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HELP Bachelor of Business (Hons)


University of Finance - Marketing

September 2022 Semester

Subject: MGT101

Subject Convener: MBA. TRAN THI TUONG VI

Assignment Cover Sheet
Student Information (For group assignment, please state names of all members)  Grade/Marks

Name  ID


TRẦN THƯ KỲ E2200398


Module/Subject Information 

Module/Subject Code MGT101 Office  


Lecturer/Tutor/Facilitator MBA. TRAN THI TUONG VI

Due Date 02-01-2023

Assignment Title/Topic GROUP ASSIGNMENT

Intake (where applicable)

2018 words excluded cover page,
Word Count  references, content page and turnitin
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Signature:  Date: 02/01/2023



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Date:  Date:

Assignment Cover Sheet........................................................................................................

A. Table of Contents..........................................................................................................

I. Introduction...................................................................................................................

II. Functions of manager would be expected to play in an office in which both

humans and robots were being used.....................................................................................

2.1 Organizing..........................................................................................................................6
2.2 Planning.............................................................................................................................6

2.3 Controling..........................................................................................................................6
III. The roles that would need to manage the office settings............................................

3.1 Leader................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Coordinator........................................................................................................................7
3.3 Liaison role of the manager...............................................................................................7
IV. The challenges of using robots in an office setting......................................................

4.1 Lack of creation.................................................................................................................9

4.2 Lack of empathy................................................................................................................9
4.3 Make risk and security.......................................................................................................9
V. Conclusion...................................................................................................................

V. References....................................................................................................................

VII. Turnitin section...........................................................................................................

I. Introduction
It is not difficult to realize, the link between humans and robots is increasingly tightening.
Because the demand for robots to replace humans in the future is increasing. The development of
technology has contributed to an increase in the number of robotic jobs that can replace humans.
Not only that, the persistence of the Covid pandemic has accelerated the speed of technology
developed and has had implications for organizations
The application of robotics and automation technology is now popular in the world and brings
great effects to the national economy, especially the development of businesses. But to master
knowledge and develop knowledge will be a permanent and difficult task for each individual in
general and each state personnel in particular. in the context of the constantly increasing human
knowledge and the challenges from the development of AI.

II. Functions of manager would be expected to play in an office in
which both humans and robots were being used
In recent years, technology is increasingly developing, it is not too strange to see companies
using human resources and AI intelligence at the same time. According to the Iotforall (Rob
Press, August 19, 2022) “AI can change our jobs and take on certain tasks, but it certainly won't
be able to eliminate roles entirely”. Due to that human interaction is still necessary for tasks, and
the manager must be someone who can manage both people and robots at the same time. There
are functions of manger that would be expected to play in an office:

2.1 Organizing
To complete projects or meet any company goal, managers must effectively organize physical,
human, and financial resources. With an intelligent office that has both robots and humans,
managers must categorize the operations required, so that it can work effectively between
machines and humans. Next is to assign and authorize people who will be responsible for
machines and robots, and repair and design machines that are as complete with humans as
possible. They are not only classifying activities but also creating responsibilities (dividing
machines and people according to specific jobs to be able to complete the job in the best way)

2.2 Planning
Managers must make decisions to help their team achieve company goals. Effective planning in a
company with both robots and humans involves a few important steps:
 The first is to identify the challenges you need to face. For example: machinery does not
work or is damaged, software has errors, user data is lost, company data is stolen by hackers.
A lot of risk can arise if the machine has a problem, and the company and employees will be
delayed by software errors.
 Second, they must establish goals and deadlines to accomplish the goals set by the
leader. Machines and people are the same, if there is no deadline or goal to summarize after
every day or month, the work will not be effective, nor will the profit or information be
known. And ultimately maintain the efficiency of the work. When realizing that the
operation of machines and people is no longer effective, they must quickly make other
requirements to be able to change the mode of operation, thereby offering new solutions with
higher performance.

2.3 Controling
This function refers not only to controlling people, but also to monitoring or managing the entire
process of using information and data of machines. Teams are not always immediately successful
in accomplishing a common goal. For example, an individual who does not know how to use and
cooperate with AI will find it difficult to get the job done on time. This could involve improving
individual performance, changing inefficient processes, or tweaking an entire team's strategy.

Effective practice of one management function will often include the use of all three. For
example, a manager cannot create a cohesive plan without understanding how to organize
resources and delegate authority to employees. The plan must certainly relate to how they intend
to lead the team and how they will measure if the goals have been met and manage contingencies.

III. The roles that would need to manage the office settings
To become a good and effective manager, we inherently must play many roles and do well in
those roles in a company. And of course, in an environment with both humans and robots, then
those roles will have to add more or a lot more difficult and some roles will also become more
important than ever. Here are some of the most important roles that I think I'll pay close attention
to when managing an office with both humans and robots.

3.1 Leader
The first thing a manager needs to do is to let his employees know that they can lead them. When
things are no longer simply from person to person, there will be more chaos and confusion at
first, so the manager must know and understand what he or she is doing. Set clear goals and
targets to be achieved, understand issues related to problems, and robots, and answer questions
from employees. Equally important is having enough courage and determination to make
important decisions. All changes, big or small, will initially bring chaos and confusion to all
employees. The role that a manager must do well is to make employees feel that they can lead
them. When everything is not simply people passing people, in addition to knowing well the
communication skills to work with people, the manager must have enough knowledge and
understanding of robots to be able to lead the robot team and answer questions about everyday
issues and questions about the rest of the individual differences in the company. In addition, it is
also possible to motivate and encourage ordinary employees to understand their new colleagues
better so that they can work together better.

3.2 Coordinator
In a special environment where there are not only people like that, but it is also natural for a
manager to do well in his role of coordinator. In a special environment where there are not only
such people, but it is also natural for a manager to do well in his role of coordinator. Each person
has different strengths, let alone humans and robots are two completely different individuals.
Robots' strength, precision, and agility can help them take on heavy, dangerous, and repetitive
jobs. Meanwhile, people can take on other more valuable jobs, which also helps them to feel
happier. The right job for everyone that best suits their strengths is very important. important to
accomplish a common goal. In addition, this role also needs the manager to find solutions when
faced with challenges and obstacles to keep the project going the right way. For example, in
human resources departments, we can assign robots to save employee information, but we cannot
use robot algorithms to decide whether we can hire a person. Human resource management is an
industry that requires a lot of understanding of people. To arrange work, to uphold the rights and
interests of employees. Bringing out the recruitment process in line with the company's
requirements, solving internal problems surrounding the work in the company... These things
require people with full capacity and qualities to be able to handle the job. Robots are difficult to

3.3 Liaison role of the manager

The communication function here plays an important role because it includes communication,
encouragement, employee morale, etc. The liaison role here plays an important role because it
includes communication, encouragement, and employee morale, ... When we manage two
completely different individuals in the same environment, having the ability to communicate well
in both ways will help us exchange information back and forth between the two parties better. For
example, we exchange information with humans through conversations, and documents exchange

information with robots, which can be through codes, and programs. Then we always must
improve ourselves every day to master these things because communication is the key to success
The above is just one of many roles that managers must fulfill well in a modern work
environment with both humans and robots. Although the different roles are listed differently for
easier visualization, they are inseparable. Managers must perform many parallel roles together at
the same time. Therefore, it can be said that the biggest role of a manager is to integrate all roles
while playing the role of management and performing his duties.

IV. The challenges of using robots in an office setting
Besides the benefits that office robots bring to the company, there are still drawbacks to it.
Acording Jessica Barden (16/11/2022), There are 4 challenges when using robots in the office.

4.1 Lack of creation

Since robots are pre-programmed, it means that all their behaviors will be predetermined. They
can only work with pre-provided data. In other words, it can't come up with new ideas or ways of
working that are always limited to certain patterns. Even if your profession does not require
creativity such as writing or writing..., the skill of creative thinking retains its useful value in
problem-solving, regardless of the field. For example, a person who works in the PR department,
whose goal is to get customers to know about his company's products. They can think of many
new methods, which are not in the books. They can then experiment across multiple channels to
find the most optimal way. On the contrary, if the robot takes on the task of product PR, it cannot
think of new methods on its own, and it can only use pre-installed, data-driven methods that
helped it create algorithms.

4.2 Lack of empathy

Which is a skill that is particularly useful in the service industry or areas that require human
interaction. The workplace empathy is essential, it creates real connection, and empathy with
each other, which enhances relationships and higher work performance. Not only for colleagues
but also for customers. Empathy for customers makes it easier for us to understand people and
from there we can hit the psychology of customers to easily bring products to them. Imagine the
robot is a manager, then it will not communicate with you effectively, Not understand why you
must take time off or work remotely for personal reasons, Inability to resolve conflicts between
employees and can't help you manage stress. Simply because they don't understand and feel.
They may recognize emotions but building new relationships and showing empathy for
customers and colleagues is a different story.

4.3 Make risk and security

Commercially available enterprise robots are highly vulnerable to cyberattacks – making them
inherently risky. Robots can be hacked remotely, and attackers can use them to satisfy their
nefarious purpose. Attackers will be able to use cameras or microphones to track or route through
it to steal business data. Not only that, but malicious software also that attacks robots in the
workplace can threaten the safety of others.
Finally, the obvious thing missing is installation and maintenance. Robots need to be maintained
every year to ensure their effectiveness. Programs also need to be upgraded regularly to meet the
changing needs of the market. Not only that, in the event of a serious hook failure, the procedure
for restoring the code and reactivating the system also requires a large amount of time and
expensive costs.

• Artificial intelligence can do better at some jobs, but in general, humans always prevail
over robots

V. Conclusion
The future is a strange and wonderful place. Just 30 years ago, if you told the average person that
their descendants would work with robots, they would probably say you're crazy. Robots are an
integral part of society? Serious? So, we always must change to adapt to the present, the future.
Even the manager, too, must always improve ourselves continuously. Not only do we have to do
well in the functions and roles we take on, but we also must be more creative like that because we
both lead thinking and feeling employees and lead the pre-programmed robot employees.
Therefore, we must prepare ourselves with a level of extensive knowledge, understanding, and
sympathy to be able to do our best in the position of managing 2 completely different individuals
in such a company.

V. References
Chris Kolmar Jun. (2022, June20). The four functions of management (with examples). Form
Rob Press (August 19, 2022). What is the Future for Managers in the Age of AI? Form
Jennifer Herrity (2022, June 22). What Are the Primary Responsibilities of a Manager? . Indeed.

MỚI! . Universal-robots.

Account learning. (n.d). Top 10 Roles of a manager in an organization. Retrieved December 24,
2022, from

ROBOT HIỆN NAY. Retrieved December 24, 2022, from

Arron Smith and Janna Anderson ( August 6, 2014). ‘ AI, Robotics, and the Furture of Jobs’.
From: Barden( Nov.
16,2022). ‘

VI. Group Meeting

Action Items Person responsible Dealine
Part 4: The challenges of Nguyễn Lê Bảo Anh
using robots in an office
Do Turnitin Section
Table of Contents
Part 2: Functions of manager
would be expected to play in 2/1/2023
an office in which both Cù Hoàng Anh Thư
humans and robots were
being used
Part 6: Make group meeting
Submit the assignment
Part 3: The challenges of
using robots in an office Trần Thư Kỳ
Part 5: Conclusion

VII. Turnitin section


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