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Subject Name : Management Concepts &

Organisational Behaviour

Unit 4: Group Dynamics

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

Group Dynamics

The social process by which people interact with one

another in groups is called group dynamics. Group dynamic
focuses on team work where small groups contact with each
other and share common ideas to accomplish the goals.
Thus, a group consists of two or more persons to interact
with each other consciously for the achievement of certain
common objectives. The members influence the group and
in turn are influenced by others in the group. To quote David
Smith “a group is a set of two or more individuals who are
jointly characterized by a network of communication, a
shared sense of collective identity and one or more shared
dispositions with associated strength”.

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts


Leadership is the process of influencing the subordinates so

that they cooperate enthusiastically in the achievement of group
goals. In other words, leadership is the process by which an
executive imaginatively directs, guides, and influences the work
of others in choosing and attaining specified goals by mediating
between the individuals and the organization in such a manner
that both will obtain maximum satisfaction.

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

Styles of Leadership

Leadership style refers to a leader’s behavior. Behavioral pattern

which the leader reflects in his role as a leader is often described
as the style of leadership. Leadership style is the result of
leader’s philosophy, personality, experience, and value system.
It also depends upon the types of followers and the
organizational atmosphere prevailing in the enterprise.

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

Autocratic or Authoritarian Leadership

The autocratic leader gives orders which must be obeyed by the

subordinates. He determines policies for the group without
consulting them and does not give detailed information about future
plans, but simply tells the group what immediate steps they must
take. He gives personal praise or criticism to each member on his
own initiative and remains aloof from the group for the major part of
the time. Thus, under this style, all decision making power is
centralized in the leader. Leader adopting this style stresses his
prerogative to decide and order and subordinates’ obligation to do
what they are told to carry out.

Participative or Democratic Leadership

A democratic leader is one who gives instructions only after

consulting the group. He sees to it that policies are worked out
in group discussions and with the acceptance of the group.
Participative manager decentralizes managerial authority. His
decisions are not unilateral like that of the autocratic leader.
Unlike an autocratic manager who controls through the authority
, a participative manager exercises control mostly by using
forces within the group. t 001: Introduction to culinary arts

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts


There is no universally accepted meaning of power. Power

has more diverse meanings than any other concept in
organisational behaviour. In general, it refers to a capacity that
one has to influence the behaviour of another so that the other
person does something which would not be done otherwise.
However, few of the definitions on power are presented here
to capture the wide range of the meanings it has assumed
over a period of time.

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

Political Behaviour

One perspective of political behaviour is, large organisations are

like governments in the sense that they are fundamentally political
entities. Political behaviour in the organisation refers to those
activities not required by one’s formal role definition in the
organisation. Political perspective of organisation departs from the
classical idealistic, rational organization. Four postulates of power
by Walter Nod focus on political realities in the organisation. One,
organisations are composed of competing coalitions. Second,
various coalitions seek to protect their interests and positions.
Third, unequal power distribution has dehumanizing effect. Fourth,
exercising power within organisation.

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

. Structure
Organizational structure provides the framework for managers and
others for performing the various functions expected of them and
for facilitating the work flow in the organisation. A sound structure
facilitates performance. The managerial process of organizing
results in the creation of a formal organisational structure which is
defined as a system of patterned and interrelated task units with
well defined authority-responsibility relationships. It is called formal
structure since it is deliberately and purposefully planned and
designed by management. The formal organisational structure has
two ‘dimensions’. They are: horizontal dimension and vertical

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

The Horizontal Dimension of Organisational Structure

The horizontal dimension consists of the various activities or

working units created through the process of departmentation
and is called the activity structure. In a manufacturing
enterprise, the activity structure consists of the various tasks
or activity spheres. Departments like purchasing, production,
R & D, human resources, accounts, marketing and so on are
created by that logic

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

Vertical Dimension of Organisational Structure

Authority is the formal right vested in a managerial position to

undertake certain managerial tasks, to make decisions, to give
directions to subordinates and to influence events for achieving
certain goals. The concepts of authority, responsibility and
accountability have particular relevance for understanding the
process of delegation of authority. The concept of responsibility has
two connotations. In one sense, it is the set of tasks or duties
assigned to a person. In another sense, it is corollary of authority
and is the obligation of a person to whom authority is delegated, to
act in response to an order issued by his superior. Accountability is
often used as a synonym to responsibility

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

Modern Organisational Structures

Traditional structures are regarded as somewhat out of step with

contemporary requirements and realities of rapid change,
uncertainty and complexity of environment. Attempts are hence
made to modify the traditional structures so as to evolve refined
forms of structure. These are variously described as systems
structure, project structure, programme structure, matrix structure,
task force structure and free form structure. These modern
structures are regarded as more organic, adaptive, and flexible and
are suitable for complex organisations which employ highly
sophisticated technology and which encounter a very diverse and
volatile environment.

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

Organisational Climate

The term, ‘Organisational climate’ is defined as a relatively

enduring quality of the internal environment of an organisation as
perceived and experienced by its members, which can be
described in terms of specific dimensions or characteristics and
which influences the patterns of behaviour and work performance
of members. It is the totality of interacting and interrelated internal
dimensions or characteristics which significantly influence the
motivation of members. Organisation climate evolves over a fairly
long period of time and is relatively stable. Since the dimensions of
climate are internal, they can be measured, controlled and
changed by the organisation, if it so decides.

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

. Culture

Organizational culture is the set of assumptions, beliefs, values

and norms that are shared by the members of an organization. It
may be consciously created by its key members, or it may have
simply evolved over time. It represents a key element of the work
environment in which employees perform their jobs. A culture may
exist across an entire organization, or it may refer to the
environment within a single division, branch, plant, or department.
The idea of organizational culture is somewhat intangible, for we
cannot see it or touch it, but it is present and pervasive. Like the air
in a room, it surrounds and affects everything that happens in an

Unit 001: Introduction to culinary arts

. Change

Changes are taking place all around without exception. It is but

natural that everything changes over time. What remains constant
is change itself? Therefore, it’s the responsibility of the manager to
appreciate the change, assess its impact on the organization and
prepare to adopt it, if necessary. Depending on the magnitude of
change, it may impact an individual, a group, structure, process
and subsystems. By scanning the environment and deciphering
how changes in the environment are likely to widen the gap
between desired and actual state of affairs of organization such as
productivity, customer and employer satisfactions ,the degree and
impact of change could be gauged. Manager can be a change
agent by introducing planned changes in the organization.

Unit 001: Introduction toGlossary Of Visa Terms
culinary arts

• Overstay: Staying in the any foreigner country longer than is permitted, as shown
on the Arrival/Departure (I-94) card.

• Refugee: A foreign national who has a legitimate fear of being persecuted in his or
her home country upon return.

• Sponsor: An individual who submits a petition for an immigration visa or who

submits an affidavit of support (Form I-864).

• Visa Numbers: The Visa Office issues visas according to preference and priority
date, which are reflected in the visa number.


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