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Source 1:

Puglia, D. R. (2017). Social media use and its impact on body image: The effects of body
comparison tendency, motivation for social media use, and social media platform on body
esteem in young women (Order No. 10265442). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Global. (1917682212). Retrieved from

This source focuses on the effect of how social media is tied to body image issues and eating
disorders. The author explains how crucial it is to learn about the effects of body image issues
and how to treat it. This source is written a little bit different than my other sources because it is
from a professional and it strictly focuses on the treatment of body image issues especially with
adolescent girls. My research is not about adolescent girls but I can gain an understanding of
where body image issues come from and how to treat it even though it sometimes can be pretty
difficult to treat as stated by the author.

Source 2:
Shoger, W. M. (2008). The unattainable “reality”: How media affects body image in men and
women and the moderating effects of social support (Order No. 3370882). Available from
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304606211). Retrieved from

This source talks about many different things that deal with body image issues and the main
point of this source is not strictly talking about social media. This source also gives me an insight
about both genders and how they see their body image differently and the reasoning behind that.
That is one thing very different about this source from all of my other sources. This source also
talks about how the media has changed through the years and that can be a great point in my

Source 3:
Cheng, Q. (2022). Mitigated or aggravated: How instagram comments on idealized images
affect Women’s body image concerns (Order No. 28965797). Available from ProQuest
Dissertations & Theses Global. (2630632385). Retrieved from

This source focuses on a specific social media site which is Instagram, which to me is the most
used social media site in my generation. This source is very interesting because it explains the
psychology behind Instagram that makes it difficult for women to have a positive body image.
This source is much different from my sources because it focuses on Instagram rather than just
women in general. It talks about how the comment section of a woman's post affects their body
image. I can really use this source for my research paper because the psychology behind this
paper will help me develop the information I need to explain the reason for body image issues
for women in college athletics.

Source 4:
Ballner, A. (2022). Ideal female body versus ideal athletic body: How social media affects body
image of collegiate female runners (Order No. 29162817). Available from ProQuest
Dissertations & Theses Global. (2758671927). Retrieved from

This source might be my favorite source because the scholar that wrote it is from my home town
in Stillwater Oklahoma (Go pokes). This source talks about how athletes are affected by social
media, especially runners, which also hits home for me because I am a runner here at ESU. This
is exactly what I am writing about so this source is perfect for my research. It is a lot different
from my other sources because I have been looking for something that is closely related to my
research and I finally found it.

Source 5:
Verma, Arushi, and Maria-Irini Avgoulas. “Eating Disorders: Perceptions of Young Women and
Social Media Portrayal.” International Journal of Health, Wellness & Society, vol. 5, no. 4,
Dec. 2015, pp. 97–105. EBSCOhost,

This source is relevant to my research because it uses a lot of facts that are towards eating
disorders and what causes eating disorders. Not only does it talk about eating disorders but it
specifically talks about eating disorders with women. My research specifically talks about
women athletes so this source gives me a little insight on how the women perceive their eating

Source 6:
Bissell, Kimberly L. “Sports Model/Sports Mind: The Relationship Between Entertainment and
Sports Media Exposure, Sports Participation, and Body Image Distortion in Division 1 Female
Athletes.” Mass Communication & Society, vol. 7, no. 4, Fall 2004, pp. 453–72. EBSCOhost,

This source talks about how the exposure to social media sports models have can affect their
body image and this can cause a lot of issues mentally. The source does relate to my topic almost
exactly because it is a study of how social media and how television affects athletes' mental
health and their body image. This source is very good for my topic and gives me a lot of
information. This is different from my other sources because it gives a different perspective than
my other sources have. This source can be useful in the way of knowing different perspectives
that can help me learn more about my topic and a little more about the effects social media has
on a person.

Source 7:
Social Media Can Negatively Impact the Mental Health of Athletes | Psychreg
This website does relate to my topic because it explains how social media can affect an athlete
and how they perform. It does not specifically go with my topic but I can pull information out of
this source to help support some of my claims with what they say in this source. This article
explains how in today's world social media can affect athletes by their fans always wanting to
know the latest news with this person and bullying them through social media and how this can
affect the athlete mentality before performing.

Source 8:
When Body Image Becomes a Problem for Female Athletes (
This source does relate to my topic because it talks about how athletes have the stigma on them
that they have to look a certain way to be a good athlete and social media really shows that too.
This source really supports my topic because I also think that social media negatively affects
women's body image for athletes. This is a really good source for my topic because it gives direct
sources by quoting women athletes.

Source 9:
Book Mothers, daughters, and body image
This source relates to my topic in the way that it talks about how women view their body. This
helps me get a little bit more information about how body image is so important for women. It
does support my topic in the way of educating me on how women's body image affects women.
This book is very knowledgeable and that in itself can help me in my research and that is a very
useful tool to help me figure out a little bit more about body image and women. This source
probably is not the best source I have but I can still be able to use it in some of my research that I
Source 10:
Social media: Log in | TikTok
This source does relate to my topic because on Tik Tok there are a lot of stereotypes on how
your body should look especially for athletes. It supports my topic in the way of it being
negative. There is a negative look on women's body image on Tik Tok. This social media
platform is making dances and showing off in some way and I follow a lot of athletes on this
platform so I see a lot.

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