Dear Future Generation

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Dear future generation(s),

Hey, is everything alright there? I don’t know if you understand this language, maybe English doesn’t
exist anymore in your generation. Can you still see any trees outside? Oh wait, I should introduce
myself first. I’m someone from 2022, yeeaah, that’s a long time ago for you, isn’t it? Anyways, I had
spoken a message, hoping someone would find it. Listen carefully because I’m going to explain why
you’re going through the things you’re going through. So, my question was: Can you still see any
trees outside? That was a genuine question, because we are burning our trees to the point where
forests are just disappearing. Now why would we burn down our trees you might think. I’d gladly
answered: I don’t know, but the problem is that I do know why. We all know why we are burning
down the forests, and still, nobody does anything about it. It all went downhill when we wanted to
change from using coal to wind- and sun energy. We quickly realized that wind- and sun energy were
producing energy too slow. So, what did we do? Exactly, we started burning the trees, because
burning trees gives energy and is Carbon dioxide free, so they said. Guess what, it’s far from Carbon
dioxide free, and that when 70% of our energy comes from burning trees. The only problem is that
our only option is to rely on nuclear energy and, as you’ve probably learned, didn’t go well in
Chernobyl. So, we have a big problem and we have a solution, but it is a solution which everyone is
afraid of. That’s why you’re suffering from the hot climate, because we burned down all your trees.

So, we have a big problem because there’s too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and you
think that it can’t get any worse than this right? Ha, wrong

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