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1. Give the factors that contribute to better personal hygiene.
Factors that contribute to better personal hygiene:
 Cultural Factors
Existence of awareness campaigns/programs that consider indigenous
wisdom and experience as well as your values, culture, and beliefs.
The distorted myths, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions should be
addressed by the hygiene programs.
When your personal hygiene practices differ from the hygiene of others,
you won’t encounter criticism.

 Institutional Factors
The resources for sanitation should be provided by the local government,
integrated, used, tracked, and supplemented with new resources
The systems used to encourage people to adopt safe hygienic practices
should be easy to manage and not place undue strain on your time or

 Economic Factors
A good quality of life can be supported by having enough money.

 Environmental Factors
Infrastructure growth (e.g. well-built houses with electricity).
Access to sources of water supply.
Excreta disposal sources are easily accessible.
Environmental integrity must be preserved via sanitation technology. It
cannot lead to the tainting of water supplies or the development of health
 Psycho-social Factors
Basic necessities are readily available.
Poverty reduction and community involvement in sanitation programs.

 Educational Factors
Certain cultural beliefs about hygiene, fears, and perceptions would need
to be altered through promoting awareness and education.
Improving these factors in life will increase your willingness to adopt hygienic
practices in your life, whereas poor quality of life creates many demotivators for

2. Define Hygiene, Body Cleanliness, and Grooming.

 Hygiene is the practice of keeping your body clean and healthy. It is
important to keep your body and things you touch clean in order to prevent
infections from spreading. This can be done by washing your hands
regularly, using soap and water to wash your body, and keeping your home
clean so that germs don’t spread from person to person.
 Body Cleanliness is the state of being clean. Your body should be free of
dirt and other contaminants. This can be done by brushing your teeth
regularly, showering at least once a day, and maintaining a healthy diet.
 Grooming is the act of taking care of yourself in order to look good for
others. It includes taking care of hair, nails, skin and teeth as well as
wearing appropriate clothing and makeup that makes you feel confident
about who you are as an individual.

3. What is Hygiene Conscious?

 Hygiene Conscious is a term used to describe a person who is aware of the
importance of hygiene and cleanliness.
 Hygiene Conscious is the act of being conscious of one’s body, and taking
care of it. It’s about being aware of how you look and feel, and making sure
that you’re comfortable in your own skin.

4. Give three (3) main personal hygiene prevention methods.

1. Hands Hygiene
Hand washing is the best way to prevent the spread of germs, as well as
diseases like ringworm and athlete’s foot.
Wash your hands with soap and water before handling food and after using
the bathroom.
Maintain your fingernails trimmed and short.
2. Oral Care
Taking care of your oral health is also important. Keeping your teeth clean
by brushing and flossing regularly.
Don’t share your toothbrush, or use your own toothbrush.
3. Body Hygiene
Take a shower every day. Showers are great because they clean your body
thoroughly and release toxins out of the skin. Next, use soap or body wash
to wash off any dirt or germs that may be on your body.

5.What is the importance of good grooming?

Good grooming is important because it can help you feel more attractive
and confident about yourself. When you look your best, it makes you feel good
about yourself. When people notice how well-dressed and groomed you are, you
gain confidence. This means they will treat you better, which can result in a
variety of positive outcomes in your life.
A well-groomed appearance also makes you feel more at ease when
meeting new people or making new friends. People may not want to get too close
to you or spend too much time with you if they don’t think you’re worthy of their
attention or friendship based on what they see on the outside (your clothes).

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