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Ace Jericho Saniel

THC2 (1425)

RISK ASSESSMENT: “Hiking excursion”, in Kapatagan, Davao Del Sur

Below, you can see a risk assessment stating the dangers that could happen during
Activity Possible Potential Injuries/ accidents Impact Likelihood
Risk (1-10)

These potential
Injuries and
The potential risk is higher when accidents may
crossing a river during rain, and cause a
“kapatagan” is known for its bad disturbance or
Hiking River weather. According to the commotion. (7)
crossing website Pacific Crest Trail According to
Association, believe it or not Coxwell, the
even light current can cause any need to remain
injuries or accidents, so make calm is needed
sure you cross the stream with during an
precautions. Strains and blisters accident or if you
are potential injuries. Accidents see an accident
like you slip or fall may happen. to avoid further
potential danger.

These potential
Injuries and
The potential risk is higher when accidents may
the weather is bad during hiking cause a
near a cliff, and “kapatagan” is disturbance or
Hiking Trailing Near known for its bad weather. commotion.
a cliff Strong winds and wet trails may According to the
cause potential injuries and website US (9)
accidents. According to the Forest Service,
website US Forest Service, that staying calm
stating that your footing is really is really important
important especially when you during these
are traveling circumstances,
near a cliff as hazardous trails as panicking
or rock, falling may occur, and could lead to
accidents could happen that further accidents.
could lead to having injuries.

These potential
Injuries and
accidents may
cause a
During hiking, equipment is disturbance or
important, it could avoid you commotion.
from possible accidents and According to the
injuries. According to the website US (8)
Hiking Lack of website, a lack of proper Forest Service,
Equipment equipment when trailing could that staying calm
possibly cause an accident like is really important
falling, slipping, and could during these
possibly get you to lose track. circumstances,
Physical injuries like breaking as panicking
your bones are possible. could lead to
further accidents.

These potential
Injuries and
Home of wildlife is a possible accidents may
encounter during the trail and cause a
Wild possible attack from wild disturbance or
Hiking Animals on animals could happen. And commotion.
the “kapatagan” is known for its According to the
mountain green land that’s why website US (6)
circumstances such as Forest Service,
encountering wild animals are that staying calm
high. According to the website is really important
Embracing the wind, most hikers during these
loved to see animals but they circumstances,
don’t take precautions of a as panicking
possible threat or attack from could lead to
wild animals that could cause further accidents.
accidents and injuries. Some
injuries like physical injuries
could break some of your bones.
Contingency Plan

Why is a contingency plan being important in hiking? According to the website

Environmental Monitoring Solution, that having a contingency plan may lessen the
potential problem during the hike, as many possible dangers could occur. Below, you
can see a contingency plan during hiking.

Risk Likelihood Mitigation Contingency


Get lost from hiking (4) Stay from the area If there is a
where you lost and circumstance where
gather some things a hiker gets lost,
that are flammable the group is likely to
to make a fire to act go to the place
as a signal. where they saw
their member.

Possible accidents (8) Help the member The members of

like falling, slipping, that has the injury the groups will
etc. and the need for assess the situation
fast action is if the need to stop
needed. or continue the
activity is needed.

Dehydration and (5) The need for clean

Exhaustion water and breaks is Monitor the
needed during this members water
kind of situation, as intake and make
drinking water and sure that they are
breaks could avoid still physically and
serious accidents mentally okay to
from exhaustion continue the hike.
and dehydration.


Pacific Crest trail ASSOCIATION. (no date). Stream crossing safety while hiking
and backpacking. Available at:
crossing-safety/ (Accessed: 11 Nov 2021).
Coxwell, M. (2016). The importance of staying calm during a road rage accident.
Available at:
accident/ (Accessed: 11 Nov 2021).

US Forest Service. (2013). Travel Advisories: Outdoor Safety. Available at: (Accessed: 11 Nov 2021).

Embracing the wind. (2019). Hiking Risks and the Mistakes Hikers Make.
Available at: (Accessed: 11 Nov

hiking-exercise/ (Accessed: 11 Nov 2021).

Environmental Monitoring Solution. (2016). Why is Contingency Planning so

Important?. Available at:
important/ (Accessed: 11 Nov 2021).

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