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Part 1

Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark the
correct answer A, B or C on your sheet.

THURSDAY -Three students of SMK Tasik Tinggi are elated with their achievement when they
were announced as winners of the Young Creative and Innovative Competition attracted entries
from forty-two school this year, the highest, if compared to previous ones.
The Form Four boys, won their invitation of ‘Little Maid ‘which can wipe four tables at a
time. This will save time in restaurants especially during peak hours. However, ‘Little Maid’ needs
to be developed further before it can be used.
1. From the newspaper extract above, the competition
A. offered more than one category.
B. was held for the first time.
C. did not have as many participants as last year.

Come and join a 2-day seminar on

Anger Management
Time for change.
Learn how to handle your anger and remain calm during stressful situations.
Date : 15 & 16 December 2021
Time : 9.00 pm. – 5.00 pm
Venue : Lazio Ballroom, Pearl Hotel.
Fee : RM500 (Inclusive of tea break, lunch, seminar kit and certificate of participation)
Speaker: Dato’ Dr Syed Mazlan.
Professional Trainer in Relationship Management
2. Which of the following statements is true about the brochure?
A. There are no entrance fee.
B. Each participant will be awarded a certificate.
C. Accommodation will be provided for the participants.

Fresh and tasty Cakes

▪ Various flavours and style
▪ Quick delivery
Custom orders can be made on request - at least a week before the required date
Zetty – 019 3324323
3. Diane’s
wedding is on 25 December 2021 and she wants to order from Zetty. Diana

A. can order a two-tier cake with two different flavours.

B. has to ask someone to pick up the cake from Zetty’s place.
C. needs to place her cake order by 20th December 2021.
Feel the exhilaration and excitement during this adrenaline rush at and feel like a bird,
soaring in the sky. It can be a great adventure, easier said than done. Mr. Perry, a 4.
professional skydiver and instructor has the tips if you think you are up to the challenge 4.
People venture into skydiving
A. as it can make them fly like a bird.
B. to gain some thrilling experience.
C. when they get good advice from a professional

Buying a new PC, laptop or tablet? Choosing what to buy is confusing and a lot harder than it
should be. Every major brand has multiple product lines with overlapping prices and features. Each
is described using jargon that many of us do not understand. What should be important is having a
handy buying guide that will give you the basic background information and to read reviews of the
models you are interested in. Be wise and think carefully to enable you to make a smart purchase.

5. Based on the given text, when buying a new computer, it is necessary to

A. Buy one which is of a good brand.
B. Find out the meaning of all computer jargon.
C. Know some basic knowledge and others’ opinion.

Smart Staff
Smart Staff is a great camera that works with Seera’s app and web interface. The camera
starts recording automatically when it senses any movement. It is also equipped with an intelligent
alarm monitoring, which will send you an alert if it hears security alarm or detect smoke. Easily set
up, it can useful to monitor the movement of people around the house.
6. The advertisement tells us that
A. people should buy this camera
B. it can be used as a safety gadget.
C. Smart Staff is working on its own.

When people think of vitamin C, oranges may first come to mind. However, many other fruits are
also rich in vitamin. Strawberries and cherries are among the tastiest but they are not easily
available. Nevertheless, our local fruits like guavas, papayas and pineapples have very high
content of vitamin C. Vegetables are sources of vitamin C, too. Including vitamin C in the daily
diet can ensure healthy bones, tendons and skin. It helps in the immune system as we as lower the
risk of cancer and other diseases.

7. Vitamin C
A. can only be found in oranges.
B. is important to maintain good health.
C. does not provide many benefits.
Hello, Mom! I’ll be home late Alright. Just drive carefully. People
today. I got stuck in a massive tend to rush in this kind weather.
8. When Mom said …………. this kind of weather, she means
A. the people driving the cars.
B. the congested traffic.
C. the falling rain.

Part 2
Questions 9 to 18.
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, choose the correct answer
A, B, C or D.


Tsunamis are generally caused (0) ________ earthquake and very rarely by a large meteorite impact in
the ocean. To generate tsunamis, earthquake first (9) ___________ underneath or near the ocean. They
are likely to be large and create (10) ____________ in the sea floor.
In all oceanic regions of the world, tsunamis can occur. In the Pacific Ocean, (11) ________,
there are frequent occurrences of large and (12) ____________ tsunamis. This is because of the many
powerful earthquakes that occur along the margins of the Pacific Ocean. In less than a day, these
tsunamis (13) _________ travel from one side of the Pacific to the other. People living near areas (14)
________ deadly earthquakes occur may find the tsunamis waves reaching their shores within minutes of
the earthquake. For these reasons, the tsunamis threat to many areas can be immediate. If you think a
tsunami might be heading your way, or you hear a tsunami warning or you feel the ground shake, move
(15) __________ to higher ground.
The deadliest tsunami was the Asian tsunami that occurred in 2004 in the Indian Ocean.
Apparently, the tsunami was (16) _________ by an earthquake that had the energy of 23,000 atomic
bombs! The waves that followed wee so huge and (17) ________, hitting the coastline of 11 countries
from Thailand to Africa. Cities were (18) ___________ and an estimated 283,000 people were killed.
The incoming water from the tsunami was so powerful that it picked up aeroplanes, ships, houses and
everything else in its path and tossed them about like bottle caps!

0. A. by B. of C. from D. through
9. A. occur B. occurs C. occurred occur
10. A. move B. moves C. moving D. movements
11. A. since B. besides C. however D. moreover
12. A. fatal B. fierce C. destructive D. disadvantageous
13. A. need B. can C. must D. have
14. A. where B. which C. whose D. whom
15. A. slowly B. gently C. quickly D. frequently
16. A. happened B. initiated C. affected D. caused
17. A. destructive B. hurtful C. harsh D. vicious
18. A. wiped up B. wiped out C. wiped down D. wiped away

Part 3.
You are going to read an extract from a magazine. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D)

Today’s active adults may find that their on-the -go styles sometimes cause them to miss out on
important nutrients. Work, sports, children and leisure activities can have an effect on meal preparations
and eating habits. Therefore, the average diet today leaves a lot to be desired.
Research finds our meals lacking in a number of essential nutrients, including calcium,
potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and D. The need for additional food supplements has
practically become necessity. The average person now eats very few helpings of fruits and vegetables.
Taking certain dietary supplements in higher-than -recommended doses may even interfere with
nutrients food removes the natural
or cause nutrients
side effects. and most
While replaces them
of the with artificial
supplements are supplements. The air we
safe for consumption as
breath contains increasingly more oxidizing pollutants.
long as we follow the instructions and dosage, we should not take them as we like. Getting our nutrients
straight That
pill asounds
varietyeasy, butsupplements
of food supplementsare doinnot
thenecessarily deliver
market to help on the
us get the nutritional
promise ofsupport
to do ourSome
workcan even
well. be supplements
These dangerous, especially when taken
can be obtained in larger-than
in pharmacies, health -recommended amounts.
stores and supermarkets.
Taking them excessively can be harmful. For instance, an overdose of vitamin C can cause diarrhea.
To be healthy, we must make sure we have a foundational nutrition. We must give the body what it
Another example is amino acid supplements which are widely used by athlete who believe that having
more body
these does
basic its bestblocks
building with whatever
availablefood we fed
enables it. Dietary
skeletal musclessupplements are products
to get stronger taken
and have by
mouth that contain dietary ingredients intended to supplement the diet. The dietary ingredients
endurance without the added calories. However, an excess of amino acid supplements tends to cause an in these
products may
imbalance include
of the aminovitamins, minerals,
acids already herbsinorthe
present other botanicals,
body. amino acids
Consequently, and substances
they cause fever, skinsuch as
muscle andorgan tissues and metabolites. Dietary supplements can also be extracts or concentrates and
joint pains.
may be found in many forms such as tablets, capsules, soft gels, liquids or powders.
(Adapted from ‘Dietary Supplements’
It is important to take supplements from several different sources. It is not good to rely on any
brand. You want to have variety of nutritional products so that you are getting whole food sources from
three or four different manufacturers on a daily basis. This is the best way to be sure that you are getting
a full complement of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and other food sources that can provide peak
nutrition for you. Consumers benefit from a food supplement industry that ranks amongst the most
sophisticated in the world. In the world of holistic nutrition, we take whole food from nature that is
grown organically. If we do not, then we take superfood supplements. They are dried, ground into
powder and the shaped into powder and then shaped into pills or tablets, Superfoods that are popular in
the market include spirulina, garlic, blue-green algae and wheatgrass.
There is no doubt that we need a variety of nutrients raging from carbohydrates, protein, fat,
vitamins. Minerals and water each day to stay healthy. This includes calcium and vitamin D to protect
our bones, folic acid to produce and maintain new cells and vitamin A to preserve a healthy immune
system and vision. Yet the source of these nutrients is important. Usually it is best to try to get these
nutrients from food as opposed to health supplements. Fruits, vegetables, fish and other healthy foods
contain nutrients and other substances not found in a pill. We cannot get the same synergistic effect from
a supplement.
19. In paragraph 1, what causes adults to miss out on important nutrients?
A. They don’t pay attention to food preparation because they spend too much time on sporting
B. They don’t pay attention to food preparation because they have to look after children and home.
C. They don’t pay attention to food preparation because they are involved in many activities.
D. They don’t pay attention to food preparation because their job are demanding.

20. In paragraph 2, why does the writer say food supplement have become
A. People are eating too much processed food.
B. People are not eating enough vegetables.
C. The air is polluted.
D. All of the reasons above.

21. In paragraph 3, what is meant by ‘foundational nutrition’?

A. It means basic nourishment.
B. It means original nourishment.
C. It means primary nourishment.
D. It means elementary nourishment.

22. From paragraph 3, what is the definition of food supplements?

A. Food supplements are extracts on concentrates.
B. Food supplements are capsules, gel, tablets, liquids and powders.
C. Food supplements are made up of enzymes, organ tissues and metabolites.
D. Food supplements are vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and the like.

23. In paragraph 4, why does the writer say it is better to take supplements from several different soures?
A. This is to ensure consumers support all the companies involved.
B. Consumers will get a range of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and the like.
C. This allows consumers to get holistic nutrition and superfood supplements.
D. Consumers can try different manufacturers and then choose what is best for them.

24. With reference to paragraph 5, what is lacking in supplements?

A. Supplements do not provide healthy nutrients.
B. Supplements are limited to calcium, vitamins and folic acid.
C. Supplements cannot provide the same nutrients as a plate of food.
D. Supplements do not have the same food combination as a plate of food.

25. In paragraph 6, why is taking higher-than-recommended doses of supplements dangerous?

A. It is very harmful.
B. It may cause death.
C. It may cause side effects.
D. It may cause body arches and joint pains.

26. What is the purpose of the writer in writing this article?

A. To state who should take supplements.
B. To let readers know what supplements are made up of.
C. To write about the variety of supplements available in the market.
D. To show that vitamins, minerals and nutrients from food are still the best when compared to
taking supplements.

Questions 27 to 32
You are going to read an article about a prize-giving ceremony in a school. Six sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each gap (27 to 32). There
are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

A prize-giving ceremony is one of the most important events in a school. It is a memorable event

in the annual school calendar. 27 The event took place in the school hall. The Director of

Education in my district was invited to preside over the function. Our classrooms were cleaned and

were in tip-top condition. 28 Maps, pictures and paintings were hung on the school walls too.

Sufficient chairs were arranged for the visitors. The stage was beautifully decorated.

All prizes were arranged neatly on a separate table. 29 The guest-of-honour arrived exactly
A The school compound was colourful with blooming flower pots and banners.
B People enjoyed the show tremendously.
C The prize winners sat eagerly near the stage.
D This year, the prize-giving ceremony in my school was held in the first week of
E March.
F He was warmly welcomed by the principal and other teachers at the school gate.
G It was then followed by a short sketch from the English Language Society.
H Loud music was put to attract more attention.
I also won a prize for getting first in my class.


Questions 33 to 40
We interviewed six teenagers about the social media applications that they favour. Read the texts below and
answer the questions that follow.

Teens and Social Media Apps

A – DHIYA, 17 years old

I love photography and share the photographs I take with friends. Two years ago, one
of my friends introduced Instagram to me. I’ve been posting my pictures since then
and have more than a thousand followers now. I prefer Instagram to other apps
because I get to know many people who share the same interest, and we can
exchange ideas too.

B – STEVEN, 15 years old

My favourite app is TikTok because I love to make videos. My passion is dancing, so
my friends will help me shoot a video and then we edit the video using this app and
share it with our friends. TikTok is easy to use and I can be creative with it.

C – MEERA, 16 years old

At the moment, Snapchat is my favourite social media app. My girlfriends and I send
funny picture messages and sometimes video messages through this app just to say hi
to each other. This is one of the ways to have fun with friends on boring days.

D – SYAMIR, 15 years old

WhatsApp is the app of my choice. Most of my family members and friends use this
app to send messages, so I can easily stay in touch with them. Other than that, I can
also share pictures and documents with this app. WhatsApp is useful for me
especially if I need to do group assignments and have group discussions.

E – JUITA, 17 years old

I love using Facebook to share my stories, pictures and thoughts. I can be sure that what
I share will only be seen by those I ‘befriend’ within this network.

F – MEI FUNG, 16 years old

I prefer YouTube to other social media apps. There are a variety of tutorials and
video clips which I like to watch here. I love drawing, so I learned a lot of techniques
and tips on drawing by experienced artists shared through their channel. I can
subscribe to the channels that I find very helpful and will get notification if there are
new videos uploaded there.

Questions 33 to 36
Which paragraph (A – F) describes the following experiences of social media application?

Statement Paragraph

33 I can shoot, edit and share videos. ________________________

34 I subscribe and get notification of new videos. ________________________

35 I send funny messages when I’m bored. ________________________

36 I have many followers who like the photographs I take. ________________________

Questions 37 to 40
Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word from the
passage for each answer.

What We Know About Social Media Apps

You know many people like to watch a video or picture you post on social media through the number
of (37) ____________________ you have.

There are many apps that you can use to send (38) ____________________ to get in touch with
family members and friends.

Many teenagers use social media apps to share and be (39) ____________________ with their skills
and interests.

Those who are interested to learn a new hobby or upgrade a skill or learn new (40)
____________________ could search for them on YouTube.

End of Question Paper

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