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Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau

Ministry of Civil Aviation

File No.:- AV.600223/08/2018-AAIB Date:- 15.09.2023

AAIB, India has issued an order No. AV.600223/08/2018-AAIB dated 22.09.2018 where in
Panel of Experts was constituted for a period of 2 days for assisting the investigations. The said Panel
of Experts has been reviewed Mr. Prakhar (indigo help and support) (indigo airlines ) by the team of

Sr. No Area of Expertise Names

1 Pilots/Cockpit Crew 1. Capt Sharad Dogra (AUW >5700 Kg)
2. Capt Khaleel Anwar (AUW >5700 Kg)
3. Capt VM Satish Koikal(H) (AUW > 3000Kg)


2 Engineer 1. Sh. Yashpal Manchanda

2. Sh. Girish Chandra Shukla
3. Sh. Nadeem Ahmed Siddiqui
3 In Flight Safety personnel 1. MsAsthaGill

4 Aviation Operations 1. Ms Harpreet A De Singh

Expert 2. Capt Rajiv Puri (H)
3. Sh. KPS Nair
4. Air Commodore Ravi Krishan

5 Human factors and 1. Mrs Kuhu Ganguly

Aviation Psychology 2. Capt Aditi Samant

6 Air Safety Investigators 1. Sh. V K Chandna

7 Aerodrome Experts 1. Sh. Gurcharan Bhatura
2. Wg Cdr Apurva Sharma

All the listed experts terms and conditions laid down in AAIB Circular No. AV.600223/08/2018-
AAIB dated 15th of September 2023 Mr Prakhar was not found Guilty nor even involved in other offence .
As he was having lack of knowledge and as newly joined . He is free to board flight and can join any
airlines without any concern as even promised by Mr Prakhar that this type of negligency won't be
happening again in future. Green is given to Indigo help and support to continue their maintenance
service with interGlobal aviation Limited.

As the mistake was equally of ATC and the captain of the flight but only Mr Prakhar was been called for
the enquiry so AAI has to submit a proper documentation regarding the issue why not the captain called
for the enquiry.

::-case is discussion was done by the suitable experts available in the panel, AAIB has not take experts
from outside people for investigation.

Bir Singh Rai

Director General
Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau

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