Leesburg Country Club Residents Say No To Access Road - LoudounTimes

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Leesburg Country Club residents say no to access road

Tuesday, Aug. 30 by Laura Peters | 56 comments | Email this story

At the Aug. 30 Leesburg Town Council meeting, residents of Leesburg Country Club voiced their opinions on the proposed access road that would connect their development with the Linden Hill development. After petitioning council since November, residents feel that their voices arent being heard, and they are tired of it. Id like you to ask yourselves why are you doing this? John Fisher, a Country Club resident, asked council. Its a quality of life issue. I think this would have an extremely adverse effect with the increased congestion and danger and a decrease in home values. What other alternatives are being considered? What other possible alternatives are there instead of chopping up this property? Stephanie Lalumiere, a resident of Country Club, said the access road would be a waste of taxpayers dollars. She and her husband, Tom, presented pictures to show council how money could be spent elsewhere - with lighting, fixing sidewalks and enforcing the speed limit. Its not only impractical but dangerous. Theres got to be another way to make the road that wont inconvenience us, Stephanie Lalumiere said. Her concern is for the safety of kids in the neighborhood because a new road means more cars, creating more traffic, she said. I feel like anything that happens in the neighborhood, Country Club is sacrificial. Im all for a way to get this, but there has to be another way, I feel like this is hazardous, Lalumiere added. Id like to address the safety issues. Theres very limited lighting, cracked sidewalks and speeding down the streets. I am opposed to this project, Tom Lalumiere said. The project, which would be an addition to the South King Street widening project set to start in the spring of 2012, would add an access road between the residential developments of Linden Hill and Leesburg Country Club. A set-back is the access road would decrease the amount of land on the lot at 1 Country Club Drive. The council has placed a price cap for the town to purchase the house at $375,000, which has proved to be not enough. The 36 house development of Linden Hill has had its residents petition council numerous times in the past to get the access road approved and set up for design and construction. The problem Linden Hill residents are facing is that if the widening project is completed without the access road, they will have to turn right on South King Street, then make a U-turn if they want to go into the town of Leesburg. Timothy Schott, a resident of Country Club, has sent out documents to neighbors who feel the same way about the access road. Schott spoke to council about the increase in travel on Country Club Drive residents have experienced. Another resident, Dennis Negram said speeding in the neighborhood is a big issue. Ive lived here for nine years. It was a quiet street, but over the year as theyve added on roads, its getting busier and its getting harder to travel, Negram said. Traffic has increased in Country Club, speeding has increased. I have chased two people down and got their license plate numbers and reported them going over 60 mph down Country Club Drive. Council voted on July 26 to bid at a foreclosure auction for the house at 1 Country Club Drive on Aug. 8 which was postponed to Sept. 23. Vice Mayor Kevin Wright proposed to council and Town Attorney Jeanette Irby to not go to the auction. The issue will be discussed at a later date.
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Mon, Sep 05 at 11:15 AM by Nincompoops2 | Report this comment Subscribe via RSS News | Sports

I was thinking of some sort of long tunnel or possibly light rail but the gondola is brilliant.
Mon, Sep 05 at 08:04 AM by Build the Linden Hill - Wegmans Gondola Now! | Report this comment Join Our Email List Sign up for weekly updates

Next, Linden Hill will ask for a direct route to Wegmans, since they dont want to deal with traffic getting to Route 7 and Wegmans wasnt built close enough to their homes. It is clearly the Leesburg governments problem to fix. Maybe a gondola or something would work for them?
Sun, Sep 04 at 09:47 PM by Nincompoops | Report this comment

She and her husband, Tom, presented pictures to show council how money could be spent elsewhere - with lighting, fixing sidewalks and enforcing the speed limit. Well they have done a spectacular job so far. You cant drive down Battlefield Parkway without seeing a cop. Or the motorcycle cop who hides behind mailboxes and trees with his radar gun. This town is top notch in that department. Safest place to drive ever. When real crime happens I am glad we have our Sheriffs Officers and State Police not to far away. With all due respect, they could probably solve the Great Cooley Robbery faster than Ralph Friedgen eats a dozen donuts. People we are not hunting Osama. I do not trust this town with any public works projects. It took them 2 years to build the sidewalk along Route 15. This access road will probably take just shy of a decade. Bottom line, this is a waste of money. I am surprised the towns engineers did not suggest a tunnel or some sort of large bridge structure. Why dont we do something that benefits everyone like lower our local taxes.
Sun, Sep 04 at 06:49 PM by Not in Linden Hill | Report this comment Weekly Homes Guide

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They should change the title to 99% of Leesburg Residents oppose Linden Hill project. No one but a Linden Hill resident would support this.
Sun, Sep 04 at 05:11 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

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Thanks for the heads up, i.resident. It looks like Katie Hammler, Marty Martinez, Ken Reid, Tom Dunn, and Kevin Wright caved even faster that I thought possible. Even before Labor Day, with only a few days posting, and they gave up, punted, ran away, fled the town, and turned it over to i.resident. Not surprised, of course.
Sun, Sep 04 at 01:33 PM by i.resident | Report this comment

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All Residents of Country Club should be receiving a letter from the Town by the end of this week. The letter will have a date and a meeting place for residents to come and voice their opinions and hear what the Town wants to do with this intersection.
Sun, Sep 04 at 12:38 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Dear John (in SE) Love it. You, (and the rest of you who keep posting under different names but are in fact the same person) are really getting boring. Sorry, but its true. COME TO A MEETING! Good Grief. This is post section, not a what do you look like review. The bottom line is, three people (its easy to tell who you are), are really steamed that anyone, except, of course, yourself, is receiving any recognition from the town. If you (as in all one you) keep this up, I will begin to believe you (as in all one you)were the single person in support of the $7,000,000.00 bike bridge to no where, and are in fact bitter, bitter, bitter, which would explain why you lie, lie, lie. Fun so far. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Bottom Line: Katie Hammler, Marty Martinez, Ken Reid, Tom Dunn, and Kevin Wright have the great opportunity to demonstrate that they are all wet fingers held up to see where the wind blows, and dont mind being played like yo-yos be three people. Like I said, this is a lesson opportunity. Everyone else in town should watch this carefully, because if three people can jerk the town around, than all should follow this game.
Sun, Sep 04 at 11:39 AM by John in SE | Report this comment

What Laugh will never do is put his money where his mouth is. He should show up to a Council meeting and voice his unique opinion on this issue. See the reaction of people who arent floating in an alternate universe. He might learn something, but he probably isnt interested in that. Along with what some other folks have said (despite laughs paranoia, I am not them); anyone who thinks this project is a debacle should write or show up to a Council meeting. Now is the time to put it to bed.
Sun, Sep 04 at 11:28 AM by Laugh | Report this comment

Great advice, Bit of Advice. But, you have to remember the stupidity of your average man - look at yourself, for example. You responded. So, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the bottom line is, three poeople want to dictate to everyone, and council members like Katie Hammler, Marty Martinez, Ken Reid, Tom Dunn, and Kevin Wright get yanked around like yo-yos. Love It.
Sun, Sep 04 at 10:15 AM by Bit of Advice | Report this comment

@Leesburger Where you lost was being suckered into responding over and over Laughs ignorant postings. Hes a troll, everyone knows it but they choose to ignore him. You got suckered into a back and forth with an idiot. Remember this and youll be good next time. Never, ever, ever argue with an ignorant person. They will only bring you down to their level and then beat you on experience
Sun, Sep 04 at 08:50 AM by Laugh | Report this comment

Dear comedy time and hey laugh: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! But, the point really is, that you have consistently taken the position that you are not a CITIZEN. You want, want, want, and clearly will lie, lie, lie, to get it. Clearly, you cannot stand the idea of living in a town, in which people, in the WHOLE town, may at times have needs from town government. You want to shaft your friends and neighbors, and you want it all. Get real. Bottom line: If three people, living in Country Club, can undo almost two years of carefully review and study, then, I suggest, all over town, three people take notice, and always storm the town hall, yell and scream, lie, lie, lie till you are purple in the face, and who knows, you just might get our sturdy and brave members (Katie Hammler, Ken Reid, Tom Dunn, Marty Martinez, and Kevin Wright) to wilt, waiver, wimp out, and cave (which they do all the time), and give you everything you want.
Sat, Sep 03 at 07:24 PM by Comedy Time | Report this comment

Just leave Laugh alone in their alternate universe. Like someone else said, I just hope Laugh turns out for the next Town Council meeting to share his views on what roads Leesburg maintains. It might be the comedy event of the year. Back to the topic, I also contacted the Council in hopes of killing this project. What a gigantic waste.
Sat, Sep 03 at 06:59 PM by Hey Laugh | Report this comment

Lol I was maybe giving you credit that it was the same person but I sir am not Leesburger or anyone of the others. So you are truly just showing your ignorance at this point sir or madam. I almost feel sorry for you but you are just to ignorant for me to do so.
Sat, Sep 03 at 02:41 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Hay Laugh, Guy, you really live in an alternate universe. I am actually keeping count on how many times ONE person keeps coming up with DIFFERENT NAMES HERE, claiming that where they live, they have to pay for everything! From keeping the sky blue, to the ground under their feet. LOVE IT! Of course, the reality is, that its all the same person, who cant stand someone else getting town services.
Sat, Sep 03 at 09:49 AM by l.resident | Report this comment

I understand that the Town plans to hold an Informational meeting for Country Club residents sometime between Thursday, 9/15 and Thursday, 9/22. Not sure how residents will be notified though.
Sat, Sep 03 at 09:35 AM by Hey Laugh | Report this comment

Oh wow Laugh you need to really get a grip on reality. Where do you live? I live in Greenway Farms and our HOA not the Town of Leesburg is responsible for repairs to the sidewalks, roads etc. You are the one that lives in an alternate reality. Are rain drops really lemon drops where you live?
Sat, Sep 03 at 08:48 AM by Jane | Report this comment

I wrote to voice my support for the Country Club residents and suggest that the money can be spent elsewhere. Id suggest other like-minded people do the same. It looks like there is still a chance to kill this project.
Fri, Sep 02 at 07:42 PM by switcher | Report this comment

@Leesburger, go easy on Laugh, how could someone living in their parents basement understand financial matters. That goes for his split personality T too.
Fri, Sep 02 at 06:00 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

Laugh, I give up. I made the mistake of trying to have a rational discussion with an unarmed opponent. I cant crack into your paranoid fantasy world and Im done trying. Ive only posted on here as Leesburger, but reality seems an irrelevant detail to you. Im done with it.
Fri, Sep 02 at 04:45 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

And now, I can include you, leesburger and your new name, laughing at laugh. Good grief. You cannot even come up with different ways of phrasing things. I hate to admit it, but I sure must have hit a nerve. I am beginning to wonder if (1) you are mad that it comes out you are only one person, and (2) that you are now being seen as a jerk. And besides, now that you mention Ken Reid and Tom Dunn, I can again mention that those to posers should resign from the Leesburg Town Council, since both have been a total failure there. And besides, along with your check in the mail situation, how about Ken Reid not trying to kill people on our highways, and Tom Dunn fessing up for that $2.000 lie on his campaign finance report.
Fri, Sep 02 at 04:40 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Dear Leesburger, answer just one question: How does it feel to LOSE. Noting you rational attemps to disguise the fact that you want all the projects where

you live, and you dont want anyone else to see a dime, leads one to conclude that you are a jerk. Not a little jerk. A Great Big Jerk. After all, for you, it is all about you. So, admit you lied about where you live, what you really believe in, and that you have a rational thought in your heads.
Fri, Sep 02 at 04:40 PM by Laughing at Laugh | Report this comment

I think Laugh is named that way since he has lost his sanity. If his posts arent regarding some strange obsession with Ken Reid and Tom Dunn, they are making ridiculous, false statements and insulting people. I feel bad for any sucker who employs this person. Although I imagine anywhere but the government would have canned him by now, after he tells everyone 2+2=5 and refuses to budge. Laugh also seems to have a hard time believing more than one person could disagree with them, which is funny because Laugh often posts as some other name. It is easy to see because he doesnt even wait 10 minutes to do it. Hmm, two complimentary comments posted minutes after one another? You can also tell because on other stories, no one else has such an obsession with Ken Reid. Someone posted on another story that those guys should get protective orders, Id agree. I wouldnt want this guy obsessing over me. Youd come home to find someone hiding in the bushes. Let him go on being wrong though. The internet protects him from the head scratching anyone else who reads this will do. Maybe hell go to a Town Council meeting someday to defend the Linden Hill project and be laughed off the mic when he talks about how Leesburg paves every road in town.
Fri, Sep 02 at 03:28 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

@T, All Ive been doing on this thread is trying to clear up Laughs false statement that any road or sidewalk the public has access to is necessarily maintained by the town. That is not the case. I realize the Linden Hill folks pay taxes to the town like other residents, and they deserve town services. I dont think any reasonable people would disagree with that. Where there is room for disagreement is whether spending the money required for this specific project is a worthwhile use of town funds. And thats a healthy debate to have. It should be a debate based on fact, not incorrect statements like Laugh has been stating.
Fri, Sep 02 at 03:23 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

Laugh, If it helps you to think I lost, have fun with that. You stated something false, I stated something correct, so I lost. Interesting logic you have for who lost. To anyone reading these posts, it is obvious you stated that any road or sidewalk the public has access to is must be maintained by the town. To the same readers of these posts, youve yet to admit that the claim you made above is wrong. LAUGH: Do you believe that any road or sidewalk the public has access to - like those in malls and townhouses - must be maintained by the town??? PLEASE ANSWER THAT ONE QUESTION. And again I pay the town for the services Im receiving via my various town taxes.
Fri, Sep 02 at 03:15 PM by T | Report this comment

The people in Linden Hill pay their taxes to, and they should be treated the exact way you, Leesburger, want to be treated. Thats what being a citizen is about. I fear that you, and other posters, are more into causing trouble, than really wanting to be good citizens.
Fri, Sep 02 at 03:11 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Hi Leesburg, you lost! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I still dont see you sending that check!
Fri, Sep 02 at 02:57 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

Show me one way - using MY posts - that I lost. Youre simply refusing to address your lie about anything the public can drive on the town must maintain. ANSWER THAT? I could claim you wrote things other people wrote and then say your confused, but that wouldnt be true. Thats what youre doing to me. And I pay the town for the services Im receiving via my various town taxes.
Fri, Sep 02 at 02:54 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Give it up, Leesburger, you lost, You LOST big time. You continue to disappoint me. AND, I still dont see you speaking of the check you are to mail to the Town of Leesburg. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Fri, Sep 02 at 02:50 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

Laugh, Specifically, you wrote: Any one with a brain would be able to figure out that the Town of Leesburg would repair PUBLIC streets and sidewalks, where the PUBLIC has the right to go. So, any one with a brain would be able to understand, that for your lie to be true, that the PUBLIC cannot walk or drive in your neighborhood. The public can walk on those townhouse sidewalks and can walk on the mall sidewalks, but the town does NOT maintain them.
Fri, Sep 02 at 02:48 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

Laugh, The article is about Country Club residents protesting the proposed access road for Linden Hill. I havent lied. Youre the one incorrectly assuming Im posting under multiple names. Im not. Ive only posted under Leesburger. I live on a town maintained street. But there are streets in town that are open to the public that are NOT maintained by the town, but by the property owners (or the HOA on their behalf). I pointed out one, but there are others. Furthermore, there are parking lots that are open to the public but are not maintained by the town. Re-read MY posts and try to respond rationally. Youve just lied about me claiming I wrote things I did not write. I am calling you out as wrong when you state that EVERY road and sidewalk the public is allowed to use is maintained by the town. That is false. Can you admit that?
Fri, Sep 02 at 02:41 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Dear Leesburger: What a crock! And guess what? You really messed up with that one, since the article was about COUNTRY CLUB. And THEN, you point out what I have been saying all along, which is that only on PRIVATE PROPERTY do you have the Town not being involved. And you keep claiming, you silly guy, that you live on a PUBLIC STREET that is denied Town services. You cannot even keep your story straight. I enjoy a good debate, but not against someone as stupid as you! So, back to the original story: You lie, lie, lie - and I dont see you sending in that check to the Town of Leesburg for all the PUBLIC services you receive.
Fri, Sep 02 at 02:01 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment


Well, you are confident in your ignorance! Why dont you call the Town office and ask them if they maintain lets say Hampshire Square in Greenway Farms. Youll find out that the town does NOT maintain that. According to your logic, the town is also responsible for maintaining all the parking lots in front of Giant and all the other parking lots of various malls in town. Do you think the town is responsible for maintaining the parking lots and sidewalks of the outlet malls?
Fri, Sep 02 at 01:52 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Hi there, LeesburgGary (I refer to you this way since you are also the retired attorney guy and the Jones guy). And you (all) love to lie, lie, lie. What surprises me is that you persist in the same ridiculous lie. Any one with a brain would be able to figure out that the Town of Leesburg would repair PUBLIC streets and sidewalks, where the PUBLIC has the right to go. So, any one with a brain would be able to understand, that for your lie to be true, that the PUBLIC cannot walk or drive in your neighborhood. So, again, you (what ever names you wish to call yourself) can post, post, post, all you want, but the bottom line is, you lie, lie, lie. And the point of all of this, is when are you going to send in your check for payment to the Town of Leesburg for all the PUBLIC improvements you have received.
Fri, Sep 02 at 01:11 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

What makes Laughs post about anything the public can access being the towns problem is the focus of this story. Laugh, can you tell me who was responsible for maintaining the roads and sidewalks when Linden Hill was first built? It was and never has been a gated community.
Fri, Sep 02 at 01:05 PM by Gary | Report this comment

For what its worth, my HOA handles repairs in my neighborhood as well. When I lived in Herndon, I had to pay for repairs to the sidewalk myself, it was considered the homeowners problem for the sidewalk within their property. If your sidewalk was falling apart, then of course the HOA could fine you.
Fri, Sep 02 at 11:43 AM by Leesburger | Report this comment

Laugh, Perhaps you ought to get a clue. There are many (non-gated) townhouse communities in Leesburg where the road are the responsibility of the townhouse community. They pay (through their HOA fees) for a private company to plow snow, they pay for repaving and such.
Thu, Sep 01 at 08:22 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Mr. A. Jones: In case you missed the below, I am also sending out this one, especially to you (and, of course, Mr. Attorney (Ret) - I guess Mr. Attorney (Ret) likes to fell like hes in the military, anyway, I truly hope you and Mr. Attorney (Ret) will get together. The two of you are clearly made for each other. Neither of you seems to want to be a CITIZEN.
Thu, Sep 01 at 08:18 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Love it, now an Attorney. The problem is, Mr. Attorney, you are wrong. (Really, I mean you are lying.) The only way the Town would not be responsible, is where the public is now allowed. And the only way I am aware of to keep the public out is a GATED COMMUNITY! So, Mr. Attorney, where do you live where the public is not allowed in? Maybe River Creek. Maybe not even in the Town of Leesburg? After all, tell us all where a gated community exists in the Town of Leesburg where no public is allowed in. So, Mr. Attorney, how about growing up, get real, and act like a CITIZEN. And, Mr. Attorney, say hello to your al-ego, A. Jones, since you are one and the same. Hey, thats kind of interesting, maybe the two of you can go on a cook out together, and tell more silly stories.
Thu, Sep 01 at 07:42 PM by Attorney (Ret.) | Report this comment

I guess Ill have to find out which neighborhoods get their roads and sidewalks fixed by the Town. Mine certainly doesnt. Ours are maintained by the HOA. I know this because the sidewalk was damaged outside my house and I called the Town, they directed me to my HOA. It was the same way when I lived in Fairfax. It sounds like Laugh needs to ask around a bit more.
Thu, Sep 01 at 06:06 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Dear A. Jones: I see, now. You live in an alternate universe. Like, in the Fifth Dimension, where a planet called HOA builds everything, and nearby worlds are called arterial roads used by trillions of people. Get real, A. Jones. I made a mistake. Youre not just a liar. You are using some illegal substances, as well.
Thu, Sep 01 at 06:01 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

A. Jones: Again, like so many (actually the same poster) you lie, lie, lie. I would love to see an HOA pay for all the roads/sidewalk construction, which would run in the MILLIONS. So. What a liar.
Thu, Sep 01 at 04:58 PM by A.Jones | Report this comment

$375,000 will repair a lot of sidewalk. You could probably do most of downtown with that. My neighborhood road/sidewalk repairs are paid for with HOA dollars. Any nearby road improvements are arterial roads, used by tens of thousands of residents everyday. Sorry your neighborhoods pet project is nearly cancelled. Looks like the Council is coming to its senses and the taxpayers of Leesburg win.
Thu, Sep 01 at 02:55 PM by T | Report this comment

Yes, but by whom? Believe it or not, some roads in Loudoun County are not actually in the Town of Leesburg. I know that is hard for some to believe, but it is actually true.
Thu, Sep 01 at 02:01 PM by Alex Postallian | Report this comment

The road to Balls Bluff,About a quarter of a mile,is unpaved,big holes,could use some attention. A little respect for a historic sight.
Thu, Sep 01 at 07:40 AM by Laugh | Report this comment

Dear A. Jones: Im sure at some point recently, there was some sidewalk or road improvement by the Town where you live. So, since you seem to believe it is wrong for that to happen, where is your check to the Town for the cost of that. Do the right thing. Send in that check. Dont hide behind the number of residents in the Town like a coward.
Wed, Aug 31 at 09:07 PM by A. Jones | Report this comment

Laugh you make no sense. What 42,000 said is completely rational. This isnt some pothole project using throw away money. Get a grip.
Wed, Aug 31 at 08:51 PM by Orrcircle | Report this comment

To: mo money It will be more than 375K! Council voted in secret on how much to allow Town Attorney bid on the house. Council is now in the real estate business.
Wed, Aug 31 at 08:32 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Mo money: Now, you, like. Thats thinking for you. Good job. And I really do mean that.

Wed, Aug 31 at 08:30 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Way to go One of 42,000. Say something really stupid. There is 100 percent in the Town Budget, in which most people do not benefit. And sooooooooo, to use your logic, it should not be funded. I shake my head at your stupidity, and wonder, what your momma taught you. Obviously, not to think.
Wed, Aug 31 at 08:17 PM by One of 42,000 | Report this comment

People who wont benefit from the project: ~42,500 Leesburg residents. People who will: <100 Linden Hill residents. Less than 100 people shouldnt be able to to command over $1M for a pet project. Ill be contacting Mr. Wrights office to voice my support for dropping this charade. Id urge some of the other 42,000+ residents who wont benefit one bit to do the same.
Wed, Aug 31 at 08:01 PM by Over Taxed | Report this comment

Anyone who bought a house without looking and ingress and egress from the highway has only themselves to blame. This is not a problem where taxpayer money needs to be involved
Wed, Aug 31 at 05:55 PM by mo money | Report this comment

$375,001 is all the money the Leesburg Country Club residents need to raise to solve this problem. Out bid the town.
Wed, Aug 31 at 05:13 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Once again, notice how three or four people from Country Club want to claim that only a few homes in Linden Hill will be helped? The way I see it, three or four means a few. So, who really is in the minority here? I think one needs to keep things in proper perspective. A few malcontents should not be able to jerk the entire town around. The decision has been made, lets move on.
Wed, Aug 31 at 05:10 PM by vasportsmom | Report this comment

The proposed cost of this project works out to about $28,000/Linden Hill home. Let the Town front the money, and create a special tax district for Linden Hill residents so they can pay back the Town over a period of time, say 10 years. Any overruns would be borne by the Linden Hill residents. That way they get their road, and the rest of the Town doesnt have to pay for a project that benefits so few people.
Wed, Aug 31 at 04:49 PM by Leesburg Taxpayer | Report this comment

Good, they can join everyone else in Leesburg who is scratching their heads as to why the town is spending so much money for a project that benefits so few. It sounds like it is more than a few people in Country Club speaking up, and I cant imagine why anyone who doesnt live in Linden Hill would support this project. It is a disaster and a terrible allocation of scarce resources.
Wed, Aug 31 at 04:01 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Love It! After almost two years, only NOW does three or four people show up at a Leesburg Town Council meeting, and claim that options have not been examined by the Leesburg Town Council. What a crock. The way I see it, three or four people want something, and they are given the mantle of Country Club. Well, what you really have, is a small hand full or complainers, who for whatever reason they have, want to complain. The really funny part of all of this, is that Ken Reid was the one who came up with this idea, and now that he is running for Board of Supervisors, he is sweating. At some point, I would like to see a town council that votes on something and then moves on, and we stop having this constant tug of war when, way after the fact, a few complainers show up. And for point of information, I do not live in Linden Hill.

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