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2022 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems (ICETSIS)

Immersive Technology Systematic Review and

Samah Wael Fujo Moaiad Ahmad Khder Sohail Safdar
Nasser Artificial Intelligence Research Department of Computer Science Information Technology Dept, College
2022 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems (ICETSIS) | 978-1-6654-6919-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICETSIS55481.2022.9888855

and Development Centre Applied Science University of Information Technology

Nasser Vocational Training Center Bahrain Al Ahlia University
Bahrain Bahrain

Abstract - Since the starting of Immersive technologies Literature Review (SLR) approach. Consequently, it exposes
field a rapid and continues research done and linked numerous development methods used in building the
strongly to different areas of immersive technologies. An immersive technology applications. The SLR conducted
immersive technology systematic literature review (SLR) resulted in highlighting the limitations and constraints
is done in this research in variant settings: Tele- associated to the development methods in the given quality
immersive, 3D, gaming, virtual reality, augmented parameters.
reality, etc. To address the immersive technologies issues
a wide range of articles had been studied ACM II.BACKGROUND
publications in the period 2008 – 2021 to cover the latest Immersive technology is the innovation that shades the
issues in immersive technologies. Based on exclusion and borders among virtual and physical universe and enables its
inclusion conditions, ninety-three studies were chosen for clients to increase an encounter of sensing Immersive
the final investigation. This SLR analyzed the inundation. Today immersive technology plays a massive roll
information from the specified research, their in several fields such as marketing, entertainment, industrial,
hypothetical, challenges that had been address, manufacturing, product development process and education
limitations and future work of the studies. Therefore, this [4]. [5].
paper specifies the constraints of recent research and
future domain in the field of immersive technologies. Early proposition of the strategies to transact with augmented
reality, conceptual techniques including the client, the
Keywords: immersive technologies, immersive challenges, computers, and the real environment as appears in Fig.1,
immersive future work, quality management, software depicted from [6].

Immersive technologies linked strongly to the concept of
presence, and these days no way to escape from digital and
virtual worlds which became a main part in daily life. Many
daily activities: learning, communication, gaming and others
are moved to the virtual reality recently. This rapid
development has been addressed frequently by research,
cinematographic and science fiction literature.
The concept of immersive technology is still debatable, but
according to many studies such as: [1], [2]. [3] ”there are
Fig.1. An approach of styles of interaction and interfaces, by Rekimoto and
some factors need to be considered to define the immersive Nagao (1995)
technology, that factors can be summarized as: Real time
(where actions must be done), three dimensional The existing state of interaction display a convoluted
environment, move freely in the environment, and dynamic structure, where many senses are included, as can be shown
environment that can be changed. in Fig.2. depicted from”[7] , and take the subsequent stages
It may be noted that building applications for such to mover further in innovative and factors of human
immersive environments is challenging as it includes various investigate implemented to virtual reality areas into
technological deficiencies, infrastructural limitations, human consideration.
factors, error reduction, platform compatibility, bandwidth
sufficiency and real time coverage.
This research is aimed to conduct a thorough review about
advancements in immersive technologies using Systematic

978-1-6654-6919-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 186

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2022 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems (ICETSIS)

The immersive technologies systematic literature review also

involves exploring the concept of immersive technologies,
the factors and attributes of immersive technologies, some of
the most relevant are:
• What are the application and projects of immersive
• What are the limitations of immersive technologies?
• What is the future work for immersive technologies?
• How the possibilities of overcome the challenges in
immersive technologies could be explored?

Fig.2. VR and immersive environments by Rubio-Tamayo, Gertudix, Garcia

(2017) 5. Results and Discussion
Most of the research articles in immersive technologies fields
are focusing on the applications and projects of: Tele-
III.OBJECTIVES immersive, 3D, visualization, HCI, Virtual
This research is aiming to: Reality/augmentation, Environment, medical, big data/cloud
computing and gaming. The percentage of each one of the
• Search deeply in the immersive technologies to define fields is shown in Fig.4.
the up-to-date state of immersive technologies.
• Explore the development methods in immersive
• Contributing to describing the challenges in immersive
technologies application building.
• Explore quality management aspects in immersive
technologies research.

IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Fig.4. Research fields in Immersive technologies 2008 – 2021
This research is relied on a SLR which highlights status
of immersive technologies in different studies and knowledge
fields. The literature is searched from ACM digital library A. Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR)
majorly, and many other resources such as google scholar, Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and extended reality
IEEE, springer etc. The focus is given to years from 2008 to (ER) have all sparked interest throughout the globe[8] provides
2021 in order to find the most relevant articles in terms of various examples of real-world applications and speculations on
evolution of immersive technologies and their underlying how the technology could progress. These technologies aren't a
applications. fleeting trend; they'll likely affect the human experience in terms of
social, economic, and technical aspects in the coming years.
In this regard, relevant key strings are devised from the
domains of virtual reality, real time systems, modern sensors, [9]. studied the relation among immersive technologies (AR, VR,
4th industrial revolution etc. The key strings are used to and Mixed Reality (MR)), including their drivers and trends, some
use cases relevant to the manufacturing and utility industries, and
search from literature primarily from ACM and other useful
the approach for developing immersive technologies applications.
libraries. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are established to
filter the articles that are less relevant to the topic in focus. Moreover, [10] provide a literature based on Immersive technology,
which are VR, AR, and MR integrating with Building Information
The research methodology for this study is shown in Fig.3. Modelling (BIM) in the AEC sector. The immersive technologies,
encompassing VR, AR, and MR, have shown enormous advantages
in the design, construction, and management of AEC projects. This
review offered research on the degree of integration of immersive
technologies with BIM in the AEC sector. It used a variety of
analytic methodologies to provide the literature landscape for
immersive technologies in a way that academics and industry
experts can understand.
[4] conducted a survey report that looks at the possible uses of
immersive technology, as well as the benefits and downsides that
should be addressed before integrating it into the workplace.
Fig.3. Systematic Literature Review Research Method
Today, AR and VR have a revolutionary influence on research lines,
with multiple scientific applications and academic domains. [11]


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2022 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems (ICETSIS)

provide a common knowledge of existing and future Immersive type, and [42] investigate the experience of computer game
Technology uses in the education industry. immersion, in particular the component “real world dissociation.
H. Big data/cloud computing
B. Tele-immersive (TI) The last topic selected for this systematic literature review was: big
data/cloud computing, [18] discussed the possibilities of newly
Tele-immersive (TI) is playing a very big role in the immersive immersive interactive technologies in the field of Digital
technology research, [12], [13] discussed the synchronization of Humanities (DH) and in particular using big data and cloud
multi-source heterogeneous streams, transmission and rendering of computing. The summary of the articles corresponding to the
3D, where [14], [15],focused on the mobility in Tele-immersive. selected topic are shown in table 1.
C. Visualization
Another two main areas of immersive technologies research are:
Research Topic No. of articles selected
visualization and Virtual Reality/Augmented,[16].covered the
modelling in visualization and VR,[17]. focused on air traffic Tele-immersive 3
control and management,[18]. Digital Humanities [19]. highlighted
3d 7
the visualization of scientific and engineering data[20],[21]
explored the analytical reasoning for medicine. [22] explained - visualization 8
future interaction technologies for data analytics,[23] focused on the
public participation in the planning process for the inclusive and
democratic development of our cities[24]dynamic touch interactions VR, AR, MR 18
in augmented reality unquestionably advantage students' basic
thinking and spatial representation in muscle relationships and Environment 3
learning motor nerve and, [13]. Medical 4
lessons gained from designing for multi-touch, to highlight issues Big data/cloud computing 1
that may also stand out in augmented reality and virtual reality
Gaming 7
investigation, [25]. what is the impact of living in a virtual
environment would on human beings, [26]. analyzing user Education 1
experiences in immersive virtual environments, [27]. making cities
more engaging and to help design the cities of the
future[28].Potential of an augmented reality environment for
VR, AR, and XR are words that are often interchanged.
multidimensional collaborative analysis,[29]- set of group
prototyping sessions, aimed at identifying new approaches to However, their inherent technological distinctions,
existing design challenge, [5] Research in a variety of fields,, limitations, and application possibilities must be properly
including healthcare, business, marketing, and education. appreciated. These technologies, taken together, are pushing
the envelope in how we generate and experience content,
D. Medical enabling consumers to be engaged in a virtual environment
The medical field took part also in the research interests, where [30] rather than simply watching it on a 2D screen. As a result,
explored Medical Simulation and Training Centers, and [21] they're sometimes lumped together under the umbrella phrase
focused in the analytical reasoning. "immersive technology." A better understanding of their
E. Environemnt advantages and limits is required to prevent the danger of
over-promising and under-delivering [8]. Limitations and
Few articles explored the environment, [31]Automatic challenges in immersive technologies are expected to be
cinematography for 3D environments, [17]. Air Traffic Control and varied depending on the research or application type. Many
Management, and [32]making cities more engaging and to help limitations and challenges were addressed by different
design the cities of the future.
articles: [33] the immersive dimension (i.e., immersive-ness)
F. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) of the environments, [17], the physical and digital world in
particular the challenges in aircraft traffic control systems.
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) covered in some articles, [16]
modelling, [33]cognitive user point of view,[34]. a presentation [18]explores the challenge of applying big data in digital
accompanies the notion of immersive technologies [35] experiences humanities and in the analysis of humanities data in term to
of presence and visual comfort. enable the insights and visualization, [14] identify the
challenge of Synchronization in 3D teleimmersion, [13]
G. 3D and Gaming Drawing analogy from multitouch[19] discuss the translation
In addition to that the articles covered two main topics: 3D, and of engineering CAD significant complexity data into a usable
gaming,[35].experiences of presence and visual model , [43] discuss deeply different challenges for
comfort,[14],Synchronization , [36].Creating, transmitting and immersive technologies and software engineering, [21]
rendering 3D, [37] - 3D entertainment experiences, and [28]. identified the main challenge as the ability of design,
collaborative analysis of multidimensional , [38] Investigate analyzing, designing, interpreting medical data, [22].
whether changing the level of challenge in a video game affects the immersive analytics in industry and research, [14], [15] the
immersion experience of people , [39] informs players about
remaining hit points through a tactile heartbeat. wearable devices,
portability in 3D teleimmersive, [41] cognitive challenge,
[40] We contend that a better understanding of the different [42] challenges in gaming, [28]. collaboratively analyzing
perspectives to empathic engagement - the observer, partaker, and abstract data and data analysis scenarios in VR, [29] design
victim - and the gap between realities can be insightful, [40]. explore challenges for interaction in immersive analytics.
persuasive game design, [14]covered the mobility issue, [41]
investigate the relative contribution of game demand and display


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2022 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems (ICETSIS)

I. Immersive technology and software engineering and engagement in immersive[35], collaboration of cross-
disciplinarily to build Digital Humanities development [18].
Software engineering was one of the challenges that covered by the
research in immersive technologies, where many studies discussed QoS in immersive[14], extend the experiments period and
many aspects of software engineering such as development different participants in order to get better results in
methodologies, requirement elicitation, design, testing, and immersive experiments [25]. adapt some of software tools
deployment. In particular, [43] discussed the software engineering that uses the immersive principle [20]. software engineering
challenges deeply in their study. The study, as shown in the depicted and immersive approaches [43] 2D/3D interfaces and data
Fig.5. below, discussed the Immersive technologies approaches for visualization[21], Live Immersive 3D Entertainment [37]
software engineering and how software engineering traditional impact of sensory immersion [41], Multidimensional
approaches can influence the immersive technologies development interactive data analysis in AR environments [28], future
interaction design and prototyping tools for immersive
analytics applications [29], and the effects of immersive
technology use on user experiences and performance [5]. Its
recommended also to expand the review for immersive
technologies in relation with different fields of data science,
Big Data, IoT, Cyber Security, …etc.[45,46,47].


The results of the SLR investigation show the rapid increment

of quantity that is focusing on immersive technologies. Given
that the utilization of immersive technologies is predicted to
turn out to be more progressively in the future, increasingly
Fig.5. Immersive Approaches for SE, by [43]
exact examinations are highly demanded to hypothesize the
usage of immersive technology impact on clients' practices
and their recital. In addition, Immersive technology can boost
The study also addressed some important future work that can assembly line worker productivity and factory
be done to immersive and software engineering: layout/functionality, as well as provide a more hands-on form
• Which actions of software engineering presented as uses of training. The conclusion is that immersive technology is
cases of immersive and what their impact? the way of the future for smart products development
strategies to implement for employers. Furthermore, AR,
• How to represent the system actions, processes and MR, and VR combine digital data with real-world digital
groups in the immersive development? items to immerse students in a virtual environment. A recent
• What are the limits of an immersive technologies study on augmented reality in education reveals that using
practice in the application development before it becomes computer-generated sound and sights to change and enhance
heavily involved? real-life education results in higher student engagement,
motivated learning, and improved performance. Mixed
The study presented three categories that can be an addition reality combines digital data with physical space and
to software engineering in immersive field: Immersive manipulates it as a tangible item. This research paper
Engineering, Immersive Intelligence, and Immersive provided a massive help to the researchers to appreciate the
Introspection. current immersive technologies situation and improve studies
agenda for future seeking.

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