Ridge Board vs. Ridge Beam PDF

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APRIL 1, 2022

In the course of investigating hundreds if not thousands of forensic

projects [https://vertexeng.com/projects/?page=1&solution=forensic-consulting] per
year, it’s hard to find a more commonly misunderstood or incorrectly
constructed item than residential roof framing.  Errors and
deficiencies in the construction and design of residential roof
framing can lead to costly insurance claims or litigation and can also
make the residence more susceptible to property damage from
storm events such as snow and wind loading.  

For areas throughout the United States that are not located in high
wind or seismic zones, construction projects for one- and two-family
dwellings do not typically require design from a licensed engineer. 
Instead, the International Residential Code (“IRC”) allows for the
general contractor or the architect to follow the prescriptive
requirements of the IRC to ensure adequate structural framing. 
However, in our experience, the prescriptive requirements of the IRC
can often be misinterpreted or misunderstood by contractors,
architects, and even building officials leading to deficient roof
framing. There is often confusion with the requirements even among
licensed structural engineers who aren’t familiar with residential
construction. As the desire for more complex roof shapes and open
ceiling configurations increases in newer construction, the risk of
claims from roof framing issues will likely also increase.

VERTEX has a unique perspective in dealing with the construction

and design-related issues because of our diversity in clients, the
scope of services [https://vertexeng.com/services/] , and the diversity of
experts [https://vertexeng.com/experts/] .  Whether consulting for a litigated
matter, reviewing details for loss control, conducting cost estimates,
or performing structural repair design, we have seen issues related to
residential roof framing from a wide range of perspectives. In our
experience, the most common residential roof framing issues center
around a misunderstanding of the following 3 topics and

1. Ridge Board vs. Ridge Beam

2. Rafter Tie vs. Collar Tie

3. Hips and Valleys

This three-part blog aims to provide an overview of these topics with

the hope of providing a concise overview of residential roof framing
basics as well as common deficiencies along the way. Part 1 will focus
on the difference between non-structural ridge boards and structural
ridge beams. Code references throughout our discussion will come
from the 2015 edition of the IRC which is the most common edition
currently adopted across the United States.  Similar language and
principles exist across other IRC editions and industry standards as

The most common type of residential roof is a simple gable or hip
configuration which generally consist of a peak (ridge) and sloped
sides which resembles a triangular shape when viewed from the side.
In its most common form, the roof is constructed with rafters along
each slope with ceiling joists along the bottom which encloses an
attic space (referred to as “conventional system” throughout this
discussion). The ridge board is located along the peak of the roof in
a conventional system.  Its technical function can be best
summarized by the following definition adopted from Wood Frame
Construction Manual (“WFCM”) produced by the American Wood
Council (“AWC”):


A NON-STRUCTURAL member used at the ridge of a roof to provide

a common nailing surface and point of bearing for opposing roof

Simply put, a ridge board is a non-structural nailing board located at

the peak between the tops of the rafters.  Figure 1 provides an
illustration of a conventional system with ridge board.
Figure 1: Diagram of conventional system with ridge board.

Now that we have established the basic function of a ridge board,

let’s move on to the specific requirements of the building code.  The
IRC requirements for a ridge board are relatively brief and listed as

[2015 IRC R802.3] Rafters shall be framed not more than 1½-inches
offset from each other to a RIDGE BOARD or directly opposite from
each other with a gusset plate as a tie.  Ridge boards shall be not
less than 1-inch nominal THICKNESS and not less in DEPTH than the
cut end of the rafter…

The IRC requirements above are focused on minimum geometry and

bearing dimensions for the ridge board to function as a nailing board
between the opposing rafters.  To further illustrate that the ridge
board is not functioning as a structural beam, it is interesting to point
out that IRC allows the ridge board to be eliminated with use of
gusset plates between the rafters. Even though a ridge board is not
considered a structural member, the geometry and dimensional
requirements listed in the IRC for ridge boards are no less important. 
For example, when a ridge board does not have sufficient depth to
provide full bearing, the rafters can be overstressed in compression
and cause crushing of the wood.  In combination with other
deficiencies, the rafters are also more prone to separate from ridge
which can cause cracks and displacement of the rafters during an
extreme snow event or overtime during cyclical, seasonal loading.
Figure 2: Example of crushing at top of rafter along ridge caused by
inadequate bearing.

Figure 3: Example of rafter exceeding depth of ridge. (Note

separation as evidenced by withdrawn nails)

So, if the ridge board is not a structural beam, what is holding up the
peak of the roof in a conventional system?  Due to the self-support
provided by the triangular shape (“truss action”), the tops of the
rafters are held up by the equal and opposite force of the two rafters
pushing against each other.  At the same time, the bottoms of the
rafters are attached to ceiling joists which resist the outward thrust
at the end of the rafters. Part 2 of our series on Residential Roof
Framing Basics will provide more insight on the behavior and
connection requirements for resisting outward thrust at the bottom
of the rafters. For now, it’s useful to mention that in the context of
ridge boards, the truss-action that holds up the ridge does not
perform well at lower roof slopes because the thrust force at the
rafter-to-ceiling connection increases and often fails, leading to
subsequent displacement at the rafters and a deflection at the ridge.
As such, Section R802.3 specifies the following:

[2015 IRC R802.3] Where the roof pitch is less than THREE UNITS IN
12 units horizontal (25-percent slope), structural members that
support rafters and ceiling joists, such as ridge beams, hips and
valleys, shall be designed as beams.

Therefore, regardless of whether there are ceiling joists or similar

horizontal ties, the IRC states the ridge should always be designed
and installed as a structural beam (not just a nailing surface) when
the roof pitch is less than 3:12.  This requirement repeatedly matches
our experience of lower sloped roof framing behavior in the field. 
For example, a common roof deflection issue observed during snow
loading events occurs at low-sloped roofs, even when ceiling joists
are installed.  The ridge tends to deflect downward, and the rafters
push outward as illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Example of sag at ridge that occurred during snow loading.
(Note roof had low-slope (less than 3:12) with conventional system)


What happens in an open (“cathedral [https://designingidea.com/cathedral-

”) ceiling system when we remove the ceiling joists or similar

horizontal ties?  In that situation, the ridge is functioning as much
more than a nailing surface and must be designed as a structural
member (“ridge beam” or “structural ridge”).  Again, we look to the
WFCM for a useful definition of a ridge beam and associated open
ceilings as follows: 


A STRUCTURAL member used at the ridge of a roof to support the

ends of roof rafters and transfer roof loads to supports.


Where ceiling joists and roof ties are omitted and rafters are used to
create an open (cathedral) ceiling, rafter ends shall be supported on
bearing walls, headers, or ridge beams.

As indicated in the above definitions, a ridge beam with closely

spaced rafters is akin to a floor girder along the centerline of a house
that takes loading from joists and transfers the load to supports at its
ends. Figure 5 provides an illustration of a ridge beam in an open
ceiling system.
Figure 5: Diagram of open ceiling system with Ridge Beam

As can be seen in Figure 5, there is no longer a complete triangle,

and the tops of the rafters must be supported by a structural beam. 
Regarding building code requirements, the IRC provides the
following brief requirements regarding ridge beams.

[2015 IRC R802.3.1] Where ceiling joists or rafter ties are not
provided, the ridge formed by these rafters shall be supported by a
wall or girder DESIGNED in accordance with engineering practice.

Thus, in open ceiling systems, the ridge beam must be properly sized
as a structural beam by an engineer.  In addition, the connection
between the rafters and ridge also must be designed by an engineer
because the prescriptive connections in the IRC are only applicable
for a ridge board. As is the case with most of residential
construction, a licensed engineer is not always involved, and the
contractor often provides framing sizing in accordance with the
prescriptive requirements (usually provided in tables) throughout the
IRC.  In the case of ridge beams, there is no specific tables that
provide the required sizing and connections for specific spans and
loading like there is for floor girders.  Without this direct guidance,
the contractor may rely on lumber suppliers or just their own
experience to size the ridge beam, supports, and connections. 
Alternatively, an architect may provide sizing and detailing for the
ridge beam.  It is common that the architect, lumber supplier, or
contractor will provide inadequate sizing or detailing either due to a
lack of understanding about ridge beam behavior and/or the code
specified loading and deflection requirements. In addition, the actual
site conditions may differ from that assumed by the architect or
lumber supplier. This often results in either undersized ridge beams
(see Figure 6) or convoluted and overcomplicated framing layouts
that do not serve their intended purpose (see Figure 7).
Figure 6: Excessive deflection of ridge at open cathedral ceiling
caused by undersized ridge beam.

Figure 7: Example of overly complicated roof system indicating lack

of understanding of residential framing. (Note large (7×20) LVL ridge
beam and support posts installed in a conventional system with
ceiling joists).

Some of the most common residential roof framing deficiencies seen
at VERTEX stem from a general misunderstanding above the
function of ridge boards and ridge beams as well as their basic code
requirements.  A ridge board is non-structural member located at the
peak of a conventional closed ceiling system that serves as a nailing
surface between the tops of opposing roof rafters.  The ridge board
is dependent on the truss-action of the closed conventional roof
system.  A ridge beam on the other hand is a structural member at
the peak of an open (cathedral) ceiling system that must be
designed by an engineer to support the rafters along its length and
transfer the roof loads to supports.

In Part 2 of this series, we will discuss the difference between rafter

ties and collar ties as we continue our overview of residential roof
framing basics.

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