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Value of the month: Order / Inclusion

Workdays: 23
Class days: 23
Educational visits:

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Satur-

1 2 Prayer to Jesus 3 Reciclatón Claro 4 Sing
Color Day 7th grade field trip EL BA- Rehearsal,
JO March 3rd
Play Casting
@1:00 p.m.
Universidad Europea del

5 6 Civic act 7th B & 7 Mi Proyecto de 8 International Wom- 9 Prayer to Jesus 10 1st grade field trip EL 11 Sing
PK3A Vida 7AB en´s Day (PS, ES, HS) BAJO Community service Rehearsal.
Student council election
March 10th
Storytelling: Women´s Biographies around the world (PS) / Intramurals, Basketball 3 vs 3 High School @1:00 p.m.
12 13 14 Financial Work- 15 Las Emociones 16 Water projects 17 St. Joseph Mass /Debate 18
Debate 10th & 11th starts shop for Students y la Ansiedad 8A 10th & 11th starts
Civic act 7th A & Career test for seniors La Flor de mi Au- Sing Rehear-
Pensar en Positivo 10AB
toestima 9A sal, March
Maternal March
17th @1:00
Works of Mercy (Rising Funds Groceries) p.m.

19 20 Civic act 6th A 21 World Down Syn- 22 Water Day (PS) 23 Prayer to Jesus 24 First Quarter ends 25 EPI
drome (Wear your odd Zumba kids (Down Syndrome) Sing Rehear-
Kinder B
socks) Mathematics Exam
Language Arts Exam PS E, HS (Jared, Jymmy & Juan
Descubriendo mis
sal, March 24
Talentos 11A Color Day Evaluations Water Day (PS) th @1:00 p.m.
Debates Undécimo grado — Works of Mercy (Rising Funds Groceries)
26 27 Civic act 5A & 28 Via crucis rehear- 29 Via crucis rehear- 30 World Autism Aware- 31 Vía Crucis
Kinder A sal sal ness Day (April 2nd)
PS 8:00 A.M.
Volleyball Intramurals
Second Quarter starts Una amistad y mu- Hablando nos en- E- HS 10:30 A.M.
(Female) ends (HS)
Via crucis rehearsal chos amigos 4AB tendemos 5A
Report cards delivery 11:00 –
Yo escucho para que me
Volleyball Intramurals 2:30 PS12:30– 2:30 p.m E & HS
escuchen 6A
(Female) starts (HS)

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