plastic waste will be met with stiff opposition from
environmental groups.

Greenpeace representative Louise Edge said: “Incineration of garbage is a bad decision. It is a

non-renewable way of generating electricity, and it also emits high carbon dioxide.
Incineration also leads to the release of toxic substances and heavy metals.”

Climate change

Climate change in the United Kingdom is leading to a range of impacts on the natural
environment and humans including increasing storms, floods, heatwaves and sea level rise.
The government has a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the United
Kingdom by 50% by 2025 and by 100% by 2050.

In 2018, net greenhouse gas emissions in

the United Kingdom were 451.1 million tones
CO2 equivalent. Emission in the UK decreased
in the 2010s due to the closure of almost all
coal-fired power stations, but as of
2018 emissions per person were still above the
world average. One of the methods of reducing
emissions is the UK Emissions Trading Scheme. In 2014 England recorded its wettest winter
in over 250 years with widespread flooding.

There is in place national legislation, international agreements and the EU directives.

The Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act 2006 is an Act of the Parliament of the
United Kingdom which aims to boost the number of heat and electricity micro-generation
installations in the United Kingdom, so helping to cut carbon emissions and reduce fuel

The Climate Change Act 2008 makes it the duty of the Secretary of State to ensure that the net
UK carbon account for all six Kyoto greenhouse gases for the year 2050 is at least 80% lower
than the 1990 baseline.

In May 2019, Parliament declared a 'climate change emergency', however this does not legally
compel the government to act.


According to a 2014 PwC report, UK cleantech investment since 2010 has focused on three
components: electricity, heat, and transportation.

The report notes that investments in clean technologies, mainly through the use of solar energy
and wind energy, have exceeded forecasts and amounted to more than 10 billion pounds.
However, investment in clean heating and transportation technology lags behind investment in
clean electricity.

UK cleantech innovation is largely driven by `EcoConnect`, the UK's green industry network.
The business organization hosts an annual event called `Cleantech Innovate`, which awards a
£ 20,000 prize for the best clean technology invention. The last event was held in London in
March 2018 when RAB-Microfluidics won the Best Pitch prize at a showcase event.

The UK is currently at the center of Brexit and it is believed that this will have serious
environmental law implications due to the tight integration of EU legislation with UK
legislation. However, it is believed that most of the environmental policies introduced during
the 4 decades of being in the EU will continue. The UK government must now enact stricter
environmental laws to meet the commitments that have been promised to the public.


The main urgent problems of modern regional ecology occur as a result of the refusal of large
plants to use natural gas. Enterprises and the population have switched to using cheaper, but at
the same time more harmful to our environment, solid fuel. All enterprises that pollute the
atmosphere with the products of their activities are payers to the environmental tax fund, which
should cover the damage from their activities. According to sources, this amount is up to UAH
4.2 billion per year. But even this amount is not a cure for solving the environmental problems
of Ukraine and ways to solve them, and there are several opinions on this matter.

The most important urgent environmental problems are the flooding by the Dnieper waters,
salinization of large areas of fertile agricultural soils. The "negligent" use of the water
resources of Ukraine has led to the inevitable pollution of the surface waters of the "mountain
pearl" of Ukraine - the Carpathians.

The main reasons of environmental problems in Ukraine are:

 structure of economy with prevailing share of resources- and energy intensive industries;

 insufficient maturity of public society institutes and understanding in society of

priorities for preservation of environment and advantages of sustainable development;

In our country, local environmental problems exist mainly due to the activities of the imperfect
and outdated coal industry. After coal mining, waste heaps are formed in mines, which leads
to failures of the upper layers of the earth and deterioration of the quality of groundwater.
Environmental problems for Ukraine have been and will be the main ones, and every day new
ways of solving them are found.

Environmental problems of our country are: contamination of drinking tap water; air pollution
(especially in the industrial regions); destruction of land resources (degradation of black soil
in Ukraine); carrying out hazardous geological works; huge emissions of household waste; the
consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Massive Deforestation

Forests cover 15.9% of Ukraine’s territory. Due to foreign demand, Ukrainian loggers and
timber companies are illegally trafficking abroad entire trains and lorries of fir trees, earning
millions of dollars. Deforestation has dramatically intensified as Ukrainian lumber is exported
massively to Western Europe.

In recent years, the area of primeval forests has been dramatically decreasing in the
Carpathians while 60% of Bukovyna’s forests, which are included in the UNESCO World
Heritage List, have been destroyed. The trees which protected the river banks from erosion by
swollen rivers are no longer there, thus causing more natural disasters, more floods and

Ukraine is already working hard to protect the diversity of its species and habitats. In the
Ukrainian Carpathians there are now nine national parks and two biosphere reserves. There is
also a general ban on tree felling in coniferous forest areas above 1,100 metres. Current
estimates show that there are roughly 100,000 additional hectares of forest which could be
integrated into the existing conservation areas in the coming years.

A ten-year moratorium on the export of unprocessed timber (roundwood) was approved by the
Verkhovna Rada in 2015, but this has not stopped illegal logging as EU demands for cheap
timber increases annually. Moreover, rather than supporting the measure, the EU has sought
to force the Ukrainian government to overturn the ban. The EU alleges that the ban contravenes
the free-trade terms of its loan agreement with Ukraine, and has repeatedly tried to force the
Ukrainian government to overturn the moratorium.

Trash Chaos

The general public became fully aware of the waste management problem in May 2016 after
a huge fire broke out at the Hrybovychi landfill (26 ha containing dangerous chemical and
industrial waste) near Lviv, which led to the death of four employees and firefighters and
caused a “trash crisis” in the city.
Ukrainians produce approximately 474 million tons of waste per year, of which 26 million tons
are constituted by solid household and agricultural waste and 448 million tons are hazardous.
Only around 3.2% of the waste in Ukraine is recycled while the rest is dumped at 6,000 official
landfills and over 33,000 illegal waste disposal sites.

Ukraine has only one operating waste incinerator – Enerhiya – in Kyiv, which deals with 25%
of all solid household waste produced by the capital’s residents. However, incinerators pollute
the environment, and ash waste can potentially harm people’s health and the environment.

Today, environmentalists agree that several critical issues must be addressed immediately:

 eliminate illegal landfills;

 towns, villages and cities should concentrate on separate waste collection/recycling;
 establish special centers for the collection of hazardous waste – batteries, furniture,
construction debris, medical waste, etc.

Ukraine lacks government programs that would require the sorting of trash. At the same time,
sorting is done on local levels. For example, in the city of Ternopil, residents of apartment
complexes and janitors began requiring trash to be sorted. Sorting trash can help turn trash
from refuse into a resource: recycled trash can be reused and remade into products or used as
fuel for energy, and reduces the number of landfills. Organic trash can be composted and
turned into fertilizer or biogas. Eco-activists have also created an interactive map called
“Recycle Map”, where recycling points are noted. The map tracks points in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa,
Zhytomyr, and other Ukrainian cities.


Among the countries that have actively joined the struggle for the preservation of the
environment, Ukraine occupies a special place. This is due not only to the experienced man-
made disasters, but also to the impact on the environment of waste from the activities of mining
and industrial enterprises.

To control the implementation of government decisions on environmental conservation in the

country, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine was created, which is
directly subordinate to the Cabinet of Ministers.

When we speak about ways of solving environmental problems, I should say that every citizen
of Ukraine should be aware, first of all, of his responsibility. Even though ecology is in the
priority of state tasks.

One of the main functions of the Ministry of Environment has become legislative support for
initiatives related to the transfer of the economy to alternative energy sources. For this, a
number of laws and regulations were adopted, providing for certain benefits to those
enterprises and individual entrepreneurs who are ready to switch to renewable energy sources,
as well as to produce them.

In order to carry out the transition of the economy to renewable energy sources, the country
has sufficient resources. In the ranking of countries with similar opportunities, Ukraine ranks
29th in the world. Here are just a few of the possible options for using clean energy sources.

Solid biofuels. The production of fuel pellets and briquettes today ranks first in Ukraine among
renewable energy sources. It is based on non-waste production since the raw materials for it
are sunflower husks, sawdust, straw, and other agricultural waste. Therefore, now Ukrainian
manufacturers are intensively developing this sector. Another plus is that solid biofuels are in
great demand in the European Union. More than 87% of exports go to Poland.

Therefore, in the future, the use of these fuels can be very important for the preservation of the
environment. Today, the number of biogas plants in the country is not as large as we would
like, no more than twenty have been put into operation, and they are used to produce energy
in small volumes.

Solar energy. In terms of its potential, the production of electricity based on solar energy in
Ukraine may overtake such European countries as Poland or Germany. Such conclusions were
reached by researchers from the Institute of Renewable Energy of the National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine.

Wind energy. Due to the climatic features of the region, the prospects for the development of
wind energy in Ukraine are enormous. This energy sector is becoming perhaps the most
important sector. The greatest potential, according to scientists, is possessed by the Carpathians
and the coastal regions of the Black and Azov Seas.

Switching to electric motors. The greatest concern of environmentalists is caused by air

pollution from vehicle exhaust gases. So, according to their estimates, in Kyiv, 83% of harmful
substances enter the air with exhaust gases. The highest concentration of toxic emissions is
also observed in the areas of the main highways. Therefore, the government of the country
pays special attention to the abandonment of internal combustion engines and the transition to
electric motors. According to car dealers, today there are more than five thousand electric
vehicles in operation in the country, and their number is growing every year. All conditions
are created for this: from the creation of a large number of charging stations throughout
Ukraine to the adoption of a system of discounts and benefits, thanks to which prices for
electric cars in Ukraine have become significantly lower than in other European countries.


Pressures on the environment will continue to increase. Global population increase, rising
incomes, and agricultural and industrial expansion will inevitably produce unanticipated and
potentially deleterious ecological, economic, and human health consequences.

The health of the public, especially those who are the most vulnerable, such as children, the
elderly, and the sick, is at risk from environmental pollution, but it is difficult to say how large
the risk is.

Due to the pressures of overconsumption, population growth, and technology, the biophysical
environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This has been recognized, and
governments have begun placing restraints on activities that cause environmental degradation.

The main priorities in environmental protection are:

 Taking action on climate change;

 Improving air quality;
 Assuring the safety of chemicals;
 Preventing deforestation;
 Saving and protecting water;
 Expanding the conversation on environmentalism and working for environmental

Since the 1960s, environmental movements have created more awareness of the multiple
environmental problems. However, in its broadest sense, environmental protection may be
seen to be the responsibility of all the people and not simply that of government. Decisions
that impact the environment will ideally involve a broad range of stakeholders including
industry, indigenous groups, environmental groups, and community representatives.
Gradually, environmental decision-making processes are evolving to reflect this broad base of
stakeholders and are becoming more collaborative in many countries.

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