Moratorium On Evil

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moratorium on evil Visualize the spiritual plane as this: there is the One, the Creator, the Source,..

There are many civilizations throughout the universe attempting to union with One.. Many have strong enduring connections.. Ours is more tenuous.. Imagine a giant orb of healthy energy and fingers of energy curving outward from it.. Those fingers of energy energize healthy civilizations.. And there are return paths for each civilization: fingers of energy reaching from each civilization connecting them to One. Again, our connection to One is more tenuous (for two basic reasons as we will shortly get into).. Reason one: our civilization is immature and self-centered.. much like an adolescent.. We care SO much about human beings and our dealings; we have a tendency to ignore other species' needs and concerns.. (Elephants are a good example.) In Thailand, they are sacred.. BUT, they still do work for humans there.. So we might joke in Thailand that elephants are sacred workers ;) ..The other reason we have a tenuous connection with One is because historically, on this planet, what can best be described as 'malevolent spirits' have had pretty much free reign here. Now, let's approach the following as fiction (so many of you can still read and perhaps make jokes about it;). Last night i attended a 'spiritual conference' of sorts.. Hehe.. Sorry, i will continue.. So i was there not so much as Earth's ambassador but One's human representative at the conference ;) Okay, get the picture? All kinds of spiritual beings: 'malevolent' (they sorta hate that label), angelic, etc etc.. ^^ Still with me? ;) Okay.. We had a spiritual conference last night and i was there as One's human representative.. (Incidentally, humans don't especially have a bad rap among spiritual civilizations: they Know our challenges we've faced..) So everything i presented was 'old hat' to everyone at the conference: i was merely summarizing.. My main point was: it's counterproductive to allow 'malevolent spirit free reign (on Earth)' any longer.. We've outgrown this 'test of our resolve'.. Now, it's more an annoyance more than anything and it really needs to stop. So i called for a moratorium on 'malevolent parasitization' and a consensus (explicitly inclusive of the malevolent reps). An indefinite moratorium on malevolent spiritual parasitization. Fortunately for Earth, they agreed. .. Now of course, any evil done on Earth is totally our human responsibility from now on.. We have no more excuses.. Literally. Do ya get it now humanity? The main point of above is not about accountability however.. It's about our connection to God. From this point on, we have a spiritual guarantee no one will block out paths.. (No one but other humans..) So we have no more excuses in two domains: 1. we don't have an excuse for evil such as the devil made me do it 2. we don't have an excuse for turning away from God .. As said before, i generally HATE religions for atrocities of the past.. So when my friend introduced me to Rockbitch (the band), i was openminded.. Turns out they're lesbian promoting sex fiends ;) who perform twisted sex acts on stage.. (golden showers etc etc) Big deal. Fisting may be a curiosity to some.. But i think the guys in the audience just don't get it: they're LESBIANS. They LIKE GIRLS .. Sigh.. Let's get Real for a moment, okay? These are horney lesbians who get off on showing off bizarre sex acts on stage.. Satanic ritual? Who cares.. The music may be interesting.. But watching lesbians f on stage does not turn me on.. Incidentally, they HATE male-dominated society so.. Consider that in your equation of titillation..

So is Rockbitch a 'solution' to our world problems? No matter how feminist they are, do you think making a Satanic sex cult can solve any world problem? (Except perhaps the red in their bank accounts?) ^^? No, the solution is NOT Satanism, the solution is NOT atheism, the solution is NOT Christianity (or any derivation thereof), the solution is NOT any religion,.. Humanity, i'll make it really simple for you: 1. expand into space; exploit all the resources there.. 2. that way, you can continue your insane 'growth' economies.. 3. learn RESPECT in the process: for each other and creation.. 4. connect to One through your heart Live by the sword; die by the sword. Live with aggression and hate in your heart; die with aggression and hate in your heart. Live to dominate; die dominated. Live to exploit; die exploited.. This life (all those alive today), karma will not wait for next generation.. Karma is waiting just around the corner to bite you in the ass.. 2012 is karma for humanity. This is your last warning.

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