Assignment Review Answers HR For Canadore PM

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CPM 100- Construction project management

Assignment Review
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Please use red color font for your answer
Note: Find the best answer, as sometimes you could find two very close answer
then you choose the best of them.

1. A vendor did not perform as contracted, so you are withholding payment as

stipulated by the contract. The vendor started using impropriate language and is
calling you names. your team members are furious and some of them have
responded similarly even though you are angry as well you stay calm and handle
the situation with respect, which of the following have you demonstrated by
responding to the situation this way
a. Conduct yourself in a professional manner
b. Proved to be loyal to the vendor
c. Protected team member from the fight
d. Boost team morale
2. Which of the following choices represents the correct sequence of action a
project manager should take before project planning starts:
a. Perform stakeholders’ analysis, create stakeholder register, resolve issue
raised by stakeholder
b. Define scope, collect requirement, create the work breakdown structure
c. Plan stakeholder engagement, creates power interest grid, manage
stakeholder engagement
d. Create the project charter, create stakeholder register, inform stakeholder
of the approved project charter
3. A project manager is informed by a project stakeholder that the newest project
team member has on more than one occasion arrived to work more than 30
minutes late, this news comes as a sort of surprise, and you haven't had any
similar issues with the project team previously. what may have prevented this
a. Training for the project team on cultural awareness
b. Conflict management training for the project team member
c. Capturing the issue by waiting at the door everyday morning to force the
employee come early or on time
d. Reviewing the team charter periodically with the team
4. While the first phase of a construction project was a success, one of the two lead
architect suddenly had to resign from the position due to the conflict of interest
within the company, what should the project manager do immediately to manage
the team composition:
a. Update the stakeholder register to reflect the team change
b. Inform immediately the project sponsor about the series of the situation
c. Do nothing, just to proceed to finish the job on time
d. Establish an urgent site meeting to address the situation
5. You have just been named a project manager for a Newcomb company project
the project sponsor ask you to provide a few ways that the work can be carried
out based on your understanding of the key deliverable meanwhile the project
sponsor is working on completing the project charter, in order to prepare your
proposal you would like to be aware of the basic project risk that may have
already been identified which of the following would be best document to
a. Project scope statement
b. Statement of work
c. Project business case
d. Project charter
6. The project is in execution, but your project team is unable to stop arguing about
identifying the project milestones, this ongoing conflict puts the project at risk of
running behind the schedule. what would you likely have helped avoid this
conflict if had it been probably created first:
a. Project charter
b. Business case
c. Scope of work
d. WBS
7. You are leading a meeting with the project sponsor and key stakeholder to
review the project performance; the goal of the meeting is to establish common
understanding of the project situation and answer all the question and or
concern. what of the following interpersonal and team skill is the least beneficial
to the project manager to use to achieve the meeting goal
a. Conflict management
b. Facilitation
c. Meeting management
d. Team building
8. You have just taken over as manager of a project and have immediately noticed
that the stakeholders are showing little to no interest in the project status and
projections, as the project manager you feel that have more interest from the
stakeholder with ultimately benefit the success of the project, what is the best
course of action to determine which stakeholders would be the best to
communicate with first:
a. Meet with each of stakeholders individually as it is always important to get
to know them
b. Review the stakeholder register to determine key stakeholders to reach
out to, and provide project status
c. It is the best to do nothing as a stakeholder interference may cause
sometimes problem
d. Organized a meeting in which all stakeholders are invited to discuss the
project status
9. You and your team are currently developing the stakeholder engagement plan a
project team member has already created the stakeholder engagement
assessment matrix below which answer choice present the most important
element to be included in the stakeholder engagement plan
a. A plan to improve Mary Smith engagement level
b. An engagement level improvement plan for Todd young
c. A strategy to address the engagement level of Jon Snow
d. A strategy to improve the engagement level of Tony Stewart

10. Your employee is 3 days late with the report. 5 minutes before the meeting where
the topic of the report is to be discussed, she hands you the report. You notice
some serious errors in it. What should you do:
a. Cancel the meeting and reschedule when the error is fixed
b. Go to the meeting and tell the other attendees there are error in the report
c. Ask the employee to do the presentation and remain silent as the other
attendees find the error
d. Cancel the meeting and re write the report yourself
11. You are managing a project which is in planning phase. You have completed
heling in developing project charter and this project contain multiple phases with
multiple contractors. The contract contains proprietary( private) information from
the vendor. One of the functional managers of your organization wants to view
this information. What should your response to them?
a. The functional manager is not part of this project, you should deny it
b. You can share the information with them because they belong to the same
c. Deny the request to protect confidentiality of the information,
d. Accept the request but tell them not to share the information with anyone
12. You have been asked to create user manual for a call centre’s day to day tasks.
What is the correct term for this scenario?
a. Project
b. Program
c. Portfolio
d. Operation
13. You are newly assigned PM, and you are working on a new implementation
project. In order to understand the scope of the project, you meet with associates
who have worked on similar projects in the past. You analyze their feedback and
identify a change in the project scope they have missed but you have no
experience in handling. What should you do in such scenario?
a. Do nothing as the new scope is related to the previous project manager
b. Document it immediately
c. Document it and try to analyze the impact of it on the schedule
d. Do nothing as at least no one knows about it
14. You are an experience PM who has worked many years with your company.
You have complete knowledge of the processes and how things work in your
organization. However, you have limited knowledge about project selection
method. Recently, you have been tasked with choosing the best project out of
multiple selections, what should be first step
a. Select the project using the best judgment
b. As you have no knowledge, refuse to take the assignment
c. Get an expert’s help to select best project
d. Inform the management about your lack of knowledge in this particular
15. Your customer requested a scope related change during a project. The change
was formally approved by CCB change control board and you are in the process
of implementing it. You are providing regular implementation status to the
customer. What is correct term for the information you provide?
a. Work Performance Data
b. Work Performance information
c. Work performance report
d. Project management info system PMIS
16. You are chosen to be project manager for a job in another country. The customer
hosted a project kick-off party and gave valuable gifts to all the project team
members. The customer also requested that you complete the project sooner
than anticipated. What should you do?
a. Accept the offer because it is not considered a bride
b. Reject the offer because it violates the code of ethics and professional
c. Politely refuse the offer and accept the customer demands of completing
the project sooner
d. Politely refuse the offer and do not do anything
17. You are in the process of gathering high risks for the project that has to be
documented in a project charter. One of the key stakeholders tells you that this
project will not succeed because you do not have support from the local
government of the developing country where majority of the work will be done.
What should you do in this situation?
a. Immediately stop the work and reach out to the sponsor for his / her
b. Find the reasons behind the stakeholders’ comments
c. Document the stakeholders’ comments in the project charter and continue
with the project as this risk will not affect you in anyway
d. Ignore the stakeholders’ comments because the project sponsor already
knows about them
18. You are a PM and have borrowed two resources from the functional manager for
a product development project. The two resources Ryan and Henry constantly
argue about two product features. Due this, the deliverables have missed some
deadlines. What should you do in this scenario?
a. Remove them and request two new resources
b. Meet with them and try to find the root cause of the situation
c. Escalate it to their functional manager
d. Request the remaining resources to work on the missed deliverables.
19. You have been assigned as PM for a software development project. The cost
estimate for the project is 100,000 $. However, you feel that you cannot complete
the project within this budget. As per your analysis, the estimates should be at
least 125,000 $ . Your sponsor is willing to start the project with other PM if you
do not accept it. What should you do in this scenario?
a. Stop the work until sponsor accept your estimate
b. Ask the sponsor to assign this project to other PM
c. Do your best to reduce the cost to 100,000 $
d. Submit detailed facts supporting your estimate and then let the sponsor
make the decision
20. The duration of the activity is affected by all of the following EXCEPT:
a. The estimated activity resources requirements
b. The type of resources assigned to the activity
c. The availability of the resources assigned to the activity
d. Using the precedence diagram method for scheduling activities instead of
using the critical path method
21. The control schedule process for a project.
a. Focuses on starting the project earlier than scheduled to help mitigate
schedule risk and to achieve the approved schedule baseline
b. Is the process of monitoring the status of project activities to updated
project progress and manage changes to the schedule baseline to achieve
the plan
c. In concerned mainly with activities that are on the critical path
d. Should focus primarily on activities that are difficult to carry out.
e. Document the limited budget as a constraint and continue working on the
22. A project manager wants to track team member performance provide feedback
resolve issues and manage change to optimize project performance. In what
process will the project manager carry out these activities
a. Develop team
b. Manage team
c. Control team
d. Acquire resources
23. One of the project team member who was responsible for several deliverables
has suddenly left the company, you over here a heated debate among the team
members over what to do next, it sounds as it as if the team is split half want to
hire A new team member and the other half want to contract out the work, as the
project manager you want to resolve this conflict in a way that solves the problem
and keeps the team unified, which of the following approach should you take:
a. Tell the team that you are in charge and will take disciplinary action if
consensus is not reached
b. Agree with the team that our resources needed and urge one side to take
down for the sake of the agreement
c. Ask the team member to find compromise that would be acceptable to
both sides
d. Request that the team researched different option, present ideas, and
work out a solution
24. A project is behind schedule because department managers reassign project
team member to work on other assignments, after negotiations with the function
managers you agreed to a temporary solution where core group of a project
resources is the dedicated to performing the work until more resources are
approved, what conflict resolution technique did you most likely employ in this
a. Compromise: compromise approach to conflict resolution is characterized
by searching for solutions that bring some degree of satisfaction to all
parties in order to temporarily or partially resolve the conflict
b. Force
c. Collaborate
d. Smooth or accommodate
25. Due to a large number of team members working remotely and the time
differences between them, you are having difficulty coordinating meeting with
team members, this situation negatively impact team cohesion, which of the
following tools would be the most beneficial for you to use:
a. Interpersonal skills
b. Conflict management
c. Communication technology.
d. Team performance assessment
26. Two project team members are having disagreement over how to approach a
minor technical detail the project manager has little experience working with them
and her technical knowledge is limited, in this matter: what is the best action for
the project manager to take
a. Abide by the decision of the most senior team member
b. Avoid being involved in the discussion and decision-making
c. Stop the discussion and direct the team member to get back to work
d. Request the human resources department representative to step in
27. During a status meeting, a team member states that he is having trouble getting
the necessary information from the customer and as a result will not get an
important deliverable completed on time, you have not previously heard of any
issues with the customer and suspect the team member is simply making
excuses for poor work performance, what is the best course of action
a. Tell the team member not to make any further execute and get the job
done or risk disciplinary action
b. Contact the customer right away to discuss the issue
c. Schedule a one-on-one meeting with the team member to discuss the
d. Escalate this issue to the project sponsor and ask his help
28. You were informed buy an informal that one of your project members falsified the
certification on her resume, you verify the information as accurate, and want to
terminate the team member employment, what you should do first:
a. Approach the employee immediately and discuss with him the mater
b. Share your finding with the informant
c. Immediately terminate the employee for cause
d. Contact the HR department immediately
29. Two project team members have had frequent clashes, which have at times
resulted in shouting matches during team meeting, the project manager has
mediated, ask them to resolve their differences and even facilitated a meeting
between them, but things have gotten worse, the project manager is concerned
that the situation is negatively affecting team cohesion and is placing the
successful completion of the project at risk, what should the project manager do
a. Use formal procedures including disciplinary actions
b. Allow the team members to resolve their differences on their own
c. Facilitate many meetings between the two team members till the issues
are resolved
d. Request that other project team member plead as a form of peer pressure
30. Your project team is about to begin the adjuring stage of team development, how
can you best support your team during this process:
a. Reward the team with a celebration meeting and ensure that the team
members are reassigned
b. Conduct a kickoff meeting so the team can learn about the project and
their rules and responsibilities
c. Provide support as needed so the team can continue to function as well-
organized unit
d. You utilize conflict management skills to ensure the environment does not
become counter productive
31. A project is reporting negative cost variance, what does this mean:
a. The project is under budget
b. The project is over budget
c. The project on budget
d. Cost will be over budget at the end.
32. A project is over budget when:
a. CPI and SPI >1
b. CPI>1
c. SPI>1
d. CPI<1
33. Cost performance baseline of project is a time phased budget and is used as a basis to
measure, monitor and control overall cost performance of the project. What is the
graph called as;
a. An Inverted S curves
b. A bell Curve
c. An S-Curve
d. A normal curve
34. A project is over budget when:
a. CPI and SPI >1
b. CPI>1
c. SPI>1
d. CPI<1
35. An employee refuses good pay job offer because he did not like his office set up is an
example of the following theory:
a. Hierarchy of need
b. Leadership Theory
c. Herzberg Hygiene Theory
d. Reinforcement theory
36. As per the following motivation theory, project managers or leaders should not reward
or acknowledge bad behaviour (like bad improper joke during important meeting):
a. Hierarchy theory
b. Herzberg Hygiene Theory
c. Reinforcement theory
d. Leadership Theory

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