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Consejería de Educación, CALIFICACIÓN: _________

Cultura y Deportes




DNI Nombre


Centro de Examen


Instrucciones Generales:
− Duración del ejercicio: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
− Mantenga su DNI en lugar visible durante la realización de la prueba.
− Realice cada ejercicio en los espacios reservados para ello a continuación de
cada pregunta y entregue este cuadernillo completo al finalizar la prueba.
− Lea detenidamente los textos, cuestiones o enunciados.
− Cuide la presentación y la ortografía.
− Revise la prueba antes de entregarla.
− La audición se escuchará tres veces.
− Se puede usar diccionario bilingüe sin apéndice de gramática.
− Asegúrese de responder en inglés y sin abreviaturas.

Criterios de calificación:
Este ejercicio se calificará numéricamente entre 0 y 10.

Nota: Para superar la materia de INGLÉS correspondiente al Ámbito de la

Comunicación, deberá obtener una puntuación mínima de cinco puntos.

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Read the following text and answer the questions that follow:

How many times can you fall in love in one month? Once? Twice? If you were Jenny
Gisby, 20, from Nottingham, UK, the answer would be four times or more. But Jenny
doesn’t fall in love with a new person every time. She falls in love with her boyfriend,
Stuart Balmforth, over and over again.
This isn’t a romantic story of a young couple’s relationship. Jenny and Stuart began
going out around three years ago. During this time, Jenny was a university student
and she also worked at a shop. Then one day, she became ill while she was at work.
She was sent to hospital and she was in a coma there for some time. The doctors at
the hospital said that she had a brain condition. Her legs were affected by the
condition and after she woke up from the coma, she couldn’t walk. She also couldn’t
remember things – including her parents and her boyfriend. She slowly started to
recognise them, but at least once a week, she woke up in the morning with no
memory again.
Many young men would break off the relationship if this happened to their girlfriend.
But not Stuart. He accepted Jenny’s condition and stayed with her. To solve her
memory problems, Jenny decided to keep a memory album with pictures of her and
Stuart together. Every important event in their relationship is in the album. If Jenny
forgets Stuart, the pictures in the album will always help her remember. Jenny told
reporters that every time she saw their memories on the pages, she felt like she was
falling in love with Stuart all over again. Hopefully, she will continue falling in love
with him for many years to come!
Taken from:

1) Answer the following questions. Write full sentences:

(0.3x5=1.5 points)
1.a) How often does Jenny fall in love with Stuart? Why?

1.b) When did Jenny and Stuart begin going out?


1.c) Why couldn’t she walk?


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Consejería de Educación,
Cultura y Deportes

1.d) Why did she decide to make a memory picture album?


1.e) What are the pictures of?


2) Decide if the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). Give evidence from
the text. NO MARKS are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
(0.25x4 = 1 point)

T / F

2.a) Jenny falls in love with different people every month.


2.b) Jenny’s illness was only in her legs.


2.c) Stuart decided to break up with their relationship.


2.d) They hope to be together in the future.


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3) Put the verbs into the Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past
Continuous or Future Tense.
(15x0.1= 1.5 points)

3.a) She always (get) _______________ up very early on school days.

3.b) I’m afraid I (not speak) _________________ French very well, but I (learn)

3.c) Simon (do) _________________ the washing-up when someone (ring)

_________________ the doorbell

3.d) If I pass all my exams, I (have) __________________ fantastic holidays.

3.e) He (not come) _________________ to class yesterday because he was ill.

3.f) When my dad (come in) _________________ our room, my brother and I
(fight) _________________.

3.g) In year 3000, humans (have) _________________ smaller brains because

computers (do) _________________ everything for them.

3.h) When I was little, my sister and I (go) _________________ to visit our
grandparents every Sunday.

3.i) (you, know) _________________ how to speak Chinese? No, I don’t.

3.j) Every day I (walk) __________________ to school, but today my dad (drive)
_________________ me in the car because it’s raining.

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Consejería de Educación,
Cultura y Deportes

4) Write the sentences again so that they have the same meaning. Use the clues
given in brackets.
(0.2x5=1 point)

4.a) She made a beautiful picture (PASSIVE VOICE)


4.b) Smoking is forbidden in this area (MODAL VERB)


4.c) I’m taller than my best friend (COMPARATIVE)


4.d) I bought that dress in a new shop in town (QUESTION)


4.e) The postman delivers letters every day (PASSIVE)



5) Write the sentences of the following dialogue in order. Write the numbers from 1
to 10 to the left of the sentences.
(0.084x12=1 point max.)


- Shogun Restaurant.
- What time would you like the reservation for?
- There will be 4 of us.
- Thank you. The last name is Foster.
- We would prefer 7:00 or 7:30.
- See you at 7:00 this Tuesday, Mr. Foster.
- Of course, what evening will you be joining us on?
- Fine, I can seat you four at 7:00 on Tuesday, if you would kindly give me
your name.
- How many people will you need the reservation for?
- Hi, I would like to make a dinner reservation.
- We will need the reservation for Tuesday night.
- Thank you so much. I appreciate your help.

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6) Write the correct word according to the definition. There are more words than
you need.
(0.125x4=0.5 points)


6.a) Very thin: ____________________

6.b) Having no hair on his/her hair: ____________________
6.c) Fatter than is he/she should be: ____________________
6.d) The colour of his/her face is similar to white: ____________________


7) Listen to the weather forecast and fill in the gaps. Taken by English Breaking
(0.1x15 =1.5 points)

News reporter: Here is the weather.

Weather reporter: Welcome to the weather forecast. Now, let’s see what the weather is

like today. In the _______________ (1) of the country it’s very ______________ (2)

and ______________ (3). There is a chance of some rain too, so don’t leave home

without your ______________ (4)! The temperature is around 10º centigrade. In the

________________ (5) it’s _______________ (6) all day today, I’m afraid. There may

be a ______________ (7) in the afternoon. The temperature is a bit higher, at around

______________ (8). In the ______________ (9) and middle of the country the

weather is _______________ (10), but ______________ (11). So no rain for you, but it

is quite windy and the temperature is just 10º. The ______________ (12) of the country

has the best weather today. It’s ______________ (13) most of the time but

______________ (14) this afternoon. The temperature is around ______________ (15).

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Consejería de Educación,
Cultura y Deportes


8) Choose ONLY ONE of the following topics and write, at least, 70 words:
(2 points)

8.A) Write about your last holidays. Use the prompts below to help you.
1) Where did you travel?
2) Who went with you?
3) Where did you sleep?
4) What activities did you do?
5) Did you enjoy the holidays? Why?

8.B) Describe a member of your family that you admire. Mention

1) Physical aspect
2) Personality
3) Hobbies, interests
4) Your relationship with this person
5) Why do you admire him/her?

- Cada error gramatical se penalizará con -0,1.
- Los errores de spelling se penalizarán con - 0.05.
- De no cumplir el número de palabras exigido, se restará 0.5 por cada 10 palabras.

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